Why Can’t A Daca Bill Sail Through Congress?

The far right has taken a hard line stand on DACA and insist on ending family reunification and the lottery. What's with that? That might be another reason it can't get passed.

The question should be - what's with the Dems not addressing immigration reform when they had the House and Senate in 2007 & 2008? President Bush would have signed it - he supported conditional 'amnesty'. What's with the Dems not passing immigration reform in 2009 or 2010 when they held the House, the Senate and the White House?

The simple answer - the folks who would benefit most from immigration reform are more valuable to the Left as political pawns rather than a problem solved...which is actually their attitude toward most of the people living in this country...especially young folk, as evidenced by the Left's hard-line stance against school choice and vouchers for inner city youth for one...heavily financed by teachers unions, of course.
I already answered the question. The Dems did attempt bipartisan immigration reform..the bill died in the House. That is why tbe President finally resorted to DACA.

Obama pushes immigration overhaul

President Obama did nothing to push immigration reform when the Dems held both houses of Congress in 2009 and 2010. Remember those years?...when the Dems acted with partisan impunity by passing Obamacare, Dodd Frank, the Stimulus Bill and a 400 billion dollar spending bill - not needing bipartisan support. They could have easily passed any immigration reform their little hearts desired - but their little hearts didn't desire it.

Immigration reform only became 'important' entering the election year of 2012. Obama made a promise he admitted he had no right to make or keep. That was not the action of a concerned humanitarian, nor did it show any respect for the US Constitution, the legislative process or the American people - it was the action of a cynical and manipulative politician.
The far right has taken a hard line stand on DACA and insist on ending family reunification and the lottery. What's with that? That might be another reason it can't get passed.

The question should be - what's with the Dems not addressing immigration reform when they had the House and Senate in 2007 & 2008? President Bush would have signed it - he supported conditional 'amnesty'. What's with the Dems not passing immigration reform in 2009 or 2010 when they held the House, the Senate and the White House?

The simple answer - the folks who would benefit most from immigration reform are more valuable to the Left as political pawns rather than a problem solved...which is actually their attitude toward most of the people living in this country...especially young folk, as evidenced by the Left's hard-line stance against school choice and vouchers for inner city youth for one...heavily financed by teachers unions, of course.
I already answered the question. The Dems did attempt bipartisan immigration reform..the bill died in the House. That is why tbe President finally resorted to DACA.

Obama pushes immigration overhaul

President Obama did nothing to push immigration reform when the Dems held both houses of Congress in 2009 and 2010. Remember those years?...when the Dems acted with partisan impunity by passing Obamacare, Dodd Frank, the Stimulus Bill and a 400 billion dollar spending bill - not needing bipartisan support. They could have easily passed any immigration reform their little hearts desired - but their little hearts didn't desire it.

Immigration reform only became 'important' entering the election year of 2012. Obama made a promise he admitted he had no right to make or keep. That was not the action of a concerned humanitarian, nor did it show any respect for the US Constitution, the legislative process or the American people - it was the action of a cynical and manipulative politician.

Obama to Push Immigration Bill as One Priority

Unfortunately, I have to agree...you are right: Updated - The Obameter: Introduce a comprehensive immigration bill in the first year

He did not keep his promise to do it in his first 100 days.

However - he did keep at it.
Obama to Push Immigration Bill as One Priority

Unfortunately, I have to agree...you are right: Updated - The Obameter: Introduce a comprehensive immigration bill in the first year

He did not keep his promise to do it in his first 100 days.

However - he did keep at it.

Unfortunately he kept at with lip service only. As is playing out right now - immigration reform is more valuable to the Left as a political tool...a wedge issue, a rallying cry, than as an issue resolved. Obama had 2 years to get anything he desired through Congress.

I find that a cruel and cynical manipulation of a group of people whose lives are somewhat in limbo. To give 'hope' knowing it is not yours to give.

Now is the time for all the hand wringers and crocodile tear shedders to get it together and vote for something for a change.
Obama to Push Immigration Bill as One Priority

Unfortunately, I have to agree...you are right: Updated - The Obameter: Introduce a comprehensive immigration bill in the first year

He did not keep his promise to do it in his first 100 days.

However - he did keep at it.

Unfortunately he kept at with lip service only. As is playing out right now - immigration reform is more valuable to the Left as a political tool...a wedge issue, a rallying cry, than as an issue resolved. Obama had 2 years to get anything he desired through Congress.

I find that a cruel and cynical manipulation of a group of people whose lives are somewhat in limbo. To give 'hope' knowing it is not yours to give.

Now is the time for all the hand wringers and crocodile tear shedders to get it together and vote for something for a change.
I disagree with your assessment. I do not view it as a political tool but an important issue.

Unfortunately both sides are using it as a political football.
“Why Can’t A Daca Bill Sail Through Congress?”

Because Congress is controlled by Republicans with an unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and inclusion; and many are simply bigots and racists.

