Why are There White Democrats Part II

White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.

Lysistrstrata, why do you think Republicans hate you? Let me put it this way, if you told your friends you were going to vote Republican, you would be ridiculed and persecuted. Republicans on the other hand would say welcome. They would not care what your color was, or if you were gay. Only Democrats care about that stuff. While Christianity doesn't normalize homosexuality, it certainly doesn't promote hatred towards homosexuals. Christians are about the most easy going bunch you are going to find. Not sure why people hate and fear them. This isn't medievil times. I'm not saying they are without fault, but in general, they are very good neighbors. Who exactly has told you over and over that Republicans hate everybody? I think Republicans would treat you much better than your 'Friends.'

Are you blind? No one has told me that republicans hate everybody. I have seen it myself. I have seen the behavior of the phony "Christian" cults in the U.S. The republicans' treatment of women, people of color, LGBTs, Muslims, Jews has been out in public for all to see. While they may live among us, they may not impose themselves on the rest of American society.

Don't say "Christian" without naming a denomination. The name of "Christian," pertaining to a world-wide religion, cannot be usurped to apply only to one particular cult.

There was a beautiful service at the National Cathedral the other day before the internment of Matthew Shepard's ashes. Years ago, I had the pleasure of being in a receiving line and shaking the hand of a well-known Christian theologian, and told him that the books he had written had saved Christianity for me, but that I thought that so much of what was being marketed as Christianity was B.S. He told me (to paraphrase) that so much of it was, but that there was truth there, and it was our journey to set out and find it. That there was a kernel of truth that we could all take home.

There was a beautiful service at the National Cathedral the other day before the internment of Matthew Shepard's ashes. It was a service of Christian burial, presided over by Christians. I am sorry that my circumstances did not allow me to be there. The homily delivered by retire Bishop V. Gene Robinson had me in tears, and he was crying, too.

Now explain to me the policies of the republicans and their phony "Christian" friends, who won't bake cakes or issue marriage licenses and we are all supposed to be upset about what happens to them. These phony "Christians" seem to be aligned with the republican party to the point where no one knows where the dividing line is.

So you are condemning a majority of Christians over gay marriage? I'll admit Republicans handled it poorly. I've made my position known before. Republican's were flat out wrong to fight civil unions. I also think democrats handled it poorly by forcing a change of the definition of marriage. Does it make me a bad Christian to think homosexuals should have all the same rights and benefits of heterosexuals without altering the definition of marriage? Again, I personally do not care if someone is gay or not, but according to you I am evil and have ruined Christianity? Civil Unions were the way to go. It protects everyone's rights and does not alter one of our longest traditions. I might hesitate to convict a majority of Christians of being phony because of gay marriage. Supporting traditional marriage was never the same as being anti-gay. Republican politicians blew it by being idiots over civil unions.
White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.
Nobody cares about the mentally retarded Democrats.

For people who don't care, y'all sure do talk about them a lot. Hmmm ...

Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't
Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't
Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't

It gets frustrating after a while.

You cannot deny the policies your beloved party espouses. They are there for all to see and there has been absolutely NO credible explanation forthcoming. Just taking the treatment of women into account, you people have been incredibly disrespectful. Duly noted.

I gave you credit with Republicans screwing up with gay marriage, but how in the world are coming up with an anti-women accusation? Your going to say all Republicans are scum who oppose abortion? I don't care much about the issue, but I think people can oppose abortion without hating women. In fact, I'm betting about fifty percent of the pro-life crowd are women. I'm seeing a theme here. Supporting traditional marriage = hate gay people. Pro-life = hate women. I don't think it is that easy and clear. You are painting a large amount of people as not just bad, but evil, because they hold a different belief than you. That seems a bit extreme. I don't think I'm naive, but I just don't see the world as full of hate as you do.
White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.

