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Why can't conservatives/GOP learn from history?

I want to address the incompetent liberal who claims we conservatives can't learn anything, and then I expect you conservatives to SHOVE it down HER/HIS throat!

What have we conservatives learned? Good question, let me tell all of you...........

1. Our budgets are out of control as a country, and so is the national debt.

2. The largest part of our budgets are entitlements, and who/whom created them all?

3. With our budgets out of control, the present President decided not to fix them, and instead ADDED another entitlement called Obamacare.

4. The none partisan CBO has stated repeatedly that we are going under unless we get spending under control.

5. The people who are going to get hammered are our children, and I love my children; and yes, even the children of far left wing liberals. I see no reason to force them into poverty because their parents are absolutely incompetent. I do not believe in "guilt through association.

6. GW Bush was an establishment republican who was WORSE than any liberal, because he lied to the people who voted for him; therefore, another Bush is out of the question. Same can be said for Tricky Mitch Mconnell, and if I lived in Kentucky, I would be leading people to the state capitol to burn that lying SOB in effigy.

7. The left believes that they KNOW better than you do, so they want to guide your life through NOT allowing you freedom that everyone once had.

8. The left believes all of the phoney numbers coming out of Washington; or tries to get you to believe them too. If their numbers are correct, then why aren't these people working? Are you telling everyone on here we are correct that 1/2 the people collecting are lazy?

9. If the rich are so evil, why doesn't the left PROMISE everyone on here, they will only work for a poor person? (and working for poor people in a government position does not qualify)

10. The left comes up with grand ideas, but never comes up with a way to pay for it. Every program they have instituted is in the red.

11. The left has absolutely no problem with throwing their constituents under the bus when they find a better constituent base. How do we know this? Because they are screwing African Americans for illegal aliens who supposedly can NOT vote. And to double down, they convince African Americans that our whole idea for voter ID is to stop them from voting, instead of stopping the illegals who are taking their jobs. They talk about Jim Crow, and African Americans forget it was the DEMOCRATS who wanted JIM CROW to stop them from voting.

12. The government makes NOTHING. The only way it funds itself is by taking our money, or printing money that makes our money worth less than it was before it printed the extra. And so, the left wonders why people who have actually SAVED money have some invested overseas; and why people laugh at the left as they point fingers at rich people/corporations, because the lefts has no clue that THEIR policies actually have created this problem; and if some do, they won't admit it because that doesn't fit their narrative.

13. Iran! The lefts narrative only works if you believe their premise. Their premise is......accept the Obama/Kerry deal, or it is WAR!!!!!!! That is like saying, you either accept Obamacare, or you will never be able to buy insurance. It is ridiculous!!!!!! If you believe their parameters, then you would have to accept the deal. But their parameters are for public consumption. Who makes the parameters? WE DO! Why? Because we had THEIR money, they are a 3rd rate country, and the best our fearless leader and his minion John (lie about his fellow soldiers in Vietnam) Kerry could do is this? Even leftists should be ashamed!

14. The reason that people WITHOUT a lot of political power are towards the top of the GOP field, and are closing on Hilly is because unlike the lefties, America has realized that WASHINGTON itself is our countrys problem. They do not care what we say, what we think, or how we are all doing down here in the heartland. All they care about is holding power. It is NOT just democrat specific either; republicans need to be removed also. What the political parties do is let people who actually care run low on money, cut each others throats in elections, then fund establishment people who will toe the party line.

How many of you today think TPP was a wonderful idea? Democrats? Republicans? And yet, the people who tried to stop it were eviscerated by BOTH parties in concert! Both parties are in cahoots. They will fight each other, but neither wants anyone else to even be considered, because then it goes from a split of 50-50, to a split of 33-33-33. They do not want a real blue dog democrat in there, nor a conservative, nor a libertarian. Why? Because if they start to fix it, the 2 parties lose power as Americans may be uninformed, but they are NOT stupid.

15. Finally..............GW Bush and Obama; regardless that they are from opposing parties, will be considered as 1 in the same when history writes its report on these times. Both screwed the pooch. Both took us down a road that this countries founding fathers never intended. Both were incompetent. And both spent this country into oblivion. Our children will curse their names when they pay their tax bill; that is if WE CAN SAVE THEM and our country from bankruptcy by changing course before it is to late.

MORE right wing nonsense. Shocking

Ronnie had US spending over 22%+ of GDP (AS he gutted revenues to 17% of GDP) .ABOUT where we are at today!


An Update to the Budget and Economic Outlook 2014 to 2024 Congressional Budget Office

Entitlements? Oh right S/S that keeps half of seniors out of poverty and Medicare both of which are SELF FUNDED and in FACT are owed over $3+ trillion (part of the $18 trilion debt) in excess payments collected (mainly thanks to Reagan increasing SS taxes 60% to hide the costs of tax cuts for the rich!)

Obamacares, 100% funded UNLIKE 2 Unfunded wars, UNFUNDED Medicare expansion that GOP Congress passed in the middle of the night to win in 2004, which costs as much this decade as Obamacares. Also the GOP made sure Gov't can't even bargain with drug comps!


EVERYTHING else you posit is right wing garbage. Shocking

Hint libertarians are fools


I feel absolutely honored that people who have over 1000 posts a month; in fact, sometimes over 2000 posts a month, would take the time to respond to me, lowly less than 300 posts total, when they are obviously shills for the democratic/lefty/socialist/Marxist machine. So which one of you are Debbie Wasserman (I know nothing, nothing) Shultz?

