Why Barr may have placed himself in a not too pleasant corner.....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.
LOL Barr won't be hiding and his investigation will reveal much about the shit show that was the Mueller investigation.

Wonder who among the Dems will be hiding??
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

Trump demands LOYALTY from his 'servants' and Barr is certainly a Trump servant.

Don't expect Barr to do anything that will offer any indication he is not 'loyal' to his master Trump.
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.
You are a completely deranged fool.
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

Trump demands LOYALTY from his 'servants' and Barr is certainly a Trump servant.

Don't expect Barr to do anything that will offer any indication he is not 'loyal' to his master Trump.
Anyone who does not demand loyalty from their employees is a libtard moron.
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

You're missing about 10 steps and about 5-years in your summary of what happens. You'll be old and gray before Barr gets in any legal difficulty.
Anyone who does not demand loyalty from their employees is a libtard moron.

Officers in the military don't demand loyalty from their crew, they expect their crew to be loyal to the Constitution. If an officer gives a subordinate an order that the subordinate knows is unlawful, not only do they have the right to not obey it, but they also have the duty to report it.
Barr is treading a fine line, I'm not sure he has broken a law yet. He is somewhat careful, there may have been some ridiculous things redacted out of the Mueller report which shouldn't have been, but he didn't go overboard with that.
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

You lost....Get over it and et a life, clown.

LOL Barr won't be hiding and his investigation will reveal much about the shit show that was the Mueller investigation.

Wonder who among the Dems will be hiding??

Here, moron.....if you can read, learn something about you new "hero" Stooge Barr...............LMAO

William Barr Supported Pardons In An Earlier D.C. 'Witch Hunt': Iran ...

Cover-up Attorney General Bill Barr strikes again

Attorney General William Barr Used Pardons to Protect President ...

William Barr's Troubling View of Presidential Power | Brennan Center ...

William Barr Has a Long History of Abusing Civil Rights and Liberties ...
You're missing about 10 steps and about 5-years in your summary of what happens. You'll be old and gray before Barr gets in any legal difficulty.

Possibly......Given that Barr is another fat fuck, he could keel over next week..............LOL
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

Barr will be just fine. As will Trump. Barr is one of the best things to happen to Trump's cabinet so far, now that he finally is getting the curmudgeon Left off his fucking back so he can actually do his job elected for. Two men. Working hand in hand, to kick the living shit out of the Left.


Now we just need the Old Skinbag to retire from SCOTUS so Trump can put another Constitutional Conservative in her place.

Barr is treading a fine line, I'm not sure he has broken a law yet.

Of course, Barr has NOT yet broken any law.....My point was that IF a House committee requests from the DOJ to prosecute some other Trump stooge for not adhering to a subpoena.......and Barr REFUSES to follow the law......then he will be called before a court to explain why he has become an "outlaw.".....and why he lied when being sworn in about upholding the Constitution (rather than just Trump's interests.)
LOL Barr won't be hiding and his investigation will reveal much about the shit show that was the Mueller investigation.

Wonder who among the Dems will be hiding??
The Hildebeast would be like trying to hide an aircraft carrier.
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

Go ahead big guy get it all out
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

Barr is fine....he will continue to give Congress the finger. He will never be impeached. They can go right ahead and hold him in contempt. It's meaningless. Stop whining about how much your pussy still hurts because Hillary lost and get busy backing Joe B. He's the only one who has a chance. Better hurry though before the me too movement totally takes him out. Or the underaged girl makes the appearance justthat you know is coming.

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LOL Barr won't be hiding and his investigation will reveal much about the shit show that was the Mueller investigation.

Wonder who among the Dems will be hiding??
I cant wait till AG Barr starts deleting his 33,000 emails and bleachbit his hardrives, along with hammering his blackberrys. Boy that will show them Dimwitocraps a thing or too.
LOL Barr won't be hiding and his investigation will reveal much about the shit show that was the Mueller investigation.

Wonder who among the Dems will be hiding??
I cant wait till AG Barr starts deleting his 33,000 emails and bleachbit his hardrives, along with hammering his blackberrys. Boy that will show them Dimwitocraps a thing or too.

Can you believe the childish dreaming?

LOL Barr won't be hiding and his investigation will reveal much about the shit show that was the Mueller investigation.

Wonder who among the Dems will be hiding??
I cant wait till AG Barr starts deleting his 33,000 emails and bleachbit his hardrives, along with hammering his blackberrys. Boy that will show them Dimwitocraps a thing or too.

Gee, post #18 before a Trump ass kisser bring up Hillary?????

What the fuck is the matter with you morons..........This should have been post 2 or 3........Lazy bastards........LMAO

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