Why black people should vote for Trump!

Oct 25, 2015
The vast majority of illegal immigrants are low skilled and uneducated and are willing to work for pennies. Not only the big companies but even the average businessman with a restaurant can take advandage of that. Why pay more money for an American when you can hire a guy to wash dishes for less money? But the racist media and racist people here will say ''there is no problem. Just educate all Americans so there are skilled and they don't have to work for simple jobs''. That is the ultimate racism.

There are people that don't have the mental capacity to become doctors or engineers or they don't want to spend time or they don't have money to go to college. They have the right to live and make enough money to support a family. Obviously nobody is saying that someone who works for mcdonalds should make the same money with a doctor.

Trump is promising a future with good jobs for all Americans. Hillary promises a country where black people have just more food stamps but no jobs. Humans should earn their money. Hitlary should know this. When you bring millions of illegal immigrants the first people that they will compete against are the black and spanish people that you claim to care for.

We have an idiot president in my country called Tsipras. He promised jobs for Greeks and illegal immigrants. What happened? Greece is a complete shithole and some areas are so dangerous that you would prefer to live in Chicago at 1980. Nigerian drugdealers, Albanian mafia and other criminals rule many areas. Our stupid leader will not send the police in these areas because he is afraid that he will be called racist. In his mind and in the mind of all leftists we are all the same. It doesn't matter if you grow up in Afghanistan and you are an islamist terrorist. For Tsipras all people are the same. WHAT A MADMAN...
Trump admits the problems that black community faces. Admitting the facts is the first step in fixing them.

Hillary Clinton on the other hand would rather side with the criminals pillaging the black community.

That's the reason...
Trump admits the problems that black community faces. Admitting the facts is the first step in fixing them.

Hillary Clinton on the other hand would rather side with the criminals pillaging the black community.

That's the reason...
Bingo......bullseye.....some people cant handle.the truth!
Obama is black and did not do a damn thing for black people and poor people! All he did was lie to everyone, and give them free cell phone so their conversations could spying on, and movements could be tracked.

With Obama it's communist KGB stuff going on and few people acknowledge it. Hillary clinton is worst! She went to Haiti and robbed the country of billions of dollars of good will donation from across the world due to a terrible earthquake that cause much extreme suffering.

Anyone so cold, heartless, and greedy to rob an extremely poor nation when the people needed the money the most is the enemy of Black and poor people. If Black people only knew the real Hillary based on what she has did to the black people of Haiti, how could they live with themselves voting for such a person? In terms of blacks and poor people Hillary is a lying phony that laughs to your face while stabbing you the back and twisting the knife.

For people earning less than a dollar an hour Hillary cut the wages of Haitian factory workers in half, and in private it's worth mentioning that she uses negative language when speaking of Blacks more than one might think. Hillary actions of personally confirms the real Hillary. When Libya was being attacks under Hillary's leadership Blacks were singled out, jailed, tortured, and murdered at an very high percentage from the very beginning. Hillary used ISIS against Black people in Libya, and American Blacks need to realize this!



IT ONLY TOOK THE GOP 50 YEARS TO CATCH ON: Trump Boosters Accused of Using Democratic Tactic of Handing Out Cash in Black Communities. “Walking around money” — it’s just a cute American tradition when Democrats do it, but it’s oh-so-wrong when the GOP starts.
Trump needs to stop bashing Obama if he wants to get more minority votes.
He just doesn't get the "being more presidential" thing.
He needs more suburban women too, so being nicer would get more of their votes too.
So your saying blacks are all low skilled and low educated .

You righties can’t stop being racists Even when you are trying to court blacks!
IT ONLY TOOK THE GOP 50 YEARS TO CATCH ON: Trump Boosters Accused of Using Democratic Tactic of Handing Out Cash in Black Communities. “Walking around money” — it’s just a cute American tradition when Democrats do it, but it’s oh-so-wrong when the GOP starts.
Trump needs to stop bashing Obama if he wants to get more minority votes.
He just doesn't get the "being more presidential" thing.
He needs more suburban women too, so being nicer would get more of their votes too.
He whipped your asses.
The vast majority of illegal immigrants are low skilled and uneducated and are willing to work for pennies. Not only the big companies but even the average businessman with a restaurant can take advandage of that. Why pay more money for an American when you can hire a guy to wash dishes for less money? But the racist media and racist people here will say ''there is no problem. Just educate all Americans so there are skilled and they don't have to work for simple jobs''. That is the ultimate racism.

There are people that don't have the mental capacity to become doctors or engineers or they don't want to spend time or they don't have money to go to college. They have the right to live and make enough money to support a family. Obviously nobody is saying that someone who works for mcdonalds should make the same money with a doctor.

Trump is promising a future with good jobs for all Americans. Hillary promises a country where black people have just more food stamps but no jobs. Humans should earn their money. Hitlary should know this. When you bring millions of illegal immigrants the first people that they will compete against are the black and spanish people that you claim to care for.

We have an idiot president in my country called Tsipras. He promised jobs for Greeks and illegal immigrants. What happened? Greece is a complete shithole and some areas are so dangerous that you would prefer to live in Chicago at 1980. Nigerian drugdealers, Albanian mafia and other criminals rule many areas. Our stupid leader will not send the police in these areas because he is afraid that he will be called racist. In his mind and in the mind of all leftists we are all the same. It doesn't matter if you grow up in Afghanistan and you are an islamist terrorist. For Tsipras all people are the same. WHAT A MADMAN...
So if you were president you would encourage replacing your citizens with low skill workers, lowering the wages? Lol HI DEMOCRAT LOL
The vast majority of illegal immigrants are low skilled and uneducated and are willing to work for pennies. Not only the big companies but even the average businessman with a restaurant can take advandage of that. Why pay more money for an American when you can hire a guy to wash dishes for less money? But the racist media and racist people here will say ''there is no problem. Just educate all Americans so there are skilled and they don't have to work for simple jobs''. That is the ultimate racism.

There are people that don't have the mental capacity to become doctors or engineers or they don't want to spend time or they don't have money to go to college. They have the right to live and make enough money to support a family. Obviously nobody is saying that someone who works for mcdonalds should make the same money with a doctor.

Trump is promising a future with good jobs for all Americans. Hillary promises a country where black people have just more food stamps but no jobs. Humans should earn their money. Hitlary should know this. When you bring millions of illegal immigrants the first people that they will compete against are the black and spanish people that you claim to care for.

We have an idiot president in my country called Tsipras. He promised jobs for Greeks and illegal immigrants. What happened? Greece is a complete shithole and some areas are so dangerous that you would prefer to live in Chicago at 1980. Nigerian drugdealers, Albanian mafia and other criminals rule many areas. Our stupid leader will not send the police in these areas because he is afraid that he will be called racist. In his mind and in the mind of all leftists we are all the same. It doesn't matter if you grow up in Afghanistan and you are an islamist terrorist. For Tsipras all people are the same. WHAT A MADMAN...
So if you were president you would encourage replacing your citizens with low skill workers, lowering the wages? Lol HI DEMOCRAT LOL

The conservatives plan. Bring in high educated immigrants to undercut high paying American jobs ! So much better !
Trump needs to stop bashing Obama if he wants to get more minority votes.
He just doesn't get the "being more presidential" thing.
He needs more suburban women too, so being nicer would get more of their votes too.
Shouldn't be bash those who deserve to be bashed?
Ok, I'm black. Fuck the marxist Dims that haven't done a goddamn thing for me in decades except use me as a prop...

Ok, I'm back to white now.

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