CDZ Why aren't we addressing the gun issue as a cultural problem?

We are not addressing the gun problem at all. we are just screaming at each other.
Yep. That's where we are on pretty much EVERY issue. I must be missing the point of all this.

Of course you are, as most Democrats simply refuse to accept any 'points' but their own. Now, we know that culturally we were allegedly extremely Evul N Racist N Stuff in the 1940's-1960's, yet all those gun toting violent white people weren't out shooting anybody, just left wing radicals and assorted drug gangs nad extortionists in the Hoods, masquerading as 'political resistors' like the Black Panther thugzz and 'Nation Of Islam' comedians. The escalation in mass shootings correlate directly with the rise of 'Diversity' N Stuff', the destruction of the family, patriotism, abortion, 'normalization' of filthy sexual deviants, and every other 'progressive social improvements'. Now your ilk are desperate to cover up the vast majority of gun violence by completely ignoring black violence and trying to sell some ludicrous nonsense re 'white supremacists n stuff', a demographic so small it needs Federal funds via CI handouts to stay in business and keep its websites online. You keep trying to smear Trump, along with every other law abiding citizen who owns a gun, with that rubbish as well, another reason your credibility is less than zero and you're going to lose in 2020 without some truly massive voter fraud that will be impossible to hide.
Okay, well, dittos 'n stuff.
Of course you are, as most Democrats simply refuse to accept any 'points' but their own. Now, we know that culturally we were allegedly extremely Evul N Racist N Stuff in the 1940's-1960's, yet all those gun toting violent white people weren't out shooting anybody

In the 1940's, there were less than 40 million privately owned guns... Today we have 393 million guns.

The thing was, you did have a period in the 1930's when people were shooting each other. The whole era with guys like Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Bonnie and Clyde, Al Capone.... and the sensible response of the government at that time was to pass some common sense gun control laws, that even the NRA supported.

just left wing radicals and assorted drug gangs nad extortionists in the Hoods, masquerading as 'political resistors' like the Black Panther thugzz and 'Nation Of Islam' comedians.

Well, funny thing. When the Black Panthers other radicals (some of whom were white like the SLA and Weathermen) started using guns to forment violence, they passed stricter gun laws then, too.

Then this funny thing happened. The gun industry saw less sales to the government, as we went for a smaller, leaner military, and less sales to civilians because hunting was going out of style. So what to do? I know, let's sell guns to unstable nuts and play on their fear of crime and minorities!!!

And we'll do that by making sure that crazy people and criminals have easier access to guns, too.
Of course you are, as most Democrats simply refuse to accept any 'points' but their own. Now, we know that culturally we were allegedly extremely Evul N Racist N Stuff in the 1940's-1960's, yet all those gun toting violent white people weren't out shooting anybody

In the 1940's, there were less than 40 million privately owned guns... Today we have 393 million guns.

The thing was, you did have a period in the 1930's when people were shooting each other. The whole era with guys like Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Bonnie and Clyde, Al Capone.... and the sensible response of the government at that time was to pass some common sense gun control laws, that even the NRA supported.

just left wing radicals and assorted drug gangs nad extortionists in the Hoods, masquerading as 'political resistors' like the Black Panther thugzz and 'Nation Of Islam' comedians.

Well, funny thing. When the Black Panthers other radicals (some of whom were white like the SLA and Weathermen) started using guns to forment violence, they passed stricter gun laws then, too.

Then this funny thing happened. The gun industry saw less sales to the government, as we went for a smaller, leaner military, and less sales to civilians because hunting was going out of style. So what to do? I know, let's sell guns to unstable nuts and play on their fear of crime and minorities!!!

And we'll do that by making sure that crazy people and criminals have easier access to guns, too.

Moron....during the Great Depression...that era you are talking about? Violent crime went down......not up.......

The crime rate went up after they passed those gun control laws you dope......leading to the violent 70s, and 80s, and it didn't go down until after more people started carrying dope.
Of course you are, as most Democrats simply refuse to accept any 'points' but their own. Now, we know that culturally we were allegedly extremely Evul N Racist N Stuff in the 1940's-1960's, yet all those gun toting violent white people weren't out shooting anybody

In the 1940's, there were less than 40 million privately owned guns... Today we have 393 million guns.

