Why are the neocons "blaming" Iraq on the Dems?

Politicians have long known that a certain percentage of the American public will believe almost anything because they want to believe. Look at some of the titles of some of our the posts on these boards, so far from reality, yet some will believe. Social scientists that study these things know that if one adds some fear to their thesis it is much more effective, and to really be effective, add fear to some conspiracy to the fear and bingo people are off and running.
Perhaps that is why FDR's words "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" was so unpolitical, so needed and so effective.

There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?


Excuse me??.. the 'blame' game comes strictly from the DEMs.. Booooosssshhh Liiiiiieeeeddddd, and all the other BDS stuff about Iraq... what is commonly brought out by ones on the other side is that this was not some 'conspiracy' by Bush and that the Dems, including the preceding president believed and had the very same intel and the thoughts behind Saddam were widly held by not only those on BOTH sides of the aisle but also by our allies and backed up by the vast majority of intel that was available

Now now...don't go ruining his sophomoric rant :tongue:

There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?


Excuse me??.. the 'blame' game comes strictly from the DEMs.. Booooosssshhh Liiiiiieeeeddddd, and all the other BDS stuff about Iraq... what is commonly brought out by ones on the other side is that this was not some 'conspiracy' by Bush and that the Dems, including the preceding president believed and had the very same intel and the thoughts behind Saddam were widly held by not only those on BOTH sides of the aisle but also by our allies and backed up by the vast majority of intel that was available

Now now...don't go ruining his sophomoric rant :tongue:

I'm glad you find this so amusing.

A perfect example of my point.

I'll try again - what does it matter? Are you agreeing that Iraq was/is a disaster? Why aren't you giving credit to Bush for this magnificent victory?


This is a perfect example of a leftist "shuck and jive" game, where a falsehood or half-truth is magically converted to a factual statement, and then a question is asked based on this newly created "faux fact".

1. "Why are the neocons blaming Iraq on the Dems?"
I don't know of any so-called "neocons" who are "blaming" the Iraq War on the Dems. What "blame" is there to assign? Iraq, the middle east, and the world, is much better off without Saddam Hussein, his sons, and their minions terrorizing millions of Iraqi citizens and threatening the middle east and the world with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.

2. "Are you agreeing that the Iraq War was a disaster"?
No. See the answer to question 1.

3. Why aren't you giving credit to Bush for this magnificent victory?
The credit goes to President Bush, the bi-partisan support he received from Congress PRIOR to the liberation of Iraq, and most importantly to our brave and heroic military, who toppled a violent and dangerous regime, and made the region and the world a safer place.

Here is a question for you, "Mac1958":

What do Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Dianne Feinstein, John Edwards, Steny Hoyer, Tom Daschle, Chris Dodd, Charles Schumer, Tom Harkin, Dick Gephardt, Henry Waxman, Robert Wexler, and other prominent Democrat U.S. Senators and House members have in common?

These Democrats all voted IN FAVOR OF the "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002", enacted October 16, 2002, a joint resolution passed by the United States Congress, authorizing military action against Iraq.

The vote in the U.S. Senate was 77-23 in favor (the Democrats controlled the U.S. Senate at the time). The vote in the U.S. House was 296-133.

This 2002 vote to use military force against Iraq received much more support than the 1991 U.S. Senate and U.S. House voted to expel Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. Those votes were 52-47 and 250-183.

I know I've overwhelmed you and your leftist "komrades" with FACTS. Maybe you should call 911?

Why should I care about what Democrats think?


