Why are things the way they are?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Kinda free thinking here this am inspired by a game of Tetris where presumedly using my analytic hemisphere freed up my emotional hemisphere to 'doodle.' :)

Why is the world the way it is? Governments, economies, wars, etc.? Why is sex demonized instead of celebrated and encouraged? Surely because of how fun sex is you'd think we'd all be having lots of sex instead of suppressing that desire. But wait, if everybody was free to have sex with everyone else, might be cool at first, but considering how overpopulated the world is with sex villified, if it weren't it'd be even more overpopulated right? So with that in mind, isn't any attempt to increase sex, pleasure, and friendliness ultimately self-destructive? Shouldn't we instead encourage annimosity, competition, and strife? ...Just like we seem to be doing already.

Why's communism bad? Everyone working together for mutual benefit without the huge disparity in income or where individuals act as individuals instead of working together for mutual benefit. In the Navy I was told to not be an individual, and to act as a teammate. Seemed a good idea then. Still does. But then why is our economy and culture hyperindividualized where everyone's encouraged to succeed and prosper at the expense of everyone else? If teamwork is good and encouraged in some arenas (military, sports, business, etc.) why isn't it encouraged in every arena and facet of our country?

Communism's bad because the world is run via a capitalist model. Any country that goes communist then represents the loss of millions of potential customers. Communism is in fact the direct opposite of capitalism. So the war in Vietnam, and US-backed insurgencies in Central America opposing communism was as much about finance as it was competition with the Soviets.

Despite some alternatives being much more pleasant, I think the world is the way it is because people way back agreed that while a world of free love hippies would be more pleasant for a while, the problems associated with it like overpopulation would erase any benefits quicker than a world where sex is discouraged. Capitalism is an offshoot of this thinking then. Capitalism encourages individuality, competition, and annimosity. Communism and working together is the hippy free love side of the spectrum and can't work longterm as both seen by the collapse of the USSR, and hippy communes of the 60s. Works great for a little while, but as it goes on, I think our animal natures get the better of us and we start to want 'our stuff' for 'our hard work' and not constantly compare our efforts against the others' if we feel we're working harder and deserve more. That's when we quit being communists and start being capitalists.

If we really wanted things to be different, they'd be different. Things are the way they are because it's how we want them. We're all quite liberal and hippyish when we're younger, but over time we shift to a more conservative and capitalist way of thinking. And it requires supreme effort to overcome our human natures and be otherwise.

Given the alternatives, the world has to be this way. Anything else will fail and hasten our demise.

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