Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM?

Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM?

Maybe because they are destroying our cities and spreading Covid 19.....dumb ass question....

Dumb ass answer.
Dumb ass liberal....covid up among young protest participants....
Some members of the Washington, DC, National Guard—deployed over the past 2 weeks of protests and civil unrest in the wake of the George Floyd murder—have tested positive for COVID-19, a National Guard spokesperson confirmed with McClatchy news services yesterday, and US cases today topped 2 million.

One example doesn't prove your stupid assertion by a long shot.
Spoken like a pure moron.....go ahead and protest...one less liberal is a good thing....

For fucks sake, you're colossally obtuse. I don't protest. Do you wear your mask at your Klan rallies?
Klan rallies???? Buuuaaahahahahahahahaha all I see are butthurt whiny BLM rallies/Riots.....what Klan rallies?.....LMFAO....TDS IS BAD.....

I was countering your hyperbolic reply with my own, tard.
Even Alclepias is fighting with you....you are so dumb your own side finds fault with what you post....Buuuuaaahahahahahahaha
I'm not fighting with him and he is way smarter than your retarded ass.
I read your retort to that fool don't lie....
I've long noted your lack of reading comprehension. In your case saying the words in your mind doesnt always translate to you being able to understand what you read.
Also in reference to OP's title. Not all who oppose BLM are "Trumpsters".

I didn't vote for Trump. Neither did many in the overwhelmingly lefty college town where I live.

However, most people I know personally..do not support BLM. Mainly because they do not support how BLM are going about trying to achieve their goals.
The only people that oppose BLM are either idiots that have no clue what BLM stands for or just racists.

Another reasonable take from you. Not surprising. "AnYOnE Who DoEsn't sUppOrt BlM iS a RaCisT!!!"

Yeah, I wonder why some folks are resistant to the cause when we are met with responses like these when we criticize, or question the actions of the group.

The way folks like you behave is why there are escalating race tensions in America. Get a grip, friendo.
No, I do not.
Of course you don't. But I remember quite clearly how Republicans threw a bitch fit about Obama eating Grey Poupon or Dijon sauce on his hamburger. And how Republicans soiled themselves brown carrying on about Obama putting his feet up on the desk. Let's not forget the countless segment on FOXNEWS and the threads here on USMB about the number of times the then President used the word "I."

I know you would want to forget such a pathetic response from self-proclaimed conservatives. But I remember.

You even had to ASK what Marxism is. How do you know it's NOT Marxism?

Commie Chameleons -- pretending to NOT be commies when it is PAINFULLY clear you ARE!!!
Einstein, you just said it is. I'm saying that it's something from the distant past.
And I'm saying it's something in your current situation that you are advocating for.
Also in reference to OP's title. Not all who oppose BLM are "Trumpsters".

I didn't vote for Trump. Neither did many in the overwhelmingly lefty college town where I live.

However, most people I know personally..do not support BLM. Mainly because they do not support how BLM are going about trying to achieve their goals.
The only people that oppose BLM are either idiots that have no clue what BLM stands for or just racists.

Another reasonable take from you. Not surprising. "AnYOnE Who DoEsn't sUppOrt BlM iS a RaCisT!!!"

Yeah, I wonder why some folks are resistant to the cause when we are met with responses like these when we criticize, or question the actions of the group.

The way folks like you behave is why there are escalating race tensions in America. Get a grip, friendo.
I gave you an option. I said you were either an idiot that had no clue what BLM stood for or you were a racist. Theres no other options.

There is always going to be escalating tensions as long as racism and/or your ignorance abounds.
When you say "ignoring black on black crime", what exactly do you mean? What should they be doing instead? I mean tangibly. What's your definition of ignoring?
Not addressing it honestly and comprehensively. Concentrating virtually all attention and efforts on white on black crime. Deflecting away from it when it's brought up.

Those are exactly the tactics used by the other end of the spectrum for their own misdeeds. I don't know how it could be more clear.

This doesn't get fixed unless and until both ends of this stop pointing the finger and start holding their own side accountable. This is an example.
Probably because bringing it up as a deflection to BLM is not very conducive to an honest conversation.
The problem is that it's not avoided only in BLM conversations. It's avoided most of the time.