You still haven't explained how you are going to pay for anything, and you still haven't explained why every one of your programs are in the red; but carry on. I am certainly out of my league debating with you pointy headed, brilliant lefties, so I will just go hide. NOT!

You want to destroy our kids; SCREW YOU! You couldn't balance a watermelon on a football field. The bunch of you are PATHEIC, screwing those that come after us because you think you are sooooooooo smart.

While I believe at this time, you clowns have the upper hand, you had better pray to the God you don't believe in that one of the democrats or Bush gets elected, because if they don't, not only are you out of power for a very long time, you will probably also be out of a job too! You will have to come out of your parents basement, put clothes over your underwear, and actually WORK for a living, lol. I have grass to cut, and I will watch you cut it while I sip iced tea; or are you betting on welfare, lolol.

How'd I guess you weren't being honest? I'm shocked Bubba, just shocked

To funny though, your litlle screed, almost like you are a Tea Party moron? (RIGHT)?

HINT, THE US HAS A REVENUE PROBLEM! Carter had US at nearly 17% of GDP then Ronnie gutted it to 17%. Dubya thought Ronnie was weak, so he took Clinton's 20% of GDP (and 4 balanced budgets, 3 AFTER vetoing GOP's tax cuts) and drove it to less than 15% of GDP (Korean war levels) AS he went to 2 UNFUNDED WARS, AND GAVE US UNFUNDED MEDICARE EXPANSION!
I want to address the incompetent liberal who claims we conservatives can't learn anything, and then I expect you conservatives to SHOVE it down HER/HIS throat!

What have we conservatives learned? Good question, let me tell all of you...........

1. Our budgets are out of control as a country, and so is the national debt.

2. The largest part of our budgets are entitlements, and who/whom created them all?

3. With our budgets out of control, the present President decided not to fix them, and instead ADDED another entitlement called Obamacare.

4. The none partisan CBO has stated repeatedly that we are going under unless we get spending under control.

5. The people who are going to get hammered are our children, and I love my children; and yes, even the children of far left wing liberals. I see no reason to force them into poverty because their parents are absolutely incompetent. I do not believe in "guilt through association.

6. GW Bush was an establishment republican who was WORSE than any liberal, because he lied to the people who voted for him; therefore, another Bush is out of the question. Same can be said for Tricky Mitch Mconnell, and if I lived in Kentucky, I would be leading people to the state capitol to burn that lying SOB in effigy.

7. The left believes that they KNOW better than you do, so they want to guide your life through NOT allowing you freedom that everyone once had.

8. The left believes all of the phoney numbers coming out of Washington; or tries to get you to believe them too. If their numbers are correct, then why aren't these people working? Are you telling everyone on here we are correct that 1/2 the people collecting are lazy?

9. If the rich are so evil, why doesn't the left PROMISE everyone on here, they will only work for a poor person? (and working for poor people in a government position does not qualify)

10. The left comes up with grand ideas, but never comes up with a way to pay for it. Every program they have instituted is in the red.

11. The left has absolutely no problem with throwing their constituents under the bus when they find a better constituent base. How do we know this? Because they are screwing African Americans for illegal aliens who supposedly can NOT vote. And to double down, they convince African Americans that our whole idea for voter ID is to stop them from voting, instead of stopping the illegals who are taking their jobs. They talk about Jim Crow, and African Americans forget it was the DEMOCRATS who wanted JIM CROW to stop them from voting.

12. The government makes NOTHING. The only way it funds itself is by taking our money, or printing money that makes our money worth less than it was before it printed the extra. And so, the left wonders why people who have actually SAVED money have some invested overseas; and why people laugh at the left as they point fingers at rich people/corporations, because the lefts has no clue that THEIR policies actually have created this problem; and if some do, they won't admit it because that doesn't fit their narrative.

13. Iran! The lefts narrative only works if you believe their premise. Their premise is......accept the Obama/Kerry deal, or it is WAR!!!!!!! That is like saying, you either accept Obamacare, or you will never be able to buy insurance. It is ridiculous!!!!!! If you believe their parameters, then you would have to accept the deal. But their parameters are for public consumption. Who makes the parameters? WE DO! Why? Because we had THEIR money, they are a 3rd rate country, and the best our fearless leader and his minion John (lie about his fellow soldiers in Vietnam) Kerry could do is this? Even leftists should be ashamed!

14. The reason that people WITHOUT a lot of political power are towards the top of the GOP field, and are closing on Hilly is because unlike the lefties, America has realized that WASHINGTON itself is our countrys problem. They do not care what we say, what we think, or how we are all doing down here in the heartland. All they care about is holding power. It is NOT just democrat specific either; republicans need to be removed also. What the political parties do is let people who actually care run low on money, cut each others throats in elections, then fund establishment people who will toe the party line.

How many of you today think TPP was a wonderful idea? Democrats? Republicans? And yet, the people who tried to stop it were eviscerated by BOTH parties in concert! Both parties are in cahoots. They will fight each other, but neither wants anyone else to even be considered, because then it goes from a split of 50-50, to a split of 33-33-33. They do not want a real blue dog democrat in there, nor a conservative, nor a libertarian. Why? Because if they start to fix it, the 2 parties lose power as Americans may be uninformed, but they are NOT stupid.

