Why Biden/Trudeau Lovers are Deserving of the Swastika

Yes they are. That's why it is very strange that Democrat voters hate them so much, and, 2. So many of them are falling into the same trap as they did 1930s Germany. It was DEMOCRATS in the 1930s who supported Margaret Sangers work. Your beloved FDR was a sympathetic nazi antisemite
Where did you get that from? We need a link for you to be relevant. It's your thread hot shot.
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I don’t know if you’re a traitor. It’s only vilification if you aren’t a traitor, ya imbecile.

My Party’s “leader” is evidently meant to refer to Trump. Trump has never endorsed Putin. So, no; your post was not even remotely akin to honesty.
Why would you need to endorse who you never criticize? That, in and of itself, is all the endorsement one needs.
Don't worry. You'll always have the commie/atheistic Jews.
No we won't, because you will never be able to prove they are communists in this country. Remember, you were the one who said you wanted to talk about it. You aren't talking about what you can't prove. So are you talking about it? NO!
The swastika is on the Republicans. They are attacking free speech rights and voting rights. They are trying to establish a dictatorship. That is clamping down on rights.

Cracking down on lawbreakers in Canada has nothing to do with freedom. People like you who spread misinformation about covid should be silenced.

It was Republicans in Virginia who used a anti-semitic attack against a Jewish Democrat. MTG has made anti-semitic comments and spoke to a white supremacist gathering. Republicans are threatening to kill Democrat opponents.
He created a thread that said he wanted to talk about it. So far, it's all been about Swastikas. You would think he would be embarrassed by now, but I don't think he has enough horse sense to realize he's just embarrassing himself.
Why would you need to endorse who you never criticize? That, in and of itself, is all the endorsement one needs.
Your stupidity and dishonesty abounds, little feller. I have criticized Trump. He has a rather short temper. He’s a bit of an ego-driven man. His personal foibles are not really disputed. But — So what?

I’d vote for him again tomorrow over Shrillary or the demented old fuck, Brandon. What criticisms of the Alzheimer’s patient in Chief have you and your lot ever made?
Nobody else has my username here. It stands for fuck Joe Biden FYI. Btw, my new avatar doesn't bother you does it? ;)
It does. The swastika is bad enough. But the jackass reminds me of shit like Pelosi, Schumer, Obumbler, Brandon and their filthy diseased anti-American ilk.
Nobody else has my username here. It stands for fuck Joe Biden FYI.

Yes, I know what it stands for. And you copied it as your username to parrot those that say it. Because you are a ewe

Btw, my new avatar doesn't bother you does it?

Not even a tiny bit. It is good in two ways. First just like the racist on here that are not afraid to post their racist tripe, it lets people know what you are. And second it is one more sign of you being a mindless ewe that has to copy avatars to try and be a part of the "group".
Then the first thing you do, is prove they are propagandists. Telling us that is accomplishing nothing. Comprende?
There are men and women who are nothing like they promote themselves to be. We see it and we deny it. They are all around us. I have issues with my parents. But they worked like jackasses to have a home and take care of their children. Their jobs were on the lower level and they deserved better. Propagandists calls them privileged. Today there will be endless commercials of African Americans spewing how they have had it hard. Decade after decade after decade and it is so old.
Yes, I know what it stands for. And you copied it as your username to parrot those that say it. Because you are a ewe

Not even a tiny bit. It is good in two ways. First just like the racist on here that are not afraid to post their racist tripe, it lets people know what you are. And second it is one more sign of you being a mindless ewe that has to copy avatars to try and be a part of the "group".
You, personally, may be a bit slow on the uptake and unaware of the reality, but all of the radical left's favorite weapons are broken. They NO LONGER work. They no longer cut or bruise.

You have overused your weapons in an unwise way, without performing proper maintenance. Every time you have called someone..........








you have caused a bit more wear and tear on your weapon of choice, and like the irresponsible children you are, you leave your tools out in the rain and they get rusty, and you never take them and inspect them for damage , nor repair that damage.

Your weapons used to work on most of us because we allowed ourselves to be vulnerable out of some unwise and misplaced empathy. NO MORE. We now fight back and we are quickly becoming as ruthless as we've seen you being in the past. We still stand, loud and proud, no matter how often you try to use your impotent weapons to silence us.

NO MORE. You radical leftists have truly jumped that shark. In fact, I could say you have failed to jump the shark and you are now in the water with it, and it is circling, laser focused on the scent of blood.

PS -- I'll hang out and watch how many leftist ghouls hit the little "nervous laughter" button right there in the lower right hand corner. It'll be fun.
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You, personally, may be a bit slow on the uptake and unaware of the reality, but all of the radical left's favorite weapons are broken. They NO LONGER work. They no longer cut or bruise.

You have overused your weapons in an unwise way, without performing proper maintenance. Every time you have called someone..........








you have caused a bit more wear and tear on your weapon of choice, and like the irresponsible children you are, you leave your tools out in the rain and they get rusty, and you never take them and inspect them for damage , nor repair that damage.

Your weapons used to work on most of us because we allowed ourselves to be vulnerable out of some unwise and misplaced empathy. NO MORE. We now fight back and we are quickly becoming as ruthless as we've seen you being in the past. We still stand, loud and proud, no matter how often you try to use your impotent weapons to silence us.

NO MORE. You radical leftists have truly jumped that shark. In fact, I could say you have failed to jump the shark and you are now in the water with it, and it is circling, laser focused on the scent of blood.

says the guy flying the swastika as his avatar! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Damn shame you are too stupid to see the irony in your post.

But do not fret, the rest of us do and all get a good kick out of it.
says the guy flying the swastika as his avatar! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Damn shame you are too stupid to see the irony in your post.

But do not fret, the rest of us do and all get a good kick out of it.

You're such a cute little troll. I'd pat you on the head but I don't want lice.

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