The thing was, you did have a period in the 1930's when people were shooting each other. The whole era with guys like Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Bonnie and Clyde, Al Capone.... and the sensible response of the government at that time was to pass some common sense gun control laws, that even the NRA supported.

just left wing radicals and assorted drug gangs nad extortionists in the Hoods, masquerading as 'political resistors' like the Black Panther thugzz and 'Nation Of Islam' comedians.

Well, funny thing. When the Black Panthers other radicals (some of whom were white like the SLA and Weathermen) started using guns to forment violence, they passed stricter gun laws then, too.

Then this funny thing happened. The gun industry saw less sales to the government, as we went for a smaller, leaner military, and less sales to civilians because hunting was going out of style. So what to do? I know, let's sell guns to unstable nuts and play on their fear of crime and minorities!!!

And we'll do that by making sure that crazy people and criminals have easier access to guns, too.

More gun laws created more crime, you dope....

Decivilization in the 1960s

And figure two, Homicide rates in US and England 1900-2000, shows that in the 1960s the homicide rate in America went through the roof.

After a three-decade free fall that spanned the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War, Americans multiplied their homicide rate by more than two and a half, from a low of 4.0 in 1957 to a high of 10.2 in 1980 (U.S. Bureau of Statistics; Fox and Zawitz: 2007). The upsurge included every other category of major crime as well, including rape, assault, robbery, and theft, and lasted (with ups and downs) for three decades. The cities got particularly dangerous, especially New York, which became a symbol of the new criminality. Though the surge in violence affected all the races and both genders, it was most dramatic among black men, whose annual homicide rate had shot up by the mid-1980s to 72 per 100,000.

The rebounding of violence in the 1960s defied every expectation. The decade was a time of unprecedented economic growth, nearly full employment, levels of economic equality for which people today are nostalgic, historic racial progress, and the blossoming of government social programs, not to mention medical advances that made victims more likely to survive being shot or knifed. Social theorists in 1962 would have happily bet that these fortunate conditions would lead to a continuing era of low crime. And they would have lost their shirts.

Together with self-control and societal connectedness, a third ideal came under attack: marriage and family life, which had done so much to domesticate male violence in the preceding decades.

The idea that a man and a woman should devote their energies to a monogamous relationship in which they raise their children in a safe environment became a target of howling ridicule. That life was now the soulless, conformist, consumerist, materialist, ticky-tacky, plastic, white-bread, Ozzie and Harriet suburban wasteland.

As the rationalizations for criminality caught the attention of judges and legislators, they became increasingly reluctant to put miscreants behind bars. Though the civil liberties reform of the era did not lead to nearly as many vicious criminals ‘going free on a technicality’ as the Dirty Harry movies would suggest, law enforcement was indeed retreating as the crime rate was advancing. In the United States from 1962 to 1979, the likelihood that a crime would lead to an arrest dropped from 0.32 to 0.18, the likelihood that an arrest would lead to imprisonment dropped from 0.32 to 0.14, and the likelihood that a crime would lead to imprisonment fell from 0.10 to 0.02, a factor of five.[10]
Of course you are, as most Democrats simply refuse to accept any 'points' but their own. Now, we know that culturally we were allegedly extremely Evul N Racist N Stuff in the 1940's-1960's, yet all those gun toting violent white people weren't out shooting anybody

In the 1940's, there were less than 40 million privately owned guns... Today we have 393 million guns.

The thing was, you did have a period in the 1930's when people were shooting each other. The whole era with guys like Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Bonnie and Clyde, Al Capone.... and the sensible response of the government at that time was to pass some common sense gun control laws, that even the NRA supported.

just left wing radicals and assorted drug gangs nad extortionists in the Hoods, masquerading as 'political resistors' like the Black Panther thugzz and 'Nation Of Islam' comedians.

Well, funny thing. When the Black Panthers other radicals (some of whom were white like the SLA and Weathermen) started using guns to forment violence, they passed stricter gun laws then, too.

Then this funny thing happened. The gun industry saw less sales to the government, as we went for a smaller, leaner military, and less sales to civilians because hunting was going out of style. So what to do? I know, let's sell guns to unstable nuts and play on their fear of crime and minorities!!!

