Zone1 Why Black Lives still Matter

A system that corrupt should be destroyed.
Police are extremely abusive.
They point guns at unarmed innocent people all the time.
And that is illegal.
No it is not illegal nor abusive.

Your claims are fictional
Unlike the Conservatives retort, Black Lives Matter is not about black lives mattering and white lives do not.

BLM has always been about police abuse without consequence, Police coverups, abuse of unarmed black suspects who are not resisting.

In Mississippi we have another case of police terrorizing black suspects and covering it up.

All lives matter.

And any police misconduct should get reviewed and sanctioned as warranted.
The main criminality in this country is by the wealthy elite, who deprive people of basic rights, equal education, safe and legal jobs, etc.
Things like Prohibition and the War on Drugs are what is the worst crimes.

Education and jobs are not right. The main crminality is caused by common criminals at the street level
The defendants admitted that on Jan. 24, without a warrant or any exigent circumstances, they kicked in the door and entered a home in Braxton, Rankin County, Mississippi where two Black men, M.J. and E.P., were residing. The defendants handcuffed and arrested the men without probable cause to believe they had committed any crime, called them racial slurs, and warned them to stay out of Rankin County. Further, the defendants punched and kicked the men, tased them 17 times, forced them to ingest liquids, and assaulted them with a dildo. During the incident, Dedmon fired his gun twice to intimidate the men.

At the conclusion of the incident, Elward surreptitiously removed a bullet from the chamber of his gun, forced the gun into M.J.’s mouth and pulled the trigger. The unloaded gun clicked but did not fire. Elward racked the slide, intending to dry-fire a second time. When Elward pulled the trigger, the gun discharged. The bullet lacerated M.J.’s tongue, broke his jaw and exited out of his neck.
Thank you for posting this rightwinger. I read the article yesterday but have been very busy and didn't get the opportunity to post it myself.

On the other hand, it may be slightly better received having been posted by you than myself and I say slightly only because these types of proven incidents only seem to initiate the excuse making. I've yet to see someone just come right out and state, that what was done was beyond the pale and that all of these police officers should be arrested, prosecuted and convicted for their crimes. I'm not sure about the jury of their peers part because that could be interpreted as a pool of other dirty cops.

I have ancestors who come from Rankin County, Mississippi and I have spent time there poking around alone and clearly remember a slight feeling of unease until I arrived back home and the feeling didn't entirely dissipate then because I had been looking at property records and deeds and I got the feeling that there is a reason that uncovering the information I was looking for hasn't been easy.
The defendants admitted that on Jan. 24, without a warrant or any exigent circumstances, they kicked in the door and entered a home in Braxton, Rankin County, Mississippi where two Black men, M.J. and E.P., were residing. The defendants handcuffed and arrested the men without probable cause to believe they had committed any crime, called them racial slurs, and warned them to stay out of Rankin County. Further, the defendants punched and kicked the men, tased them 17 times, forced them to ingest liquids, and assaulted them with a dildo. During the incident, Dedmon fired his gun twice to intimidate the men.

At the conclusion of the incident, Elward surreptitiously removed a bullet from the chamber of his gun, forced the gun into M.J.’s mouth and pulled the trigger. The unloaded gun clicked but did not fire. Elward racked the slide, intending to dry-fire a second time. When Elward pulled the trigger, the gun discharged. The bullet lacerated M.J.’s tongue, broke his jaw and exited out of his neck.
Thank you for posting this rightwinger. I read the article yesterday but have been very busy and didn't get the opportunity to post it myself.

On the other hand, it may be slightly better received having been posted by you than myself and I say slightly only because these types of proven incidents only seem to initiate the excuse making. I've yet to see someone just come right out and state, that what was done was beyond the pale and that all of these police officers should be arrested, prosecuted and convicted for their crimes. I'm not sure about the jury of their peers part because that could be interpreted as a pool of family member of those on the police department and others who figure the only thing that these police officers did wrong was to get caught.
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Out of 50 million police encpunters.

How come I never hear you cry over the police ambushes set up by blacks, and a cop is killed?
What if you had been one of their victims and when you tried to tell someone they responded with "...ONLY six police officers out of 50 million police encounters".