This is a real problem and it's not being addressed by those who should be addressing it.
Its addressed. Just because you dont know about it doesnt mean its not being addressed. So what exactly do you think should be done that isnt being done? Be specific.
I don't see anyone from the Left talking about it on the national stage. I don't see black leaders addressing it regularly. I don't see Democrats addressing it.

All I see is them pointing the finger in one direction. That doesn't make what they're saying wrong, but they're CHOOSING to look at only HALF the picture.
So you want dems to talk about it more often? Anything else specifically that you think is not being done and should be done?
I'll try to answer your question, but do me a favor in good faith, and tell me: You can't really think of anything?
Theres only on thing I can think of thats not being done and that is going to take more than the "Dems".
I'd like to see American Blacks separate themselves from White Liberals -- who have done little but coddle and lower standards for them over the last three generations -- and take this lead on this issue. White Liberals and White Nationalists/Trumpsters sure as hell aren't going to do it.

Let's have Black leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American Blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problems that they are facing today: Black on black crime, gangs and Black crime in general, commitment to higher education standards within families, fatherless children, thug culture.

And while they're doing that, they're challenging the Right to clean their own house by being brave enough to marginalize these nutter talk radio Trumpster types who are engaging in and/or blatantly enabling the blazingly obvious racism that still exists. Shame them into doing it by showing them how it's done.

I'm not expecting you to agree. But that's what I'd like to see, that's what I'm talking about.

When Black leaders take the lead publicly they mysteriously tend to get assassinated and or condemned as racists.

Like I said just because you havent researched or been told what Blacks are doing for themselves doesnt mean there is no action on that front. Blacks do a lot of things that dont get attention unless someone wants to spin up a race angle.

You both seem to be doing a lot of tiptoeing around each other. If we don't see the action, how are we supposed to comment on it? You say things are being done behind the scenes and to take your word for it. That's not usually how I roll. I don't try and pretend the race angle isn't the elephant in the room
" If we don't see the action, how are we supposed to comment on it? "

Not sure what you mean by "we" and what would commenting on it do?

Allow for some sort of dialogue, for one.
By saying "we" did you mean whites? What would your dialogue do? We dont need dialogue. We need racism dismantled.

By saying we, I meant we. Do you think I'm speaking in code or something? Dismantling racism will require a dialogue. Problems don't get solved by ignoring them.
I didnt think you were speaking code. I just wasnt sure who "we" represented. True dismantling racism will require dialogue. However, most whites have a problem even admitting racism exists so until that changes how can we have dialouge?

I can't help those of us that choose to live in denial. I just can't. Racism exists. It's a fact of the human condition. Prefacing conversations with 'most whites', or 'all blacks' seems unnecessary to me. Individuals have their own prejudices and experiences. I agree a dialogue is necessary to reach, dare I dream, a consensus.
Also in reference to OP's title. Not all who oppose BLM are "Trumpsters".

I didn't vote for Trump. Neither did many in the overwhelmingly lefty college town where I live.

However, most people I know personally..do not support BLM. Mainly because they do not support how BLM are going about trying to achieve their goals.
The only people that oppose BLM are either idiots that have no clue what BLM stands for or just racists.

Another reasonable take from you. Not surprising. "AnYOnE Who DoEsn't sUppOrt BlM iS a RaCisT!!!"

Yeah, I wonder why some folks are resistant to the cause when we are met with responses like these when we criticize, or question the actions of the group.

The way folks like you behave is why there are escalating race tensions in America. Get a grip, friendo.
I gave you an option. I said you were either an idiot that had no clue what BLM stood for or you were a racist. Theres no other options.

There is always going to be escalating tensions as long as racism and/or your ignorance abounds.
False trichotomy fallacy. Fuck you, you racist idiot! :fu:
You even had to ASK what Marxism is. How do you know it's NOT Marxism?

Commie Chameleons -- pretending to NOT be commies when it is PAINFULLY clear you ARE!!!
Einstein, you just said it is. I'm saying that it's something from the distant past.
What the fuck does that mean?

