Why aren't more people Libertarian?

It happens every time some troubled nation reforms after a dictator and the WTO and the World Bank comes in to settle the inevitable mountain of debt incurred by the outgoing prick. The debt is usually forgiven but the price is a fairly common set of economic and political concessions that do not include any but the bare minimum social programs and voucher education or barriers to trade and exploitation of labor and resources. It's great if you want cheap labor or to strip mine or clear cut entire regions of a third world shit hole, not so much for the poor saps that live there.

Usually a result of our intervention, not to mention the result of international governing bodies that shouldn't exist in the first place.

I didn't figure you would like them even though they are the missionaries of free market capitalism.

Just about every sentence you post cracks me up!

They totally reject the idea of "the commons", the concept that indigenous peoples or long time residents have some claim to the wealth beneath their feet in mineral wealth or forest resources and should not just be sold or exploited by the colonial bastard who's name is on the deed.

Have you noticed that all the people that accept that idea are starving to death?

How do you stand on that? It seems to me a libertarian could come down on either side of that argument.

Another spectacular idiocy! Libertarians believe in private property. They utterly reject the notion of "the commons."
Don't you? It's the holy Milton Friedman model of opening a new market, The people are supposed to eventually be in better shape and the landlords actually are in the long run but in the short term the regular people are subjected to terrible economic hardships that make them leave their land and move to the cities making it so much easier to buy local cooperation and mineral rights for peanuts. Any barriers to international investment and trade just prolongs the pain.

We're not Friedmanites.

At least none of the REAL libertarians on here, anyway.

That's funny, his theories form the 20th century basis of so called Market Liberalism, typical you would disown them. He is where all your ideas on privatization, deregulation, lowering all artificial barriers to international trade, protectionism and labor organization came from. Want to tell me how you differ?

Read von Mises.
We're not Friedmanites.

At least none of the REAL libertarians on here, anyway.

That's funny, his theories form the 20th century basis of so called Market Liberalism, typical you would disown them. He is where all your ideas on privatization, deregulation, lowering all artificial barriers to international trade, protectionism and labor organization came from. Want to tell me how you differ?

Read von Mises.

I'd rather not it would be so much quicker if you just explain how you are not a Friedmanite as you claim.
That's funny, his theories form the 20th century basis of so called Market Liberalism, typical you would disown them. He is where all your ideas on privatization, deregulation, lowering all artificial barriers to international trade, protectionism and labor organization came from. Want to tell me how you differ?

Read von Mises.

I'd rather not it would be so much quicker if you just explain how you are not a Friedmanite as you claim.

He's an Austrian. Von Mises laid down the economics that libertarians endorse, not Friedman.
That's funny, his theories form the 20th century basis of so called Market Liberalism, typical you would disown them. He is where all your ideas on privatization, deregulation, lowering all artificial barriers to international trade, protectionism and labor organization came from. Want to tell me how you differ?

Read von Mises.

I'd rather not it would be so much quicker if you just explain how you are not a Friedmanite as you claim.

Austrian economics is much different from Chicago economics. Like HUGELY different.

Friedman advocates Fed monetary policy as a tool, Austrians don't support the Fed period.

For starters.
Read von Mises.

I'd rather not it would be so much quicker if you just explain how you are not a Friedmanite as you claim.

Austrian economics is much different from Chicago economics. Like HUGELY different.

Friedman advocates Fed monetary policy as a tool, Austrians don't support the Fed period.

For starters.

Wasting your time dude.

They ONLY thing they want to know aboutis Karl Marx economics, ie,

"The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralize all instruments of production in the hands of the state…"

A Layman's Look at the Communist Manifesto


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Read von Mises.

I'd rather not it would be so much quicker if you just explain how you are not a Friedmanite as you claim.

Austrian economics is much different from Chicago economics. Like HUGELY different.

Friedman advocates Fed monetary policy as a tool, Austrians don't support the Fed period.

For starters.

It's typical squirming, I have written a small book's worth of libertarian criticism the last couple of days and you and others still squirm out from under any attempt to nail you down on any but the most general policy statements and have a ready escape hatch for everything that might reflect negatively on your ideals. You have the most obtuse kind of politics I have ever encountered. I've talked to every kind from self described communists to white nationalists to people so apolitical they might as well live in a cave but they will at least make a policy stand on something and accept it's possible failure.
I'd rather not it would be so much quicker if you just explain how you are not a Friedmanite as you claim.