Why should you care about what "neo-cons" think? :cuckoo:
That resolution voted on by the Congress gave the president the power to invade Iraq, if the president thought it necessary. The decision to invade was dumped onto Bush's lap, it was Bush's decision, Bush's call. The authorization did not say the president had to invade or America would be pissed, or no invasion meant impeachment, just that Bush had to make the decision.
A better question might be, did the Democrats take advantage of Bush's zeal to invade Iraq and so they authorized him to make the decision believing Bush would make the wrong decision?
Did the Democrats set Bush and the Republicans up, allowing the president to make the decision?
Now, Americans are deciding, did Bush make the right or wrong call? Apparently it was the wrong call or the Republicans would be crowing with pride, instead of trying to blame the Democrats for letting Bush decide.
Excuse me??.. the 'blame' game comes strictly from the DEMs.. Booooosssshhh Liiiiiieeeeddddd, and all the other BDS stuff about Iraq... what is commonly brought out by ones on the other side is that this was not some 'conspiracy' by Bush and that the Dems, including the preceding president believed and had the very same intel and the thoughts behind Saddam were widly held by not only those on BOTH sides of the aisle but also by our allies and backed up by the vast majority of intel that was available

A perfect example of my point.

I'll try again - what does it matter? Are you agreeing that Iraq was/is a disaster? Why aren't you giving credit to Bush for this magnificent victory?


This is a perfect example of a leftist "shuck and jive" game, where a falsehood or half-truth is magically converted to a factual statement, and then a question is asked based on this newly created "faux fact".

1. "Why are the neocons blaming Iraq on the Dems?"
I don't know of any so-called "neocons" who are "blaming" the Iraq War on the Dems. What "blame" is there to assign? Iraq, the middle east, and the world, is much better off without Saddam Hussein, his sons, and their minions terrorizing millions of Iraqi citizens and threatening the middle east and the world with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.

2. "Are you agreeing that the Iraq War was a disaster"?
No. See the answer to question 1.

3. Why aren't you giving credit to Bush for this magnificent victory?
The credit goes to President Bush, the bi-partisan support he received from Congress PRIOR to the liberation of Iraq, and most importantly to our brave and heroic military, who toppled a violent and dangerous regime, and made the region and the world a safer place.

Here is a question for you, "Mac1958":

What do Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Dianne Feinstein, John Edwards, Steny Hoyer, Tom Daschle, Chris Dodd, Charles Schumer, Tom Harkin, Dick Gephardt, Henry Waxman, Robert Wexler, and other prominent Democrat U.S. Senators and House members have in common?

These Democrats all voted IN FAVOR OF the "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002", enacted October 16, 2002, a joint resolution passed by the United States Congress, authorizing military action against Iraq.

The vote in the U.S. Senate was 77-23 in favor (the Democrats controlled the U.S. Senate at the time). The vote in the U.S. House was 296-133.

This 2002 vote to use military force against Iraq received much more support than the 1991 U.S. Senate and U.S. House voted to expel Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. Those votes were 52-47 and 250-183.

I know I've overwhelmed you and your leftist "komrades" with FACTS. Maybe you should call 911?

Great points!
To back up the Democrat controlled Senate Vote, here is a web page dedicated to Quotes from Democrats supporting Iraq Liberation!

If The Bush Administration Lied About WMD, So Did These People ? Version 3.0 | Right Wing News
A perfect example of my point.

I'll try again - what does it matter? Are you agreeing that Iraq was/is a disaster? Why aren't you giving credit to Bush for this magnificent victory?


This is a perfect example of a leftist "shuck and jive" game, where a falsehood or half-truth is magically converted to a factual statement, and then a question is asked based on this newly created "faux fact".

1. "Why are the neocons blaming Iraq on the Dems?"
I don't know of any so-called "neocons" who are "blaming" the Iraq War on the Dems. What "blame" is there to assign? Iraq, the middle east, and the world, is much better off without Saddam Hussein, his sons, and their minions terrorizing millions of Iraqi citizens and threatening the middle east and the world with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.

2. "Are you agreeing that the Iraq War was a disaster"?
No. See the answer to question 1.

3. Why aren't you giving credit to Bush for this magnificent victory?
The credit goes to President Bush, the bi-partisan support he received from Congress PRIOR to the liberation of Iraq, and most importantly to our brave and heroic military, who toppled a violent and dangerous regime, and made the region and the world a safer place.

Here is a question for you, "Mac1958":

What do Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Dianne Feinstein, John Edwards, Steny Hoyer, Tom Daschle, Chris Dodd, Charles Schumer, Tom Harkin, Dick Gephardt, Henry Waxman, Robert Wexler, and other prominent Democrat U.S. Senators and House members have in common?