Would that make you feel any better, to know that you were just a small minority of people who had been victimized by some perverted corrupt cops?
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Not true. We need equality. We need to hold EVERYONE to the same standard. CEOs, police, bums, movie stars, politicians and average Joes are all entitled to equal treatment under the law. That means that police, priests and politicians get the same punishment as everyone else.
The police have powers granted to them by the state (government) that allows them to lie to you, to detain you, arrest you, physically assault you with a baton, physically assault you with pepper spray, rubber bullets, etc. and the ultimate power, to shoot and kill you on the real or made up assertation that the officer was "in fear for my life".

I believe this is why rightwinger and others believe the police should be held to a higher standard than the average person because they have the power to expert control others movement, freedom and lives, based pretty much on just their word.
This thread is a prime example of the destructiveness and divisiveness of the leftist virtue signaling.
- paint your adversary as evil and terrible
Second - produce an example that is the worst possible example you can find, and attempt to paint that as the norm.
Third - Anyone who disagrees is an evil person.

Grow up.
You don't think these six officers are evil?
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Whee! another trigger bait piece from a paid poster. :spinner:
You know the way you twitch every time you encounter a story involving the violations of the rights of a Black person? In your mind, what set of circumstances in which a Black person has their rights violated is worthy of reporting on without it being deemed by you or your ilk "trigger bait"? Being tortured and sexually violated by the police and then having them cover up the incident verses a 16 year being sent home for having an "unnatural" hair color, while both involve violations, are world apart in the amount of damage inflicted on the victims. Nonetheless in both cases, the victims' rights were indeed violated.

Because from my perspective, you and your buds are the only ones being "triggered" whenever we post about Black people with evidence hopefully obtaining a measure of justice.

Is that what sets you all off, the thought that a Black person may finally obtain a measure of justice? Or do you believe that we're not entitled to justice, in any form?
Pointing out that the George Floyd death was not related to race - and that the entire BLM summer of riots was based on a lie - is not racist. You haters are so confused that unless someone falsely blames something unrelated to race on race, they’re a racist.

And how come we only hear about it when a belligerent, defiant, drug addict violent criminal is killed when he’s black. Barely a mention when the victim is white.

ALL lives matter. Blacks are not more important.
LOL you're very confused Lisa, their name is "Black Lives Matter" not "Black Lives Matter More" but it's beyond funny that this is what you hear and actually see when you encounter the phrase "Black Lives Matter".
Guess what?

Black Lives Matter was right
Rampant police abuse is still ongoing. You would think after the George Floyd debacle that police would get the message.
You have to follow the law

But here we still have Police torturing two suspects for hours and then creating a cover story.

When two black suspects show up telling what those police did to them……nobody believed them

No shit Sherlock. And the assholes abuse EVERYONE!

Not just blacks.
It is way too risky to try to ambush police, so when someone claims that, I don't believe them.
If someone is going to take that much risk, it would be easier to do a jewelry store, where you get a pay off.
When it comes to Black people, Lisa does a lot of exaggeration. In her world, there are too many Black people in too many of the places she frequents (her words, not mine)
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Unlike the Conservatives retort, Black Lives Matter is not about black lives mattering and white lives do not.

BLM has always been about police abuse without consequence, Police coverups, abuse of unarmed black suspects who are not resisting.

In Mississippi we have another case of police terrorizing black suspects and covering it up.

1. Black Lives Matter, capital letters, is fraught with fraud. The organization is a joke.

2. Some of us have always subscribed to the fact that black lives matter.

3. Of course some police are bad, obvious things are obvious. But you all went on a unhinged tirade about it all at once and now you see what shape the cities are in. Turns out, a lot of Black people don't love that either.
Unlike the Conservatives retort, Black Lives Matter is not about black lives mattering and white lives do not.

BLM has always been about police abuse without consequence, Police coverups, abuse of unarmed black suspects who are not resisting.

In Mississippi we have another case of police terrorizing black suspects and covering it up.

The story linked here is atrocious. And by that I mean an atrocity, start to finish. No doubt about it, this wasn't just acting out of stress or misjudging the situation. This was a horror show. They should be convincted.


