Why are the neocons "blaming" Iraq on the Dems?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?

Get 'em to blame and lynch Bliar when he nexts comes over to make some money by lying. Whoever was or wasn't responsible, he is covered in other people's blood.

There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?


Excuse me??.. the 'blame' game comes strictly from the DEMs.. Booooosssshhh Liiiiiieeeeddddd, and all the other BDS stuff about Iraq... what is commonly brought out by ones on the other side is that this was not some 'conspiracy' by Bush and that the Dems, including the preceding president believed and had the very same intel and the thoughts behind Saddam were widly held by not only those on BOTH sides of the aisle but also by our allies and backed up by the vast majority of intel that was available

There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?


Excuse me??.. the 'blame' game comes strictly from the DEMs.. Booooosssshhh Liiiiiieeeeddddd, and all the other BDS stuff about Iraq... what is commonly brought out by ones on the other side is that this was not some 'conspiracy' by Bush and that the Dems, including the preceding president believed and had the very same intel and the thoughts behind Saddam were widly held by not only those on BOTH sides of the aisle but also by our allies and backed up by the vast majority of intel that was available

A perfect example of my point.

I'll try again - what does it matter? Are you agreeing that Iraq was/is a disaster? Why aren't you giving credit to Bush for this magnificent victory?


There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?


Excuse me??.. the 'blame' game comes strictly from the DEMs.. Booooosssshhh Liiiiiieeeeddddd, and all the other BDS stuff about Iraq... what is commonly brought out by ones on the other side is that this was not some 'conspiracy' by Bush and that the Dems, including the preceding president believed and had the very same intel and the thoughts behind Saddam were widly held by not only those on BOTH sides of the aisle but also by our allies and backed up by the vast majority of intel that was available

A perfect example of my point.

I'll try again - what does it matter? Are you agreeing that Iraq was/is a disaster? Why aren't you giving credit to Bush for this magnificent victory?


No.. I am not agreeing it was a disaster... what was a disaster is that we were not allowed to finish the job the first time, leading to the second which was so goddamn politicized that it hindered the effort

Victory? Yes... Magnificent? No

There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?


Excuse me??.. the 'blame' game comes strictly from the DEMs.. Booooosssshhh Liiiiiieeeeddddd, and all the other BDS stuff about Iraq... what is commonly brought out by ones on the other side is that this was not some 'conspiracy' by Bush and that the Dems, including the preceding president believed and had the very same intel and the thoughts behind Saddam were widly held by not only those on BOTH sides of the aisle but also by our allies and backed up by the vast majority of intel that was available

A perfect example of my point.

I'll try again - what does it matter? Are you agreeing that Iraq was/is a disaster? Why aren't you giving credit to Bush for this magnificent victory?


It is odd that they would...on one hand...say it was a victory...and on the other hand, blame Democrats.

There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?


Democrat support for taking out Saddam started well before Bush was Commander in Chief. In fact, Clinton was Commander in Chief. Neocons are not blaming Democrats for Iraq; rather, they are calling bullshit on Democrats and their position on Iraq and trying to blame everything bad about Iraq on Bush.
I said years and years and years ago that the way we knew that rightwingers who supported the Iraq war were admitting they were wrong was when they started blaming it on the Democrats.

Their code of course is to never admit they were wrong about anything, but sometimes an admission comes about in another manner, such as this one.

If they still thought the Iraq war was a brilliant idea, the last thing they'd do would be to attribute anything about it to anything that Democrats did.

There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?


STRAIGHT answer : 9/11!!!

So when Clinton had Osama but let him go, and when Clinton had Gorelick Memo protecting his butt from treason charges due to his selling to Chinese missile secrets,
ALL which directly lead to 3,000 people killed, $2 trillion in costs and the fear of terrorism !

This is the straight ANSWER!! When these Democrats who WANTED Saddam removed but saw Clinton had balls only for Monica... THEY WERE FOR it as 92% of Americans backed Bush and of course though traitors like you who WANT the USA destroyed ... YOU WERE AGAINST removing Saddam where Clinton wouldn't??

There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?


STRAIGHT answer : 9/11!!!

So when Clinton had Osama but let him go, and when Clinton had Gorelick Memo protecting his butt from treason charges due to his selling to Chinese missile secrets,
ALL which directly lead to 3,000 people killed, $2 trillion in costs and the fear of terrorism !

This is the straight ANSWER!! When these Democrats who WANTED Saddam removed but saw Clinton had balls only for Monica... THEY WERE FOR it as 92% of Americans backed Bush and of course though traitors like you who WANT the USA destroyed ... YOU WERE AGAINST removing Saddam where Clinton wouldn't??

Yes, I've been against this war from the beginning, and I couldn't care less about whether the Dems wanted it or not -- see, not all of us are partisan ideologues (crazy thought, huh?).

I know who put us in there. That would be the Commander in Chief. No amount of spin, personal insults, name-calling or diversion can change that fact.

Left wingers have been whining about Iraq for years. That's the only blame that's going on. The truth is that Democrats authorized president Bush to use combat Troops and then they sat back and pretended to be bystanders or worse, members of the jihad.

There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?


Excuse me??.. the 'blame' game comes strictly from the DEMs.. Booooosssshhh Liiiiiieeeeddddd, and all the other BDS stuff about Iraq... what is commonly brought out by ones on the other side is that this was not some 'conspiracy' by Bush and that the Dems, including the preceding president believed and had the very same intel and the thoughts behind Saddam were widly held by not only those on BOTH sides of the aisle but also by our allies and backed up by the vast majority of intel that was available

A perfect example of my point.

