Why Can't Felons Have Guns?

That's the saddest instance of gun ownership I've ever heard.

And it's not even a felony?


If my wife and kids lived in a high crime area, and I was a felon, this law would force the felon to break the law in order to protect innocent civilians from violent criminals in the case of a burglary.

Having a gun in a box SUCKS when your backdoor is kicked in at 1 in the morning by three crack addicts who have a gun and want to rape your wife.

You need a gun that you can get to ASAP in the event of an emergency. Like in 3 seconds!

Locked, loaded, off safety, and aimed in 3 seconds!

Therefore, a spouse would have to keep the pistol very close by, making you STILL break the law!
Koosh - The only other people I can think of you might contact are the ACLU or the NRA. I would think the NRA would be a better fit, but ACLU might be worth a try too.

It can't hurt to ask. I don't know if you have to violate the gun ownership provision in order to test it - either agency can advise you on that, I think.
Follow me for a minute here.... If you commit a crime, and go to prison and serve your sentence, isn't that called "paying your debt to society"? You have been punished, and now you are a felon.


But WHY is your right to bear arms taken away? Felons are the one who most likely live in high-crime, drug infested areas. The exact type of place where you NEED a gun! Remember, the felon has already paid for his crime.

Why disarm a member of society who needs a gun for self-defense the most?

Your Thoughts..

I lean to agreeing with you...as long as you have paid your debt to society. Like a felon who has paid his debt can no longer hunt deer? For the rest of his life?....I dont agree with that.

Exactly....someone that embezzles...it's a felony. Why should that stop the person from owning a gun? The felony had nothing to do with guns!
What I'm saying is that it appears we are setting them up for failure. I mean, if we're so concerned about the people they victimized, why then are we going to put them in a position to be a victim as well?

Because only people with guns succeed. Clearly.
Follow me for a minute here.... If you commit a crime, and go to prison and serve your sentence, isn't that called "paying your debt to society"? You have been punished, and now you are a felon.


But WHY is your right to bear arms taken away? Felons are the one who most likely live in high-crime, drug infested areas. The exact type of place where you NEED a gun! Remember, the felon has already paid for his crime.

Why disarm a member of society who needs a gun for self-defense the most?

Your Thoughts..

Is it okay for a convicted murderer, who has 'paid their debt' to go and buy a gun, even though they killed someone with a gun?

Are you insane?

another one that thinks criminals can't get guns.


Just how fucking dumb as dirt are liberals?

Criminal; "I want to kill that mutha over there for dissing me, but the MAN won't let me buy a gun from the gun store, so he's safe."


Criminal; "I want to kill that mutha over there for dissing me, so I'm going to this place and talk to this man I know and get me a gun and go kill that mutha."

Which do you libtardians think is the most likely conversation?

keeping in mind that your idiocy supports the black market for hand guns.

Good argument. Let's move it over into the area of child molestors. Once a child molestor has served his time, why should he be hounded to death with things like Megan's List, be required to register as a sex offender, not be able to live near a school, etc.? He's paid his debt, right?

I think most people would point out that, even though a child molestor has paid his debt by doing his time, it is in the nature of child molestors that they tend to keep doing it, regardless of having paid for their crime.

Well, it's kind of the same thinking with regard to felons. Felons tend to continue to commit crimes, even if they have paid for past crimes.

Is it okay for a convicted murderer, who has 'paid their debt' to go and buy a gun, even though they killed someone with a gun?

Are you insane?

another one that thinks criminals can't get guns.


Just how fucking dumb as dirt are liberals?

Criminal; "I want to kill that mutha over there for dissing me, but the MAN won't let me buy a gun from the gun store, so he's safe."


Criminal; "I want to kill that mutha over there for dissing me, so I'm going to this place and talk to this man I know and get me a gun and go kill that mutha."

Which do you libtardians think is the most likely conversation?

keeping in mind that your idiocy supports the black market for hand guns.

Good argument. Let's move it over into the area of child molestors. Once a child molestor has served his time, why should he be hounded to death with things like Megan's List, be required to register as a sex offender, not be able to live near a school, etc.? He's paid his debt, right?

I think most people would point out that, even though a child molestor has paid his debt by doing his time, it is in the nature of child molestors that they tend to keep doing it, regardless of having paid for their crime.

Well, it's kind of the same thinking with regard to felons. Felons tend to continue to commit crimes, even if they have paid for past crimes.


Ahh, the old; I've lost the argument so I must change the subject routine.

pfft, ok, lets play;

Pedo; Damn I'm horny, shames I'm on maegans list or I could go snatch up a kid


Pedo; Hey little girl. What some candy?

you counter point, change the subject, failed.

raping isn't a right, owning arms is. The fact this needs to be explained, should let you know that you have been conditioned to hate freedom and embrace tyranny. I feel it won't, but I'll keep trying hoping I'll get through to one of you someday
How about this?....

Explain how it makes ANY SENSE AT ALL to ban a person from owning a gun if their crime was NON-VIOLENT and didn't involve a gun AT ALL.

That's like sending a DUI inmate to Anger Management, and stripping them of the right to go to their job at McDonald's.

