'Why Are You Allowing This to Happen?', asks Trump Supporters At Capitol - We will Never Get A Good Answer


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

WATCH: “Why Are You Allowing This To Happen,” Trump Supporter Yells At Capitol Police for Standing Around While Protestors Are Storming Capitol

"After you watch this video I want you to ask yourself, why hasn’t this been played on every major news network in the country?

The reason is that this video completely destroys the narrative that all Trump Supporters who went to Washington D.C. on January 6th are violent domestic terrorists.

This unidentified man in a MAGA hat approaches Capitol Police, who are seemingly calm standing off to the side of the Capitol, while it is being stormed and asks “why are you allowing this to happen?”

The Capitol Police give the man no response and continue to stand there and do nothing."

If a 'Purge' is needed, it is a 'Purge' of every Capitol Policeman on duty on 6 January.

Videos showing them moving barricades to allow violent rioters access into the Capitol

Videos showing them leading rioters / criminal through the Capitol to Politicians offices and chambers

Videos showing them standing around while it happens

Videos showing them standing there while violent rioters break windows and exit the Capitol.

The head of the Capitol Police already resigned - he should have been brought up on charges of facilitation of the violence, criminal negligence, criminal failure to execute his duty....

Every Capitol Policeman on duty should be fired.


WATCH: “Why Are You Allowing This To Happen,” Trump Supporter Yells At Capitol Police for Standing Around While Protestors Are Storming Capitol

"After you watch this video I want you to ask yourself, why hasn’t this been played on every major news network in the country?

The reason is that this video completely destroys the narrative that all Trump Supporters who went to Washington D.C. on January 6th are violent domestic terrorists.

This unidentified man in a MAGA hat approaches Capitol Police, who are seemingly calm standing off to the side of the Capitol, while it is being stormed and asks “why are you allowing this to happen?”

The Capitol Police give the man no response and continue to stand there and do nothing."

If a 'Purge' is needed, it is a 'Purge' of every Capitol Policeman on duty on 6 January.

Videos showing them moving barricades to allow violent rioters access into the Capitol

Videos showing them leading rioters / criminal through the Capitol to Politicians offices and chambers

Videos showing them standing around while it happens

Videos showing them standing there while violent rioters break windows and exit the Capitol.

The head of the Capitol Police already resigned - he should have been brought up on charges of facilitation of the violence, criminal negligence, criminal failure to execute his duty....

Every Capitol Policeman on duty should be fired.

Oh look, how cute. You've found ANOTHER one off. You're so good at that. Too bad 99.9% of the insurrectionists there didn't care about what happened to the Capitol. Would you have preferred that they start using automatic weapons with live ammo? You wanted a hopelessly outnumbered force to run into a rowdy crowd of thousands? LOL.
The Capital Event was a False Flag.

It's purpose was to create a reason to use the Military to shut down the Capital for the Biden Inauguration.
They KNEW DAMN WELL no one would attend. The votes for Biden were false.
It is illogical that Biden could have received more votes than Obama.....but drew ZERO crown to his Inauguration.

So this event was created to fool Lemming democrats into believing that there was no crowd because of legitimate reasons.

As always with the Left and the establishment, they use trickery and deceit all the way.
In similar fashion, the Democrats will also rip Democrat Lemmings a new one, now that they have the power grab they always wanted.

Democrats who supported Biden/harris and thought they were now "safe" are in for a horribly rude awakening.
Good times ahead as they come to realize they've been used supremely.
Fired for doing their job of protecting our elected officials? Hard pass on that one.

Good luck getting that nonsense to happen.

WATCH: “Why Are You Allowing This To Happen,” Trump Supporter Yells At Capitol Police for Standing Around While Protestors Are Storming Capitol

"After you watch this video I want you to ask yourself, why hasn’t this been played on every major news network in the country?

The reason is that this video completely destroys the narrative that all Trump Supporters who went to Washington D.C. on January 6th are violent domestic terrorists.