They incorrectly believe that if we ‘go easy’ on DACA participants it will act as an ‘incentive’ for more black and brown people to come to the US – can’t have that.

Now, if all the DACA participants were from Norway, a bill would easily sail through Congress.

There would be no DACA if they were from Norway. Obama would have deported them, IMO.
Why are they refugees? Because they are uneducated and unskilled to compete for jobs in Mexico?

Isn't that the way it is with all immigrants?
If there were better jobs available at home, they would stay

There are better jobs at home, but they would rather be a ward of the state in the US.

Actually, the overwhelming majority come here to work

Unlike conservative depictions of them being murderers, rapists and drug dealers....most are hard workers trying to live under the radar

Come here to work so they can live good in Mexico. They are only here because they don’t have food stamps in Mexico. Say, please school is and point to one wet back who has invented anything? The criteria is, it can not include spray paint, dick tape or gorilla glue. Bet you can’t.
94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35 percent own houses. Pass the goddamn SSID card that can't be faked, so we can end this GOP b*******.

What I just heard is, "If you pick a random male illegal immigrant, it is a better bet that he's NOT paying taxes than he is."

I'm not really impressed by your "good" news. 75% of the ones paying taxes are using fraudulent SS numbers, once again harming American Citizens.
I disagree with your assessment. I do not view it as a political tool but an important issue.

Unfortunately both sides are using it as a political football.

I understand. It's a harsh assessment of Obama and the Dem leaders treatment of an issue they claimed to be of utmost importance - not an assessment of its importance to you or the rest of the country.

For three decades leaders in both parties failed to fully enforce immigration law - we didn't need reform, just enforcement. Whether for selfish gain or good will - immigration laws of this country have been ignored - and unfortunately we still have politicians advocating defiance of duly passed legislation.

Obama and the Dems had the opportunity in 2009 & 2010 to resolve the issue legislatively to their satisfaction - and they punted. There is now another opportunity for resolution - we'll see who wants to resolve the issue and who just wants to play political football.
Isn't that the way it is with all immigrants?
If there were better jobs available at home, they would stay

There are better jobs at home, but they would rather be a ward of the state in the US.

Actually, the overwhelming majority come here to work

Unlike conservative depictions of them being murderers, rapists and drug dealers....most are hard workers trying to live under the radar

Come here to work so they can live good in Mexico. They are only here because they don’t have food stamps in Mexico. Say, please school is and point to one wet back who has invented anything? The criteria is, it can not include spray paint, dick tape or gorilla glue. Bet you can’t.
94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35 percent own houses. Pass the goddamn SSID card that can't be faked, so we can end this GOP b*******.

What I just heard is, "If you pick a random male illegal immigrant, it is a better bet that he's NOT paying taxes than he is."

I'm not really impressed by your "good" news. 75% of the ones paying taxes are using fraudulent SS numbers, once again harming American Citizens.

Yeah, but that’s a victimless crime. They just want a better life is all.
There are better jobs at home, but they would rather be a ward of the state in the US.

Actually, the overwhelming majority come here to work

Unlike conservative depictions of them being murderers, rapists and drug dealers....most are hard workers trying to live under the radar

Come here to work so they can live good in Mexico. They are only here because they don’t have food stamps in Mexico. Say, please school is and point to one wet back who has invented anything? The criteria is, it can not include spray paint, dick tape or gorilla glue. Bet you can’t.
94% of illegal adult males work, 65% pay taxes, and 35 percent own houses. Pass the goddamn SSID card that can't be faked, so we can end this GOP b*******.

What I just heard is, "If you pick a random male illegal immigrant, it is a better bet that he's NOT paying taxes than he is."

I'm not really impressed by your "good" news. 75% of the ones paying taxes are using fraudulent SS numbers, once again harming American Citizens.

Yeah, but that’s a victimless crime. They just want a better life is all.

It's victimless until Social Security runs out and then I can't afford to live past 65. Kinda like how running a stops is victimless until I get my foot broken.
Aside that, people have an innate understanding about what's fair. It pisses people off when one person is paying for everyone else's trash collection, or highway system, or welfare.
I disagree with your assessment. I do not view it as a political tool but an important issue.

Unfortunately both sides are using it as a political football.

I understand. It's a harsh assessment of Obama and the Dem leaders treatment of an issue they claimed to be of utmost importance - not an assessment of its importance to you or the rest of the country.

For three decades leaders in both parties failed to fully enforce immigration law - we didn't need reform, just enforcement. Whether for selfish gain or good will - immigration laws of this country have been ignored - and unfortunately we still have politicians advocating defiance of duly passed legislation.

Obama and the Dems had the opportunity in 2009 & 2010 to resolve the issue legislatively to their satisfaction - and they punted. There is now another opportunity for resolution - we'll see who wants to resolve the issue and who just wants to play political football.

