Why aren’t all world leaders recruiting/allowing millions of desperate unvetted thirdworlders into their nations? Dems say they improve America?

We hear it daily…right?
‘Thirdworld immigrants improve and enhance America.’
If true, why wouldn’t other world leaders be flying jumbo-jets to Mexico, Central and South America to recruit people that would enhance their nation?
I think vast swaths of Africa need to populate Germany/France/UK.

Ship all those filthy bushman up in that shit. They can work. They improve nations.


Click click click
Why is the world producing millions of desperate people in the first place if the world is full of smart governments that don't allow immigrants?
Damn that sucks...no self control to be found huh? No need to protect or cherish a bloodline huh?
Shit, I won't cross breed my Labradors or French Bulldogs...I certainly wouldn't dare cross breed my children.
Your children are probably already crossed breed. lmao. You also.lmao, You are a human or an alien maybe. GOD created adam and eve and we all came from the same source. You do know that GOD did not create black people and all the other races? Do you? As far as my bloodline I am in all of them. There are no pure races. Neanderthals interbred with humans, and traces of their genes remain in the DNA of modern Europeans and Asians. LOL


  • People-from-Tuscany-are-most-similar-to-Neanderthals1.jpg
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Your children are probably already crossed breed. lmao. You also.lmao, You are a human or an alien maybe. GOD created adam and eve and we all came from the same source. You do know that GOD did not create black people and all the other races? Do you? As far as my bloodline I am in all of them. There are no pure races. Neanderthals interbred with humans, and traces of their genes remain in the DNA of modern Europeans and Asians. LOL
Damn that sucks...no self control to be found huh? No need to protect or cherish a bloodline huh?
Shit, I won't cross breed my Labradors or French Bulldogs...I certainly wouldn't dare cross breed my children.
White supremacists believe in genetic ‘purity’. Science shows no such thing exists
The evidence reveals a history of ongoing genetic mingling, due to interbreeding between different populations and even species. Humans from different groups had children together, and even with Neanderthals and members of other now-extinct hominin species.

This mingling occurred constantly in the long process of human migration across the globe. Europeans inhabit one region of a large genetic continuum and are no more or less “pure” than any other population.

From Africa to the world​

The genetic history of humanity begins in what we now know as Africa. The exact location (or locations) of the first anatomically modern humans is debated, but there is a consensus they lived south of the Sahara desert between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago.
Modern Asians and Europeans still carry genetic signatures of Neanderthals, while sub-Saharan Africans do not.
Your children are probably already crossed breed. lmao. You also.lmao, You are a human or an alien maybe. GOD created adam and eve and we all came from the same source. You do know that GOD did not create black people and all the other races? Do you? As far as my bloodline I am in all of them. There are no pure races. Neanderthals interbred with humans, and traces of their genes remain in the DNA of modern Europeans and Asians. LOL

White supremacists believe in genetic ‘purity’. Science shows no such thing exists
The evidence reveals a history of ongoing genetic mingling, due to interbreeding between different populations and even species. Humans from different groups had children together, and even with Neanderthals and members of other now-extinct hominin species.

This mingling occurred constantly in the long process of human migration across the globe. Europeans inhabit one region of a large genetic continuum and are no more or less “pure” than any other population.

From Africa to the world​

The genetic history of humanity begins in what we now know as Africa. The exact location (or locations) of the first anatomically modern humans is debated, but there is a consensus they lived south of the Sahara desert between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago.
Modern Asians and Europeans still carry genetic signatures of Neanderthals, while sub-Saharan Africans do not.
Hahaha..that’s cute, I love semantics, blur and confusion.
My kids are definitely crossbred as am I…our lineage runs all across northwestern Europe. THANK GOD!
Like french bulldogs and labradors…genetic purity doesn’t really exist in humans….BUT we wouldn’t breed our french bulldog with a saint bernard nor would we breed our children with africans or latin americans. That’s just plain silly.
Hahaha..that’s cute, I love semantics, blur and confusion.
My kids are definitely crossbred as am I…our lineage runs all across northwestern Europe. THANK GOD!
Like french bulldogs and labradors…genetic purity doesn’t really exist in humans….BUT we wouldn’t breed our french bulldog with a saint bernard nor would we breed our children with africans or latin americans. That’s just plain silly.
LOL...Too late. White men fuck anything I and half my family is proof.
LOL...Too late. White men fuck anything I and half my family is proof.The White alone adult population (age 18 and over) went from 74.7% in 2010 to 64.1% in 2020. In contrast, the Multiracial adult population increased from 2.1% in 2010 to 8.8% in 2020.

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