Lysistrstrata, why do you think Republicans hate you? Let me put it this way, if you told your friends you were going to vote Republican, you would be ridiculed and persecuted. Republicans on the other hand would say welcome. They would not care what your color was, or if you were gay. Only Democrats care about that stuff. While Christianity doesn't normalize homosexuality, it certainly doesn't promote hatred towards homosexuals. Christians are about the most easy going bunch you are going to find. Not sure why people hate and fear them. This isn't medievil times. I'm not saying they are without fault, but in general, they are very good neighbors. Who exactly has told you over and over that Republicans hate everybody? I think Republicans would treat you much better than your 'Friends.'

Are you blind? No one has told me that republicans hate everybody. I have seen it myself. I have seen the behavior of the phony "Christian" cults in the U.S. The republicans' treatment of women, people of color, LGBTs, Muslims, Jews has been out in public for all to see. While they may live among us, they may not impose themselves on the rest of American society.

Don't say "Christian" without naming a denomination. The name of "Christian," pertaining to a world-wide religion, cannot be usurped to apply only to one particular cult.

There was a beautiful service at the National Cathedral the other day before the internment of Matthew Shepard's ashes. Years ago, I had the pleasure of being in a receiving line and shaking the hand of a well-known Christian theologian, and told him that the books he had written had saved Christianity for me, but that I thought that so much of what was being marketed as Christianity was B.S. He told me (to paraphrase) that so much of it was, but that there was truth there, and it was our journey to set out and find it. That there was a kernel of truth that we could all take home.

There was a beautiful service at the National Cathedral the other day before the internment of Matthew Shepard's ashes. It was a service of Christian burial, presided over by Christians. I am sorry that my circumstances did not allow me to be there. The homily delivered by retire Bishop V. Gene Robinson had me in tears, and he was crying, too.

Now explain to me the policies of the republicans and their phony "Christian" friends, who won't bake cakes or issue marriage licenses and we are all supposed to be upset about what happens to them. These phony "Christians" seem to be aligned with the republican party to the point where no one knows where the dividing line is.

So you are condemning a majority of Christians over gay marriage? I'll admit Republicans handled it poorly. I've made my position known before. Republican's were flat out wrong to fight civil unions. I also think democrats handled it poorly by forcing a change of the definition of marriage. Does it make me a bad Christian to think homosexuals should have all the same rights and benefits of heterosexuals without altering the definition of marriage? Again, I personally do not care if someone is gay or not, but according to you I am evil and have ruined Christianity? Civil Unions were the way to go. It protects everyone's rights and does not alter one of our longest traditions. I might hesitate to convict a majority of Christians of being phony because of gay marriage. Supporting traditional marriage was never the same as being anti-gay. Republican politicians blew it by being idiots over civil unions.

What denomination/group/cult/sect are you from? Every marriage is a "civil union," this is why you get a license from the local government if you wish to marry so that the union may be recognized under civil law. The marriage may be performed at the courthouse that bind the couple under civil law. Twice in my life I signed as a witness to this taking place. People may also marry in a religious ceremony according to their faith if the religious leader who performs the ceremony is empowered by the state. I take it that you are in a civil union that has been recognized in a ceremony held according to your religious tradition. What is the complaint here? All of us are free to hold our religious ceremonies.
Well...black liberals are showing their true colors agains. Drunken television peter puffer calls white men terrorists. Gets by with it because white Americans are pussified.
CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'
a) he did not say all 'white' men are terrorists.
b) he said most American terrorists are 'white' men...and he is 100% correct on that.

Have a nice day.
Oh...so if he was white and said that “black men are terrorists threats” what would have happened to that media pundit? He was not even close to being “100%” correct you racist piece of shit.
White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.
Nobody cares about the mentally retarded Democrats.

For people who don't care, y'all sure do talk about them a lot. Hmmm ...

Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't
Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't
Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't

It gets frustrating after a while.

You cannot deny the policies your beloved party espouses. They are there for all to see and there has been absolutely NO credible explanation forthcoming. Just taking the treatment of women into account, you people have been incredibly disrespectful. Duly noted.
Those policies are sound and not racist. Give examples of this racist political program of Republicans?
White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.