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, floats on top of the water, and has web feet....IT'S A FUCKING DUCK!!!

Also in reference to OP's title. Not all who oppose BLM are "Trumpsters".

I didn't vote for Trump. Neither did many in the overwhelmingly lefty college town where I live.

However, most people I know personally..do not support BLM. Mainly because they do not support how BLM are going about trying to achieve their goals.
The only people that oppose BLM are either idiots that have no clue what BLM stands for or just racists.

Another reasonable take from you. Not surprising. "AnYOnE Who DoEsn't sUppOrt BlM iS a RaCisT!!!"

Yeah, I wonder why some folks are resistant to the cause when we are met with responses like these when we criticize, or question the actions of the group.

The way folks like you behave is why there are escalating race tensions in America. Get a grip, friendo.

'Friendo'? Fuck off.
You don't know what Marxism is... Remember?

You should read up on it.

Do you support Marxism?
No, I don't care to.

From your very link, it states that there's currently no single, definitive Marxist theory. Which informs me that that simply means that people like you get to make crap up about it and/or apply it to anything you want to attack and demonize.

Like I said, its something in the past.
When you say "ignoring black on black crime", what exactly do you mean? What should they be doing instead? I mean tangibly. What's your definition of ignoring?
Not addressing it honestly and comprehensively. Concentrating virtually all attention and efforts on white on black crime. Deflecting away from it when it's brought up.

Those are exactly the tactics used by the other end of the spectrum for their own misdeeds. I don't know how it could be more clear.

This doesn't get fixed unless and until both ends of this stop pointing the finger and start holding their own side accountable. This is an example.
Probably because bringing it up as a deflection to BLM is not very conducive to an honest conversation.
The problem is that it's not avoided only in BLM conversations. It's avoided most of the time.

This is a real problem and it's not being addressed by those who should be addressing it.
Its addressed. Just because you dont know about it doesnt mean its not being addressed. So what exactly do you think should be done that isnt being done? Be specific.
I don't see anyone from the Left talking about it on the national stage. I don't see black leaders addressing it regularly. I don't see Democrats addressing it.

All I see is them pointing the finger in one direction. That doesn't make what they're saying wrong, but they're CHOOSING to look at only HALF the picture.
So you want dems to talk about it more often? Anything else specifically that you think is not being done and should be done?
I'll try to answer your question, but do me a favor in good faith, and tell me: You can't really think of anything?
Theres only on thing I can think of thats not being done and that is going to take more than the "Dems".
I'd like to see American Blacks separate themselves from White Liberals -- who have done little but coddle and lower standards for them over the last three generations -- and take this lead on this issue. White Liberals and White Nationalists/Trumpsters sure as hell aren't going to do it.

Let's have Black leaders from politics and popular culture challenge American Blacks to hold their own accountable for the biggest problems that they are facing today: Black on black crime, gangs and Black crime in general, commitment to higher education standards within families, fatherless children, thug culture.

And while they're doing that, they're challenging the Right to clean their own house by being brave enough to marginalize these nutter talk radio Trumpster types who are engaging in and/or blatantly enabling the blazingly obvious racism that still exists. Shame them into doing it by showing them how it's done.

I'm not expecting you to agree. But that's what I'd like to see, that's what I'm talking about.

When Black leaders take the lead publicly they mysteriously tend to get assassinated and or condemned as racists.

Like I said just because you havent researched or been told what Blacks are doing for themselves doesnt mean there is no action on that front. Blacks do a lot of things that dont get attention unless someone wants to spin up a race angle.

You both seem to be doing a lot of tiptoeing around each other. If we don't see the action, how are we supposed to comment on it? You say things are being done behind the scenes and to take your word for it. That's not usually how I roll. I don't try and pretend the race angle isn't the elephant in the room
" If we don't see the action, how are we supposed to comment on it? "

Not sure what you mean by "we" and what would commenting on it do?

Allow for some sort of dialogue, for one.
By saying "we" did you mean whites? What would your dialogue do? We dont need dialogue. We need racism dismantled.