If we have any hope of surviving--I personally think we do not so this is for those who do, but anyway--we should treat these stories as cases of horrid, messy, stinky cancer that is nonetheless contained and not malignant and widespread. Because when we do, we accuse all officers of this, basically, and then they can't do their very difficult jobs.

So they don't do them.

And then we see the cities in the shape they're in.

But we can't do that; we must vilify the group because that's how we roll in the 21st century. I know, I'm a teacher.

So we continue to rot. Oh well.
For the edification of those trolling your thread rightwinger with false accusations against Black Lives Matter:

September 5, 2020 11:47 AM EDT
The vast majority of Black Lives Matter protests—more than 93%—have been peaceful, according to a new report published Thursday by a nonprofit that researches political violence and protests across the world.​

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) analyzed more than 7,750 Black Lives Matter demonstrations in all 50 states and Washington D.C. that took place in the wake of George Floyd’s death between May 26 and August 22.

Their report states that more than 2,400 locations reported peaceful protests, while fewer than 220 reported “violent demonstrations.” The authors define violent demonstrations as including “acts targeting other individuals, property, businesses, other rioting groups or armed actors.” Their definition includes anything from “fighting back against police” to vandalism, property destruction looting, road-blocking using barricades, burning tires or other materials. In cities where protests did turn violent—these demonstrations are “largely confined to specific blocks,” the report says.​

The ACLED report includes protests toppling statues of “colonial figures, slave owners and Confederate leaders” as violent incidents. “Since Floyd’s killing, there have been at least 38 incidents in which demonstrators have significantly damaged or torn down memorials around the country,” the report states.​

Still, many people continue to believe that Black Lives Matter protests are largely violent—contrary to the report’s findings. ACLED highlights a recent Morning Consult poll in which 42% of respondents believe “most protesters (associated with the BLM movement) are trying to incite violence or destroy property.” ACLED suggests this “disparity stems from political orientation and biased media framing… such as disproportionate coverage of violent demonstrations.”​

U.S.-based ACLED is funded by the State Department’s Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations as well as foreign governments and other organizations, including the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the German Federal Foreign Office, the Tableau Foundation, the International Organization for Migration, and The University of Texas at Austin. It relied on data collection from the U.S. Crisis Monitor—a joint project led by ACLED and Princeton University’s Bridging Divides Initiative—that tracks and publishes real-time data on political violence and demonstrations in the U.S in order to “establish an evidence base from which to identify risks, hotspots and available resources to empower local communities in times of crisis.”​

ACLED also highlights a “violent government response,” in which authorities “use force more often than not” when they are present at protests and that they “disproportionately used force while intervening in demonstrations associated with the BLM movement, relative to other types of demonstrations.” The report also references “dozens of car-ramming attacks” on protesters by various individuals, some of whom have ties to hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan.​
Another article:​
By Erica Chenoweth and Jeremy Pressman Special to the Washington Post​
When the Department of Homeland Security released its Homeland Threat Assessment earlier this month, it emphasized that self-proclaimed white supremacist groups are the most dangerous threat to U.S. security. But the report misleadingly added that there had been “over 100 days of violence and destruction in our cities,” referring to the anti-racism uprisings of this past summer.​
In fact, the Black Lives Matter uprisings were remarkably nonviolent. When there was violence, very often police or counter-protesters were reportedly directing it at the protesters.​
Read the article here:​
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1. Black Lives Matter, capital letters, is fraught with fraud. The organization is a joke.

2. Some of us have always subscribed to the fact that black lives matter.

3. Of course some police are bad, obvious things are obvious. But you all went on a unhinged tirade about it all at once and now you see what shape the cities are in. Turns out, a lot of Black people don't love that either.
You're wrong Sue. I've read their financials.

Do you know how to read financials Sue?

Or is your mind limited to notes on a music sheet?


It is a feceral offense to provide false information on a 990.

If blacks lives have always mattered to you Sue, then you should not be bothered by an organization with that name.
And Lisa, there aren't all that many black ambushes of police. I realize that in your bigoted little world that you imagine all kinds of things, but the fact is that American policing started as slave patrols and white cops have been killing bnlacks ever since.

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