15. Finally..............GW Bush and Obama; regardless that they are from opposing parties, will be considered as 1 in the same when history writes its report on these times. Both screwed the pooch. Both took us down a road that this countries founding fathers never intended. Both were incompetent. And both spent this country into oblivion. Our children will curse their names when they pay their tax bill; that is if WE CAN SAVE THEM and our country from bankruptcy by changing course before it is to late.

MORE right wing nonsense. Shocking

Ronnie had US spending over 22%+ of GDP (AS he gutted revenues to 17% of GDP) .ABOUT where we are at today!


An Update to the Budget and Economic Outlook 2014 to 2024 Congressional Budget Office

Entitlements? Oh right S/S that keeps half of seniors out of poverty and Medicare both of which are SELF FUNDED and in FACT are owed over $3+ trillion (part of the $18 trilion debt) in excess payments collected (mainly thanks to Reagan increasing SS taxes 60% to hide the costs of tax cuts for the rich!)

Obamacares, 100% funded UNLIKE 2 Unfunded wars, UNFUNDED Medicare expansion that GOP Congress passed in the middle of the night to win in 2004, which costs as much this decade as Obamacares. Also the GOP made sure Gov't can't even bargain with drug comps!


EVERYTHING else you posit is right wing garbage. Shocking

Hint libertarians are fools


I feel absolutely honored that people who have over 1000 posts a month; in fact, sometimes over 2000 posts a month, would take the time to respond to me, lowly less than 300 posts total, when they are obviously shills for the democratic/lefty/socialist/Marxist machine. So which one of you are Debbie Wasserman (I know nothing, nothing) Shultz?

You still haven't explained how you are going to pay for anything, and you still haven't explained why every one of your programs are in the red; but carry on. I am certainly out of my league debating with you pointy headed, brilliant lefties, so I will just go hide. NOT!

You want to destroy our kids; SCREW YOU! You couldn't balance a watermelon on a football field. The bunch of you are PATHEIC, screwing those that come after us because you think you are sooooooooo smart.

While I believe at this time, you clowns have the upper hand, you had better pray to the God you don't believe in that one of the democrats or Bush gets elected, because if they don't, not only are you out of power for a very long time, you will probably also be out of a job too! You will have to come out of your parents basement, put clothes over your underwear, and actually WORK for a living, lol. I have grass to cut, and I will watch you cut it while I sip iced tea; or are you betting on welfare, lolol.

BTW, ANY nation libertarian "philosophy" has EVER worked? EVER?

Childish crap you are supposed to grow out of Bubba!
over 300 bills passed by the "do-nothing" Republican Party never made it to the floor of the Senate for debate under former Senate Leader Reid

try another talking point stupid

you mean winger bills like personhood bills?

or more tax cuts for corporations?

no. those didn't get there, winger. that;s not what people voted for.

and the first bill the wingers tried to pass when they finally got the house was a personhood law.


YAWN; doesn't matter what they were leftard, we both know they weren't brought to the floor by Reid not because they had no chance of passing but because they WOULD HAVE PASSED.
that's why you dummies lost the Senate

libs are losers who lie to themselves

funny... libs make a hell of a lot more money than losers like you.
Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, the failures of Castro's Cuba, and China's slow but inexorable movement away from a centrally planned economy toward a market economy, liberals have not learned from history and still believe socialism/marxism works.
Yeah, you name one liberal that supports a state run totalitarian economy and any aspects of marxism. Social democracies aren't marxist by the way.

Nope, and they aren't economic powerhouses either! The reason for that? Because they are Social democracies!

Who here wants to look like Europe, signify with a "I do, I do."

If Europe was sooooooooooooo wonderful, why they never would have come here, now would they. Did you see all those Americans going over to Europe in the 40s, 50s, and 60s? No, why not? Oh wait, I am wrong, forgive me-( We actually DID see a lot of Americans going over to Europe; American soldiers, to save Europes ass from European born NAZISM, FACISM, and COMMUNISM.

And what did Europe send to us as their gift? Why Fabian Socialism, the degrowth movement known far and wide as environmentalism, the welfare state, outrageous taxes, and out of sight fuel prices. And what is the NUMBER ONE argument that lefties use for these policies? "Europe does it, and so should we." See, FABIAN SOCIALISM. I know it, they know it, but better yet, YOU know it. And if you allow these idiots to turn us into Europe, then welcome to the end of the grand experiment that kicked everyones rearend, and now we can be like........oh I don't know, lets pick one...........France. Polly-vu-screw-you- lefties.
Germany is not an economic powerhouse? Man, just like most 'Conservatives' you are totally out of touch with reality.

Neither socialism or capitalism is successful by itself. Both have fatal internal flaws. However, using each as a tool, rather than a religion, and you get a successful system. National Parks, public libraries, public education, military, FDA, CDC, and the other alphabet soup agencies that regulate and protect us, are all socialist institutions. Businesses from the multi-nationals to the mom and pop grocery are capitalist institutions.

You don't like parts of the mix, that is what elections are about. You want to drown the government in a bathtub, go to Somalia. That is where you belong.

Capitalism and Socialism can work together but Capitalism must be greater......otherwise, who pays for Socialism??
over 300 bills passed by the "do-nothing" Republican Party never made it to the floor of the Senate for debate under former Senate Leader Reid

try another talking point stupid

you mean winger bills like personhood bills?

or more tax cuts for corporations?

no. those didn't get there, winger. that;s not what people voted for.

and the first bill the wingers tried to pass when they finally got the house was a personhood law.


YAWN; doesn't matter what they were leftard, we both know they weren't brought to the floor by Reid not because they had no chance of passing but because they WOULD HAVE PASSED.
that's why you dummies lost the Senate

libs are losers who lie to themselves

funny... libs make a hell of a lot more money than losers like you.