Actually...we don't need enforcement we need a major overhaul. It's an antiquated cumbersome system full of loopholes and vague categories and people have to wait way to long to enter the country legally.

That would require bipartisanship. It can't get done in a budget bill and shouldn't if it's to be lasting and comprehensive.

Unfortunately I'm not sure the odds for bipartisanship are very good.
“Why Can’t A Daca Bill Sail Through Congress?”

Because Congress is controlled by Republicans with an unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and inclusion; and many are simply bigots and racists.

They incorrectly believe that if we ‘go easy’ on DACA participants it will act as an ‘incentive’ for more black and brown people to come to the US – can’t have that.

Now, if all the DACA participants were from Norway, a bill would easily sail through Congress.

There would be no DACA if they were from Norway. Obama would have deported them, IMO.

Very unlikely.

Deportations of South American/Mexican illegal immigrants actually increased under Obama. Haven't heard anything about illegal Irish and Canadian immigrants.
It maybe useful for everyone to recognize the marginal problem with immigration was created after passing The 14th Amendment. That's the one that lets anyone born on The U.S.A.'s soil become a citizen and so foreigners bypass official channels to immigration because birth itself defines citizenship. (As my mom or my boss told me) The 14th Amendment was passed to close the loophole preventing freed slaves from enjoying citizenship.
As near as I can tell before The Civil War the states had the biggest responsibility in determining citizenship. It'd be interesting to consider returning to that. It'd certainly add diversity to The U.S.A.. On the other hand this world is already diverse; many countries create the same result.
I disagree with your assessment. I do not view it as a political tool but an important issue.

Unfortunately both sides are using it as a political football.

I understand. It's a harsh assessment of Obama and the Dem leaders treatment of an issue they claimed to be of utmost importance - not an assessment of its importance to you or the rest of the country.

For three decades leaders in both parties failed to fully enforce immigration law - we didn't need reform, just enforcement. Whether for selfish gain or good will - immigration laws of this country have been ignored - and unfortunately we still have politicians advocating defiance of duly passed legislation.

Obama and the Dems had the opportunity in 2009 & 2010 to resolve the issue legislatively to their satisfaction - and they punted. There is now another opportunity for resolution - we'll see who wants to resolve the issue and who just wants to play political football.

Actually...we don't need enforcement we need a major overhaul. It's an antiquated cumbersome system full of loopholes and vague categories and people have to wait way to long to enter the country legally.

That would require bipartisanship. It can't get done in a budget bill and shouldn't if it's to be lasting and comprehensive.

Unfortunately I'm not sure the odds for bipartisanship are very good.

It sure seems as if everything's gotten really polarized and extreme. Congress is supposed to be about getting people from across the country together to solve common problems. Now it's people picking a side and trying to beat the other one.
Ok, lets clear out all the noise and partisanship. The Daca bill has been easily described as four pillars.

End to chain migration
End to lottery
The wall
Pathway to citizenship for dreamers

So fund the 20 billion for wall and security and pass the thing. I would vote for this in a heartbeat. It is a reasonable compromise. I would wager a hundred dollars that if this deal was presented to Americans for a vote it would pass by a super majority. Bring this bill in this simple form to the floor and vote on it. This is not rocket science. I can’t believe that even some of our libs would not support this. Get er done!

Liberals want open borders...... but they are pussies to come out and say it. I want US Immigration Policy to be like Mexico’s.
GOD Bless President Donald Trump and his loved ones and all patriots everywhere .....near and far! :clap2:

I disagree with your assessment. I do not view it as a political tool but an important issue.

Unfortunately both sides are using it as a political football.

I understand. It's a harsh assessment of Obama and the Dem leaders treatment of an issue they claimed to be of utmost importance - not an assessment of its importance to you or the rest of the country.

For three decades leaders in both parties failed to fully enforce immigration law - we didn't need reform, just enforcement. Whether for selfish gain or good will - immigration laws of this country have been ignored - and unfortunately we still have politicians advocating defiance of duly passed legislation.

Obama and the Dems had the opportunity in 2009 & 2010 to resolve the issue legislatively to their satisfaction - and they punted. There is now another opportunity for resolution - we'll see who wants to resolve the issue and who just wants to play political football.

Actually...we don't need enforcement we need a major overhaul. It's an antiquated cumbersome system full of loopholes and vague categories and people have to wait way to long to enter the country legally.

That would require bipartisanship. It can't get done in a budget bill and shouldn't if it's to be lasting and comprehensive.

Unfortunately I'm not sure the odds for bipartisanship are very good.
They are getting in far too easy and not waiting near long enough they should wait triple the time they are to get into this country
This is all what Daca is about :mad-61:

DACA is about young people, brought here as children. They didn't have a choice. I can not understand the hatred some have for them.
Illegal is illegally, Who it is does not matter. Fuck your bleeding heart. Because guess who has to pay for those DACA people?
The average American who cannot afford it and want nothing to do with paying for it. Why don’t you understand?

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