Why be a liberal?

With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?

really? all liberals are muslim, moron?
What a shame. The regressives defend a religion that treats women and gays like that, and they even go into spin mode after jihadist atrocities.

These are not liberals, they are "progressives" (ha).
No religion supports liberalism, Mac in the middle. That's why no religion is allowed to rule here.
First, no one is debating that...
in effect, you are incorrect.
Lets look at a few examples
In New Jersey. Despite that state at least in a sense of which party dominates, it is as blue as it gets.
Yet.many of NJ statutes date back hundreds of years and to date have only seen cursory challenges.
NJ Liquor control laws are steeped in religious doctrine. Also, there are many municipalities that have so called Blue Laws which bar certain types of activities on Sundays.
The so called Bible Belt is dominated by conservative Protestants and many laws and regulations which this important voting bloc find objectionable.
Utah? That state is owned an operated by the Mormon Church.
So if it your claim that religion has no influence on law or activity, you are not paying attention.
Anyone else notice how liberals open their doors to Muslims as examples why "liberalism is awesome"? Course they could give a shit that 20-25% of Muslims feel children should die for the crime of being an infidel. Then they imply conservatives are the reason women in these countries haven't been indoctrinated.

If liberals had operable brains they'd recognize they're their own worst enemies. In the meantime, open the gates, it's worked so well for Europe.
. Liberals have compromised the security of this nation big time.

Then complain about the results. They're pretty bad. I blame the gadgets, for the most part.
With liberalism you get this - liberty.

Liberty rocks. The Founders were liberals. Now, why don't you understand this? You should be all over defending liberty like white on rice but you aren't. Why so?

Depends on what you define as liberty? And what you define as liberal? If liberal to you is synonymous with progressive, then no, you probably do not wish for true liberty. Since progressivism is a continual progression towards communism/socialism, with each step taken, increasing government control. Packaged as removal of responsibility for citizens, what it actually does is remove choice. It's an ever increase of government can solve your problems, to what end, no one really knows for sure. Opposed to citizens solving problems, and usually making a pretty penny when they succeed in making the world a better place. It is at best the good of the many out weighs the good of the few, VS the good of the individual. What it usually winds up as, is a power structure that becomes self serving, and very very inefficient. But it comes in a very nice package of "we'll take away that pesky responsibility you have to deal with."

Actual liberty means minimal government (both in size and control), maximum individual freedom. The bigger their government, the smaller the citizen. The more liberty one has, the more responsibility they have as well. If they make bad choices, well it's on them. If they learn and start to make better choices, it's also them.

And if the lady in the picture you posted wants to wear that, whatever her reasons may be, have at it. Not hurting you or I. Who cares? If you're a person who does care, worry about your own shit, and get out of others business. The same people who spend time complaining about that will probably drive by the Amish, and say how cute. I drive by them all the time, I actually have some admiration for their way of life, they seem quite happy. The point is, if they're not hurting or stealing from you, who gives a shit? We shouldn't have government step in, and you should probably mind your own business. That's what freedom is, keep government out, unless they really need to be in it, let the pieces fall where they may. As Kant put it beautifully in "What is enlightenment."

"Laziness and cowardice are the reasons why such a large part of mankind gladly remain minors all their lives, long after nature has freed them from external guidance. They are the reasons why it is so easy for others to set themselves up as guardians. It is so comfortable to be a minor. If I have a book that thinks for me, a pastor who acts as my conscience, a physician who prescribes my diet, and so on--then I have no need to exert myself. I have no need to think, if only I can pay; others will take care of that disagreeable business for me. Those guardians who have kindly taken supervision upon themselves see to it that the overwhelming majority of mankind--among them the entire fair sex--should consider the step to maturity, not only as hard, but as extremely dangerous. First, these guardians make their domestic cattle stupid and carefully prevent the docile creatures from taking a single step without the leading-strings to which they have fastened them. Then they show them the danger that would threaten them if they should try to walk by themselves. Now this danger is really not very great; after stumbling a few times they would, at last, learn to walk. However, examples of such failures intimidate and generally discourage all further attempts."
I think it's more like "Be anything but a narrow minded, uneducated, racist, homophobe, Confederate Republican Conservative". At least you won't go to Hell when you die. You know what Jesus thinks of heartless and greedy wealthy and lying hypocrites. It's all over the New Testament. The one that GOP right wingers claim to follow, but never read.
Your bigotry is why I can never be a liberal.
What a shame. The regressives defend a religion that treats women and gays like that, and they even go into spin mode after jihadist atrocities.

These are not liberals, they are "progressives" (ha).
No religion supports liberalism, Mac in the middle. That's why no religion is allowed to rule here.
First, no one is debating that...
in effect, you are incorrect.
Lets look at a few examples
In New Jersey. Despite that state at least in a sense of which party dominates, it is as blue as it gets.
Yet.many of NJ statutes date back hundreds of years and to date have only seen cursory challenges.
NJ Liquor control laws are steeped in religious doctrine. Also, there are many municipalities that have so called Blue Laws which bar certain types of activities on Sundays.
The so called Bible Belt is dominated by conservative Protestants and many laws and regulations which this important voting bloc find objectionable.
Utah? That state is owned an operated by the Mormon Church.
So if it your claim that religion has no influence on law or activity, you are not paying attention.
. Oh they are paying attention alright, and that is what the problem has become for many of the religious values that were once accepted widely in this nation. So much bullcrap through designed brainwashing has become the norm in many groups cultures or ideologies now, that their thinking has become in sharp contrast or contradiction to the original values that had made up the character of this nation. The sad thing is that these groups of brainwashed people have targeted positions on high in order to try and force change where change isn't wanted. They have successfully targeted the media as their mouth piece, and they have all but taken over the high Archy of Hollywood in order to use that method of getting out or influencing the messaging as well. One don't have to look to hard or to far back to follow the trail right back to where it started, and where it all has come from now.
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Anyone else notice how liberals open their doors to Muslims as examples why "liberalism is awesome"? Course they could give a shit that 20-25% of Muslims feel children should die for the crime of being an infidel. Then they imply conservatives are the reason women in these countries haven't been indoctrinated.

If liberals had operable brains they'd recognize they're their own worst enemies. In the meantime, open the gates, it's worked so well for Europe.
. Liberals have compromised the security of this nation big time.

Then complain about the results. They're pretty bad. I blame the gadgets, for the most part.
The gadgets as far as computers, the internet, and the new ways of coming together in order to rebuild the tower of Babel ?
No one said that they did.
Then why do they get more of the attention?

There is a major problem in this country's thinking that terrorism can't have a white face. And that is one of the ways it manifests.
. People know about terrorism coming in many forms or faces, but people know how to also deal with the active one that is currently in operation, and who the operatives are, and who they represent at the time.
If you are born into Islam and live in a Muslim country, you don't have much choice. Sharia law forbids apostasy. Islam forbids people abandoning or changing religions. That's some catch, that catch-22. Islam is something else, isn't it?
Liberals are civilized and believe in using ones mind instead of being like the taliban...

What better reason?
. Yeah yeah we've seen the protest, and the chanting that is done in cultist style .
People know about terrorism coming in many forms or faces, but people know how to also deal with the active one that is currently in operation, and who the operatives are, and who they represent at the time.
Do people stop to think about the reason terrorism takes place? What causes normal, law abiding folk to get radicalized and want to take the law into their own hands? I guarantee our foreign policy has, in part, something to do with that.

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