Yes....they are the liberal Elite, Do as I Say, Not as I do. The libs you speak of seek a true 1 percent.
Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, the failures of Castro's Cuba, and China's slow but inexorable movement away from a centrally planned economy toward a market economy, liberals have not learned from history and still believe socialism/marxism works.
Yeah, you name one liberal that supports a state run totalitarian economy and any aspects of marxism. Social democracies aren't marxist by the way.

Nope, and they aren't economic powerhouses either! The reason for that? Because they are Social democracies!

Who here wants to look like Europe, signify with a "I do, I do."

If Europe was sooooooooooooo wonderful, why they never would have come here, now would they. Did you see all those Americans going over to Europe in the 40s, 50s, and 60s? No, why not? Oh wait, I am wrong, forgive me-( We actually DID see a lot of Americans going over to Europe; American soldiers, to save Europes ass from European born NAZISM, FACISM, and COMMUNISM.

And what did Europe send to us as their gift? Why Fabian Socialism, the degrowth movement known far and wide as environmentalism, the welfare state, outrageous taxes, and out of sight fuel prices. And what is the NUMBER ONE argument that lefties use for these policies? "Europe does it, and so should we." See, FABIAN SOCIALISM. I know it, they know it, but better yet, YOU know it. And if you allow these idiots to turn us into Europe, then welcome to the end of the grand experiment that kicked everyones rearend, and now we can be like........oh I don't know, lets pick one...........France. Polly-vu-screw-you- lefties.
Germany is not an economic powerhouse? Man, just like most 'Conservatives' you are totally out of touch with reality.

Neither socialism or capitalism is successful by itself. Both have fatal internal flaws. However, using each as a tool, rather than a religion, and you get a successful system. National Parks, public libraries, public education, military, FDA, CDC, and the other alphabet soup agencies that regulate and protect us, are all socialist institutions. Businesses from the multi-nationals to the mom and pop grocery are capitalist institutions.

You don't like parts of the mix, that is what elections are about. You want to drown the government in a bathtub, go to Somalia. That is where you belong.

Capitalism and Socialism can work together but Capitalism must be greater......otherwise, who pays for Socialism??

Ask about who saved the Banksters (capitalism didn't work very well there) Oh right, it was socialism saving capitalism

Bush: ‘I’ve Abandoned Free Market Principles To Save The Free Market System’
Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, the failures of Castro's Cuba, and China's slow but inexorable movement away from a centrally planned economy toward a market economy, liberals have not learned from history and still believe socialism/marxism works.
Yeah, you name one liberal that supports a state run totalitarian economy and any aspects of marxism. Social democracies aren't marxist by the way.

Nope, and they aren't economic powerhouses either! The reason for that? Because they are Social democracies!

Who here wants to look like Europe, signify with a "I do, I do."

If Europe was sooooooooooooo wonderful, why they never would have come here, now would they. Did you see all those Americans going over to Europe in the 40s, 50s, and 60s? No, why not? Oh wait, I am wrong, forgive me-( We actually DID see a lot of Americans going over to Europe; American soldiers, to save Europes ass from European born NAZISM, FACISM, and COMMUNISM.

And what did Europe send to us as their gift? Why Fabian Socialism, the degrowth movement known far and wide as environmentalism, the welfare state, outrageous taxes, and out of sight fuel prices. And what is the NUMBER ONE argument that lefties use for these policies? "Europe does it, and so should we." See, FABIAN SOCIALISM. I know it, they know it, but better yet, YOU know it. And if you allow these idiots to turn us into Europe, then welcome to the end of the grand experiment that kicked everyones rearend, and now we can be like........oh I don't know, lets pick one...........France. Polly-vu-screw-you- lefties.
Germany is not an economic powerhouse? Man, just like most 'Conservatives' you are totally out of touch with reality.

Neither socialism or capitalism is successful by itself. Both have fatal internal flaws. However, using each as a tool, rather than a religion, and you get a successful system. National Parks, public libraries, public education, military, FDA, CDC, and the other alphabet soup agencies that regulate and protect us, are all socialist institutions. Businesses from the multi-nationals to the mom and pop grocery are capitalist institutions.

You don't like parts of the mix, that is what elections are about. You want to drown the government in a bathtub, go to Somalia. That is where you belong.

Capitalism and Socialism can work together but Capitalism must be greater......otherwise, who pays for Socialism??

Ask about who saved the Banksters (capitalism didn't work very well there) Oh right, it was socialism saving capitalism

Bush: ‘I’ve Abandoned Free Market Principles To Save The Free Market System’

It was Capitalism that afforded him to make that statement. Think boy.
Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, the failures of Castro's Cuba, and China's slow but inexorable movement away from a centrally planned economy toward a market economy, liberals have not learned from history and still believe socialism/marxism works.
Yeah, you name one liberal that supports a state run totalitarian economy and any aspects of marxism. Social democracies aren't marxist by the way.

Nope, and they aren't economic powerhouses either! The reason for that? Because they are Social democracies!

Who here wants to look like Europe, signify with a "I do, I do."

If Europe was sooooooooooooo wonderful, why they never would have come here, now would they. Did you see all those Americans going over to Europe in the 40s, 50s, and 60s? No, why not? Oh wait, I am wrong, forgive me-( We actually DID see a lot of Americans going over to Europe; American soldiers, to save Europes ass from European born NAZISM, FACISM, and COMMUNISM.