And we'll do that by making sure that crazy people and criminals have easier access to guns, too.

Moron....during the Great Depression...that era you are talking about? Violent crime went down......not up.......

The crime rate went up after they passed those gun control laws you dope......leading to the violent 70s, and 80s, and it didn't go down until after more people started carrying dope.

Joe isn't here to do anything but troll, so don't waste much time on him.
Of course you are, as most Democrats simply refuse to accept any 'points' but their own. Now, we know that culturally we were allegedly extremely Evul N Racist N Stuff in the 1940's-1960's, yet all those gun toting violent white people weren't out shooting anybody

In the 1940's, there were less than 40 million privately owned guns... Today we have 393 million guns.

The thing was, you did have a period in the 1930's when people were shooting each other. The whole era with guys like Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Bonnie and Clyde, Al Capone.... and the sensible response of the government at that time was to pass some common sense gun control laws, that even the NRA supported.

just left wing radicals and assorted drug gangs nad extortionists in the Hoods, masquerading as 'political resistors' like the Black Panther thugzz and 'Nation Of Islam' comedians.

Well, funny thing. When the Black Panthers other radicals (some of whom were white like the SLA and Weathermen) started using guns to forment violence, they passed stricter gun laws then, too.

Then this funny thing happened. The gun industry saw less sales to the government, as we went for a smaller, leaner military, and less sales to civilians because hunting was going out of style. So what to do? I know, let's sell guns to unstable nuts and play on their fear of crime and minorities!!!

And we'll do that by making sure that crazy people and criminals have easier access to guns, too.

More gun laws created more crime, you dope....

Decivilization in the 1960s

And figure two, Homicide rates in US and England 1900-2000, shows that in the 1960s the homicide rate in America went through the roof.

After a three-decade free fall that spanned the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War, Americans multiplied their homicide rate by more than two and a half, from a low of 4.0 in 1957 to a high of 10.2 in 1980 (U.S. Bureau of Statistics; Fox and Zawitz: 2007). The upsurge included every other category of major crime as well, including rape, assault, robbery, and theft, and lasted (with ups and downs) for three decades. The cities got particularly dangerous, especially New York, which became a symbol of the new criminality. Though the surge in violence affected all the races and both genders, it was most dramatic among black men, whose annual homicide rate had shot up by the mid-1980s to 72 per 100,000.

The rebounding of violence in the 1960s defied every expectation. The decade was a time of unprecedented economic growth, nearly full employment, levels of economic equality for which people today are nostalgic, historic racial progress, and the blossoming of government social programs, not to mention medical advances that made victims more likely to survive being shot or knifed. Social theorists in 1962 would have happily bet that these fortunate conditions would lead to a continuing era of low crime. And they would have lost their shirts.

Together with self-control and societal connectedness, a third ideal came under attack: marriage and family life, which had done so much to domesticate male violence in the preceding decades.

The idea that a man and a woman should devote their energies to a monogamous relationship in which they raise their children in a safe environment became a target of howling ridicule. That life was now the soulless, conformist, consumerist, materialist, ticky-tacky, plastic, white-bread, Ozzie and Harriet suburban wasteland.

As the rationalizations for criminality caught the attention of judges and legislators, they became increasingly reluctant to put miscreants behind bars. Though the civil liberties reform of the era did not lead to nearly as many vicious criminals ‘going free on a technicality’ as the Dirty Harry movies would suggest, law enforcement was indeed retreating as the crime rate was advancing. In the United States from 1962 to 1979, the likelihood that a crime would lead to an arrest dropped from 0.32 to 0.18, the likelihood that an arrest would lead to imprisonment dropped from 0.32 to 0.14, and the likelihood that a crime would lead to imprisonment fell from 0.10 to 0.02, a factor of five.[10]

And the rate went up during out most prosperous decades ever in the history of Planet Earth. The difference between the low crime of the Depression and the Affluenza of the 60's is the destruction of morals and culture and simple common decency.
Of course you are, as most Democrats simply refuse to accept any 'points' but their own. Now, we know that culturally we were allegedly extremely Evul N Racist N Stuff in the 1940's-1960's, yet all those gun toting violent white people weren't out shooting anybody

In the 1940's, there were less than 40 million privately owned guns... Today we have 393 million guns.

