Why can we not forgive the United States for slavery, but we can forgive the Democrat Party?

Who do you forgive for slavery?

  • I forgive the United States, but not the Democrat Party because they haven't changed at all

  • I forgive the Democrat Party, but not the United States because we are a racist country

  • I forgive both and just wish to move on

Results are only viewable after voting.
  • Almost two-thirds of blacks identify as Democrats, with most of the rest identifying as independents. Only 5% of blacks nationwide identify as Republicans.
Yep, defies common sense, to continue to vote to be slaves
I will not forgive the Democrap Party until they admit it and stop trying to shuck off their own responsibility.

I do forgive America.
Yep, defies common sense, to continue to vote to be slaves
You seem to think so poorly of black Americans you don't believe they can tell who advocates for their interests and who does not.
Look at these folks, like they've discovered some hidden knowledge. 😄

Cracked the DaVinci code did you boys?
I've long known this. I'm just glad someone else does. Even before the United States of America existed, there had been a growing movement to one day abolish slavery for many decades. At the time the US Constitution was ratified, it stipulated that the importation of slaves could be banned after 20 years. On the earliest date constitutionally permitted, President Thomas Jefferson signed into law that African slaves could not be imported.

Incrementaly, American moved to end it altogether, and a number of states where it had existed before joining the union, particularly in the industrializing North, ended it on their own. States that were more dependent on it economically could not afford to at that time.

Motivated by nothing more than righteousness (some would argue self-righteousness), Abraham Lincoln chose to force slavery's end by asserting federal government power over states rights, resulting in him attacking that mostly-Democrat region and killing hundreds of thousands of good men.

That former descendents of uncivilized Africans and Democrats today slander America is evil. The USA abolished the African practice of slavery and liberated the Africans.
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We obviously disagree. Let's put that aside for a second. Is that a winning political message? Do you think that maybe statements like that are why your party can't shrug off being thought of as the racist party?
"Your party?" I'm not a Republican. I'm a lifelong independent voter who mostly voted for moderate Democrats, including Barack Obama both times, and even Hillary Clinton as an an anti-Trump vote though I didn't like her.

I'm also a Northerner, born and raised in a state that never allowed slavery and provided the most Yankee soldiers per state capita.

You throw out that "racist" slur without a thought of what the word means. Facts and history are not racist, nor am I.

Racism is not when someone says something based on fact and reason that a negro or their ally doesn't like to hear. This is how you use the word. It's a slur as you used it.

I'm not only not racist, I'm actually anti-racist — because people like you reject a color-blind America. I'm anti-racist because of your racism.

You need to reflect on this and my other comments. It will help you grow.
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I've long known this. I'm just glad someone else does.
Well what are you waiting for? Run and tell the masses about this hidden knowledge you've discovered... 🤣
Even before the United States of America existed, there had been a growing movement to one day abolish slavery for many decades. Arguing the time the US Constitution was ratified, it stipulated that the importation of slaves could be banned after 20 years. On the earliest date constitutionally permitted, President Thomas Jefferson signed into law that African slaves could not be imported.
That wasn't so they could abolish slavery you moron. They did this partly to protect there own burgeoning slave trade and because by that time they had enough slaves to breed to meet their demands. Jefferson himself was one of America's largest slavers and also a child rapist.
Incrementaly, American moved to end it altogether, and a number of states where it had existed before joining the union, particularly in the industrializing North, ended it on their own. States that were more dependent on it economically could not afford to at that time.

Motivated by nothing more than righteousness (some would argue self-righteousness), Abraham Lincoln chose to force slavery's end by asserting federal government power over states rights, resulting in him attacking that mostly-Democrat region and killing hundreds of thousands of good men.
I don't know where you learned this fake history. 😂
That former descendents of uncivilized Africans and Democrats today slander America is evil. The USA abolished the African practice of slavery and liberated the Africans.
You simply Simon mother fuckers can't manage nuance huh? 😄
"Your party?" I'm not a Republican. I'm a lifelong independent voter who mostly voted for moderate Democrats, including Barack Obama both times, and even Hillary Clinton as an an anti-Trump vote though I didn't like her.

I'm also a Northerner, born and raised in the state that provides the most Yankee soldiers per state capita.
You're a Northerner who regurgitates Lost Cause nonsense? Damn boy, you're confused as fuck. 😄
Well what are you waiting for? Run and tell the masses about this hidden knowledge you've discovered... 🤣

That wasn't so they could abolish slavery you moron. They did this partly to protect there own burgeoning slave trade and because by that time they had enough slaves to breed to meet their demands. Jefferson himself was one of America's largest slavers and also a child rapist.

I don't know where you learned this fake history. 😂

You simply Simon mother fuckers can't manage nuance huh? 😄
You are obviously of very low intelligence, pitifully ignorant and crude. You know nothing about history nor have any interest in learning it because it won't fit your racist political agenda. Despicable.

Everything I've said is accurate and extremely easy to verify. You're a worthless asshole.

It's clear, despite all of America's efforts, you're closer to that mud-hut dweller that chased your food with a stick in primitive Black Africa than an American. Giving uncivilized imbeciles like you US citizenship was the biggest mistake this country ever made.
You are obviously of very low intelligence, pitifully ignorant and crude. You know nothing about history nor have any interest in learning it because it won't fit your racist political agenda. Despicable.

Everything I've said is accurate and extremely easy to verify. You're a worthless asshole.

It's clear, despite all of America's efforts, you're closer to that mud-hut dweller that chased your food with a stick in primitive Black Africa than an American. Giving uncivilized imbeciles like you US citizenship was the biggest mistake this country ever made.
Your cuck white ancestors made that mistake though and you lot are too pussy to do something about it. 😁

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