Why are There White Democrats Part II

White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.
So you have a government job and belong to the Unitarian Church. Do you have lots of Jewish Nazis in Virginia too? Makes as much sense.

No. And no, although one of my friends has been saying that she made the switch from RC to the Unitarian Church and is delighted. Since when is there something wrong with being a Unitarian, anyway? You are the one raising your fist in the air. What is that about? Me thinks that you are in the Southern Baptist cult. Do you suck up to a graham or a jeffress or a hagee or a perkins?

There are no "Jewish Nazis" in Virginia. Unfortunately, we do have that POS Richard Spencer in the neighborhood, some KKKer's leaving shit-mail in people's mailboxes in the middle of the night, and some gutless wonders who have been vandalizing a Lutheran Church and a Jewish synagogue in the last few months, all in the middle of the night and the perps not showing their faces for CCTV.

I got a text message the other day begging for money for corey stewart, a right-wing phony Christian asshole, trying to beat Tim Kaine. I like Kaine, and stewart is a real asshole.

BTW: aside from treaties, foreign policy, separating parents from children, trying to allow as much pollution of our nation's environment as possible, not to mention the republicans ongoing refusal to tackle the problems with our crumbling infrastructure and our deteriorating healthcare system (which republicans have had DECADES to work on), do you think that I would tolerate for one second the attacks on women that the republicans have spearheaded in the last few decades, when I am, myself a woman? Are you nuts?

Seriously, take a moment to review the right-wing policies that the whore in the Oval Office and his sex-honey the VP have sought to put into place. Then THINK.
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Radical RW terrorists are a bigger threat than Muslims
White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.
So you have a government job and belong to the Unitarian Church. Do you have lots of Jewish Nazis in Virginia too? Makes as much sense.

No. And no, although one of my friends has been saying that she made the switch from RC to the Unitarian Church and is delighted. Since when is there something wrong with being a Unitarian, anyway? You are the one raising your fist in the air. What is that about? Me thinks that you are in the Southern Baptist cult. Do you suck up to a graham or a jeffress or a hagee or a perkins?

There are no "Jewish Nazis" in Virginia. Unfortunately, we do have that POS Richard Spencer in the neighborhood, some KKKer's leaving shit-mail in people's mailboxes in the middle of the night, and some gutless wonders who have been vandalizing a Lutheran Church and a Jewish synagogue in the last few months, all in the middle of the night and the perps not showing their faces for CCTV.

There are inbred people, though. :rolleyes:
The only reason there are ANY democrooks, is because we have effectively reversed Darwin's Theory.

Humanity is no longer dominated by Alpha Males that breed more because they achieve more. The smarter, stronger and morally superior are far outnumbered by people who would not exist at all if we never developed child resistant lids for chemicals, GFI receptacles that allow idiots to keep doing stupid shit around water, safety barriers that keep stupid people from trying to beat trains, and warning labels on fish bait so that retards don't die after eating "really cheap caviar".

The movie "Idiocracy" was pretty prophetic, when we elected a meat puppet faggot that was thrust upon us like a cult of personality by the leftist media as if he was some rock star genius who was going to fix the world I knew it was over.

Trump is also a cult of personality, plenty of people believe he is just as infallible as the bed wetters still believe their moonbat messiah was, except that Trump is actually accomplishing things, he is actually undoing a lot of the damage regressive democrook pieces of shit have done. So I hope more sheep continue to support him and avoid voting democrook. If the trendy nature of being queer continues most of the Beta Male genetic garbage will end up swallowed or in some other oxygen thief's ass and this may actually help mankind recover. We can at least keep communism suppressed better as the rest of the world declines trying to create a global utopia that can't possibly exist.

White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.

Fuck off, you lying piece of shit, k?

You claim to be Christian?

What does John 3:16 say?

Bitch you're a shillian sock, STFU.

I don't have to be a member of your phony sham cult to be a Christian. And NO, I'm not going to STFU in the midst of your phony nonsense. Your dirty mouth shows that you departed the teachings of Jesus a long time ago. Bet you are one of those followers of cult leaders who run around saying that Islam is not a religion and/or that LGBTs should be shunned or killed. I bet that you are a member of the graham/jeffress/hagee cult.
White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.

Lysistrstrata, why do you think Republicans hate you? Let me put it this way, if you told your friends you were going to vote Republican, you would be ridiculed and persecuted. Republicans on the other hand would say welcome. They would not care what your color was, or if you were gay. Only Democrats care about that stuff. While Christianity doesn't normalize homosexuality, it certainly doesn't promote hatred towards homosexuals. Christians are about the most easy going bunch you are going to find. Not sure why people hate and fear them. This isn't medievil times. I'm not saying they are without fault, but in general, they are very good neighbors. Who exactly has told you over and over that Republicans hate everybody? I think Republicans would treat you much better than your 'Friends.'
Then why don't you live it then? First, the people who proclaim themselves as "Christians" are false and fail to identify their denominations/sects within the world Christian community. These false "Christians" DO promote hatred toward gays, deny it or not., Their approach toward female human beings is awful and puts forward the idea that female human beings are lower animals to be fucked and welp. Republicans DO hate everybody who is not like them. Please do not refer to "Christians" without identifying WHICH people calling themselves Christians that you are talking about.

Women, LGBTs, Muslims, Jews, have seen the worst things that this sickening blend of republicans and phony "Christians" do . I WOULD NOT want to have these morons as my neighbors as we have been treated to their sickening treatment of others.
Then why don't you live it then? First, the people who proclaim themselves as "Christians" are false and fail to identify their denominations/sects within the world Christian community. These false "Christians" DO promote hatred toward gays, deny it or not., Their approach toward female human beings is awful and puts forward the idea that female human beings are lower animals to be fucked and welp. Republicans DO hate everybody who is not like them. Please do not refer to "Christians" without identifying WHICH people calling themselves Christians that you are talking about.