Lysistrstrata, why do you think Republicans hate you? Let me put it this way, if you told your friends you were going to vote Republican, you would be ridiculed and persecuted. Republicans on the other hand would say welcome. They would not care what your color was, or if you were gay. Only Democrats care about that stuff. While Christianity doesn't normalize homosexuality, it certainly doesn't promote hatred towards homosexuals. Christians are about the most easy going bunch you are going to find. Not sure why people hate and fear them. This isn't medievil times. I'm not saying they are without fault, but in general, they are very good neighbors. Who exactly has told you over and over that Republicans hate everybody? I think Republicans would treat you much better than your 'Friends.'

Are you blind? No one has told me that republicans hate everybody. I have seen it myself. I have seen the behavior of the phony "Christian" cults in the U.S. The republicans' treatment of women, people of color, LGBTs, Muslims, Jews has been out in public for all to see. While they may live among us, they may not impose themselves on the rest of American society.

Don't say "Christian" without naming a denomination. The name of "Christian," pertaining to a world-wide religion, cannot be usurped to apply only to one particular cult.

There was a beautiful service at the National Cathedral the other day before the internment of Matthew Shepard's ashes. Years ago, I had the pleasure of being in a receiving line and shaking the hand of a well-known Christian theologian, and told him that the books he had written had saved Christianity for me, but that I thought that so much of what was being marketed as Christianity was B.S. He told me (to paraphrase) that so much of it was, but that there was truth there, and it was our journey to set out and find it. That there was a kernel of truth that we could all take home.

There was a beautiful service at the National Cathedral the other day before the internment of Matthew Shepard's ashes. It was a service of Christian burial, presided over by Christians. I am sorry that my circumstances did not allow me to be there. The homily delivered by retire Bishop V. Gene Robinson had me in tears, and he was crying, too.

Now explain to me the policies of the republicans and their phony "Christian" friends, who won't bake cakes or issue marriage licenses and we are all supposed to be upset about what happens to them. These phony "Christians" seem to be aligned with the republican party to the point where no one knows where the dividing line is.

So you are condemning a majority of Christians over gay marriage? I'll admit Republicans handled it poorly. I've made my position known before. Republican's were flat out wrong to fight civil unions. I also think democrats handled it poorly by forcing a change of the definition of marriage. Does it make me a bad Christian to think homosexuals should have all the same rights and benefits of heterosexuals without altering the definition of marriage? Again, I personally do not care if someone is gay or not, but according to you I am evil and have ruined Christianity? Civil Unions were the way to go. It protects everyone's rights and does not alter one of our longest traditions. I might hesitate to convict a majority of Christians of being phony because of gay marriage. Supporting traditional marriage was never the same as being anti-gay. Republican politicians blew it by being idiots over civil unions.

What denomination/group/cult/sect are you from? Every marriage is a "civil union," this is why you get a license from the local government if you wish to marry so that the union may be recognized under civil law. The marriage may be performed at the courthouse that bind the couple under civil law. Twice in my life I signed as a witness to this taking place. People may also marry in a religious ceremony according to their faith if the religious leader who performs the ceremony is empowered by the state. I take it that you are in a civil union that has been recognized in a ceremony held according to your religious tradition. What is the complaint here? All of us are free to hold our religious ceremonies.
What’s that have to do with my thread post?
White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.
Nobody cares about the mentally retarded Democrats.

For people who don't care, y'all sure do talk about them a lot. Hmmm ...

Don't we have a right to oppose people who want to ruin our communities and try to control the people of the United States?


I oppose scum trying to ruin our nation. What are you? A jeffress? Follower if piggypence? Do you believe sandra huckawhore?
If that’s what you oppose, then you have met the enemy and he is you.
White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.
Nobody cares about the mentally retarded Democrats.

For people who don't care, y'all sure do talk about them a lot. Hmmm ...

Don't we have a right to oppose people who want to ruin our communities and try to control the people of the United States?
Yes. That’s why you vote Republican.
White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.
Nobody cares about the mentally retarded Democrats.

