Why can we not forgive the United States for slavery, but we can forgive the Democrat Party?

Who do you forgive for slavery?

  • I forgive the United States, but not the Democrat Party because they haven't changed at all

  • I forgive the Democrat Party, but not the United States because we are a racist country

  • I forgive both and just wish to move on

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You are took obsessed with this left/right thing.
As for you being an idiot:

“As I have pointed out to our resident black racists, whites alive today were harmed the most by slavery and blacks harmed the least.”
Thanks for repeating my words

In particular because you were unable to dispute them
You just showed up, that says you are wrong . You trying to defend the indefensible
Believing that whites were harmed more by slavery than blacks is an opinion you, moron. Not a fact. And that's being generous. I'm operating under the assumption that Mac was speaking of emotional harm which I will grant you can be largely subjective. Also there certainly does seem to be quite a few white people made completely pussy by the mere sight and presence of black people so we can't discount the idea that their ancestors did more harm to them in the long run by replicating so many cuck whites until that was almost all that is left.
Slavery was clearly the worst thing in our history. But slavery was rampant across the world and the United States was deeply divided. My great grandfather fought in the Civil War ending slavery in a Michigan unit. Kaz is short for "Kalamazoo," my home town in Michigan. OK, so everyone who was a slave, a slave owner or fought in the war is long, long dead now. FWIW, slave owners should have to pay their slaves, but again, they're dead ...

OK, so the Democrat Party tells us that no, we are not forgiven, they don't forgive us. My question is why is the Democrat Party forgiven? The Democrat Party is synonymous with slavery. After that, it was the Democrat party that was again synonymous with the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching, cross burning and segregation.

Today Democrats are deeply racist. Joe Biden: If you don't vote for me you're not black. Uncle Tom Joe also said blacks are the same. Democrats called Larry Elder a white supremist, Tim Scott "Uncle Tim," Condoleezza Rice, "Aunt Jemima," Collin Powell, "Uncle Tom," and so many other blatantly racist attacks on blacks just for trying to leave the Democrat plantation.

One other thing, Democrats love to deflect and say the racists went to the Republican party. They first obviously made that up. Second, hello, the voters of the 1950s are all dead now, except some of the youngest ones. And finally, does it make any less sense that they JOINED the party of racism? They aren't racist because the Democrat party was racist before they joined it. Hmm. BS anyone?

Do you forgive the United States? The Democrats? I say yes to the former and no to the latter because the Democrats are still racist and they use race baiting as a weapon. The Democrats are just a bunch of racists. If Democrats weren't idiots, they would be the first to want to let it go

Democrats perpetuate racism as a means of agitating or motivating fake virtue-signalers to vote them into power. If racism is not an issue, as is the case in non-Democrat modern America, Democrats lose political power and may cease to exist.

Why can we not forgive the United States for slavery, but we can forgive the Democrat Party?​

We can forgive the USA for slavery because at the time, it was the accepted normal thing to do and countries the world over including Africa used slaves. I mean, Germany tried to take over the world in WWII with the Nazis but does anyone blame Germany today? The Romans conquered and enslaved millions but does anyone hold blame with modern Italy?

But we cannot forgive the Democrat Party because they are in name only, now taken over by dangerous radicals intent on consciously, deliberately destroying America, oppressing normal people, to promote a globalist agenda driven by foreign interests, and they are quite candid about it. The core democrat party are now subversive treasonous seditionists who all need rounded up and tried for their crimes and we better wake up soon to the threat they represent.
We can forgive the USA for slavery because at the time, it was the accepted normal thing to do and countries the world over including Africa used slaves. I mean, Germany tried to take over the world in WWII with the Nazis but does anyone blame Germany today? The Romans conquered and enslaved millions but does anyone hold blame with modern Italy?

But we cannot forgive the Democrat Party because they are in name only, now taken over by dangerous radicals intent on consciously, deliberately destroying America, oppressing normal people, to promote a globalist agenda driven by foreign interests, and they are quite candid about it. The core democrat party are now subversive treasonous seditionists who all need rounded up and tried for their crimes and we better wake up soon to the threat they represent.
When is this wakening going to occur? After you're already been demographically replaced? 😁
Without slavery America would not be racially divided with a persistent lump of people who are chronic failures holding the nation back

Most black people in America today are here thanks to slavery and nothing else
All races are represented in the US. It is only the negro race that allies with Far Left Democrats, that are politically divisive, harmful to society and subversive to the American Way.
I did, the democrat party is an object, not a person, it isn't inherently racist. The people who are a part of it may or may not be but that's more a reflection of the people than the party. When the Democratic party was segregationist, that was a reflection of the southern white culture that voted for the democratic party. Today that culture of southern whites votes for the Republican Party.
Democrats and negroes are the co-joined racist blocs in the US.
Democrats and negroes are the co-joined racist blocs in the US.
We obviously disagree. Let's put that aside for a second. Is that a winning political message? Do you think that maybe statements like that are why your party can't shrug off being thought of as the racist party?
Well, your entire premise is flawed. Slavery in the Americas was instituted by the British, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the Africans, and others. It is a sad thing that those countries left us that legacy and that we had to fight a civil war with 800,000 killed to end it but fight that war we did.

The United States built the beginning of the end of slavery into the Constitution. Had they not allowed it to continue initially, it would still be in place today as the South (those who would form the Democratic Party) would not have joined the Union. Then on the first legislative day of 1808, the day built into the Constitution, the United States ended the importation of slaves.

53 years after that, fought the war to end slavery, with hundreds of thousands of straight, white, Christian men dead, having given their lives to end slavery. That end, though, was cast in stone in 1776.
Bravo. Accurate and truthful. This is the real version that is ignored by those who use lies as a weapon of hate.

Attention to all: Read this twice so that it sinks in.
Bravo. Accurate and truthful. This is the real version that is ignored by those who use lies as a weapon of hate.

Attention to all: Read this twice so that it sinks in.

Look at these folks, like they've discovered some hidden knowledge. 😄

Cracked the DaVinci code did you boys?
"The liberal is more deceitful and hypocritical than the conservatives. Both want power. But, the white liberal has perfected the art of posing as the negro’s friend and benefactor."
— Malcom X
Today Democrats are deeply racist.
  • Almost two-thirds of blacks identify as Democrats, with most of the rest identifying as independents. Only 5% of blacks nationwide identify as Republicans.

You seem to think so poorly of black Americans you don't believe they can tell who advocates for their interests and who does not.
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