The thing was, you did have a period in the 1930's when people were shooting each other. The whole era with guys like Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Bonnie and Clyde, Al Capone.... and the sensible response of the government at that time was to pass some common sense gun control laws, that even the NRA supported.

just left wing radicals and assorted drug gangs nad extortionists in the Hoods, masquerading as 'political resistors' like the Black Panther thugzz and 'Nation Of Islam' comedians.

Well, funny thing. When the Black Panthers other radicals (some of whom were white like the SLA and Weathermen) started using guns to forment violence, they passed stricter gun laws then, too.

Then this funny thing happened. The gun industry saw less sales to the government, as we went for a smaller, leaner military, and less sales to civilians because hunting was going out of style. So what to do? I know, let's sell guns to unstable nuts and play on their fear of crime and minorities!!!

And we'll do that by making sure that crazy people and criminals have easier access to guns, too.

More gun laws created more crime, you dope....

Decivilization in the 1960s

And figure two, Homicide rates in US and England 1900-2000, shows that in the 1960s the homicide rate in America went through the roof.

After a three-decade free fall that spanned the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War, Americans multiplied their homicide rate by more than two and a half, from a low of 4.0 in 1957 to a high of 10.2 in 1980 (U.S. Bureau of Statistics; Fox and Zawitz: 2007). The upsurge included every other category of major crime as well, including rape, assault, robbery, and theft, and lasted (with ups and downs) for three decades. The cities got particularly dangerous, especially New York, which became a symbol of the new criminality. Though the surge in violence affected all the races and both genders, it was most dramatic among black men, whose annual homicide rate had shot up by the mid-1980s to 72 per 100,000.

The rebounding of violence in the 1960s defied every expectation. The decade was a time of unprecedented economic growth, nearly full employment, levels of economic equality for which people today are nostalgic, historic racial progress, and the blossoming of government social programs, not to mention medical advances that made victims more likely to survive being shot or knifed. Social theorists in 1962 would have happily bet that these fortunate conditions would lead to a continuing era of low crime. And they would have lost their shirts.

Together with self-control and societal connectedness, a third ideal came under attack: marriage and family life, which had done so much to domesticate male violence in the preceding decades.

The idea that a man and a woman should devote their energies to a monogamous relationship in which they raise their children in a safe environment became a target of howling ridicule. That life was now the soulless, conformist, consumerist, materialist, ticky-tacky, plastic, white-bread, Ozzie and Harriet suburban wasteland.

As the rationalizations for criminality caught the attention of judges and legislators, they became increasingly reluctant to put miscreants behind bars. Though the civil liberties reform of the era did not lead to nearly as many vicious criminals ‘going free on a technicality’ as the Dirty Harry movies would suggest, law enforcement was indeed retreating as the crime rate was advancing. In the United States from 1962 to 1979, the likelihood that a crime would lead to an arrest dropped from 0.32 to 0.18, the likelihood that an arrest would lead to imprisonment dropped from 0.32 to 0.14, and the likelihood that a crime would lead to imprisonment fell from 0.10 to 0.02, a factor of five.[10]

And the rate went up during out most prosperous decades ever in the history of Planet Earth. The difference between the low crime of the Depression and the Affluenza of the 60's is the destruction of morals and culture and simple common decency.

Led by LBJ and the demcorat "Great Society" targeting the poor for destruction...
NO you are not correct, guns are just a tool, pro gun, but totally against untrained gun nuts. there is zero reason to go shopping with any kind of riffle strapped to your body.
NO you are not correct, guns are just a tool, pro gun, but totally against untrained gun nuts. there is zero reason to go shopping with any kind of riffle strapped to your body.
----------------------------------- in YOUR opinion . Of course Police do that walking around with guns if they want to . And Untrained is simply a reason for authorities to step in and say , hey , we authorities don't like this guys training as his training is not adequate in our EXPERT opinion S. Play . Casual but serious Training by DADs and other gun experts and gun organizations has been good enough for a couple hundred years in the USA, [Guns and their operation aren't complicated S. Play .]
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Moron....during the Great Depression...that era you are talking about? Violent crime went down......not up.......