And what did Europe send to us as their gift? Why Fabian Socialism, the degrowth movement known far and wide as environmentalism, the welfare state, outrageous taxes, and out of sight fuel prices. And what is the NUMBER ONE argument that lefties use for these policies? "Europe does it, and so should we." See, FABIAN SOCIALISM. I know it, they know it, but better yet, YOU know it. And if you allow these idiots to turn us into Europe, then welcome to the end of the grand experiment that kicked everyones rearend, and now we can be like........oh I don't know, lets pick one...........France. Polly-vu-screw-you- lefties.
Germany is not an economic powerhouse? Man, just like most 'Conservatives' you are totally out of touch with reality.

Neither socialism or capitalism is successful by itself. Both have fatal internal flaws. However, using each as a tool, rather than a religion, and you get a successful system. National Parks, public libraries, public education, military, FDA, CDC, and the other alphabet soup agencies that regulate and protect us, are all socialist institutions. Businesses from the multi-nationals to the mom and pop grocery are capitalist institutions.

You don't like parts of the mix, that is what elections are about. You want to drown the government in a bathtub, go to Somalia. That is where you belong.

Capitalism and Socialism can work together but Capitalism must be greater......otherwise, who pays for Socialism??
Is a socket wrench greater than a crescent wrench? They are tools, should not be ideologies or religions. Regard either as such, you cannot make it work.
here's some history the left refuses and denies;

Harding (R) inherted a depression, he cut taxes and Fed spending in 1/2, 18 month later, depression over, Roaring Twentys begin.
fdr (D) inherited a depression, he increased taxes and Fed spending to level unseen, 10 years later and WW2 later, depression over, no economic boom.

now, who did obama copy and why is it taking so long for the economy to really get going?

leftist learned from history that increasing taxes and spending slows the economy and forces more people to rely on the government for basic needs.

so please go fuck yourself you useless sheep
From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China and over 40,000 factories closed. Those jobs are gone and those factories are gone. How do you recover from such a blow to the country? That was what was handed to Obama from the GOP. It's way easier to fix something if it's still there to be fixed. If it's gone, you can't fix it. You need to rebuild from scratch.


GOP burns down economy. Blames Obama.
Saturday morning cartoons are for children. Grow up loser
Yeah, you name one liberal that supports a state run totalitarian economy and any aspects of marxism. Social democracies aren't marxist by the way.

Nope, and they aren't economic powerhouses either! The reason for that? Because they are Social democracies!

Who here wants to look like Europe, signify with a "I do, I do."

If Europe was sooooooooooooo wonderful, why they never would have come here, now would they. Did you see all those Americans going over to Europe in the 40s, 50s, and 60s? No, why not? Oh wait, I am wrong, forgive me-( We actually DID see a lot of Americans going over to Europe; American soldiers, to save Europes ass from European born NAZISM, FACISM, and COMMUNISM.

And what did Europe send to us as their gift? Why Fabian Socialism, the degrowth movement known far and wide as environmentalism, the welfare state, outrageous taxes, and out of sight fuel prices. And what is the NUMBER ONE argument that lefties use for these policies? "Europe does it, and so should we." See, FABIAN SOCIALISM. I know it, they know it, but better yet, YOU know it. And if you allow these idiots to turn us into Europe, then welcome to the end of the grand experiment that kicked everyones rearend, and now we can be like........oh I don't know, lets pick one...........France. Polly-vu-screw-you- lefties.
Germany is not an economic powerhouse? Man, just like most 'Conservatives' you are totally out of touch with reality.

Neither socialism or capitalism is successful by itself. Both have fatal internal flaws. However, using each as a tool, rather than a religion, and you get a successful system. National Parks, public libraries, public education, military, FDA, CDC, and the other alphabet soup agencies that regulate and protect us, are all socialist institutions. Businesses from the multi-nationals to the mom and pop grocery are capitalist institutions.

You don't like parts of the mix, that is what elections are about. You want to drown the government in a bathtub, go to Somalia. That is where you belong.

Capitalism and Socialism can work together but Capitalism must be greater......otherwise, who pays for Socialism??

Ask about who saved the Banksters (capitalism didn't work very well there) Oh right, it was socialism saving capitalism

Bush: ‘I’ve Abandoned Free Market Principles To Save The Free Market System’

It was Capitalism that afforded him to make that statement. Think boy.

You mean the thing that almost collapsed the worlds economies?
So, unions were responsible for the Post War boom?

THe fact that the rest of the world had been bombed flat and thus could NOT compete with US, AND needed to rebuild had nothing to do with it?

Weird response to PROGRESSIVE policies that created the post WW2 America and largest middle class the world ever knew.

90% of the damage was rebuilt by 1955. AND helped those economies with Marshall's plan. Weird you want to hold onto Heritage talking points?

There is nothing "weird" about pointing out other factors that could have been more responsible for the Post War Boom, then unions.

It is disingenuous of you to pretend that there is.

Weird ONE part is taken out and you want to argue that single part? lol


Middle-Class Decline Mirrors The Fall Of Unions In One Chart

WWII, and the destruction of vast amounts of the industrialized world, EXCEPT for the US, is a pretty big part to ignore.

IMO, the immediate post war situation is a terrible place to drawn conclusions from because of the oddity of the economic situation.

Oddity? 90% of the world was rebuilt by 1955, why did the US middle class contuse to grow until 1971? Why did IUS incomes grow until 1979? What relation to taxes on the very wealthiest in the US (effective rates above 50% from 1932-1980) did the boom have? Why is it that through history, supply side has failed over and over yet cons don't get it?

