Why are the neocons "blaming" Iraq on the Dems?

Last I checked it was a bi-partisan war

That doesn't answer my question.


Ok then
Both sides blame someone else. It is the way it works now.. (Bush, GOP, Libs, CLinton, Libya.. soemone got to be blamed)
It was a bi-partisan war, therfore, both sides are to blame

It was a.....

Excuse me??.. the 'blame' game comes strictly from the DEMs.. Booooosssshhh Liiiiiieeeeddddd, and all the other BDS stuff about Iraq... what is commonly brought out by ones on the other side is that this was not some 'conspiracy' by Bush and that the Dems, including the preceding president believed and had the very same intel and the thoughts behind Saddam were widly held by not only those on BOTH sides of the aisle but also by our allies and backed up by the vast majority of intel that was available

A perfect example of my point.

I'll try again - what does it matter? Are you agreeing that Iraq was/is a disaster? Why aren't you giving credit to Bush for this magnificent victory?


No.. I am not agreeing it was a disaster... what was a disaster is that we were not allowed to finish the job the first time......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EstVJo6URdQ]Dick Cheney tells truth about Iraq invasion! - YouTube[/ame]


There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?


Democrat support for taking out Saddam started well before Bush was Commander in Chief.


Yeah....right.....Lil' Dumbya was a Dem, then......


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETqX3DRtZtU]60 Minutes: George W. Bush Sought to -Find A Way- to Invade Iraq - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-D1jCZ31Uw]EXPOSED: Bush Planned on Invading Iraq Before 9/11-Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]


Stupid Fuckin' Teabaggers
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There are several current threads in which Bush apologists are blaming the Iraq war on the Democrats. Long posts quote Clinton and the Democrats, point the finger at those Democrats who supported Bush's decision (yes, hate to say it, but he was the Commander in Chief, regardless of how hard some are trying to ignore that fact).

Well, wait a minute.

This sure looks like these people are admitting what many of us have been saying: That the Iraq War was a horrific waste of time, lives, limbs, minds, materials and borrowed dollars. Why else would these people be putting so much effort into blaming the Democrats for it? So you're agreeing with the rest of us, right? You're admitting it, right?

Any answers to that?

Well, any straight answers?


STRAIGHT answer : 9/11!!!

So when Clinton had Osama but let him go, and when Clinton had Gorelick Memo protecting his butt from treason charges due to his selling to Chinese missile secrets....

Yeah....sure......that's what happened......

September 18, 2000

Wen Ho Lee!


Stupid Fuckin' Teabaggers
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just imagine how much BETTER it could look:

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just imagine how much BETTER it could look:

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"Yep.....another day o' kickin' Teabagger ass, and stackin' 'em like cordwood..."
You don't ask a straight question. So you have no right to try to quantify the nature of ANY answers you get.

Nobody, conservative or neoconservative is trying to "blame" the Deocrats for Iraq. That CLAIM of yours is just dishonest.

INSTEAD, folks are merely correcting the deliberately false impression YOU are trying to foster to the effect that BUSH single-handedly waged the war.

So, just to undercut your cheap ass dishonest propaganda AGAIN:

CONGRESS which consisted of Democrats and Republicans AUTHORIZED the Iraq War.

And nobody other than morons like you, Hac1958, is debating the wisdom of the Iraq War. That's a very different discussion. What HAS been pointed out to you is 9among other things) it was the liberal Democrat Administration of Bill Clinton which got the Act passed by the Democrat controlled Congress in 1998 that made it the public policy of the United States to effect Regime change in Iraq.

And TONS of Democrats assured us THEN and subsequently that Saddam had WMDs.

That was PART of the rational for seeking the regime change law. And it was later part of the rational for the authorization to wage war against Saddam's Iraq.

Denying it won't change it, Hac. The Democrats staked out that position before President Bush ever did and even before 9/11/2001.
Clinton didn't attack Iraq, Bush did.

So fuck you!
Clinton did attack Iraq, several times......And that's why Sadaam had no fear.....He admitted he didn't think Bush would invade, and expected he would face a Clinton pussy style attack......He also fully admitted that he purposely faked the scale of his weapons programs, because he feared Iran, and didn't fear that Bush would launch a full scale invasion to come directly at him.

It's all in his interrogation....look it up, it's a fascinating read into the mind of a lunatic.