These Democrats all voted IN FAVOR OF the "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002", enacted October 16, 2002, a joint resolution passed by the United States Congress, authorizing military action against Iraq.

The vote in the U.S. Senate was 77-23 in favor (the Democrats controlled the U.S. Senate at the time). The vote in the U.S. House was 296-133.

This 2002 vote to use military force against Iraq received much more support than the 1991 U.S. Senate and U.S. House voted to expel Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. Those votes were 52-47 and 250-183.

I know I've overwhelmed you and your leftist "komrades" with FACTS. Maybe you should call 911?

Great points!
To back up the Democrat controlled Senate Vote, here is a web page dedicated to Quotes from Democrats supporting Iraq Liberation!

If The Bush Administration Lied About WMD, So Did These People ? Version 3.0 | Right Wing News

So who made the final decision to go in? Whose final decision? Whose administration was the one testifying about "mushroom clouds"?

Reid? Pelosi? Sharpton, maybe?

Left wingers have been whining about Iraq for years. That's the only blame that's going on. The truth is that Democrats authorized president Bush to use combat Troops and then they sat back and pretended to be bystanders or worse, members of the jihad.

That's not true. The Democrats in the House voted against the authorization, so if the Democrats had had their way, there would have never been an Iraq war because the authorization would have never passed the House.
Last I checked it was a bi-partisan war

Isn't it odd that the Iraq War authorization,

that most Democrats voted against, is 'bi-partisan' according to the 'nuts,

but the sequester bill, that most Republicans voted for,

is all Obama's fault.

lol, you people remain the biggest fools on the planet.
This is a perfect example of a leftist "shuck and jive" game, where a falsehood or half-truth is magically converted to a factual statement, and then a question is asked based on this newly created "faux fact".

1. "Why are the neocons blaming Iraq on the Dems?"
I don't know of any so-called "neocons" who are "blaming" the Iraq War on the Dems. What "blame" is there to assign? Iraq, the middle east, and the world, is much better off without Saddam Hussein, his sons, and their minions terrorizing millions of Iraqi citizens and threatening the middle east and the world with nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons.

2. "Are you agreeing that the Iraq War was a disaster"?
No. See the answer to question 1.

3. Why aren't you giving credit to Bush for this magnificent victory?
The credit goes to President Bush, the bi-partisan support he received from Congress PRIOR to the liberation of Iraq, and most importantly to our brave and heroic military, who toppled a violent and dangerous regime, and made the region and the world a safer place.

Here is a question for you, "Mac1958":

What do Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, John Kerry, Dianne Feinstein, John Edwards, Steny Hoyer, Tom Daschle, Chris Dodd, Charles Schumer, Tom Harkin, Dick Gephardt, Henry Waxman, Robert Wexler, and other prominent Democrat U.S. Senators and House members have in common?

These Democrats all voted IN FAVOR OF the "Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002", enacted October 16, 2002, a joint resolution passed by the United States Congress, authorizing military action against Iraq.

The vote in the U.S. Senate was 77-23 in favor (the Democrats controlled the U.S. Senate at the time). The vote in the U.S. House was 296-133.

This 2002 vote to use military force against Iraq received much more support than the 1991 U.S. Senate and U.S. House voted to expel Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. Those votes were 52-47 and 250-183.

I know I've overwhelmed you and your leftist "komrades" with FACTS. Maybe you should call 911?

Great points!
To back up the Democrat controlled Senate Vote, here is a web page dedicated to Quotes from Democrats supporting Iraq Liberation!

If The Bush Administration Lied About WMD, So Did These People ? Version 3.0 | Right Wing News

So who made the final decision to go in? Whose final decision? Whose administration was the one testifying about "mushroom clouds"?

Reid? Pelosi? Sharpton, maybe?


Hey Mac. I don't think some of these people lived in the USA the couple years after 9/11.
When war fever ran high. For prominent Senators and Congress people running for re election, there was no way that they could appear soft on terrorists.

