Why aren't Mitt, Ron, Newt and Rick running on the economy?

The GOP's economic plan is to cut taxes and (supposedly) cut government spending.

Cutting taxes increases the deficit. Cutting government spending puts more people out of work.

Running on that while you're trying to run against the president's increased deficit and lack of job creation is a tough sell.

But you do admit that we can't keep spending at this rate? We can't keep raising taxes if people don't have jobs? The government can not support everyone.
"Why aren't Mitt, Ron, Newt and Rick running on the economy?"

Because you can't run on anything if you can't afford gas for your transportation.
"Why aren't Mitt, Ron, Newt and Rick running on the economy?"

Because you can't run on anything if you can't afford gas for your transportation.

And Obama has the advantage...at OUR expense...
Why aren't Mitt, Ron, Newt and Rick running on the economy?

Because it’s their party’s policies that nearly caused its collapse.

Those four may be crazy, but they’re not stupid.
The GOP's economic plan is to cut taxes and (supposedly) cut government spending.

Cutting taxes increases the deficit. Cutting government spending puts more people out of work.

Running on that while you're trying to run against the president's increased deficit and lack of job creation is a tough sell.

But you do admit that we can't keep spending at this rate? We can't keep raising taxes if people don't have jobs? The government can not support everyone.

Then let them run on the truth. Let them run on 'we're going to cut spending, but we're not going to create jobs, because we can't do both. We're going to cut spending, and put millions out of work,

but that's what needs to be done.'
For a couple of reasons. Their base doesn't care about the economy. Most don't even understand "supply and demand".

Worse, their records are awful.

And they only have a single actual policy - cut taxes.

It's why they have no plans. This will probably be the last election Republicans run on a single failed policy. Whether they win or lose.

Look at what they are reduced to:


Cheezy grits


let him die

protect marriage

photo ID

It's because Rick Santorum continues to run on his "family values"--that we have now gone from the world of reality into freaking birth control contraceptives.

Until Rick Santorum is OUT of this race--the GOP has no chance what-so-ever talking about real issues.
It's because Rick Santorum continues to run on his "family values"--that we have now gone from the world of reality into freaking birth control contraceptives.

Until Rick Santorum is OUT of this race--the GOP has no chance what-so-ever talking about real issues.

Family values are important. In fact, without restoring the family to it's proper place, we will never restore the Republic.

But Rick Santorum isnt the one talking about birth control. That would be the media.
It's because Rick Santorum continues to run on his "family values"--that we have now gone from the world of reality into freaking birth control contraceptives.

Until Rick Santorum is OUT of this race--the GOP has no chance what-so-ever talking about real issues.

Family values are important. In fact, without restoring the family to it's proper place, we will never restore the Republic.

But Rick Santorum isnt the one talking about birth control. That would be the media.
...and Obama...and the left. it's a non issue.
The GOP's economic plan is to cut taxes and (supposedly) cut government spending.

Cutting taxes increases the deficit. Cutting government spending puts more people out of work.

Running on that while you're trying to run against the president's increased deficit and lack of job creation is a tough sell.

But you do admit that we can't keep spending at this rate? We can't keep raising taxes if people don't have jobs? The government can not support everyone.

But the jobs were supposed to come back when the market recovered.
NASDAQ set a new record high...
And excluding the top 1% income has dropped thus taxes have dropped.
Because it’s their party’s policies that nearly caused its collapse.

Those four may be crazy, but they’re not stupid.
explain California......

No one can explain California.

Maybe like a bowl of Granola? What isn't fruits and flakes is nuts?

Seems to be a gathering spot for those types.

ok......but MANY of those "nuts" identify with the Democrats....and consider themselves "liberals".....and there are more than a few in Sacramento....
LOL. They have more understanding of the economy than the street organizer. Romney is a good businessman and ran a state quite well.
The only aspect of the economy that the street organizer is running on is rah rah rah, jobs jobs jobs and his never ending "plan". Hey, he had a trillion for a Stimulus "plan" that lined coffers of unions/companies that donated back millions to Obama.
He is now touting all those factory jobs . Hey, his kids can go work in factories if he thinks that those jobs are so great.
The GOP's economic plan is to cut taxes and (supposedly) cut government spending.

Cutting taxes increases the deficit. Cutting government spending puts more people out of work.

Running on that while you're trying to run against the president's increased deficit and lack of job creation is a tough sell.

BUt here's the problem- Nothing Obama proposes is really going to create jobs, either.

He isn't going to suggest raising taxes, people will kill him for that. (Figuratively)

We've spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse for the last 3 years, and it hasn't gotten us anywhere.
Yes, i do wish the candidates would get back to real issues instead of all this nonsense about grits, birth control or whatever. I am especially annoyed at Newt who seems to keep this garbage in the forefront.
The GOP's economic plan is to cut taxes and (supposedly) cut government spending.

Cutting taxes increases the deficit. Cutting government spending puts more people out of work.

Running on that while you're trying to run against the president's increased deficit and lack of job creation is a tough sell.

But you do admit that we can't keep spending at this rate? We can't keep raising taxes if people don't have jobs? The government can not support everyone.

Then let them run on the truth. Let them run on 'we're going to cut spending, but we're not going to create jobs, because we can't do both. We're going to cut spending, and put millions out of work,

but that's what needs to be done.'

You can't create jobs by spending borrowed money as a government, that is just stupid and anyone with common sense knows you don't fix unemployment by borrowing money from china to create govt jobs.

Without increasing the private sector employment, thus increasing the tax base and tax revenues to the govt, you CAN NOT continue to expand the government without it hurting the entire country for the future.

Its so obvious I don't understand why people are dumb enough to think you can grow the economy and fix unemployment with defecit spending. That would be like me taking a cash withdrawl out on a credit card, putting it in my savings acccount, then saying "look I have all this money I've saved" Its just stupid.

Sorry, ignorance is pissing me off lately.

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