Why aren't Mitt, Ron, Newt and Rick running on the economy?

Republicans are running on the economy. If you listen to democrats you wouldn't know that.
The GOP's economic plan is to cut taxes and (supposedly) cut government spending.

Cutting taxes increases the deficit. Cutting government spending puts more people out of work.

Running on that while you're trying to run against the president's increased deficit and lack of job creation is a tough sell.

They always say they will cut taxes and spending

What they end up doing is cutting taxes first and saying they will get around to cutting spending later........guess what? They never do

Doesn't it make sense to cut spending first and then seeing how much taxes you can cut in the budget?

Exactly what the GOP and conservatives have been saying.

Glad to see you agree.

Saying it and doing it are two different things.
Why mention the economy ?
It's over, terminal, non-repairable.
It's like a big old tree that is cut but hasn't fallen yet.
When it does ?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cox9-Q605Io&feature=iv&src_vid=JVp9OFQkFH0&annotation_id=annotation_226950]LITTLE TRUCK VS BIG TREE - YouTube[/ame]
For a couple of reasons. Their base doesn't care about the economy. Most don't even understand "supply and demand".

Worse, their records are awful.

And they only have a single actual policy - cut taxes.

It's why they have no plans. This will probably be the last election Republicans run on a single failed policy. Whether they win or lose.

Look at what they are reduced to:


Cheezy grits


let him die

protect marriage

photo ID

They are running on the economy, t'aint that hard to do that with unemployment over 8% and people forced to steal Tide to get their clothes clean, and yawl is not a word.
For a couple of reasons. Their base doesn't care about the economy. Most don't even understand "supply and demand".

Worse, their records are awful.

And they only have a single actual policy - cut taxes.

It's why they have no plans. This will probably be the last election Republicans run on a single failed policy. Whether they win or lose.

Look at what they are reduced to:


Cheezy grits


let him die

protect marriage

photo ID

fucking piece of shit hack....the GOP candidates talk plenty on the economy...it is losers like you, Reid, Pelosi and liberal reporters who push the social issue agenda by continuallyt spinning what is said and makingf a big deal out of fantasy

Fucking hack.....
They are. Have you been completely ignoring them?

Seriously! All one has to do is go to their campaign websites and click on the issues tab.........rather than be lead around by the nose by the media.
For a couple of reasons. Their base doesn't care about the economy. Most don't even understand "supply and demand".

Worse, their records are awful.

And they only have a single actual policy - cut taxes.

It's why they have no plans. This will probably be the last election Republicans run on a single failed policy. Whether they win or lose.

Look at what they are reduced to:


Cheezy grits


let him die

protect marriage

photo ID

Hate to break this to you, Deanie but the GOP doesn't run against each other on the economy because all of them are in general agreement on how to handle it.

Whoever wins the GOP nomination however, will run almost EXCLUSIVELY on the economy and specifically Barack Obama's lack of a plan to fix it.

That's what this coming election is going to be about...the economy...the deficit...and unemployment...three things that Barry polls TERRIBLY on.
Another way to put it is this...

The Republicans will be running on the economy...the Democrats will be running FROM the economy.
For a couple of reasons. Their base doesn't care about the economy. Most don't even understand "supply and demand".

Worse, their records are awful.

And they only have a single actual policy - cut taxes.

It's why they have no plans. This will probably be the last election Republicans run on a single failed policy. Whether they win or lose.

Look at what they are reduced to:


Cheezy grits


let him die

protect marriage

photo ID

The base cares, wrong
Their records are better than obamas, wrong again
They have more policies than that, read their websites...wrong again
See the same websites for their detailed plans...wrong again

Wow you just got all 4 of your assumptions wrong.

Would you like the answer? They aren't running on the economy right now because its the primary not the general election. Newt/Santorum can't take on Romney with the economy so they are focusing on other issues more......just like Obama.
For a couple of reasons. Their base doesn't care about the economy. Most don't even understand "supply and demand".

Worse, their records are awful.

And they only have a single actual policy - cut taxes.

It's why they have no plans. This will probably be the last election Republicans run on a single failed policy. Whether they win or lose.

Look at what they are reduced to:


Cheezy grits


let him die

protect marriage

photo ID

and 90% of them are White.......

6% of them are scientists too
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Another way to put it is this...

The Republicans will be running on the economy...the Democrats will be running FROM the economy.

Yes once the primaries are over this will be the case.

Obama is losing ground on the economy every day, which sucks. It doesn't suck because its bad for obama, that is the silver lining...it sucks because a bad economy and his horrible energy policies making fuel neccessarily skyrocket in price sucks for all americans.
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For a couple of reasons. Their base doesn't care about the economy. Most don't even understand "supply and demand".

Worse, their records are awful.

And they only have a single actual policy - cut taxes.

It's why they have no plans. This will probably be the last election Republicans run on a single failed policy. Whether they win or lose.

Look at what they are reduced to:


Cheezy grits


let him die

protect marriage

photo ID

and 90% of them are White.......

They should follow the Democrat agenda....

Spend,Spend,Spend.... :D
For a couple of reasons. Their base doesn't care about the economy. Most don't even understand "supply and demand".

Worse, their records are awful.

And they only have a single actual policy - cut taxes.

It's why they have no plans. This will probably be the last election Republicans run on a single failed policy. Whether they win or lose.

Look at what they are reduced to:


Cheezy grits


let him die

protect marriage

photo ID

and 90% of them are White.......

6% of them are scientists too

and dont forget they hate Education and want to end it.........
For a couple of reasons. Their base doesn't care about the economy. Most don't even understand "supply and demand".

Worse, their records are awful.

And they only have a single actual policy - cut taxes.

It's why they have no plans. This will probably be the last election Republicans run on a single failed policy. Whether they win or lose.

Look at what they are reduced to:


Cheezy grits


let him die

protect marriage

photo ID

and 90% of them are White.......

They should follow the Democrat agenda....

Spend,Spend,Spend.... :D

thats been the way they have been doing it in California for a while now.....
I hope Newt gets out soon. He is an idiot. I thought i might be able to support him but once he started running with Romney misquotes and stupid crap about grits and Romney "not caring about the poor" and other BS i turned him off. He nothing but a political opportunist purely in it for himself only.

but his book is selling well ;)

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