Why are women prettier than men

Although this does not apply to all women, in general women are perceived as more beautiful than men, men have coarser facial features, and so on.

But in fact, it cannot be said that this is a property of women. Beautiful men like women, and this is the main quality that women appreciate in men. This is proved by the fact that mass female hysteria was in the 80s for handsome men, for Thomas Anders and Yuri Shatunov, and in the USA they loved Kurt Cobain. In India, they loved Mithun Chakraborty and so on

And in my experience, women don't really like beards and even stubble. These are false stereotypes. They prefer young faces or well-shaven faces.

This suggests that beauty does not depend on gender, it’s just that there is less blood of aristocrats left in male genetics. Probably Aryan blood.
That’s a bunch of gibberish.

Women are better looking than men. To me at least.
I am first attracted to a woman's eyes...

That's my story and I am sticking to it...

View attachment 668257
In these eyes, in addition to darkening, there are 4 more attractive properties: oriental slanting, corners lowered inward, greenish iris and black edge around the iris. All this beautifies the eyes. In addition, they are large in size, but the size does not always make the eyes beautiful.

Why are women prettier than men​

Who says they are?

Ever hear of "to each his own?"
Yes, but firstly, this is often cunning, since there are certain standards in makeup that are always adhered to, and secondly, men can marry for profit or simply because no one wants them except ugly woman, but everyone will say that they like their wives. There are some limits to which attractiveness lies, and there are people who are attractive to the vast majority.
We all - men and women - instinctively seek to make babies with people who are physically perfect. Both beauty and handsome-ness are functions of symmetry. Without being able to measure it (as individuals), we all know the perfect proportions of a face...the positioning of the features with respect to the chin and the top of the head, the positioning of eyes, nose, and mouth. We are attracted to people whose faces are perfectly proportioned.

Women are pointedly not terribly attracted to body builders or men with massive muscles, but they are attracted to men with a subtle "V" shape - broad shoulders, narrow waist, regardless of muscularity.

Women's hairstyles are largely intended to frame the face and at times, to affect the visual impact of a disproportionate face. Coloring is intended to send a message of good health, lipstick makes the lips resemble those other lips, when stimulated.

Men are stimulated by the sight of well-proportioned breasts and buttocks, and BOYS are turned on by the appearance of same in their girl-peers, because it signals the onset of fecundity. Unfortunately, our culture does not permit frequent, random copulation when nature demands it, at least in boys.

Because men are more stimulated by visual stimuli than women, women's attractiveness is more pronounced.

This is all embedded in our consciousness and not voluntary.
Women are pointedly not terribly attracted to body builders or men with massive muscles, but they are attracted to men with a subtle "V" shape - broad shoulders, narrow waist, regardless of muscularity.
That's a moot point. In my experience, women are attracted to moderately muscular men, but overly broad shoulders are also off-putting. And they like round butts and powerful legs.
In general, of course, the proportions of the shoulders and pelvis in men are different, but there is no need to go too far.
If a man is broad-shouldered, but too skinny or fat, he is not attractive to women. And this in itself shows weakness, because too narrow hips indicate weakness in the waist region, and this is the most important рart of body, without it a man will not be able to lift weights or hit an opponent hard
Women's hairstyles are largely intended to frame the face and at times, to affect the visual impact of a disproportionate face. Coloring is intended to send a message of good health, lipstick makes the lips resemble those other lips, when stimulated.
I think women also like long haired guys more, it's more romantic.
By the way, in birds, males look brighter than females, although it is not known if there is a connection with beauty.
Although this does not apply to all women, in general women are perceived as more beautiful than men, men have coarser facial features, and so on.

But in fact, it cannot be said that this is a property of women. Beautiful men like women, and this is the main quality that women appreciate in men. This is proved by the fact that mass female hysteria was in the 80s for handsome men, for Thomas Anders and Yuri Shatunov, and in the USA they loved Kurt Cobain. In India, they loved Mithun Chakraborty and so on

And in my experience, women don't really like beards and even stubble. These are false stereotypes. They prefer young faces or well-shaven faces.

This suggests that beauty does not depend on gender, it’s just that there is less blood of aristocrats left in male genetics. Probably Aryan blood.

Ask a straight woman or a gay man if women are prettier than men.
By the way, in birds, males look brighter than females, although it is not known if there is a connection with beauty.

There is a biological reason for male birds to be the colorful ones. That is because the females select the mate, and the males want to stand out.

Also, the females sit on the nest. For them to do that and live they have to be less colorful and be able to blend in.
I think women also like long haired guys more, it's more romantic.

Some do and some don't.

I have had long hair and I have had shorter hair. But I never had so much attention from women, or been pursued, like I was when I shaved my head in 2001.
Some do and some don't.

I have had long hair and I have had shorter hair. But I never had so much attention from women, or been pursued, like I was when I shaved my head in 2001.
If your head is the right shape it looks like a butt cheek.

Some do and some don't.

I have had long hair and I have had shorter hair. But I never had so much attention from women, or been pursued, like I was when I shaved my head in 2001.
I wore long hair in my youth. There was no way out from women, but often I had to break the faces of men who told me that I was a faggot. I fought a few times because of this.
Mainly the insecure men, like you, who want a woman that will not stray because other men don't want her.
I have never fucked ugly women. I am sensitive to women, I have never even fucked natural blondes because I don't like them.
That's a moot point. In my experience, women are attracted to moderately muscular men, but overly broad shoulders are also off-putting. And they like round butts and powerful legs.
In general, of course, the proportions of the shoulders and pelvis in men are different, but there is no need to go too far.
If a man is broad-shouldered, but too skinny or fat, he is not attractive to women. And this in itself shows weakness, because too narrow hips indicate weakness in the waist region, and this is the most important рart of body, without it a man will not be able to lift weights or hit an opponent hard

It’s the voice, dear.

All that rutting for nothing. :rolleyes:

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