I'll try again - what does it matter? Are you agreeing that Iraq was/is a disaster? Why aren't you giving credit to Bush for this magnificent victory?


This is a perfect example of a leftist "shuck and jive" game, where a falsehood or half-truth is magically converted to a factual statement, and then a question is asked based on this newly created "faux fact".

1. "Why are the neocons blaming Iraq on the Dems?"
I don't know of any so-called "neocons" who are "blaming" the Iraq War on the Dems. What "blame" is there to assign? Iraq, the middle east, and the world, is much better off without Saddam Hussein, his sons, and their minions terrorizing millions of Iraqi citizens and threatening the middle east and the world with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.

2. "Are you agreeing that the Iraq War was a disaster"?
No. See the answer to question 1.

3. Why aren't you giving credit to Bush for this magnificent victory?
The credit goes to President Bush, the bi-partisan support he received from Congress PRIOR to the liberation of Iraq, and most importantly to our brave and heroic military, who toppled a violent and dangerous regime, and made the region and the world a safer place.

Here is a question for you, "Mac1958":

What do Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Dianne Feinstein, John Edwards, Steny Hoyer, Tom Daschle, Chris Dodd, Charles Schumer, Tom Harkin, Dick Gephardt, Henry Waxman, Robert Wexler, and other prominent Democrat U.S. Senators and House members have in common?

These Democrats all voted IN FAVOR OF the "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002", enacted October 16, 2002, a joint resolution passed by the United States Congress, authorizing military action against Iraq.

The vote in the U.S. Senate was 77-23 in favor (the Democrats controlled the U.S. Senate at the time). The vote in the U.S. House was 296-133.

This 2002 vote to use military force against Iraq received much more support than the 1991 U.S. Senate and U.S. House voted to expel Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. Those votes were 52-47 and 250-183.

I know I've overwhelmed you and your leftist "komrades" with FACTS. Maybe you should call 911?
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Excuse me??.. the 'blame' game comes strictly from the DEMs.. Booooosssshhh Liiiiiieeeeddddd, and all the other BDS stuff about Iraq... what is commonly brought out by ones on the other side is that this was not some 'conspiracy' by Bush and that the Dems, including the preceding president believed and had the very same intel and the thoughts behind Saddam were widly held by not only those on BOTH sides of the aisle but also by our allies and backed up by the vast majority of intel that was available

A perfect example of my point.

I'll try again - what does it matter? Are you agreeing that Iraq was/is a disaster? Why aren't you giving credit to Bush for this magnificent victory?


This is a perfect example of a leftist "shuck and jive" game, where a falsehood or half-truth is magically converted to a factual statement, and then a question is asked based on this newly created "faux fact".

1. "Why are the neocons blaming Iraq on the Dems?"
I don't know of any so-called "neocons" who are "blaming" the Iraq War on the Dems. What "blame" is there to assign? Iraq, the middle east, and the world, is much better off without Saddam Hussein, his sons, and their minions terrorizing millions of Iraqi citizens and threatening the middle east and the world with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.

2. "Are you agreeing that the Iraq War was a disaster"?
No. See the answer to question 1.

3. Why aren't you giving credit to Bush for this magnificent victory?
The credit goes to President Bush, the bi-partisan support he received from Congress PRIOR to the liberation of Iraq, and most importantly to our brave and heroic military, who toppled a violent and dangerous regime, and made the region and the world a safer place.

Here is a question for you, "Mac1958":

What do Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Dianne Feinstein, John Edwards, Steny Hoyer, Tom Daschle, Chris Dodd, Charles Schumer, Tom Harkin, Dick Gephardt, Henry Waxman, Robert Wexler, and other prominent Democrat U.S. Senators and House members have in common?

These Democrats all voted IN FAVOR OF the "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002", enacted October 16, 2002, a joint resolution passed by the United States Congress, authorizing military action against Iraq.

The vote in the U.S. Senate was 77-23 in favor (the Democrats controlled the U.S. Senate at the time). The vote in the U.S. House was 296-133.

This 2002 vote to use military force against Iraq received much more support than the 1991 U.S. Senate and U.S. House voted to expel Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. Those votes were 52-47 and 250-183.

I know I've overwhelmed you and your leftist "komrades" with FACTS. Maybe you should call 911?

Why should I care about what Democrats think?


There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?


Excuse me??.. the 'blame' game comes strictly from the DEMs.. Booooosssshhh Liiiiiieeeeddddd, and all the other BDS stuff about Iraq... what is commonly brought out by ones on the other side is that this was not some 'conspiracy' by Bush and that the Dems, including the preceding president believed and had the very same intel and the thoughts behind Saddam were widly held by not only those on BOTH sides of the aisle but also by our allies and backed up by the vast majority of intel that was available

A perfect example of my point.

I'll try again - what does it matter? Are you agreeing that Iraq was/is a disaster? Why aren't you giving credit to Bush for this magnificent victory?


Firstly, Iraq was/is not a 'disaster'. And Dave is right - it was a bi-partisan decision. In my own view, we should have dealt with Saddam the first time around instead of pandering to international cowardice.

The world is a better place without Saddam - ask the Iraqis. Many of whom will tell you their country - for all its problems - is better now than then... the Kurds are particularly better off. At least no one's using WMD on them now.

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