Why Barr may have placed himself in a not too pleasant corner.....

YOU can dream all you want about all those bad things that Obama did and was smart enough to NOT get caught.....
and I will just keep talking about all those bad things that Trump has done and is dumb enough to get caught and IS now sinking deeper into his bunker mentality.......Check out the mental stability he shows in his tweets....
The idea of you assessing someone else's mental stability seems questionable... I wonder why?
So just take your commie propaganda and shove it.

You forgot to include TDS in your post Tigger....... Didn't your cult leader tell you to stick to the script, damn you?

Don't worry Nat
The great thing about our democracy is that Donald Trump can't be president forever (as much as he'd like to be), he will be gone, and he will (eventually) be forgotten, but whoever inherits the mess he leaves behind will need more than four years to clean up. I feel like this is a test for future generations and future elections. Kids will read about this menace in history books, and (hopefully) what they'll take away from the experience is that this is the kind of leader you DON'T want governing your country. The President is supposed to set a positive example, they should not base decisions on ignorance and hate, but rather compassion, clear thinking, and steady leadership. They should not feel the need to be the center of attention every single day just because it strokes their ego, they should WANT to step out of the spotlight every once in a while, but most importantly, they need to listen, sure they make the ultimate decision, but it doesn't hurt to seek out the advice of others. Our democracy works when it's a team effort.
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

I am surprised I haven't seen a thread today about Judge Napolito or whatever from fox news that after reading the report trump certainly is guilty on 6 counts of obstruction.
Obstruction for what again?

Go find his article it was on the hill yesterday.
Obama's legacy sucks right now, and it's not going to get any better. Lol!

You're certainly entitled to your moronic opinion on Obama......but NOT entitled to make up bullshit "facts" on Obama....

Just for fun.......why don't you look up what Obama's U.S. ........and world-wide.......approval ratings were in January 2017.

THe question is........Should those who are (supposedly) assigned to monitor this forum be MORE careful than others in posting REALITY, versus personal opinions???
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

I am surprised I haven't seen a thread today about Judge Napolito or whatever from fox news that after reading the report trump certainly is guilty on 6 counts of obstruction.
Obstruction for what again?

Go find his article it was on the hill yesterday.
Again I ask, what was he obstructing justice from again? Russian Collluuuuusssssiiiiioooon?
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

I am surprised I haven't seen a thread today about Judge Napolito or whatever from fox news that after reading the report trump certainly is guilty on 6 counts of obstruction.
Obstruction for what again?

Go find his article it was on the hill yesterday.
Again I ask, what was he obstructing justice from again? Russian Collluuuuusssssiiiiioooon?

Again I say go find the goddamn article and read it.
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

I am surprised I haven't seen a thread today about Judge Napolito or whatever from fox news that after reading the report trump certainly is guilty on 6 counts of obstruction.
Obstruction for what again?

Go find his article it was on the hill yesterday.
Again I ask, what was he obstructing justice from again? Russian Collluuuuusssssiiiiioooon?

Again I say go find the goddamn article and read it.
No, I dont have to read anything, it is idiots like you who allowed Hillary to destroy 33,000 emails, blackberries and bleachbit her hard drives, yet when nothing is found about Russian Collusion, now you all pee in your pants, shit on the sidewalks, and have a temper tantrum the likes that the US hasn't seen since Donald J Trump became president...Go cry me a fucking river, you worthless retards...
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

Trump demands LOYALTY from his 'servants' and Barr is certainly a Trump servant.

Don't expect Barr to do anything that will offer any indication he is not 'loyal' to his master Trump.
Anyone who does not demand loyalty from their employees is a libtard moron.
Anyone who does not demand loyalty from their employees is a libtard moron.
Barr is not Trump's employee, dope.
Barr works for America.
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

I am surprised I haven't seen a thread today about Judge Napolito or whatever from fox news that after reading the report trump certainly is guilty on 6 counts of obstruction.
Obstruction for what again?

Go find his article it was on the hill yesterday.
Again I ask, what was he obstructing justice from again? Russian Collluuuuusssssiiiiioooon?
Why did he fire Comey??? I forgot
I am surprised I haven't seen a thread today about Judge Napolito or whatever from fox news that after reading the report trump certainly is guilty on 6 counts of obstruction.
Obstruction for what again?

Go find his article it was on the hill yesterday.
Again I ask, what was he obstructing justice from again? Russian Collluuuuusssssiiiiioooon?

Again I say go find the goddamn article and read it.
No, I dont have to read anything, it is idiots like you who allowed Hillary to destroy 33,000 emails, blackberries and bleachbit her hard drives, yet when nothing is found about Russian Collusion, now you all pee in your pants, shit on the sidewalks, and have a temper tantrum the likes that the US hasn't seen since Donald J Trump became president...Go cry me a fucking river, you worthless retards...
LOL LOL Just what we need ,,,,a good winner Must be a republican lol
Obama's legacy sucks right now, and it's not going to get any better. Lol!

You're certainly entitled to your moronic opinion on Obama......but NOT entitled to make up bullshit "facts" on Obama....

Just for fun.......why don't you look up what Obama's U.S. ........and world-wide.......approval ratings were in January 2017.

THe question is........Should those who are (supposedly) assigned to monitor this forum be MORE careful than others in posting REALITY, versus personal opinions???
You keep telling yourself that, Skippy. It helps with the TDS, I'm sure. January 2017? He's old news now and you know it. Lol!
Obama's legacy sucks right now, and it's not going to get any better. Lol!
You're certainly entitled to your moronic opinion on Obama......but NOT entitled to make up bullshit "facts" on Obama....
Just for fun.......why don't you look up what Obama's U.S. ........and world-wide.......approval ratings were in January 2017.
THe question is........Should those who are (supposedly) assigned to monitor this forum be MORE careful than others in posting REALITY, versus personal opinions???
You appear to be confused about "approval rating" vs "legacy", and you're obviously confused about the definition of "fact". But one thing is clear: You are silly enough to attack a Moderator. Let me know how that goes for you.
Obama's legacy sucks right now, and it's not going to get any better. Lol!
You're certainly entitled to your moronic opinion on Obama......but NOT entitled to make up bullshit "facts" on Obama....
Just for fun.......why don't you look up what Obama's U.S. ........and world-wide.......approval ratings were in January 2017.
THe question is........Should those who are (supposedly) assigned to monitor this forum be MORE careful than others in posting REALITY, versus personal opinions???
You appear to be confused about "approval rating" vs "legacy", and you're obviously confused about the definition of "fact". But one thing is clear: You are silly enough to attack a Moderator. Let me know how that goes for you.
A Quinnipiac University polls released in late January 2017 found that 29 percent said he was the greatest president since World War II, just one point behind Ronald Ragan, who was named by 30 percent and well ahead of every other postwar president.

holars who were surveyed at about the same time agreed. In a C-SPAN survey of 91 historians, political scientists, and other presidential scholars, Obama was ranked 12th among all presidents since George Washington for the overall quality of his performance as chief executive. Among his recent predecessors, Obama surpassed George W. Bush, who ranked 33rd, Bill Clinton (15th), and George H.W. Bush (20th), but not the president whose trajectory-changing legacy Obama once said he wanted to emulate: Ronald Reagan, who ranked 8th.
It's a popularity contest, Ed.
If he wants to hang his hat on a popularity contest....he can.....I guess.
What we do know is trump in his hate of Obama overturned 3 of Obamas greatest attempts to make America a better place

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