This unidentified man in a MAGA hat approaches Capitol Police, who are seemingly calm standing off to the side of the Capitol, while it is being stormed and asks “why are you allowing this to happen?”

The Capitol Police give the man no response and continue to stand there and do nothing."

If a 'Purge' is needed, it is a 'Purge' of every Capitol Policeman on duty on 6 January.

Videos showing them moving barricades to allow violent rioters access into the Capitol

Videos showing them leading rioters / criminal through the Capitol to Politicians offices and chambers

Videos showing them standing around while it happens

Videos showing them standing there while violent rioters break windows and exit the Capitol.

The head of the Capitol Police already resigned - he should have been brought up on charges of facilitation of the violence, criminal negligence, criminal failure to execute his duty....

Every Capitol Policeman on duty should be fired.

Oh look, how cute. You've found ANOTHER one off. You're so good at that. Too bad 99.9% of the insurrectionists there didn't care about what happened to the Capitol. Would you have preferred that they start using automatic weapons with live ammo? You wanted a hopelessly outnumbered force to run into a rowdy crowd of thousands? LOL.
Millions of guns n the US....yet....no one showed up with a gun (or used it). Millions of knives in the US....yet no one showed up with a knife (or used it).

So...according to the media and the left...Trump used "code" to incite a taking over of the government....code? Who would know the code? How would they know it? And if they did, why did they show up with nothing and actually had to climb walls with their bare hands (no ropes), used dropped police shields and broken sticks to break windows.....and the only weapons they had were their hands against a force of armed officers.

Heck, the Boston Tea Party was more armed.

But Trump used code to incite a takeover of the US Government.

Totally fucking stupid.

WATCH: “Why Are You Allowing This To Happen,” Trump Supporter Yells At Capitol Police for Standing Around While Protestors Are Storming Capitol

"After you watch this video I want you to ask yourself, why hasn’t this been played on every major news network in the country?

The reason is that this video completely destroys the narrative that all Trump Supporters who went to Washington D.C. on January 6th are violent domestic terrorists.

This unidentified man in a MAGA hat approaches Capitol Police, who are seemingly calm standing off to the side of the Capitol, while it is being stormed and asks “why are you allowing this to happen?”

The Capitol Police give the man no response and continue to stand there and do nothing."

If a 'Purge' is needed, it is a 'Purge' of every Capitol Policeman on duty on 6 January.

Videos showing them moving barricades to allow violent rioters access into the Capitol

Videos showing them leading rioters / criminal through the Capitol to Politicians offices and chambers

Videos showing them standing around while it happens

Videos showing them standing there while violent rioters break windows and exit the Capitol.

The head of the Capitol Police already resigned - he should have been brought up on charges of facilitation of the violence, criminal negligence, criminal failure to execute his duty....

Every Capitol Policeman on duty should be fired.

The only code people may need in the future if this keeps happening is for survival communications.
Oh look, how cute. You've found ANOTHER one off. You're so good at that. Too bad 99.9% of the insurrectionists there didn't care about what happened to the Capitol. Would you have preferred that they start using automatic weapons with live ammo? You wanted a hopelessly outnumbered force to run into a rowdy crowd of thousands? LOL.
Millions of guns n the US....yet....no one showed up with a gun (or used it). Millions of knives in the US....yet no one showed up with a knife (or used it).

So...according to the media and the left...Trump used "code" to incite a taking over of the government....code? Who would know the code? How would they know it? And if they did, why did they show up with nothing and actually had to climb walls with their bare hands (no ropes), used dropped police shields and broken sticks to break windows.....and the only weapons they had were their hands against a force of armed officers.

Heck, the Boston Tea Party was more armed.

But Trump used code to incite a takeover of the US Government.

Totally fucking stupid.
Fired for doing their job of protecting our elected officials? Hard pass on that one.

Good luck getting that nonsense to happen.
Actually....."fired for protecting American Citizens" is the proper way to say it.

