Why Barr may have placed himself in a not too pleasant corner.....

Barr is not Trump's employee, dope.
Barr works for America.

Trump works for America. Barr is also working for America, which is what pisses the Democrats off.

They're pissed because Barr is going after the truth. That truth being that the former admin was corrupted by those that were not working for America.
Go find his article it was on the hill yesterday.
Again I ask, what was he obstructing justice from again? Russian Collluuuuusssssiiiiioooon?
Again I ask, what was he obstructing justice from again? Russian Collluuuuusssssiiiiioooon?

Even a moron......like you.....should understand this:

Trump requests the FBI director to DROP an investigation on one of his cronies (Flynn)

The FBI director refuses

Trump fires the FBI director

The DOJ appoints a special counsel to investigate Trump's wrong doings in OBSTRUCTING an INVESTIGATION

Flynn is convicted and faces prison time

Ask a grown up to help you understand why you're such a fucking moron..........LOL

Let's just see who are occupying cells in Leavenworth after the fat lady sings. Even your great hero Obummer himself may end up bunking with Bubba.
Obama will never spend a day in jail, there is no question in my mind regarding that.
Others may....but what there will be, is a lot of is exposure

Again? Really?

Isn't this like the 8th or 9th time that "Obama is going down"?

I suppose it's natural to reach out for some security when scared though. How many times are you going to fool yourself though?
Dude.....you need to comprehend what I said. Show me in my quote where I said Obama is going down. Go ahead, take a moment and show me.
Good grief you are dense. Typical coming from you
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

You are a completely deranged fool.

If this is the best you've got, you lack the intelligence and education to post here. Sadly, some others have skated on, likely because the powers that be pity the mentally challenged.
January 2017? He's old news now and you know it

Oh, why.....since January 2017 Obama has been a lot in the news upsetting your delicate disposition?

The guy has been a perfect gentleman since he has been out of office.....so, how could his "approval ratings" gone down since January 2017?

(yeah, yeah, I know......he is still half black and to your ilk.....THAT is not acceptable?)
You need to bring up the race cared? :auiqs.jpg: You'll be hard pressed to find a post of mine which would be racial.
Sad that you need to lower yourself to that level, nat.
Stay tuned to his popularity numbers, they are bound to change over the next year and half. Lol!

My apologies for that "race card" comment.........

However, how could anyone want to "defend" this fucked up, current administration by .....instead.....attacking one that has been over for 2.5 years???...................Obama has kept his privacy but STILL somehow pisses you folks off.
Obama hasn't kept his privacy....he goes and bashes the current administration overseas.
He slammed Trump on immigration then agrees with him.
Look...I think that Trump is his own worst enemy. He is thin skinned and should shut up.
But, he is putting the US in a winning position on several different levels.
Time to file complaints to treasury dept. for treasonous speeches Obama is doing. We taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for traitors to the USA who are big mouth singers using us to pay his criminal speeches any more.
Again I ask, what was he obstructing justice from again? Russian Collluuuuusssssiiiiioooon?
Again I ask, what was he obstructing justice from again? Russian Collluuuuusssssiiiiioooon?

Even a moron......like you.....should understand this:

Trump requests the FBI director to DROP an investigation on one of his cronies (Flynn)

The FBI director refuses

Trump fires the FBI director

The DOJ appoints a special counsel to investigate Trump's wrong doings in OBSTRUCTING an INVESTIGATION

Flynn is convicted and faces prison time

Ask a grown up to help you understand why you're such a fucking moron..........LOL

Let's just see who are occupying cells in Leavenworth after the fat lady sings. Even your great hero Obummer himself may end up bunking with Bubba.
Obama will never spend a day in jail, there is no question in my mind regarding that.
Others may....but what there will be, is a lot of is exposure

Again? Really?

Isn't this like the 8th or 9th time that "Obama is going down"?

I suppose it's natural to reach out for some security when scared though. How many times are you going to fool yourself though?
Dude.....you need to comprehend what I said. Show me in my quote where I said Obama is going down. Go ahead, take a moment and show me.
Good grief you are dense. Typical coming from you

Please excuse meister, his whole world seems to be coming down since the last election. Butt Hurt? Seems so.
Even a moron......like you.....should understand this:

Trump requests the FBI director to DROP an investigation on one of his cronies (Flynn)

The FBI director refuses

Trump fires the FBI director

The DOJ appoints a special counsel to investigate Trump's wrong doings in OBSTRUCTING an INVESTIGATION

Flynn is convicted and faces prison time

Ask a grown up to help you understand why you're such a fucking moron..........LOL

Let's just see who are occupying cells in Leavenworth after the fat lady sings. Even your great hero Obummer himself may end up bunking with Bubba.
Obama will never spend a day in jail, there is no question in my mind regarding that.
Others may....but what there will be, is a lot of is exposure

Again? Really?

