Why are There White Democrats Part II

You cannot deny the policies your beloved party espouses. They are there for all to see and there has been absolutely NO credible explanation forthcoming. Just taking the treatment of women into account, you people have been incredibly disrespectful. Duly noted.
Those policies are sound and not racist. Give examples of this racist political program of Republicans?
Give us one idea that these policies are sound. Also, please explain the policies regarding female Americans, all of which are disrespectful.
You brought it up? Can’t defend your comments huh? Raging snowflake exposed.
You never defended anything. Where is your defense of the the republicans treatment of women, people of color, LGBTs, Muslims, and more against other people. You may punch your fist, but you have put forth absolutely nothing.

WTF? You have a problem with Republicans and every single minority group. How is that even possible. I've already brought up abortion, and gay marriage. What policies exactly are fueling your rage? I'm dead serious when I say the Republican party encompasses everyone. You never responded to why Democrats divide voters up into groups. What exactly are your policy issues with the GOP?

How can you say that the GOP "encompasses everyone"? For women: abortion and birth control, and this drive by the GOP to impose an ideology on these things by Big Government instead of letting normal citizens make their individual choices about these intimate issues. Where is the support for the pro birth control and pro-choice positions within the GOP. How about the GOP drive to marginalize LGBT people in society. The GOP led assaults on people who practice the Muslim faith. The GOP assaults on people of color and people whose ethnicity is not European. This kind of thing has not come from Democrats; it comes directly from the GOP.

GOP policies are a deliberate attempt to divide the nation.

Just for a beginning and because it's easy among the politicians and the issues: please direct me to a pro-choice GOP politician.

BTW: was it in North Dakota or South Dakota that the state legislature voted to force medical practitioners to say some false things to female patients seeking abortions, and when they did so to comply with the law, but told patients that this law was brought about by politicians at the state house, these same politicians started passing yet another law that they cannot be referred to as politicians? This is what members of a state legislature are.
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Why are there White Democrats?

1. Wiggers
2. Liberal university -brainwashed children in adult clothing
3. Aging Hippies
4. Food stamp addicts
5. Power-hungry Elitists and other Vote Whores
6. Bleeding Hearts and other strange invertebrates
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White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.
Nobody cares about the mentally retarded Democrats.

For people who don't care, y'all sure do talk about them a lot. Hmmm ...

Don't we have a right to oppose people who want to ruin our communities and try to control the people of the United States?


I oppose scum trying to ruin our nation. What are you? A jeffress? Follower if piggypence? Do you believe sandra huckawhore?

What are you talking about?

Why do you have that name? Holy ...
I'm a white male DEMOCRAT...and proud of it.

I am a Dem because I value healthcare, Social Security.Medicare,Medicaid, fiscal responsibility, infrastructure, reasonable gun control,education, infrastructure and much much more.
I'm a white male DEMOCRAT...and proud of it.

I am a Dem because I value healthcare, Social Security.Medicare,Medicaid, fiscal responsibility, infrastructure, reasonable gun control,education, infrastructure and much much more.

Too bad your party hates you.
Why are there White Democrats?

1. Wiggers

2. Liberal university -brainwashed children in adult clothing
3. Aging Hippies
4. Food stamp addicts
5. Power-hungry Elitists and other Vote Whores
6. Bleeding Hearts and other strange invertebrates

Tell me again that Republicans aren't racist
My Party hates me?

What makes you make that stupid claim?
My Party hates me?

What makes you make that stupid claim?

Why do you think, you fucking moron? Their rhetoric, maybe? In your case, maybe you deserve to be hated; I can't abide sub 70 IQ troglodytes either.
Kanye decided to step out of politics. Did you interpret that as him thinking he was used? lol

I interpret him saying that he has been used...as him feeling like he has been used
My Party hates me?

What makes you make that stupid claim?

Why do you think, you fucking moron? Their rhetoric, maybe? In your case, maybe you deserve to be hated; I can't abide sub 70 IQ troglodytes either.
Hey fuckface...I have more to fear from people like you than anyone.

White Right wing loudmouths are the danger in this country. The shoot up churches. The send bombs. They shoot up synagogues, they shoot up schools, they shoot up malls, they shoot up movie theaters...
Well...black liberals are showing their true colors agains. Drunken television peter puffer calls white men terrorists. Gets by with it because white Americans are pussified.
CNN host: 'The biggest terror threat in this country is white men'
Look at the top ten on the GOP hate list:

1. Gays
2. Muslims
3. Blacks
4. Hispanics
5. Liberals
6. Jews
7. Women's rights
8. Sick and disabled
9. College professors
10. Scientists

Many gays, Muslims, Hispanics, liberals, Jews, women, sick and disabled, college professors and scientists are white.

Why would they want to belong to a party that hates them?

Or in the case of gays, belong to a party that wants to kill them?
My Party hates me?

What makes you make that stupid claim?

Why do you think, you fucking moron? Their rhetoric, maybe? In your case, maybe you deserve to be hated; I can't abide sub 70 IQ troglodytes either.
Hey fuckface...I have more to fear from people like you than anyone.

White Right wing loudmouths are the danger in this country. The shoot up churches. The send bombs. They shoot up synagogues, they shoot up schools, they shoot up malls, they shoot up movie theaters...

You are one dumb motherfucker, that's for sure. I'm an independent, AKA a "liberal" in these parts. Get your fucking facts straight before you talk. Maybe that's too difficult for a democrat to figure out, especially a white male democrat; that's just taking idiocy and self-hatred to the next level.
You are one dumb motherfucker, that's for sure. I'm an independent, AKA a "liberal" in these parts. Get your fucking facts straight before you talk. Maybe that's too difficult for a democrat to figure out, especially a white male democrat; that's just taking idiocy and self-hatred to the next level.

It's the internet...you can claim to be anything you want but judging by your posts...you are a loudmouth white racist asshole

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