Bottom line, only one man is responsible, Sadaam Hussein himself......He's finished, his regime is finished, his even crazier sons are toast, and will never lead that country as Sadaam had wished......And we all got to see the celebrations of the Iraqi people all across the country, as they realized that it was clear that Sadaams murderous, tyrannical rule was over forever.....Good for them!:clap2:
I'm just glad I had the sense to oppose the Iraq war before it ever started;

it must be exhausting having to pretend day after day year after year that the war was a brilliant idea,

just for the sake of soothing your own conscience.
I'm just glad I had the sense to oppose the Iraq war before it ever started;

it must be exhausting having to pretend day after day year after year that the war was a brilliant idea,

just for the sake of soothing your own conscience.

It's why they get so angry so quickly. Online Rambos don't like it when you give them a mirror. Imagine feeling like you have to spin for a horror like this.

That's not true. The Democrats in the House voted against the authorization, so if the Democrats had had their way, there would have never been an Iraq war because the authorization would have never passed the House.

I don't know if you suffer from long-term memory loss, or dementia, or late-stage Alzheimer's, so I will give you the opportunity to do the necessary research and retract your FALSE statement about the House Democrat vote in October of 2002.

Take your time. We all understand that you are a little slow. All New York liberals are.

I will bet you $1000 right now that more House Democrats voted against the authorization than voted for it in 2002.

You braindead useless twat. lolol. I'm going to immortalize your sorry ass in the flame zone.

I guess this asshole isn't interested in betting.

Dang, he sure sounded certain in his other post.
you are way out of your league if that is your response.

If we allowed the UNSC to determine when we should and when we shouldnt do anything, you and I would likely not be allowed to be on the internet right now.

Go back to Rachel Maddow. She makes you feel all warm and fuzzy seeing as you reguirgitate every word she says.

In the meantime, leave the debating to the adults.
I'm sorry to break it to you, skippy, but wars of aggression have been illegal since the end of WWII.
you are way out of your league if that is your response.

If we allowed the UNSC to determine when we should and when we shouldnt do anything, you and I would likely not be allowed to be on the internet right now.

Go back to Rachel Maddow. She makes you feel all warm and fuzzy seeing as you reguirgitate every word she says.

In the meantime, leave the debating to the adults.
I'm sorry to break it to you, skippy, but wars of aggression have been illegal since the end of WWII.

And this 'law' is where??
He said that the intel gave good reason to believe there were WMD's you hack.
He never said he knew for sure for the only way he would know for sure is if he saw it you hack.

They did everything they could to warn Hussein. They gave him warning after warning. He was in breach of a treaty...a CEASE FIRE treaty, you hack. Do you know what a cease fire treaty is? It is one where one MUST COMPLY with the terms or the cease fire will be terminated...you hack!

He never said ALL OF THE INTEL you lying hack. He said the intel gave good reason to believe you mother fucking piece of shit lying hack.

It is people like you that get me sick. You are clueless as to what you debate about.
It wasn't Bush's call to say if Hussein was in violation of 1441, that was the UNSC's jurisdiction.

The UN has NO jurisdiction.. there is no all encompassing world government.. sorry
Why are the neocons "blaming" Iraq on the Dems?

Likely the same reason conservatives blame Obama for the December 2007 recession.

But as already correctly noted, they get so far out ahead of themselves to blame democrats for something they fail to realize they’ve inadvertently conceded that Mr. Bush’s two illegal wars were failures.
I don't know if you suffer from long-term memory loss, or dementia, or late-stage Alzheimer's, so I will give you the opportunity to do the necessary research and retract your FALSE statement about the House Democrat vote in October of 2002.

Take your time. We all understand that you are a little slow. All New York liberals are.

I will bet you $1000 right now that more House Democrats voted against the authorization than voted for it in 2002.

You braindead useless twat. lolol. I'm going to immortalize your sorry ass in the flame zone.

I guess this asshole isn't interested in betting.

Dang, he sure sounded certain in his other post.

You make a FALSE statement. Then you make a MISLEADING statement. Then you make a statement that is factually correct.

Which one of your statements do you want to make a bet on, "Sybil"? Which one of your three distinct personalities shall I bet with?

"The Blatant Liar", "The Liar By Omission", or the "Accidental Truth Teller"?
I'm just glad I had the sense to oppose the Iraq war before it ever started;

it must be exhausting having to pretend day after day year after year that the war was a brilliant idea,

just for the sake of soothing your own conscience.

So am I, but it wasn't easy at the time...especially being on active duty...(with FOX news blaring constantly on the Mess Deck...cheerleading the invasion)

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