Women, LGBTs, Muslims, Jews, have seen the worst things that this sickening blend of republicans and phony "Christians" do . I WOULD NOT want to have these morons as my neighbors as we have been treated to their sickening treatment of others.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I was raised with the church Disciples of Christ, though I am not currently a church goer. I never saw any hatred of women or gays. I've know many fine Methodists too. I'll be honest, the child abuse in churches creeps me out, and there are wacky people who won' t let their kids read Harry Potter and they believe God tells them when to take out the trash. This is our unfortunate few and does not represent the vast amount of Christians. As a Republican, I'm not sure why you feel I have to hate people. If you came to have dinner with my family, you would not have any problems. I'm sorry you feel everybody is full of hate. I must point out again that Republicans don't divide people into groups. All races and genders are simply Republicans. Why do you think the Democrats divide everyone up? Do you think this is helpful?
White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.

Lysistrstrata, why do you think Republicans hate you? Let me put it this way, if you told your friends you were going to vote Republican, you would be ridiculed and persecuted. Republicans on the other hand would say welcome. They would not care what your color was, or if you were gay. Only Democrats care about that stuff. While Christianity doesn't normalize homosexuality, it certainly doesn't promote hatred towards homosexuals. Christians are about the most easy going bunch you are going to find. Not sure why people hate and fear them. This isn't medievil times. I'm not saying they are without fault, but in general, they are very good neighbors. Who exactly has told you over and over that Republicans hate everybody? I think Republicans would treat you much better than your 'Friends.'

Are you blind? No one has told me that republicans hate everybody. I have seen it myself. I have seen the behavior of the phony "Christian" cults in the U.S. The republicans' treatment of women, people of color, LGBTs, Muslims, Jews has been out in public for all to see. While they may live among us, they may not impose themselves on the rest of American society.

Don't say "Christian" without naming a denomination. The name of "Christian," pertaining to a world-wide religion, cannot be usurped to apply only to one particular cult.

There was a beautiful service at the National Cathedral the other day before the internment of Matthew Shepard's ashes. Years ago, I had the pleasure of being in a receiving line and shaking the hand of a well-known Christian theologian, and told him that the books he had written had saved Christianity for me, but that I thought that so much of what was being marketed as Christianity was B.S. He told me (to paraphrase) that so much of it was, but that there was truth there, and it was our journey to set out and find it. That there was a kernel of truth that we could all take home.

There was a beautiful service at the National Cathedral the other day before the internment of Matthew Shepard's ashes. It was a service of Christian burial, presided over by Christians. I am sorry that my circumstances did not allow me to be there. The homily delivered by retire Bishop V. Gene Robinson had me in tears, and he was crying, too.

Now explain to me the policies of the republicans and their phony "Christian" friends, who won't bake cakes or issue marriage licenses and we are all supposed to be upset about what happens to them. These phony "Christians" seem to be aligned with the republican party to the point where no one knows where the dividing line is.
White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.
Nobody cares about the mentally retarded Democrats.

For people who don't care, y'all sure do talk about them a lot. Hmmm ...
White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.
Nobody cares about the mentally retarded Democrats.

For people who don't care, y'all sure do talk about them a lot. Hmmm ...

Don't we have a right to oppose people who want to ruin our communities and try to control the people of the United States?
White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.
Nobody cares about the mentally retarded Democrats.

For people who don't care, y'all sure do talk about them a lot. Hmmm ...

Don't we have a right to oppose people who want to ruin our communities and try to control the people of the United States?

White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.
Nobody cares about the mentally retarded Democrats.

For people who don't care, y'all sure do talk about them a lot. Hmmm ...

Don't we have a right to oppose people who want to ruin our communities and try to control the people of the United States?


I oppose scum trying to ruin our nation. What are you? A jeffress? Follower if piggypence? Do you believe sandra huckawhore?
Why aren't there black republicans?
Because blacks are biggest racist in America.
Fascinating.......I'm sure that's gonna attract black Republicans.
Hmmm...so Don Lemon and Black Lives Matter attract white Democrats? Black Republicans know the truth, and they refuse to buy into the Democrats racist rhetoric.
but blacks are so racist -- how can you trust em??

They may fake like they are black republicans until they get in power and make republicans racist against whites!! then blacks will have total racial domination over the system of government!!

Don't trust em!!!!
White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.
Nobody cares about the mentally retarded Democrats.

For people who don't care, y'all sure do talk about them a lot. Hmmm ...

Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't
Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't
Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't

It gets frustrating after a while.
White straight female Christian here. Just what is this pile of bullshit? Try explaining the policies of the current republican party to the rest of us. Me? Straight Dem down the line in Virginia, courtesy of today's republican party. You republicans hate me and every American who is not a white, straight, male from this phony brand of "Christianity" that you all are trying to sell. Your kind removed the republican party from the mainstream and you have only yourselves to blame.
Nobody cares about the mentally retarded Democrats.

For people who don't care, y'all sure do talk about them a lot. Hmmm ...

Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't
Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't
Poster - Republicans hate everybody
Me - No we don't

It gets frustrating after a while.

You cannot deny the policies your beloved party espouses. They are there for all to see and there has been absolutely NO credible explanation forthcoming. Just taking the treatment of women into account, you people have been incredibly disrespectful. Duly noted.

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