You have a right to go to your job, and your crime had NOTHING TO DO with anger or serving hamburgers!


Yet, what it CAN DO is leave a non-violent person helpless and a potential victim of a violent crime...


That's the saddest instance of gun ownership I've ever heard.

And it's not even a felony?


If my wife and kids lived in a high crime area, and I was a felon, this law would force the felon to break the law in order to protect innocent civilians from violent criminals in the case of a burglary.

Having a gun in a box SUCKS when your backdoor is kicked in at 1 in the morning by three crack addicts who have a gun and want to rape your wife.

You need a gun that you can get to ASAP in the event of an emergency. Like in 3 seconds!

Locked, loaded, off safety, and aimed in 3 seconds!

Therefore, a spouse would have to keep the pistol very close by, making you STILL break the law!

Exactly. Someone once asked if me if my husband owns guns. I said, yes he does. They said, that doesn't seem right.

I said, oh, you want to punish the victim, too? Wow.
Koosh - The only other people I can think of you might contact are the ACLU or the NRA. I would think the NRA would be a better fit, but ACLU might be worth a try too.

It can't hurt to ask. I don't know if you have to violate the gun ownership provision in order to test it - either agency can advise you on that, I think.

I should pursue it, I suppose. Or some day I'm going to end up an elderly widow living in a somewhat rough part of town with no way to defend myself. : (

I'm sure this Lautenberg Amendment affected a lot more men than women, and I keep hoping some of them will challenge it and win. Police officers lost their jobs when the amendment was passed; military personnel were discharged because they could no longer handle a gun. Also men who hunt, some of them who need to do so to feed their families

I suspect a lot of people just go ahead and use a gun for hunting or have one on hand for self-defense and hope they don't get busted. But I would not survive a prison sentence. Not at this point in my life, anyway.
There's some movement on this topic in general. The gov. of VA, a Republican I believe, has recently ordered that all ex-felons of non-violent crimes be automatically reinstated with the full rights of citizens. This is only good for crimes committed in VA, of course. Still, it's a step forward, & along the lines that we had been discussing here.

The note & some background on the disenfranchisement of felons, & especially Blacks in the South, was @ Alternet.
Hell yeah.... the good old days!~!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMqd5EQXD-g]Mattel Tommy Burst TV commercial 1960s! - YouTube[/ame]

I'm a fighter and usually have some way around every brick wall, but I'm at a total loss of ideas. Unless you want to take on a crusade and start sending letters to your reps to try to get someone to listen to change the law, you're freaking caught. And taking on a venture like that takes a lot of time and determination.

Follow me for a minute here.... If you commit a crime, and go to prison and serve your sentence, isn't that called "paying your debt to society"? You have been punished, and now you are a felon.


But WHY is your right to bear arms taken away? Felons are the one who most likely live in high-crime, drug infested areas. The exact type of place where you NEED a gun! Remember, the felon has already paid for his crime.

Why disarm a member of society who needs a gun for self-defense the most?

Your Thoughts..

Many gun owners make the argument that their gun rights are there to ensure that no other rights are taken away. Since the convicted felon also lost his right to vote why aren't legitimate gun owners trying to ensure that the right to vote is restored after the time is served? Wouldn't that lend credence to the argument that gun rights should also be restored?
Follow me for a minute here.... If you commit a crime, and go to prison and serve your sentence, isn't that called "paying your debt to society"? You have been punished, and now you are a felon.


But WHY is your right to bear arms taken away? Felons are the one who most likely live in high-crime, drug infested areas. The exact type of place where you NEED a gun! Remember, the felon has already paid for his crime.

Why disarm a member of society who needs a gun for self-defense the most?

Your Thoughts..

I agree with you, depending on the felony. If they embezzled cash from an employer, why shouldn't they be allowed to own a gun once their debt is paid. But if they shot someone dead...well, maybe that calls for losing the right to own a gun.

You do know that it's not only felons who can't own guns, right? If you are convicted of MISDEMEANOR domestic violence, you also lose the right to own a gun FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Bullshit, eh?

Happened to me. Boyfriend and I were going through some tumultous times. (I thought he'd cheated). One night, I was drinking, he was not. I decided to leave. He didn't want me to, tried to restrain me. I fought him and in the process hit him a couple of times. Sorry, but I had been in a physically abusive relationship with a man when I was younger, when a man starts grabbing me, I fight back.

He called the cops hoping they could "help" calm me down. By the time they got there I was just sitting on a chair, subdued. In talking to the cops, they asked him, "Did she hit you?" He said yes, not knowing what would happen next. They promptly arrested me and I was charged with domestic violence. Spent the night in jail, saw the magistrate next morning. My boyfriend was there, pleading on my behalf. I just pleaded "no contest" so I could get the hell out of there, not knowing what the consequences would be at the time.

For that, I can never own a gun again for the rest of my life. That boyfriend is now my husband, has been for 15 years. We had been together eight years when that happened and we got married shortly after the incident. Absolutely no problems before that incident nor since.

What do you think of that? That's how they get our gun rights, one bit at a time. That law was a result of the Lautenberg Amendment, the s.o.b. senator who recently died.