And George Bush and Co were selling Saddam as a threat to the USA. Nukes and everything. And the Dems bought what was being sold by the adminastration's sales team.

I don't think many right wingers have ever been in sales. Otherwise they would have recognized the run up to the war with Iraq as a sales effort. When George Bush would get on TV, all earnest and everything, I just knew I was being sold a war. Or a used car. Others knew it as well, including you.

And they never talk about the Dems who didn't vote for the war.

But you are correct, IF the war with Iraq was such a good thing to do, why in the fuk are the Rethugs trying to force the blame to Dems who made the mistake of voting for the war.

I think they have a case of "buyers remorse". I saw it after Viet Nam also.

There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?


Why was Iraq was a wasted effort? If you mean we went about it wrong, no disagreement there, and that's on both parties. But getting rid of Saadam was the right call.

There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?


Why was Iraq was a wasted effort? If you mean we went about it wrong, no disagreement there, and that's on both parties. But getting rid of Saadam was the right call.[/QUOTE]

What? And you base your opinion on what? The stunning success Iraq is today?
If the Iraqis had invited us to invade and destroy their country to get rid of Saddam, maybe I could agree with you. But it didn't happen like that.

Therefore, Saddam as a bad man in his own country was none of our business IMO.
Great points!
To back up the Democrat controlled Senate Vote, here is a web page dedicated to Quotes from Democrats supporting Iraq Liberation!

If The Bush Administration Lied About WMD, So Did These People ? Version 3.0 | Right Wing News

So who made the final decision to go in? Whose final decision? Whose administration was the one testifying about "mushroom clouds"?

Reid? Pelosi? Sharpton, maybe?


Hey Mac. I don't think some of these people lived in the USA the couple years after 9/11.
When war fever ran high. For prominent Senators and Congress people running for re election, there was no way that they could appear soft on terrorists.

And George Bush and Co were selling Saddam as a threat to the USA. Nukes and everything. And the Dems bought what was being sold by the adminastration's sales team.

I don't think many right wingers have ever been in sales. Otherwise they would have recognized the run up to the war with Iraq as a sales effort. When George Bush would get on TV, all earnest and everything, I just knew I was being sold a war. Or a used car. Others knew it as well, including you.

And they never talk about the Dems who didn't vote for the war.

But you are correct, IF the war with Iraq was such a good thing to do, why in the fuk are the Rethugs trying to force the blame to Dems who made the mistake of voting for the war.

I think they have a case of "buyers remorse". I saw it after Viet Nam also.

Bingo. That's the bottom line, but they'll never, ever, ever admit it.

Left wingers have been whining about Iraq for years. That's the only blame that's going on. The truth is that Democrats authorized president Bush to use combat Troops and then they sat back and pretended to be bystanders or worse, members of the jihad.

That's not true. The Democrats in the House voted against the authorization, so if the Democrats had had their way, there would have never been an Iraq war because the authorization would have never passed the House.

I don't know if you suffer from long-term memory loss, or dementia, or late-stage Alzheimer's, so I will give you the opportunity to do the necessary research and retract your FALSE statement about the House Democrat vote in October of 2002.

Take your time. We all understand that you are a little slow. All New York liberals are.
Left wingers have been whining about Iraq for years. That's the only blame that's going on. The truth is that Democrats authorized president Bush to use combat Troops and then they sat back and pretended to be bystanders or worse, members of the jihad.

That's not true. The Democrats in the House voted against the authorization, so if the Democrats had had their way, there would have never been an Iraq war because the authorization would have never passed the House.

Geez, are we living in a different dimension? The resolution was voted on in congress and passed and even though some democrats voted no it didn't give them the option of becoming traitors and undermining the mission. Who gave Harry Truman permission to use Troops in Korea? Nobody complained that anywhere from 38,000 to 55,000 Americans were killed in the 3 year mismanaged war that congress did not authorize because the freaking media said it was fine as long as a democrat sponsored it.

There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?