Their lives are no more worthy of protection than the lives of my family and friends.

Perhaps you should reconsider how you think.
Exposed! 31 times media justified rioting and looting

According to Democrat, fake news media, and snowflake standards, the Capitol event barely qualifies as a 'Protest' let alone a 'peaceful protest'.
Fired for doing their job of protecting our elected officials? Hard pass on that one.

Good luck getting that nonsense to happen.
Actually....."fired for protecting American Citizens" is the proper way to say it.

Their lives are no more worthy of protection than the lives of my family and friends.

Perhaps you should reconsider how you think.

Never will.

These Leftist Lemmings will stop at nothing to protect and preserve their Elitist Masters

The definition of "Useful Idiots"
Fired for doing their job of protecting our elected officials? Hard pass on that one.

Good luck getting that nonsense to happen.

WHAT elected officials ??

Biden Harris were NOT ELECTED.

You fail the first test of intelligence

Yes they were.

But I meant every other member of the House and Senate. You know, the people that the Capitol police were protecting.

WATCH: “Why Are You Allowing This To Happen,” Trump Supporter Yells At Capitol Police for Standing Around While Protestors Are Storming Capitol

"After you watch this video I want you to ask yourself, why hasn’t this been played on every major news network in the country?

The reason is that this video completely destroys the narrative that all Trump Supporters who went to Washington D.C. on January 6th are violent domestic terrorists.

This unidentified man in a MAGA hat approaches Capitol Police, who are seemingly calm standing off to the side of the Capitol, while it is being stormed and asks “why are you allowing this to happen?”

The Capitol Police give the man no response and continue to stand there and do nothing."

If a 'Purge' is needed, it is a 'Purge' of every Capitol Policeman on duty on 6 January.

Videos showing them moving barricades to allow violent rioters access into the Capitol

Videos showing them leading rioters / criminal through the Capitol to Politicians offices and chambers

Videos showing them standing around while it happens

Videos showing them standing there while violent rioters break windows and exit the Capitol.

The head of the Capitol Police already resigned - he should have been brought up on charges of facilitation of the violence, criminal negligence, criminal failure to execute his duty....

Every Capitol Policeman on duty should be fired.

Oh look, how cute. You've found ANOTHER one off. You're so good at that. Too bad 99.9% of the insurrectionists there didn't care about what happened to the Capitol. Would you have preferred that they start using automatic weapons with live ammo? You wanted a hopelessly outnumbered force to run into a rowdy crowd of thousands? LOL.
Millions of guns n the US....yet....no one showed up with a gun (or used it). Millions of knives in the US....yet no one showed up with a knife (or used it).

So...according to the media and the left...Trump used "code" to incite a taking over of the government....code? Who would know the code? How would they know it? And if they did, why did they show up with nothing and actually had to climb walls with their bare hands (no ropes), used dropped police shields and broken sticks to break windows.....and the only weapons they had were their hands against a force of armed officers.

Heck, the Boston Tea Party was more armed.

But Trump used code to incite a takeover of the US Government.

Totally fucking stupid.

You make whatever justification helps you sleep at night or satisfies the narrative you would like to script. Who needs guns or knives when you've got the sheer numbers...thousands of angry sheep beating down the doors of the Capitol on a day when a simple Constitutional procedure was interrupted for the purpose of trying to overturn a free and fair election. Egged on by the guy who lost...and yes..he did just that.

"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."

WATCH: “Why Are You Allowing This To Happen,” Trump Supporter Yells At Capitol Police for Standing Around While Protestors Are Storming Capitol

"After you watch this video I want you to ask yourself, why hasn’t this been played on every major news network in the country?

The reason is that this video completely destroys the narrative that all Trump Supporters who went to Washington D.C. on January 6th are violent domestic terrorists.

This unidentified man in a MAGA hat approaches Capitol Police, who are seemingly calm standing off to the side of the Capitol, while it is being stormed and asks “why are you allowing this to happen?”

