Why Barr may have placed himself in a not too pleasant corner.....

Barr is treading a fine line, I'm not sure he has broken a law yet.

Of course, Barr has NOT yet broken any law.....My point was that IF a House committee requests from the DOJ to prosecute some other Trump stooge for not adhering to a subpoena.......and Barr REFUSES to follow the law......then he will be called before a court to explain why he has become an "outlaw.".....and why he lied when being sworn in about upholding the Constitution (rather than just Trump's interests.)

Sorry snowflake, you lose again. Nadler, Schitt for brains and all the other dimbos in Congress have NO enforcement power. Meaning Barr or anybody subpoenaed can tell Nadler to shove it. With NO repercussions. That precedent was set when Obozo and his criminal pals ignored Congressional subpoenas. Epic fail.
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

I like the way you thing Gnat, keep it up! Within the next 3 months, your whole side is going to collapse, lol.

I am not going to debate the point with you, because I would much rather have you think you are going to win, only to have your fantasies destroyed-)

Good luck, you are going to need it-)
I like the way you thing Gnat, keep it up! Within the next 3 months, your whole side is going to collapse, lol.

I am not going to debate the point with you, because I would much rather have you think you are going to win, only to have your fantasies destroyed-)

Good luck, you are going to need it-)

Why Thank You.......Sometimes.....just for fun and to show you're not a complete idiot........try addressing what the O/P summarized......that would make you feel like a proud 7th grader........Try it..............lol.
I like the way you thing Gnat, keep it up! Within the next 3 months, your whole side is going to collapse, lol.

I am not going to debate the point with you, because I would much rather have you think you are going to win, only to have your fantasies destroyed-)

Good luck, you are going to need it-)

Why Thank You.......Sometimes.....just for fun and to show you're not a complete idiot........try addressing what the O/P summarized......that would make you feel like a proud 7th grader........Try it..............lol.

Why would ANYONE address a fantasy? Should we start a thread about GNAT in wonderland, lol!
Hahahaha... Hahahaha...

Haters are do funny when they fall on the ground and start kicking their feet.

How's that Collusion Investigation working out for you?
images (7).jpeg
...Barr is in SERIOUS trouble...
No he isn't.
... if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution...
He's done no such thing.
... and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job...
The Obama Administration routinely ignored Congressional subpoenas, it's quite common.
...Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation...
His reputation is fine. He has never even described himself as Trump's wing-man, like Holder described himself as Obama's and you never said squat about it.
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

I am surprised I haven't seen a thread today about Judge Napolito or whatever from fox news that after reading the report trump certainly is guilty on 6 counts of obstruction.
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

Trump demands LOYALTY from his 'servants' and Barr is certainly a Trump servant.

Don't expect Barr to do anything that will offer any indication he is not 'loyal' to his master Trump.
Like Lynch and Holder to Obama, huh?
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.
First of all, let me educate you since you're an ignoramus It's not a congressional subpoena, it's a democrat subpoena.
I am surprised I haven't seen a thread today about Judge Napolito or whatever from fox news that after reading the report trump certainly is guilty on 6 counts of obstruction.

Interesting.........I counted 10 counts....
LOL Barr won't be hiding and his investigation will reveal much about the shit show that was the Mueller investigation.

Wonder who among the Dems will be hiding??
Won't be hiding??? He'll be lucky to stay out of jail the lying pos
Like Lynch and Holder to Obama, huh?

No, not quite.........Was Obama investigated for colluding with Russia and firing anyone who refused to cover his ass???
It's not a congressional subpoena, it's a democrat subpoena.

Election have consequences........When a party is in control.........the term used is CONGRESSIONAL.....the same way if they fucked up........

You're welcome........lol
LOL Barr won't be hiding and his investigation will reveal much about the shit show that was the Mueller investigation.

Wonder who among the Dems will be hiding??

ANOTHER idiot who has fallen for Trump's lies that our law enforcement is corrupt and can't be trusted.
This is his fog machine churning right in your face and you don't even see it.
This is what dictators do, turn their citizens against the institutions that protect them.
I can hear you baaing from here.
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

Trump demands LOYALTY from his 'servants' and Barr is certainly a Trump servant.

Don't expect Barr to do anything that will offer any indication he is not 'loyal' to his master Trump.
Like Lynch and Holder to Obama, huh?

Obama never got himself into a situation that required a Special Counsel investigation, which would in turn require for either one of them to lie and deflect, in case you don't remember.
Given the sheer wrath of the Republicans against Obama, there either was nothing to investigate or else they were too inept and incompetent to implement an investigation.
Which one was it, dumbass?
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