For people who don't care, y'all sure do talk about them a lot. Hmmm ...
Because the have 90% of the media on their side because of the information bias by the propaganda machine coming out ofNYC, Boston,Chicago, and L.A. In 2016 the common sense of the average Americans stopped them from forcing Hillary into office.
White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.

Lysistrstrata, why do you think Republicans hate you? Let me put it this way, if you told your friends you were going to vote Republican, you would be ridiculed and persecuted. Republicans on the other hand would say welcome. They would not care what your color was, or if you were gay. Only Democrats care about that stuff. While Christianity doesn't normalize homosexuality, it certainly doesn't promote hatred towards homosexuals. Christians are about the most easy going bunch you are going to find. Not sure why people hate and fear them. This isn't medievil times. I'm not saying they are without fault, but in general, they are very good neighbors. Who exactly has told you over and over that Republicans hate everybody? I think Republicans would treat you much better than your 'Friends.'

Are you blind? No one has told me that republicans hate everybody. I have seen it myself. I have seen the behavior of the phony "Christian" cults in the U.S. The republicans' treatment of women, people of color, LGBTs, Muslims, Jews has been out in public for all to see. While they may live among us, they may not impose themselves on the rest of American society.

Don't say "Christian" without naming a denomination. The name of "Christian," pertaining to a world-wide religion, cannot be usurped to apply only to one particular cult.

There was a beautiful service at the National Cathedral the other day before the internment of Matthew Shepard's ashes. Years ago, I had the pleasure of being in a receiving line and shaking the hand of a well-known Christian theologian, and told him that the books he had written had saved Christianity for me, but that I thought that so much of what was being marketed as Christianity was B.S. He told me (to paraphrase) that so much of it was, but that there was truth there, and it was our journey to set out and find it. That there was a kernel of truth that we could all take home.

There was a beautiful service at the National Cathedral the other day before the internment of Matthew Shepard's ashes. It was a service of Christian burial, presided over by Christians. I am sorry that my circumstances did not allow me to be there. The homily delivered by retire Bishop V. Gene Robinson had me in tears, and he was crying, too.

Now explain to me the policies of the republicans and their phony "Christian" friends, who won't bake cakes or issue marriage licenses and we are all supposed to be upset about what happens to them. These phony "Christians" seem to be aligned with the republican party to the point where no one knows where the dividing line is.
You said yesterday you were a straight, Christian, female. Sounds like a Unitarian, San Francisco kook.
White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.
Nobody cares about the mentally retarded Democrats.

For people who don't care, y'all sure do talk about them a lot. Hmmm ...

Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't
Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't
Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't

It gets frustrating after a while.

You cannot deny the policies your beloved party espouses. They are there for all to see and there has been absolutely NO credible explanation forthcoming. Just taking the treatment of women into account, you people have been incredibly disrespectful. Duly noted.
Those policies are sound and not racist. Give examples of this racist political program of Republicans?
Give us one idea that these policies are sound. Also, please explain the policies regarding female Americans, all of which are disrespectful. Female Americans are not to be told what to do or what religion we are supposed to follow.
Nobody cares about the mentally retarded Democrats.

For people who don't care, y'all sure do talk about them a lot. Hmmm ...

Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't
Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't
Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't

It gets frustrating after a while.

You cannot deny the policies your beloved party espouses. They are there for all to see and there has been absolutely NO credible explanation forthcoming. Just taking the treatment of women into account, you people have been incredibly disrespectful. Duly noted.
Those policies are sound and not racist. Give examples of this racist political program of Republicans?
Give us one idea that these policies are sound. Also, please explain the policies regarding female Americans, all of which are disrespectful.
You brought it up? Can’t defend your comments huh? Raging snowflake exposed.
For people who don't care, y'all sure do talk about them a lot. Hmmm ...

Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't
Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't
Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't

It gets frustrating after a while.