Middle Class Series: The Failure of Supply-Side Economics

Three Decades of Empirical Economic Data Shows That Supply-Side Economics Doesn’t Work

When President Bill Clinton, raised taxes that same year did the economy suffer a slowdown, as was predicted by those who believe in supply-side economics? The data says no.

The Failure of Supply-Side Economics Center for American Progress

The world was rebuilt by 1955?

Lmao, what an ignorant yard ... Try late 60s early 70s when we had the japanese invasion of cars.

God you are stupid.
Weird response to PROGRESSIVE policies that created the post WW2 America and largest middle class the world ever knew.

90% of the damage was rebuilt by 1955. AND helped those economies with Marshall's plan. Weird you want to hold onto Heritage talking points?

There is nothing "weird" about pointing out other factors that could have been more responsible for the Post War Boom, then unions.

It is disingenuous of you to pretend that there is.

Weird ONE part is taken out and you want to argue that single part? lol


Middle-Class Decline Mirrors The Fall Of Unions In One Chart

WWII, and the destruction of vast amounts of the industrialized world, EXCEPT for the US, is a pretty big part to ignore.

IMO, the immediate post war situation is a terrible place to drawn conclusions from because of the oddity of the economic situation.

Oddity? 90% of the world was rebuilt by 1955, why did the US middle class contuse to grow until 1971? Why did IUS incomes grow until 1979? What relation to taxes on the very wealthiest in the US (effective rates above 50% from 1932-1980) did the boom have? Why is it that through history, supply side has failed over and over yet cons don't get it?

Middle Class Series: The Failure of Supply-Side Economics

Three Decades of Empirical Economic Data Shows That Supply-Side Economics Doesn’t Work

When President Bill Clinton, raised taxes that same year did the economy suffer a slowdown, as was predicted by those who believe in supply-side economics? The data says no.

The Failure of Supply-Side Economics Center for American Progress

The world was rebuilt by 1955?

Lmao, what an ignorant yard ... Try late 60s early 70s when we had the japanese invasion of cars.

God you are stupid.

Yes Dummy look to history that 90% of the factories and places of commerce were rebuilt by 1955

We had an "invasion" of autos that took market share BECAUSE of the oil crisis of the early 1970's (NOT late 1960's) , as US auto comps were morons (Proven later with quality issues) , just like they did with Dubya's "go out and spend" they created the demand for SUV's!

The 1950s onwards saw the beginning of the reconstruction of a new global economy. Between 1950 and 1973 the annual real GDP growth of developed market economies averaged around 5 percent. This growth was smooth, with none of the major recessions seen in the interwar years. World War II left the United States in a uniquely powerful position. While Europe and Asia had experienced extensive destruction and loss of life, no battles had been fought on the soil of the United States. The U.S. dollar became the world's major reserve currency. U.S. corporations assumed leading positions in many industries. Europe and Japan had to spend the immediate postwar decade undergoing extensive reconstruction, heavily dependent on official aid from the United States, yet over time Europe and Japan closed the technological and productivity gap with the United States. The emergence of a U.S. deficit on its balance of trade in the 1960s, and the devaluation of the U.S. dollar and the end of its convertibility into gold in 1971, provided symbolic signs of the ending of an era.

....In the twenty years after 1945 the European colonial empires were dismantled. In some cases, decolonization was followed by an aggressive reaction against the businesses of the former colonial power, and sometimes all foreign investment. The relatively small number of expropriations without compensation until the late 1960s—when a period of large-scale expropriation began—reflected the power and determination of the United States to protect foreign investments, but Western countries were unable to reestablish an international legal regime that guaranteed the property rights of international investors. Even in the developed countries, receptivity towards multinationals fell. In Europe and the United States, whole sectors were closed to foreign companies. The Japanese economy grew so fast that it had become the world's second-largest capitalist economy by the 1970s, but its governments systematically discouraged wholly owned FDI [foreign direct investment], and restricted it to a low level. During the 1940s and early 1950s only the U.S. dollar was available as a major convertible currency. Elsewhere exchange controls regulated capital movements. They were often the instruments used by governments to screen or monitor FDI flows. The world-wide controls over capital movements were related to balance of payments concerns and the system of fixed exchange rates established at Bretton Woods. It was not until 1958 that most European countries adopted nonresident convertibility, which permitted foreigners to move funds for current account purposes freely from one country to another. This was the key development in the establishment of a liberal and open international economy

...It was only after the collapse of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates in the early 1970s that controls over capital movements began to be slowly dismantled. The advent of floating exchange rates permitted a huge explosion in international financial markets from the 1970s, but these capital flows were different than before 1914, for they largely occurred between rich countries

World trade barriers were reduced under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) signed in 1947.
This process peaked in the 1960s, when the Kennedy Administration in the United States made major efforts to secure radical reductions in tariff rates. During the middle of this decade there was a comprehensive reduction of barriers to trade in manufactured goods. By the end of the 1960s, however, the U.S.-inspired drive for trade liberalization showed a loss of momentum, as U.S. balance of payments deficits began to cause concern about the scale of foreign imports. Nontariff barriers spread in the following decade. Most developing countries in Latin America, Asia, and Africa became progressively closed to international trade from the 1950s to the 1980s. Even the richest and most developed countries maintained very high levels...