The crime rate went up after they passed those gun control laws you dope......leading to the violent 70s, and 80s, and it didn't go down until after more people started carrying dope.

Uh, no, it went up... way up. The criminals were so bad we still remember their names to this very day.

John Dillenger
Pretty Boy Floyd
Babyface Nelson
Bonnie and Clyde
Ma Barker

Then we passed gun laws, and we stopped having "Celebrity Criminals".
Moron....during the Great Depression...that era you are talking about? Violent crime went down......not up.......

The crime rate went up after they passed those gun control laws you dope......leading to the violent 70s, and 80s, and it didn't go down until after more people started carrying dope.

Uh, no, it went up... way up. The criminals were so bad we still remember their names to this very day.

John Dillenger
Pretty Boy Floyd
Babyface Nelson
Bonnie and Clyde
Ma Barker

Then we passed gun laws, and we stopped having "Celebrity Criminals".

No....violent crime went down during the depression, you mope...

Violent crime rates may have risen at first during the Depression (in 1933, nationwide homicide mortality rate hit a high for the century until that point, at 9.7 per 100,000 people) but the trend did not continue throughout the decade. As the economy showed signs of recovery in 1934-37, the homicide rate went down by 20 percent.

Moron....those criminals ignored the gun laws....and used actual military weapons, you have got to stop getting your history from movies....
Moron....during the Great Depression...that era you are talking about? Violent crime went down......not up.......

The crime rate went up after they passed those gun control laws you dope......leading to the violent 70s, and 80s, and it didn't go down until after more people started carrying dope.

Uh, no, it went up... way up. The criminals were so bad we still remember their names to this very day.

John Dillenger
Pretty Boy Floyd
Babyface Nelson
Bonnie and Clyde
Ma Barker

Then we passed gun laws, and we stopped having "Celebrity Criminals".

Movie history is not real history dope...

Do hard times spark more crime?

The Depression of the 1930s offers an excellent illustration of the inconsistent relationship between economics and crime. This was a time of unprecedented economic catastrophe for the United States. By the early ‘30s, more than 3,600 banks had gone under, more than 40% of home mortgages were in default and 1,300 local governments had failed to make obligatory payments. National income had fallen to 54% of 1929 levels. By 1932, an estimated 28% of the nation’s households (34 million people) did not have a single employed wage earner.

With all this misery, did violent crime rise? At first, yes. In 1933, the nationwide homicide mortality rate hit a high for the century up to that point of 9.7 per 100,000 people. In fact, the homicide rate exceeded 9.0 in every year from 1930 to 1934. Only in the “great crime surge” of the 1970s would we again begin seeing rates that alarming.

On the other hand, as the economic recovery proceeded from 1934 to 1937, the homicide rate declined by 20%. This may or may not have been due to the New Deal, for at the same time that millions were getting federal relief payments and young men were being marched off to the countryside to work in Civilian Conservation Corps camps, other events also may have affected crime rates. Prohibition ended in 1933, and immigration, along with the great black migration to Northern cities, plunged dramatically at about the same time, driving down urban crime.

But whatever the reasons, crime continued to fall. The economy stalled again in 1937 and 1938 (Republicans called it the Roosevelt recession), but homicide rates kept going down, reaching 6.4 per 100,000 by the end of the decade. In fact, the mid-'30s launched a multi-decade crime trough that ran, despite occasional spikes, right up to the 1960s.
Violent crime rates may have risen at first during the Depression (in 1933, nationwide homicide mortality rate hit a high for the century until that point, at 9.7 per 100,000 people) but the trend did not continue throughout the decade. As the economy showed signs of recovery in 1934-37, the homicide rate went down by 20 percent.

Okay, buddy, let's look at that.

You admit, four years into the Great Depression, the murder rate hit a century high.

9.7 per 100,000 people. (Today it's 4.9, which is still much higher than most other industrial nations.

It went down 20% after they passed some sensible gun laws.

The NATIONAL FIREARMS ACT was passed in 1934.

National Firearms Act - Wikipedia

So.... We hit an all time high in Homicide in 1933. They passed a pretty extensive firearms act in 1934, and by 1937, the homicide rate was cut by 20%.