Austrian economics is much different from Chicago economics. Like HUGELY different.

Friedman advocates Fed monetary policy as a tool, Austrians don't support the Fed period.

For starters.

It's typical squirming, I have written a small book's worth of libertarian criticism the last couple of days and you and others still squirm out from under any attempt to nail you down on any but the most general policy statements and have a ready escape hatch for everything that might reflect negatively on your ideals. You have the most obtuse kind of politics I have ever encountered. I've talked to every kind from self described communists to white nationalists to people so apolitical they might as well live in a cave but they will at least make a policy stand on something and accept it's possible failure.

Pure unadulterated horseshit. Plenty of turds right here in this thread just got done castigating libertarians for opposing the income tax, wanting to legalize drugs and opposing regulation. Then you claim they "can't be pinned down on anything."

The attacks on libertarians in this thread are totally incoherent.
Austrian economics is much different from Chicago economics. Like HUGELY different.

Friedman advocates Fed monetary policy as a tool, Austrians don't support the Fed period.

For starters.

It's typical squirming, I have written a small book's worth of libertarian criticism the last couple of days and you and others still squirm out from under any attempt to nail you down on any but the most general policy statements and have a ready escape hatch for everything that might reflect negatively on your ideals. You have the most obtuse kind of politics I have ever encountered. I've talked to every kind from self described communists to white nationalists to people so apolitical they might as well live in a cave but they will at least make a policy stand on something and accept it's possible failure.

Pure unadulterated horseshit. Plenty of turds right here in this thread just got done castigating libertarians for opposing the income tax, wanting to legalize drugs and opposing regulation. Then you claim they "can't be pinned down on anything."

The attacks on libertarians in this thread are totally incoherent.

I have you on ignore and rarely hit that button that says "view post". You should probably not put so much work into your vitriol.
Pure unadulterated horseshit. Plenty of turds right here in this thread just got done castigating libertarians for opposing the income tax, wanting to legalize drugs and opposing regulation. Then you claim they "can't be pinned down on anything."

The attacks on libertarians in this thread are totally incoherent.

I have you on ignore and rarely hit that button that says "view post". You should probably not put so much work into your vitriol.

You're suffering from the delusion that I care whether you read my posts.
No, you are not a libertarian because of the logical inconsistencies in your discussions.

You are very much simply a small government Republican, nothing more.

You are not a libertarian, for who would agree on the penalties of violators? A democratic meeting of the whole population? You are sillier than democrats gone wild.

None of you guys offer a consistent philosophy that is different than what we have. You just say it is different.

I guess this says it all about your position. Let me say this though about your first point. Libertarianism isn't the absence of law, that's anarchy. Libertarians reject aggression so there would be no authorized use of violence. Aggressors would forfeit the right to exemption from violence from their victim. Aggressors would also be subject to the agreed upon penalties for their crimes.

Individuals prey on one another now and we are far from a libertarian ideal. There wouldn't be any less restriction on personal aggression in a libertarian society and the punishment could be more severe and much swifter.

The legislature of elected representatives of course. Libertarians are constitutionalists because the constitution in its purist form was the best protection against tyranny. You say I am not a libertarian because I don't fit your preconceived notions of what a libertarian is. Our views don't necessarily change we are all rooted in the same ideas. All I want for now is progress towards more liberty not radical change overnight.
Then you oppose the American Constitution, its case law, and legal jurisprudence.

Since America is not going to change, you will continue as you are about this: unsatisfied.

The legislature of elected representatives of course. Libertarians are constitutionalists because the constitution in its purist form was the best protection against tyranny. You say I am not a libertarian because I don't fit your preconceived notions of what a libertarian is. Our views don't necessarily change we are all rooted in the same ideas. All I want for now is progress towards more liberty not radical change overnight.

There is no such thing as a ‘constitutionalist,’ of course you may call yourself any made-up thing you wish.

Indeed, there is no ‘living’ Constitution, there is no such thing as ‘originalism’ or ‘strict constructionism.’ There is only the Constitution and its case law, the Constitution exists only in the context of that case law.

And to the OP, that’s likely why many don’t embrace libertarianism, because of the movement’s rejection of Constitutional case law in its entirety. Not only do libertarians reject the Founding Document’s jurisprudence, but they reject both the courts’ authority to subject laws, policies, and acts of government to judicial review and the courts’ interpretive authority with regard to determining what the Constitution means.