The resumption of multinational growth

The expansion of the world economy prompted a recovery in the growth rate of world FDI. The system of international cartels was dismantled. By 1960 the world stock of FDI had reached $60 billion. By 1980 it was over $500 billion. These were the decades when the term "multinational" was invented, and when economic theorists turned their attention to explaining their existence.
Restoring a Global Economy 1950 1980 HBS Working Knowledge

There is nothing "weird" about pointing out other factors that could have been more responsible for the Post War Boom, then unions.

It is disingenuous of you to pretend that there is.

Weird ONE part is taken out and you want to argue that single part? lol


Middle-Class Decline Mirrors The Fall Of Unions In One Chart

WWII, and the destruction of vast amounts of the industrialized world, EXCEPT for the US, is a pretty big part to ignore.

IMO, the immediate post war situation is a terrible place to drawn conclusions from because of the oddity of the economic situation.

Oddity? 90% of the world was rebuilt by 1955, why did the US middle class contuse to grow until 1971? Why did IUS incomes grow until 1979? What relation to taxes on the very wealthiest in the US (effective rates above 50% from 1932-1980) did the boom have? Why is it that through history, supply side has failed over and over yet cons don't get it?

Middle Class Series: The Failure of Supply-Side Economics

Three Decades of Empirical Economic Data Shows That Supply-Side Economics Doesn’t Work

When President Bill Clinton, raised taxes that same year did the economy suffer a slowdown, as was predicted by those who believe in supply-side economics? The data says no.

The Failure of Supply-Side Economics Center for American Progress

The world was rebuilt by 1955?

Lmao, what an ignorant yard ... Try late 60s early 70s when we had the japanese invasion of cars.

God you are stupid.

Yes Dummy look to history that 90% of the factories and places of commerce were rebuilt by 1955

We had an "invasion" of autos that took market share BECAUSE of the oil crisis of the early 1970's (NOT late 1960's) , as US auto comps were morons (Proven later with quality issues) , just like they did with Dubya's "go out and spend" they created the demand for SUV's!

The 1950s onwards saw the beginning of the reconstruction of a new global economy. Between 1950 and 1973 the annual real GDP growth of developed market economies averaged around 5 percent. This growth was smooth, with none of the major recessions seen in the interwar years. World War II left the United States in a uniquely powerful position. While Europe and Asia had experienced extensive destruction and loss of life, no battles had been fought on the soil of the United States. The U.S. dollar became the world's major reserve currency. U.S. corporations assumed leading positions in many industries. Europe and Japan had to spend the immediate postwar decade undergoing extensive reconstruction, heavily dependent on official aid from the United States, yet over time Europe and Japan closed the technological and productivity gap with the United States. The emergence of a U.S. deficit on its balance of trade in the 1960s, and the devaluation of the U.S. dollar and the end of its convertibility into gold in 1971, provided symbolic signs of the ending of an era.

....In the twenty years after 1945 the European colonial empires were dismantled. In some cases, decolonization was followed by an aggressive reaction against the businesses of the former colonial power, and sometimes all foreign investment. The relatively small number of expropriations without compensation until the late 1960s—when a period of large-scale expropriation began—reflected the power and determination of the United States to protect foreign investments, but Western countries were unable to reestablish an international legal regime that guaranteed the property rights of international investors. Even in the developed countries, receptivity towards multinationals fell. In Europe and the United States, whole sectors were closed to foreign companies. The Japanese economy grew so fast that it had become the world's second-largest capitalist economy by the 1970s, but its governments systematically discouraged wholly owned FDI [foreign direct investment], and restricted it to a low level. During the 1940s and early 1950s only the U.S. dollar was available as a major convertible currency. Elsewhere exchange controls regulated capital movements. They were often the instruments used by governments to screen or monitor FDI flows. The world-wide controls over capital movements were related to balance of payments concerns and the system of fixed exchange rates established at Bretton Woods. It was not until 1958 that most European countries adopted nonresident convertibility, which permitted foreigners to move funds for current account purposes freely from one country to another. This was the key development in the establishment of a liberal and open international economy

...It was only after the collapse of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates in the early 1970s that controls over capital movements began to be slowly dismantled. The advent of floating exchange rates permitted a huge explosion in international financial markets from the 1970s, but these capital flows were different than before 1914, for they largely occurred between rich countries

World trade barriers were reduced under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) signed in 1947.
This process peaked in the 1960s, when the Kennedy Administration in the United States made major efforts to secure radical reductions in tariff rates. During the middle of this decade there was a comprehensive reduction of barriers to trade in manufactured goods. By the end of the 1960s, however, the U.S.-inspired drive for trade liberalization showed a loss of momentum, as U.S. balance of payments deficits began to cause concern about the scale of foreign imports. Nontariff barriers spread in the following decade. Most developing countries in Latin America, Asia, and Africa became progressively closed to international trade from the 1950s to the 1980s. Even the richest and most developed countries maintained very high levels...

The resumption of multinational growth

The expansion of the world economy prompted a recovery in the growth rate of world FDI. The system of international cartels was dismantled. By 1960 the world stock of FDI had reached $60 billion. By 1980 it was over $500 billion. These were the decades when the term "multinational" was invented, and when economic theorists turned their attention to explaining their existence.
Restoring a Global Economy 1950 1980 HBS Working Knowledge

it wasn't just cars in the 70s ya fuckin moron...

You do even bother to read what you post did you bother to notice 20 years?