By saying we, I meant we. Do you think I'm speaking in code or something? Dismantling racism will require a dialogue. Problems don't get solved by ignoring them.
I didnt think you were speaking code. I just wasnt sure who "we" represented. True dismantling racism will require dialogue. However, most whites have a problem even admitting racism exists so until that changes how can we have dialouge?

I can't help those of us that choose to live in denial. I just can't Racism exists. It's a fact of the human condition. Prefacing conversations with 'most whites', or 'all blacks' seems unnecessary to me. Individuals have their own prejudices and experiences. I agree a dialogue is necessary to reach, dare I dream, a consensus.
I'm being realistic and looking at the data. Most white americans have a hard time accepting the fact that Blacks have been long terrorized by the police and instead claim its just a few bad apples. Its going to require a majority of whites coming to the conclusion that racism exists in this country before we can start having a dialogue about solutions that whites can be effective at bringing about. For example the concept of reparations to repair the wealth gap seems to be a hurdle whites cant quite get over.
You don't know what Marxism is... Remember?

You should read up on it.

Do you support Marxism?
No, I don't care to.

From your very link, it states that there's currently no single, definitive Marxist theory. Which informs me that that simply means that people like you get to make crap up about it and/or apply it to anything you want to attack and demonize.

Like I said, its something in the past.
Therefore you are willfully ignorant and derp.
Are the cops saying that black people are inferior?
Some cops sure treat them as inferior.
No they dont. That is an absurd statement.
I disagree. Many black people have noted how they’re treated suspiciously simply because of the color of their skin. They often don’t get the same benefit of the doubt or courtesy white people get.

Blacks can stop that if they wish

Stop the profiling

How can they do that??

Yep stop committing most of the crimes

Asians are not stopped because their skin is different They are not stopped because of not commiting crimes

So it’s not a racist thing to stop a different color of skin

A nation that allows this stoopidity by the left will fall down to other nations
Another reasonable take from you. Not surprising. "AnYOnE Who DoEsn't sUppOrt BlM iS a RaCisT!!!"

Yeah, I wonder why some folks are resistant to the cause when we are met with responses like these when we criticize, or question the actions of the group.

The way folks like you behave is why there are escalating race tensions in America. Get a grip, friendo.
Say bub, how did those tensions originate?
You don't know what Marxism is... Remember?

You should read up on it.

Do you support Marxism?
No, I don't care to.

From your very link, it states that there's currently no single, definitive Marxist theory. Which informs me that that simply means that people like you get to make crap up about it and/or apply it to anything you want to attack and demonize.

Like I said, its something in the past.
The leaders of Black Live Matter the organization disagree with you. They believe in Marxist threory, and are trained in it. The link can be found many times in this thread.

It's weird that you support Black Lives Matter the organization, but not the theories it self promotes it has in Marxism.

Remember... Nobody can make you look stupid. You have to do it.
Also in reference to OP's title. Not all who oppose BLM are "Trumpsters".

I didn't vote for Trump. Neither did many in the overwhelmingly lefty college town where I live.

However, most people I know personally..do not support BLM. Mainly because they do not support how BLM are going about trying to achieve their goals.
The only people that oppose BLM are either idiots that have no clue what BLM stands for or just racists.

Another reasonable take from you. Not surprising. "AnYOnE Who DoEsn't sUppOrt BlM iS a RaCisT!!!"

Yeah, I wonder why some folks are resistant to the cause when we are met with responses like these when we criticize, or question the actions of the group.

The way folks like you behave is why there are escalating race tensions in America. Get a grip, friendo.
I gave you an option. I said you were either an idiot that had no clue what BLM stood for or you were a racist. Theres no other options.

There is always going to be escalating tensions as long as racism and/or your ignorance abounds.

Racism isn't going anywhere. You are an irrational individual who's mind has been pervaded into thinking you need to fight against an insurmountable cause.

There will always be bigotry, racism and hatred between humans, as long as there are humans on this planet. You are adding to that daily being probably one of the most hated filled bigoted racists on this board. How you fail to see your own culpability in what you espouse to stand against is astounding.

I am honestly curious as to what racism you have personally experienced that turned you into the vitriolic fear/hate monger you are today? Did a white guy honk at you for jaywalking? Or do you have an actual gripe/reason to be so awful constantly?

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