It is thus impossible to engage in any type of meaningful ‘debate’ with libertarians on the subject, since they refuse to even speak the language of the law.

Since there's no authorization given to the SCOTUS in the constitution for "judicial review", we don't recognize your "case law".

But thanks for stopping by anyway :thup:
We do read them for the entertainment, the grins and chuckles, your delusions. You are fun, bripat. :lol:

Pure unadulterated horseshit. Plenty of turds right here in this thread just got done castigating libertarians for opposing the income tax, wanting to legalize drugs and opposing regulation. Then you claim they "can't be pinned down on anything."

The attacks on libertarians in this thread are totally incoherent.

I have you on ignore and rarely hit that button that says "view post". You should probably not put so much work into your vitriol.

You're suffering from the delusion that I care whether you read my posts.
I'd rather not it would be so much quicker if you just explain how you are not a Friedmanite as you claim.

Austrian economics is much different from Chicago economics. Like HUGELY different.

Friedman advocates Fed monetary policy as a tool, Austrians don't support the Fed period.

For starters.

It's typical squirming, I have written a small book's worth of libertarian criticism the last couple of days and you and others still squirm out from under any attempt to nail you down on any but the most general policy statements and have a ready escape hatch for everything that might reflect negatively on your ideals. You have the most obtuse kind of politics I have ever encountered. I've talked to every kind from self described communists to white nationalists to people so apolitical they might as well live in a cave but they will at least make a policy stand on something and accept it's possible failure.

I think the moral of the story is really that I'm not giving you the answers you want. You asked me how I'm not a friedmanite and I told you. I'm sorry that's not good enough.

Answer me this though. How can there be a true free market when there's a central bank that dictates the very supply and demand of money itself?

In a true free market, interest rates would be determined by market forces, not a central bank setting a target and creating or extinguishing bank reserves to move those rates where they want them.
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There has no free market since 1933, and no one wants to go back to those days.
Part of the problem is that Libertarianism is too socially liberal to be combined with the conservative wing of the GOP - so the GOP has a hard time letting people explore the depth of Libertarianism. Even Ron Paul waffled on abortion, preferring to give big government the right to control the outcome of every pregnancy. He's no Libertarian. He's got no courage.

The more you learn about Conservatism and Libertarianism, the more you realize that they cannot be combined. This is why Ayn Rand and William Buckley could not join forces.

Of course, this didn't stop Reagan who spoke like Libertarian or a Conservative depending on the audience.

I predicted over a decade ago that the contradiction between Conservative and Libertarian would destroy the party. My friend was careful to point out that the GOP tends to find voters who are well-meaning but lacking the intellectual background to see the contradiction.

Dear Londoner: Just have to step in here and disagree with your statement that the two cannot join forces. This is only true if people keep putting PARTY or PERSONAL agenda above the Constitution. If you put Constitutional principles first, in particular equal representation and inclusion, BEFORE your own partisan or personal preferences SECOND, then EVERYONE can get along by separating the public policy from the private agenda.

Example: I am a prochoice liberal and believe all laws should ideally be made by CONSENT of the people affected; so all conflicts should actually be resolved in advance, resulting in policies that reflect the consensus of the public -- that is the ideal if we had PERFECT inclusion and equality of all views under the Constitution as I believe is legally required if you are going to claim to uphold the law of the land for all people (which we clearly fail to meet).

My friend Juda is SO PROLIFE she believes that even in cases of rape, it should not be legal to have an abortion. She doesn't believe in criminalizing the woman, but does not believe in abortion which by her beliefs is MURDER period.

And Juda and I AGREE that all abortion should be prevented, and laws should be written that neither exclude nor discriminate against either prochoice or prolife views. If we focused on addressing and eliminating all causes of relationship/sexual abuse, rape, coercion etc, that would get rid of unwanted sex/pregnancy/abortion so we wouldn't have this problem.

So if a prochoice and prolife person can agree on Constitutional standards, then anyone else can work through their issues, separate what is personal/private belief and what is public policy where all sides agree and stick to that.

Certainly Libertarian and Conservative views are closer to reconcile than prochoice and prolife. If you stick with Constitutional values first, then we would all agree and quit imposing our personal/political agenda on other people to start these fights. The ego and personal imposition/projection would have to be put in check; so that's not the fault of the Party but the members/leaders in it. If you get the right people, ANYONE can get along and work out policies that stick to the points of agreement, and leave room for differences instead of trying to impose a "one size fits all" policy that is not even Constitutional!!!
Answer me this though. How can there be a true free market when there's a central bank that dictates the very supply and demand of money itself?