God you are stupid.
I had something of an epiphany the other day.
I realised that Conservatives were right about everything.
They warned us way back in the early '50s that Rock and Roll Music will cause the corrosion of society and the destruction of the American family.
How the Liberals laughed...well who's laughing now!
Weird ONE part is taken out and you want to argue that single part? lol


Middle-Class Decline Mirrors The Fall Of Unions In One Chart

WWII, and the destruction of vast amounts of the industrialized world, EXCEPT for the US, is a pretty big part to ignore.

IMO, the immediate post war situation is a terrible place to drawn conclusions from because of the oddity of the economic situation.

Oddity? 90% of the world was rebuilt by 1955, why did the US middle class contuse to grow until 1971? Why did IUS incomes grow until 1979? What relation to taxes on the very wealthiest in the US (effective rates above 50% from 1932-1980) did the boom have? Why is it that through history, supply side has failed over and over yet cons don't get it?

Middle Class Series: The Failure of Supply-Side Economics

Three Decades of Empirical Economic Data Shows That Supply-Side Economics Doesn’t Work

When President Bill Clinton, raised taxes that same year did the economy suffer a slowdown, as was predicted by those who believe in supply-side economics? The data says no.

The Failure of Supply-Side Economics Center for American Progress

The world was rebuilt by 1955?

Lmao, what an ignorant yard ... Try late 60s early 70s when we had the japanese invasion of cars.

God you are stupid.

Yes Dummy look to history that 90% of the factories and places of commerce were rebuilt by 1955

We had an "invasion" of autos that took market share BECAUSE of the oil crisis of the early 1970's (NOT late 1960's) , as US auto comps were morons (Proven later with quality issues) , just like they did with Dubya's "go out and spend" they created the demand for SUV's!

The 1950s onwards saw the beginning of the reconstruction of a new global economy. Between 1950 and 1973 the annual real GDP growth of developed market economies averaged around 5 percent. This growth was smooth, with none of the major recessions seen in the interwar years. World War II left the United States in a uniquely powerful position. While Europe and Asia had experienced extensive destruction and loss of life, no battles had been fought on the soil of the United States. The U.S. dollar became the world's major reserve currency. U.S. corporations assumed leading positions in many industries. Europe and Japan had to spend the immediate postwar decade undergoing extensive reconstruction, heavily dependent on official aid from the United States, yet over time Europe and Japan closed the technological and productivity gap with the United States. The emergence of a U.S. deficit on its balance of trade in the 1960s, and the devaluation of the U.S. dollar and the end of its convertibility into gold in 1971, provided symbolic signs of the ending of an era.

....In the twenty years after 1945 the European colonial empires were dismantled. In some cases, decolonization was followed by an aggressive reaction against the businesses of the former colonial power, and sometimes all foreign investment. The relatively small number of expropriations without compensation until the late 1960s—when a period of large-scale expropriation began—reflected the power and determination of the United States to protect foreign investments, but Western countries were unable to reestablish an international legal regime that guaranteed the property rights of international investors. Even in the developed countries, receptivity towards multinationals fell. In Europe and the United States, whole sectors were closed to foreign companies. The Japanese economy grew so fast that it had become the world's second-largest capitalist economy by the 1970s, but its governments systematically discouraged wholly owned FDI [foreign direct investment], and restricted it to a low level. During the 1940s and early 1950s only the U.S. dollar was available as a major convertible currency. Elsewhere exchange controls regulated capital movements. They were often the instruments used by governments to screen or monitor FDI flows. The world-wide controls over capital movements were related to balance of payments concerns and the system of fixed exchange rates established at Bretton Woods. It was not until 1958 that most European countries adopted nonresident convertibility, which permitted foreigners to move funds for current account purposes freely from one country to another. This was the key development in the establishment of a liberal and open international economy

...It was only after the collapse of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates in the early 1970s that controls over capital movements began to be slowly dismantled. The advent of floating exchange rates permitted a huge explosion in international financial markets from the 1970s, but these capital flows were different than before 1914, for they largely occurred between rich countries

World trade barriers were reduced under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) signed in 1947.
This process peaked in the 1960s, when the Kennedy Administration in the United States made major efforts to secure radical reductions in tariff rates. During the middle of this decade there was a comprehensive reduction of barriers to trade in manufactured goods. By the end of the 1960s, however, the U.S.-inspired drive for trade liberalization showed a loss of momentum, as U.S. balance of payments deficits began to cause concern about the scale of foreign imports. Nontariff barriers spread in the following decade. Most developing countries in Latin America, Asia, and Africa became progressively closed to international trade from the 1950s to the 1980s. Even the richest and most developed countries maintained very high levels...

The resumption of multinational growth

The expansion of the world economy prompted a recovery in the growth rate of world FDI. The system of international cartels was dismantled. By 1960 the world stock of FDI had reached $60 billion. By 1980 it was over $500 billion. These were the decades when the term "multinational" was invented, and when economic theorists turned their attention to explaining their existence.
Restoring a Global Economy 1950 1980 HBS Working Knowledge

it wasn't just cars in the 70s ya fuckin moron...

You do even bother to read what you post did you bother to notice 20 years?

God you are stupid.

Yes dipshit that was MONETARY over the 20 years. Gawd you low informed cons are funny bastards!
I had something of an epiphany the other day.
I realised that Conservatives were right about everything.
They warned us way back in the early '50s that Rock and Roll Music will cause the corrosion of society and the destruction of the American family.
How the Liberals laughed...well who's laughing now!

Heard my great grandmother said the same thing about the roaring 20s! lol

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