Why are the sorelosers demonstrating?


May 25, 2016
This was legal election. If there was something illegal let them make a complaint to the authorities.
They're demonstrating because they want to do their Christmas looting early in most cases but, in a few, they're rushing to do it because they know that after the inauguration they'd be arrested, tried, convicted, become felons and never again be able to vote. C'mon JANUARY!
Because they're losers without real jobs and they're either on welfare or still cashing Soros checks.

Let's take this to the logical conclusion, these people don't like the way of an election went and/or a decision so they tear up their own shit in their own communities, does that make sense?
They are protesting that their undies are in a knot. very annoying.

I do like your new avatar. Things are looking up aren't they?

I heard today they're going to try a moonbat "tea party".

They did that, sorta....

Occutards shitting on cop cars and trashing downtown areas didn't really advance the bed wetter agenda, but what the fuck, they had fun right? They'll have fun this time too and we'll kick their asses again so hard maybe they will all commit suicide or expatriate. I'll sell inner tubes on the beaches of the South Florida Keys for $50, then pay the Cubans who bring them back $10 and register them to vote.

Let's take this to the logical conclusion, these people don't like the way of an election went and/or a decision so they tear up their own shit in their own communities, does that make sense?

Those parasites don't own any of that shit, if they even own anything more than a backpack and a bong.

For 112 years following the 1888 defeat of Grover Cleveland, every winning presidential candidate had gotten more votes than his opponents, which means the Electoral College merely ratified the popular vote throughout the 20th century. That streak was broken at the turn of the 21st century. Now 2 out of the last 5 presidential "elections" have given us a Republican president who lost the popular vote (Dubya with a deficit of around 500,000 votes and Trump, whose deficit is conservatively estimated to be somewhere between 1.5 and 2 million votes when it's all said and done). I say it's time to do away with the archaic Electoral College in favor of something that more closely resembles...oh, I dunno...democracy. :doubt:
For 112 years following the 1888 defeat of Grover Cleveland, every winning presidential candidate had gotten more votes than his opponents, which means the Electoral College merely ratified the popular vote throughout the 20th century. That streak was broken at the turn of the 21st century. Now 2 out of the last 5 presidential "elections" have given us a Republican president who lost the popular vote (Dubya with a deficit of around 500,000 votes and Trump, whose deficit is conservatively estimated to be somewhere between 1.5 and 2 million votes when it's all said and done). I say it's time to do away with the archaic Electoral College in favor of something that more closely resembles...oh, I dunno...democracy. :doubt:

%20 of democrook "votes" are dead people, ineligible felons and illegals.

For 112 years following the 1888 defeat of Grover Cleveland, every winning presidential candidate had gotten more votes than his opponents, which means the Electoral College merely ratified the popular vote throughout the 20th century. That streak was broken at the turn of the 21st century. Now 2 out of the last 5 presidential "elections" have given us a Republican president who lost the popular vote (Dubya with a deficit of around 500,000 votes and Trump, whose deficit is conservatively estimated to be somewhere between 1.5 and 2 million votes when it's all said and done). I say it's time to do away with the archaic Electoral College in favor of something that more closely resembles...oh, I dunno...democracy. :doubt:

%20 of democrook "votes" are dead people, ineligible felons and illegals.

Funny how he says that only because HIS candidate lost.

Turn the tables and he would be all for the electoral college.

Can't stand these hypocrites.
This was legal election. If there was something illegal let them make a complaint to the authorities.

sore losers, dum dum? i'm pretty sure more of us voted against dumb donald than for him.

now be quiet and stop whining. that's all you loons did for eight years.... you don't change even when you run your scam successfully.

whining freaks.

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