Isn't this like the 8th or 9th time that "Obama is going down"?

I suppose it's natural to reach out for some security when scared though. How many times are you going to fool yourself though?
Dude.....you need to comprehend what I said. Show me in my quote where I said Obama is going down. Go ahead, take a moment and show me.
Good grief you are dense. Typical coming from you

Please excuse meister, his whole world seems to be coming down since the last election.
Senate and the White house, wry. As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
And maybe you can show me where I said Obama is going down. You guys just make shit up
as you go along. :auiqs.jpg:
I get the fact that you're afraid that Barr will uncover the truth. I don't blame you. If I supported a Political Party over America I would be too.

So.....just to get this straight........you morons are NOW counting on Barr to uncover this "coup d'etat" attempt by the Obama administration in plotting, wiretapping and investigating the orange moron???

Is THIS really what you dimwits are counting on?

Never mind that Don-baby, Kushner and Manafort did NOT tell the FBI that Russia wanted to help Trump win???

Never mind that the idiot-in-chief once openly ASKED for Russian help to defeat Clinton?

Never mind that Manafort handed over to Russian operatives polling data to get Russia to help Trump??

Never mind that Trump LIED throughout his campaign that he had no dealings with Russia?

......Soooooo, Barr is going to shift reality to suit your fucked up aspitations??

Try hanging by your gonads until Barr gives you what your longing for...............LMAO
So just take your commie propaganda and shove it.

You forgot to include TDS in your post Tigger....... Didn't your cult leader tell you to stick to the script, damn you?

Don't worry Nat
The great thing about our democracy is that Donald Trump can't be president forever (as much as he'd like to be), he will be gone, and he will (eventually) be forgotten, but whoever inherits the mess he leaves behind will need more than four years to clean up. I feel like this is a test for future generations and future elections. Kids will read about this menace in history books, and (hopefully) what they'll take away from the experience is that this is the kind of leader you DON'T want governing your country. The President is supposed to set a positive example, they should not base decisions on ignorance and hate, but rather compassion, clear thinking, and steady leadership. They should not feel the need to be the center of attention every single day just because it strokes their ego, they should WANT to step out of the spotlight every once in a while, but most importantly, they need to listen, sure they make the ultimate decision, but it doesn't hurt to seek out the advice of others. Our democracy works when it's a team effort.

You fucking commies keep calling our federal government a democracy, you fully know it's not. It is a republic and the only entities that vote for it's executive officers are the States, not the individual citizen.

Even a moron......like you.....should understand this:

Trump requests the FBI director to DROP an investigation on one of his cronies (Flynn)

The FBI director refuses

Trump fires the FBI director

The DOJ appoints a special counsel to investigate Trump's wrong doings in OBSTRUCTING an INVESTIGATION

Flynn is convicted and faces prison time

Ask a grown up to help you understand why you're such a fucking moron..........LOL

Let's just see who are occupying cells in Leavenworth after the fat lady sings. Even your great hero Obummer himself may end up bunking with Bubba.
Obama will never spend a day in jail, there is no question in my mind regarding that.
Others may....but what there will be, is a lot of is exposure

Again? Really?

Isn't this like the 8th or 9th time that "Obama is going down"?

I suppose it's natural to reach out for some security when scared though. How many times are you going to fool yourself though?
Dude.....you need to comprehend what I said. Show me in my quote where I said Obama is going down. Go ahead, take a moment and show me.
Good grief you are dense. Typical coming from you

Please excuse meister, his whole world seems to be coming down since the last election. Butt Hurt? Seems so.
Oh, Wry, what a tangled web you weave when first you practiced to deceive. :cranky:
Again? Really?
Isn't this like the 8th or 9th time that "Obama is going down"?
I suppose it's natural to reach out for some security when scared though. How many times are you going to fool yourself though?
"This is the beginning of the end..."
"Another breaking bombshell tonight..."
"The walls are closing in..."
"This is the tipping point..."
"The President will resign..."
"He will not serve out his term..."

This is what we've heard thousands of times for two solid years. Now you're complaining about "8th or 9th time"?

I think it's obvious who's scared here.
Let's just see who are occupying cells in Leavenworth after the fat lady sings. Even your great hero Obummer himself may end up bunking with Bubba.
Obama will never spend a day in jail, there is no question in my mind regarding that.
Others may....but what there will be, is a lot of is exposure

Again? Really?

Isn't this like the 8th or 9th time that "Obama is going down"?

I suppose it's natural to reach out for some security when scared though. How many times are you going to fool yourself though?
Dude.....you need to comprehend what I said. Show me in my quote where I said Obama is going down. Go ahead, take a moment and show me.
Good grief you are dense. Typical coming from you

Please excuse meister, his whole world seems to be coming down since the last election.