You cannot deny the policies your beloved party espouses. They are there for all to see and there has been absolutely NO credible explanation forthcoming. Just taking the treatment of women into account, you people have been incredibly disrespectful. Duly noted.
Those policies are sound and not racist. Give examples of this racist political program of Republicans?
Give us one idea that these policies are sound. Also, please explain the policies regarding female Americans, all of which are disrespectful.
You brought it up? Can’t defend your comments huh? Raging snowflake exposed.
You never defended anything. Where is your defense of the the republicans treatment of women, people of color, LGBTs, Muslims, and more against other people. You may punch your fist, but you have put forth absolutely nothing.
Well...black liberals are showing their true colors agains. Drunken television peter puffer calls white men terrorists. Gets by with it because white Americans are pussified.
CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'
It is a fact - the majority of terrorist attack inside of USA are white men - There is nothing wrong with pointing that out
The majority of members if ISIS are Muslim - There is nothing wrong with pointing that out, but there is something wrong with pointing out the majority of domestic terrorists are white male US citizens?
You are a fricking hypocrite.
Well...black liberals are showing their true colors agains. Drunken television peter puffer calls white men terrorists. Gets by with it because white Americans are pussified.
CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'
It is a fact - the majority of terrorist attack inside of USA are white men - There is nothing wrong with pointing that out
The majority of members if ISIS are Muslim - There is nothing wrong with pointing that out, but there is something wrong with pointing out the majority of domestic terrorists are white male US citizens?
You are a fricking hypocrite.

That is bs, and you guys are slanting things again. Don Lemon qualified it with 'domestic' terrorism, not terrorism in general. Given that a majority of the population is white, is it really shocking that domestic terrorists are white. Also, for all the people saying the Scalise shooting was an outlier, don't forget about the idiot that gunned down country music fans in Vegas. It is really sad that CNN is pushing that Americans are more dangerous than the Taliban. That is some messed up stuff right there.
Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't
Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't
Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't

It gets frustrating after a while.

You cannot deny the policies your beloved party espouses. They are there for all to see and there has been absolutely NO credible explanation forthcoming. Just taking the treatment of women into account, you people have been incredibly disrespectful. Duly noted.
Those policies are sound and not racist. Give examples of this racist political program of Republicans?
Give us one idea that these policies are sound. Also, please explain the policies regarding female Americans, all of which are disrespectful.
You brought it up? Can’t defend your comments huh? Raging snowflake exposed.
You never defended anything. Where is your defense of the the republicans treatment of women, people of color, LGBTs, Muslims, and more against other people. You may punch your fist, but you have put forth absolutely nothing.

WTF? You have a problem with Republicans and every single minority group. How is that even possible. I've already brought up abortion, and gay marriage. What policies exactly are fueling your rage? I'm dead serious when I say the Republican party encompasses everyone. You never responded to why Democrats divide voters up into groups. What exactly are your policy issues with the GOP?
Well...black liberals are showing their true colors agains. Drunken television peter puffer calls white men terrorists. Gets by with it because white Americans are pussified.
CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'
It is a fact - the majority of terrorist attack inside of USA are white men - There is nothing wrong with pointing that out
The majority of members if ISIS are Muslim - There is nothing wrong with pointing that out, but there is something wrong with pointing out the majority of domestic terrorists are white male US citizens?
You are a fricking hypocrite.

That is bs, and you guys are slanting things again. Don Lemon qualified it with 'domestic' terrorism, not terrorism in general. Given that a majority of the population is white, is it really shocking that domestic terrorists are white. Also, for all the people saying the Scalise shooting was an outlier, don't forget about the idiot that gunned down country music fans in Vegas. It is really sad that CNN is pushing that Americans are more dangerous than the Taliban. That is some messed up stuff right there.
The majority of people from, Afghanistan, Iraq etc., where ISIS originated are Muslim. The vast majority of Muslims are not terrorists.
The majority of US citizens are white but a disproportionate amount of terror attacks in the USA were by white men.
A larger % of white citizens have committed domestic terror than the % minority citizens who have committed domestic terror.

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