In a true free market, interest rates would be determined by market forces, not a central bank setting a target and creating or extinguishing bank reserves to move those rates where they want them.

Dear Paulie: What is stopping OTHER PEOPLE from setting up coops and barter groups so all groups can do the same thing, and control their local economies and business flow?

It is ALREADY legal for people to print their own currency, and many communities have set up either barter banks or other means of trading credits based on labor instead of waiting on federal reserve money to track these exchanges.

Ithaca Hours - Local Currency - Ithaca, New York

This is a free market solution.

So is microlending where people are ALREADY FREE to
choose where to invest or lend their money, set up business plans and training,
where the loans paid back can be re-invested in growing more local businesses.

Grameen Foundation | Empowering people. Changing lives. Innovating for the world
The world Bank and the WTO are missionaries of free market capitalism? :lmao:
Yeah I wasn't really sure about that one either.

Looks like you are unaware of what they do for international trade in the developing world, by the time they are done the people there barely have any say over who rapes the hell out their resources or exploits their workers and social reforms earns them sanctions, nice huh. You didn't think those people stay in line and socialism free because they love the west did you?

Dear All: This reminds me of when I had to explain to my godmother why people were protesting the IMF. She had no idea of the predatory interest that was keeping poor countries enslaved to debts, where all their resources and labor went to servicing the INTEREST on the debts.

We have come a long way, where even "average citizens" have suddenly become aware of the economic dealings of the Federal Reserve and banking systems; where before, if you mentioned anything to do with the Fed you sounded like a conspiracy theorist from another planet. Today it is no longer uncommon to question these things, and before it was taboo.

What I can say to the
Libertarian posters on here:
I believe these abuses of capitalism can be checked by holding
CORPORATIONS equally to the same Bill of Rights and 14th Amendment as Government.
Technically, any large institution, whether church or business or private nonprofit, exerts
"collective influence" by collective resources/authority, similar to why GOVT was held to limitations by the Bill of Rights. Currently corporations can ABUSE personhood to claim "individual" rigths/freedoms WITHOUT the same checks/balances as on Govt.
So they play both sides of the fence, wielding unlimited/unchecked power greater than individuals have, and even using resources to influence Courts/Congress so they bypass Govt by having greater legal resources and defense for their interests over individuals.

The GREENS have been pushing for checks on corporate personhood.
If the Libertarians and the Greens line up on this issue, then maybe we CAN get
back to FREE MARKET solutions WITHOUT the unfair competition, bullying and abuse by corporate entities that have made the playing field uneven. We need to get back to accountability, by holding all persons, whether individual citizens or collective corporations equally responsible for upholding Constitutional laws and principles including due process and restitution for grievances, debts and damages from abuses that violated the "equal protection" of other persons. You should not be able to invoke rights/freedoms under the Constitution without being held to respect the same laws and equal protections of others.

I believe that is what is missing from the picture, and why we have lost our sense of checks and balances in a system running amok.
Austrian economics is much different from Chicago economics. Like HUGELY different.

Friedman advocates Fed monetary policy as a tool, Austrians don't support the Fed period.

For starters.

It's typical squirming, I have written a small book's worth of libertarian criticism the last couple of days and you and others still squirm out from under any attempt to nail you down on any but the most general policy statements and have a ready escape hatch for everything that might reflect negatively on your ideals. You have the most obtuse kind of politics I have ever encountered. I've talked to every kind from self described communists to white nationalists to people so apolitical they might as well live in a cave but they will at least make a policy stand on something and accept it's possible failure.

I think the moral of the story is really that I'm not giving you the answers you want. You asked me how I'm not a friedmanite and I told you. I'm sorry that's not good enough.

Answer me this though. How can there be a true free market when there's a central bank that dictates the very supply and demand of money itself?

In a true free market, interest rates would be determined by market forces, not a central bank setting a target and creating or extinguishing bank reserves to move those rates where they want them.

I am just frustrated, by and large the Friedman philosophy is what you believe and we have the example of his policies being implemented and usually sucking for everyone but the very rich but you find a difference and you get to disown the whole thing, presto, your ideology is once again spotless and pure.

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