Excuse me??.. the 'blame' game comes strictly from the DEMs.. Booooosssshhh Liiiiiieeeeddddd, and all the other BDS stuff about Iraq... what is commonly brought out by ones on the other side is that this was not some 'conspiracy' by Bush and that the Dems, including the preceding president believed and had the very same intel and the thoughts behind Saddam were widly held by not only those on BOTH sides of the aisle but also by our allies and backed up by the vast majority of intel that was available

A perfect example of my point.

I'll try again - what does it matter? Are you agreeing that Iraq was/is a disaster? Why aren't you giving credit to Bush for this magnificent victory?


What's the purpose of reenergizing this thread again? We already have one discussing about President Bush making the executive decision to go into Iraq WITH the support of Democrats in Congress. I even added the fact that Great Britain's intelligence on the matter, given to the United States ALSO showed the weapons that were uncovered in their separate investigation. The United Nations at that time was corrupt, they wanted no further talk about enforcement. Israel later reported the removal of WMDs by Saddam prior and during the invasion into Iraq. This was also later confirmed by executive chairman Demetrius Perricos and UNMOVIC. So why revisit an issue that happened well over 6 years ago, now?

UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) briefed the Security Council on Saddam’s lightning-fast dismantling of missile and WMD sites before and during the war. UNMOVIC executive chairman Demetrius Perricos detailed not only the export of thousands of tons of missile components, nuclear reactor vessels and fermenters for chemical and biological warheads, but also the discovery of many (but not most) of these items – with UN inspection tags still on them.

Martin stated bluntly that terrorists have acquired WMDs from Saddam. “The fact is that there is now, we know well, a proliferation of nuclear weapons, and that many weapons that Saddam Huseein had, we don’t know where they are…. [T]errorists have access to all of them,” the Canadian premier warned.

Why is there this obsession to find something to revitalize this "blame Bush" band wagon, just because Obama has entered into his second term to fix a rather stagnant economy?
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There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?


i guess what you are admitting is the only reason clinton bombed iraq was to cover up a blowjob. that's what you are admitting right?
Great points!
To back up the Democrat controlled Senate Vote, here is a web page dedicated to Quotes from Democrats supporting Iraq Liberation!

If The Bush Administration Lied About WMD, So Did These People ? Version 3.0 | Right Wing News

So who made the final decision to go in? Whose final decision? Whose administration was the one testifying about "mushroom clouds"?

Reid? Pelosi? Sharpton, maybe?


Hey Mac. I don't think some of these people lived in the USA the couple years after 9/11.
When war fever ran high. For prominent Senators and Congress people running for re election, there was no way that they could appear soft on terrorists.

And George Bush and Co were selling Saddam as a threat to the USA. Nukes and everything. And the Dems bought what was being sold by the adminastration's sales team.

I don't think many right wingers have ever been in sales. Otherwise they would have recognized the run up to the war with Iraq as a sales effort. When George Bush would get on TV, all earnest and everything, I just knew I was being sold a war. Or a used car. Others knew it as well, including you.

And they never talk about the Dems who didn't vote for the war.

But you are correct, IF the war with Iraq was such a good thing to do, why in the fuk are the Rethugs trying to force the blame to Dems who made the mistake of voting for the war.

I think they have a case of "buyers remorse". I saw it after Viet Nam also.

I doubt it is humanly possible for you to be MORE of a HYPOCRITE than you are right now.

You leftists have made the "blame game" into a major sport, and have made finger-pointing and partisan thumb-sucking into your "go to" political tactics.

Who is "blaming" the Democrats for supporting the Iraq War? It's one of the RARE occasions where a large number of Democrat politicians DID THE RIGHT THING.

Facts are facts, bunky. I posted an earlier list of prominent DEMOCRATS, in both the Senate and House, who authorized the use of force against Iraq in October of 2002.

As I also stated in my earlier post, the world is a much SAFER place because Saddam Hussein and his sons and other henchmen are all DEAD.

If you want to play a LEGITIMATE "blame game", let's talk about a war that the United States LOST, and was escalated and bungled by the Democrats........the Vietnam War.

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