Senate and the White house, wry. As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
And maybe you can show me where I said Obama is going down. You guys just make shit up
as you go along. :auiqs.jpg:

I don't make shit up, and I never accused you of writing, "Obama is going down". I haven't even written that about Trump, of course he's as low as a human being can go - metaphorically.
Obama will never spend a day in jail, there is no question in my mind regarding that.
Others may....but what there will be, is a lot of is exposure

Again? Really?

Isn't this like the 8th or 9th time that "Obama is going down"?

I suppose it's natural to reach out for some security when scared though. How many times are you going to fool yourself though?
Dude.....you need to comprehend what I said. Show me in my quote where I said Obama is going down. Go ahead, take a moment and show me.
Good grief you are dense. Typical coming from you

Please excuse meister, his whole world seems to be coming down since the last election.

Senate and the White house, wry. As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
And maybe you can show me where I said Obama is going down. You guys just make shit up
as you go along. :auiqs.jpg:

I don't make shit up, and I never accused you of writing, "Obama is going down". I haven't even written that about Trump, of course he's as low as a human being can go - metaphorically.
When you replied to Hutch's post....just what do you think he was talking about?
Trump won't release his tax returns is code for progressives have nothing of value to complain about. What a great job our POTUS is doing.
Let's just see who are occupying cells in Leavenworth after the fat lady sings. Even your great hero Obummer himself may end up bunking with Bubba.
Obama will never spend a day in jail, there is no question in my mind regarding that.
Others may....but what there will be, is a lot of is exposure

Again? Really?

Isn't this like the 8th or 9th time that "Obama is going down"?

I suppose it's natural to reach out for some security when scared though. How many times are you going to fool yourself though?
Dude.....you need to comprehend what I said. Show me in my quote where I said Obama is going down. Go ahead, take a moment and show me.
Good grief you are dense. Typical coming from you

Please excuse meister, his whole world seems to be coming down since the last election. Butt Hurt? Seems so.

Oh, Wry, what a tangled web you weave when first you practiced to deceive. :cranky:

Cute, but nothing more since there is no truth in your little diddy.

It took Mueller 2-1/2 years to exonerate Trump of crimes that there was never any evidence of ever having taken place, even though, in unpredcidented transparency, Trump did not refuse a single piece of evidence Mueller asked for not did he refuse to allow a single person under him to testify.

Soooooo, lets break the above down a bit, shall we?......

  • First (a minor fuckup) 23 months of Mueller's investigation now equals 2 1/2 years???

  • Second.....Mueller "exonerated" Trump even though he CLEARLY stated this:

...... that “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.

  • Third..........did Mueller know or NOT know that the DOJ policy states that he could NOT indict a sitting president? Yes or No?

  • Fourth....If the orange clown touts FULL TRANSPARENCY and COOPERATION, why didn't he sit down with Mueller or a grand jury and testify under oath (as Clinton did)???

  • Fifth......Did you know that with all that TRANSPARENCY, even the WRITTEN response to Mueller had Trump stating "I don't remember"...THIRTY-SIX times???? (almost as many dementia-ladened responses as Reagan's)
I don't remember....can mean that he doesn't remember.

Pleading the 5th means.... “No person shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.”
You fucking commies

Tigger is a bit upset........Please don't forget to add to :fucking commies"......such Shakespearean prose as doo-doo, fascist, TDS, deranged, etc.........After all, the cult memos CLEARLY spell out what morons like you should spew.
And maybe you can show me where I said Obama is going down. You guys just make shit up
as you go along

Semantics are so damn difficult.....Did you or did you not state this?

Obama's legacy sucks right now, and it's not going to get any better.
Again? Really?

Isn't this like the 8th or 9th time that "Obama is going down"?

I suppose it's natural to reach out for some security when scared though. How many times are you going to fool yourself though?
Dude.....you need to comprehend what I said. Show me in my quote where I said Obama is going down. Go ahead, take a moment and show me.
Good grief you are dense. Typical coming from you

Please excuse meister, his whole world seems to be coming down since the last election.

Senate and the White house, wry. As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
And maybe you can show me where I said Obama is going down. You guys just make shit up
as you go along. :auiqs.jpg:

I don't make shit up, and I never accused you of writing, "Obama is going down". I haven't even written that about Trump, of course he's as low as a human being can go - metaphorically.

When you replied to Hutch's post....just what do you think he was talking about?

I read what he posted, but it had no effect on me, I had no dog in that fight; I was speaking to you and how your partisanship has become fueled by the loss of the H. or Rep. "Butt Hurt", mocking you and others on your side of the aisle.

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