(My bold)

15 years is a long time ago. The point to the domestic violence penalty as regards guns is to try to protect the spouse/partner. The perp in domestic violence cases is usually v. hard-headed, it takes a lot to get through to him/her. (The other point is that the courts are trying to make up for centuries of pretty much neglect in these cases. They've decided they'd rather come down too hard than too light. A question of balance, I suppose ...)

You can look into reversing your plea - but I suggest you do some research on your own before hiring a lawyer. Given the circumstances, you might be able to void the charge - especially if you've both had clean records since, no police problems, etc. You can try your public library, or contact the local bar association - they usually do pro bono cases, someone might be willing to take a look @ your case. @ the least, they could tell you if it's a possibility, & whether it's worth pursuing or not.

Good luck!

Most State Legislatures can pass a bill expunging a criminal record. It happens all the time. It usually gets tacked onto another bill.
You confuse "doing their time" with rehabilitation. Seeing that violent criminals have a recidivism rate of about 67% it is only logical to assume ex-cons will use their guns to harm others instead of just defending themselves with it.

Would you rely on a defective product that failed 67% of the time?
another one that thinks criminals can't get guns.


Just how fucking dumb as dirt are liberals?

Criminal; "I want to kill that mutha over there for dissing me, but the MAN won't let me buy a gun from the gun store, so he's safe."


Criminal; "I want to kill that mutha over there for dissing me, so I'm going to this place and talk to this man I know and get me a gun and go kill that mutha."

Which do you libtardians think is the most likely conversation?

keeping in mind that your idiocy supports the black market for hand guns.

Good argument. Let's move it over into the area of child molestors. Once a child molestor has served his time, why should he be hounded to death with things like Megan's List, be required to register as a sex offender, not be able to live near a school, etc.? He's paid his debt, right?

I think most people would point out that, even though a child molestor has paid his debt by doing his time, it is in the nature of child molestors that they tend to keep doing it, regardless of having paid for their crime.

Well, it's kind of the same thinking with regard to felons. Felons tend to continue to commit crimes, even if they have paid for past crimes.


Ahh, the old; I've lost the argument so I must change the subject routine.

pfft, ok, lets play;

Pedo; Damn I'm horny, shames I'm on maegans list or I could go snatch up a kid


Pedo; Hey little girl. What some candy?

you counter point, change the subject, failed.

raping isn't a right, owning arms is. The fact this needs to be explained, should let you know that you have been conditioned to hate freedom and embrace tyranny. I feel it won't, but I'll keep trying hoping I'll get through to one of you someday

He made a bloody good point - why can't sex offenders live near schools, since they have paid their debt to society?
I think sex offenders are different than others. Something about how their brain is wired.

Anyway, I think if the person USED A GUN in their crime, ok, I can kind of understand taking their gun rights away.

But my point is that NON-VIOLENT felons, who didn't use a gun, are still stripped of this right.
I think sex offenders are different than others. Something about how their brain is wired.

Anyway, I think if the person USED A GUN in their crime, ok, I can kind of understand taking their gun rights away.

But my point is that NON-VIOLENT felons, who didn't use a gun, are still stripped of this right.

I don't really want the nearby drug gangs to have guns, even if they themselves didn't use violence to kill their rival gangs, cops or citizen complainers.

I'm for using RICO laws to imprison any gang member part of any gang using violence.

Gun control laws are useless.
another one that thinks criminals can't get guns.


Just how fucking dumb as dirt are liberals?

Criminal; "I want to kill that mutha over there for dissing me, but the MAN won't let me buy a gun from the gun store, so he's safe."


Criminal; "I want to kill that mutha over there for dissing me, so I'm going to this place and talk to this man I know and get me a gun and go kill that mutha."

Which do you libtardians think is the most likely conversation?

keeping in mind that your idiocy supports the black market for hand guns.

Good argument. Let's move it over into the area of child molestors. Once a child molestor has served his time, why should he be hounded to death with things like Megan's List, be required to register as a sex offender, not be able to live near a school, etc.? He's paid his debt, right?

I think most people would point out that, even though a child molestor has paid his debt by doing his time, it is in the nature of child molestors that they tend to keep doing it, regardless of having paid for their crime.

Well, it's kind of the same thinking with regard to felons. Felons tend to continue to commit crimes, even if they have paid for past crimes.


Ahh, the old; I've lost the argument so I must change the subject routine.

pfft, ok, lets play;

Pedo; Damn I'm horny, shames I'm on maegans list or I could go snatch up a kid


Pedo; Hey little girl. What some candy?

you counter point, change the subject, failed.

raping isn't a right, owning arms is. The fact this needs to be explained, should let you know that you have been conditioned to hate freedom and embrace tyranny. I feel it won't, but I'll keep trying hoping I'll get through to one of you someday

I am not changing the subject. It's called an analogy. Look it up.
I think sex offenders are different than others. Something about how their brain is wired.

Anyway, I think if the person USED A GUN in their crime, ok, I can kind of understand taking their gun rights away.

But my point is that NON-VIOLENT felons, who didn't use a gun, are still stripped of this right.

You make two pretty good points here.

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