Why be a liberal?

You can be a liberal because it's easy. You don't have to worry about morality or family values and you can hate your Country when you are disappointed about an election. With the cooperation of the criminal conspiracy in the MSM you can rewrite history after a hundred years of promoting segregation and hatred towards Blacks and you can pretend you aren't a bigot when you ridicule Christians and burn the Flag and spit on members of the Military. As a liberal you can promote the fake concept that Black people are incapable of engaging in the modern world because they need the care and assistance of the federal plantation and you can turn on a dime when it's politically convenient because you have no core values.
Ain't religious freedom a beautiful thing? Here you can wear that (or not) your call.
For now. Depends on how much power the GOP really has.
I think it's more like "Be anything but a narrow minded, uneducated, racist, homophobe, Confederate Republican Conservative". At least you won't go to Hell when you die. You know what Jesus thinks of heartless and greedy wealthy and lying hypocrites. It's all over the New Testament. The one that GOP right wingers claim to follow, but never read.
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?

"Why be a Liberal?"
Because you love a government hand-holding and believe you should "live and let live on other people's money" and because you want to associate with this:


And this:


And this:



And this:


And this:


You Loonies should be so proud....hahaha
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?

"Why be a Liberal?"
Because you love a government hand-holding and believe you should "live and let live on other people's money" and because you want to associate with this:


And this:


And this:



And this:


And this:


You Loonies should be so proud....hahaha

Don't forget this:

With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?

"Why be a Liberal?"
Because you love a government hand-holding and believe you should "live and let live on other people's money" and because you want to associate with this:


And this:


And this:



And this:


And this:


You Loonies should be so proud....hahaha

Don't forget this:


Thanks...I almost forgot.
Thread summary:

Many conservatives here are supremely butthurt, weeping uncontrollably about how those awful liberals keep humiliating them.

That is, nothing unusual is going on.
Thread summary:

Many conservatives here are supremely butthurt, weeping uncontrollably about how those awful liberals keep humiliating them.

That is, nothing unusual is going on.

That's what you took from last week?

ROFLMAO, can left wingers do anything but project? You were handed a massive blow dude.
ROFLMAO, can left wingers do anything but project? You were handed a massive blow dude.

You poor snowflake. You're not even remotely in touch with reality.

By a 20-point margin, 46 percent to 26 percent, Americans say Comey is more honest and trustworthy than Trump, with the remainder unsure.

Comey reamed you good. No wonder you're so butthurt.

Keep pretending it wasn't a massive winning move all you want. Will be long 8 years...
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?
If I become a liberal I hallucinate about freaks in the water?

Thanks but I'll pass
Freaks? What are you 13 years old?
I fucking wish
Well you defiantly have the little girl mentality narrowed down. Keep trying.
Non sense. I accept little girls like you for who they are.
The header is an incomplete version of one of the world's greater questions. The whole question?

"Why be a liberal if you can't be an asshole?"

Maybe just an honest artifact of the board limit on the number of characters per header?

But more likely.....


Liberal Lapel Pin!
This is your Regressive Left, gang.

Celebrating that a woman is forced by her religion to wear that shit in a public pool.

There is no better proof that these people are NOT liberals.
Why does it matter WHY she is wearing It? Regardless of WHY she wears it, she should be free to do it without some rightwinger throwing a tantrum over it. That's just stupid. Forget the why. It doesn't matter. If you want to talk about oppression of women from Islam, keep it as a separate topic.
Come on. She's wearing it because of her religion and we both know it.
Lol yes no shit that's why she is wearing it. All that matters is that she chooses to wear it in Western society. Rightwing hypocritical bigots shouldn't be throwing tantrums over her choice to do it.
. Should Mulims be mindful of the situation going on with terrorism, and it being related to the Muslim religion in some ways, and if so should they try and adjust their styles a bit in order to reflect their disapproval of the radical side of their religion maybe ? The wear she is wearing looks nice, but is it still to much in regards to what has been going on maybe for some ?? Does the covering of the body in these ways show that she is in subjection by belief or by religious law to her husband willingly or forcefully ?? Is this religion anti-western culture maybe, and if so should we be allowing an anti-western culture religious view to live here amongst us if they are against us whether openly or secretly ?? If they are peaceful, then it is that we should be peaceful in our embracing them and their right to live peacefully among us here, but if we keep getting hit by them, then we might have to consider a rejection of the religion if it is a deadly one unto us.
How about you not be a drama queen about her wearing it regardless of why she chooses to wear it?
. If her choosing to wear it as a statement of her beliefs that's cool, just as long as her beliefs don't conflict with the American culture or peaceful religions in as far as her agreeing with any violence that has taken place in America against Americans or condoning said violence by being silent over those things concerning the home grown terrorist who have taken that route in life for their disdain for America.
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Again just for fun, if I were a liberal it would mean being able to....
  • believe in law but not order
  • believe laws apply only to Republicans
  • be an atheist while thinking of myself as a saint
  • trust in Camelot
  • know Gore won
  • know Hillary won
  • understand government is the solution
  • spend nights thinking of all we've done to the Native-Americans, African-American, and the poor Mexicans
  • look forward to the next photo of Caitlyn Jenner
  • see the real America as only the areas between Washington DC and Boston and between San Diego and Seattle
  • toss common sense out the window
  • think late night comedians with their political humor are insightful
  • think guns kill, not bullets
  • not be judgmental towards those that agree with me
Anyone else notice how liberals open their doors to Muslims as examples why "liberalism is awesome"? Course they could give a shit that 20-25% of Muslims feel children should die for the crime of being an infidel. Then they imply conservatives are the reason women in these countries haven't been indoctrinated.

If liberals had operable brains they'd recognize they're their own worst enemies. In the meantime, open the gates, it's worked so well for Europe.
Anyone else notice how liberals open their doors to Muslims as examples why "liberalism is awesome"? Course they could give a shit that 20-25% of Muslims feel children should die for the crime of being an infidel. Then they imply conservatives are the reason women in these countries haven't been indoctrinated.

If liberals had operable brains they'd recognize they're their own worst enemies. In the meantime, open the gates, it's worked so well for Europe.
. Liberals have compromised the security of this nation big time.
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?
Wow. Today's liberals, who abhor individual freedom and liberty. despise individual achievement and success, believe groupism and group think are good policy, bear ZERO resemblance to the classical liberals of 300 years ago. Your side demands normal everyday people apologize for breathing. That we should all kowtow to the lowest common denominator. That no one should ever experience disappointment. That all persons( Libs only) have the absolute right to not be offended.
The left invented political correctness, believes IT is the sole authority on ideas and that any idea which does not fit the narrative of the day or for whatever reason offends the latest liberal cause, shall be attacked, impugned and destroyed.
Look at this photo......The other people are oblivious to the woman in the Hijab. Yet YOU are so wired to any potential issue that may offend this woman, who by the way is NOT trying to make herself known, and is minding her own business, that YOU must shout from the roof tops. "LOOK AT THAT MUSLIM WOMAN...She is a HERO"....
A few months ago, the news media was fawning all over the "first Muslim woman to climb Mt Everest"....I woudl imagine they who reported this were expecting a gasp of excitement. Instead the item at best drew a yawn.
Roll back to the Olympics in Rio.....A woman, Muslim, wore traditional Muslim garb participated in the Fencing competition. NBC and Comcrap, tried to make this THE story of the entire Olympiad.
The story was hardly mentioned once she was eliminated from the event. Nobody cared. Yes, she was competing as an American. I wanted her to win a medal for the USA. NBC twisted the story into " A medal for Islam"....What a bunch of shit.

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