In fact, it continued to go down, all the way until the 1960s, when the Supreme court gutted the NFA and it spiked right back up in the 1970's. The only difference was that instead of the NRA supporting common sense gun control like they did in the 1930's, they've opposed every gun control law suggested.

You just kind of defeated your own argument, bud.
Violent crime rates may have risen at first during the Depression (in 1933, nationwide homicide mortality rate hit a high for the century until that point, at 9.7 per 100,000 people) but the trend did not continue throughout the decade. As the economy showed signs of recovery in 1934-37, the homicide rate went down by 20 percent.

Okay, buddy, let's look at that.

You admit, four years into the Great Depression, the murder rate hit a century high.

9.7 per 100,000 people. (Today it's 4.9, which is still much higher than most other industrial nations.

It went down 20% after they passed some sensible gun laws.

The NATIONAL FIREARMS ACT was passed in 1934.

National Firearms Act - Wikipedia

So.... We hit an all time high in Homicide in 1933. They passed a pretty extensive firearms act in 1934, and by 1937, the homicide rate was cut by 20%.

In fact, it continued to go down, all the way until the 1960s, when the Supreme court gutted the NFA and it spiked right back up in the 1970's. The only difference was that instead of the NRA supporting common sense gun control like they did in the 1930's, they've opposed every gun control law suggested.

You just kind of defeated your own argument, bud.

No, moron...I didn't...... you are an idiot.....

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s

Yes, and now we have record mass shootings and 14,500 gun homicides a year.. That's just fucking crazy man.
Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s

Yes, and now we have record mass shootings and 14,500 gun homicides a year.. That's just fucking crazy man.

No...not record....we had 12 in 2018, and 11 in 2017.

And those gun murders were 10,982 in 2017 according to the FBI....of those, you asshat, the majority of those killed, 70-80% if not more, are criminals, murdered by other criminals during criminal activity and score settling. Of the rest, the majority of those are the friends, family and other associates of actual criminals, caught in the crossfire between criminals.....

Then, the other side which you don't want to notice......

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives...according to the Centers for Disease Control...or 1.5 million times a year according to the FBI......

Then, you have the fact that as more Americans own and carry guns, our gun crime rate went down, not up, and our gun murder rate went down, not up....showing that normal Americans who own guns for hunting, sport, and self defense, do not use them for crime....

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
No...not record...

Okay, whatever BS numbers you want to put up...


You live in your own fucking NRA universe. The rest of us have to live with metal detectors and active shooter drills.
NO you are not correct, guns are just a tool, pro gun, but totally against untrained gun nuts. there is zero reason to go shopping with any kind of riffle strapped to your body.

Agree. If you need a rifle to go get a loaf of bread, then there are other 'issues' more important, and those stores aren't open anyway.
Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s

Yes, and now we have record mass shootings and 14,500 gun homicides a year.. That's just fucking crazy man.

Gun laws used to be race based. You want to reduce gun violence, you will have to return to that policy, and allow sweeps of hood rat neighborhoods, stop and search of known gangbangers, etc. Not much need for it in the white Burbs, where violent crimes rates are less than Europe's. But wait, you left wringers actively encourage violent crime in minority neighborhoods, and don't want to interfere with pouring money into the pockets of drug cartels and the serial killers they hire to handles sales and distribution.
NO you are not correct, guns are just a tool, pro gun, but totally against untrained gun nuts. there is zero reason to go shopping with any kind of riffle strapped to your body.

Agree. If you need a rifle to go get a loaf of bread, then there are other 'issues' more important, and those stores aren't open anyway.
Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s

Yes, and now we have record mass shootings and 14,500 gun homicides a year.. That's just fucking crazy man.

Gun laws used to be race based. You want to reduce gun violence, you will have to return to that policy, and allow sweeps of hood rat neighborhoods, stop and search of known gangbangers, etc. Not much need for it in the white Burbs, where violent crimes rates are less than Europe's. But wait, you left wringers actively encourage violent crime in minority neighborhoods, and don't want to interfere with pouring money into the pockets of drug cartels and the serial killers they hire to handles sales and distribution.

We don't have to have race based laws

All we need to do is strictly enforce the federal gun laws we already have.

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