The Capitol Police give the man no response and continue to stand there and do nothing."

If a 'Purge' is needed, it is a 'Purge' of every Capitol Policeman on duty on 6 January.

Videos showing them moving barricades to allow violent rioters access into the Capitol

Videos showing them leading rioters / criminal through the Capitol to Politicians offices and chambers

Videos showing them standing around while it happens

Videos showing them standing there while violent rioters break windows and exit the Capitol.

The head of the Capitol Police already resigned - he should have been brought up on charges of facilitation of the violence, criminal negligence, criminal failure to execute his duty....

Every Capitol Policeman on duty should be fired.

Because the liberal propaganda is complicit with the deception and lies of the left. They can't allow the truth out.
Fired for doing their job of protecting our elected officials? Hard pass on that one.

Please explain how removing barriers so violent protestors can get to, smash, and enter the Capitol through broken Capitol windows is in any way 'doing their job of protecting our elected officials'...

Please explain how leading violent rioters through the Capitol and straight to politicians' offices and Chambers is in any way 'doing their job of protecting our elected officials'....

Please explain how standing there making no effort to stop the start of the violence is in any way 'doing their job of protecting our elected officials'...

Please explain how knowing hundreds of thousands of people are coming to the Capitol and not scheduling more officers to be on duty and NOT requesting more help from outside agencies is in any way 'doing their job of protecting our elected officials'?
-- The head of the CP should have been fired for piss-poor planning alone.
Their lives are no more worthy of protection than the lives of my family and friends.

The lives of our elected officials are more important than yours, sorry. That's why they get the Capitol police, the National Guard, and secret service to protect them. You don't.
You make whatever justification helps you sleep at night or satisfies the narrative you would like to script. Who needs guns or knives when you've got the sheer numbers...
...and when you have proven help from the Capitol Police...
Fired for doing their job of protecting our elected officials? Hard pass on that one.

Good luck getting that nonsense to happen.
Actually....."fired for protecting American Citizens" is the proper way to say it.

Their lives are no more worthy of protection than the lives of my family and friends.

Perhaps you should reconsider how you think.

Never will.

These Leftist Lemmings will stop at nothing to protect and preserve their Elitist Masters

The definition of "Useful Idiots"

Weren't you supposed to do something about it?

Looks like you never did. Just eating those Frito's like I said you would.
Please explain how removing barriers so violent protestors can get to, smash, and enter the Capitol through broken Capitol windows is in any way 'doing their job of protecting our elected officials'...

It isn't.

Those individuals should be investigated, and I believe they are.

You claim that "Every Capitol Policeman on duty should be fired." Was every Capitol policeman complicit with allowing rioters into the building?

Since you obviously won't answer that question, the answer is no.

I agree with getting rid of the bad apples. Not all of them.
The lives of our elected officials are more important than yours, sorry.

Then why didn't the Capitol police have more manpower and more than just a couple of easily-moved metal barriers, knowing that several hundred thousand people were going to be there?

Then why did Capitol Police move barriers for the violent rioters to have access into the Capitol?

Then why were these clowns just standing there allowing the violence to happen?

Then why did Capitol police lead the violent rioters straight to politicians' offices and the House Senate Chambers?

Then why did Capitol Police stand there watching the violent rioters break more windows and exit the Capitol?

This whole thing was staged / facilitated.
Please explain how removing barriers so violent protestors can get to, smash, and enter the Capitol through broken Capitol windows is in any way 'doing their job of protecting our elected officials'...

It isn't.

Those individuals should be investigated, and I believe they are.

You claim that "Every Capitol Policeman on duty should be fired." Was every Capitol policeman complicit with allowing rioters into the building?

Since you obviously won't answer that question, the answer is no.
There was obvious corruption from the head of the Capitol Police down to the facilitators manning barriers to those waiting to escort the criminals once they got inside. I wouldn't trust any of them - fire 'em all - clean sweep - and start over.

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