Why can't liberals find a way to create wealth without taking from successfull?

Something I can never understand unless I go into my own theory, which I will not do in this thread at least.
Liberals seem to be OK with printing more money, continnuing with the debt, spending etc.
DISCLAIMER: I am not rich by any means, nor am I kissing up to them, I hate the likes of Romney no less then anyone else on this earth, so do not be judgemental.
Simple question really: what if there was a zapper which would zap liberals any time they tried to get their hands on rich/other people's money, and they would have no choice but to leave them rich alone. explain the scenario of what would happen to our nation? how could we go on? etc...

Gee, let's ask Bill Gates.
I am not cheering in favor of anything. I am well aware that the government is a corrupt, wholly owned subsidiary of the MIC and Wall Street but at the same time it is the only mechanism we have to get a handle on them. Do you have another way to force the big banks into being something other than a massive wealth drain on the world?

Remove the govt. protections, end the federal reserve, end fractional lending, take government out of the economy/business altogether and put them back in the proper role of upholding the law/constitution.


No more government per se.

No more taxes (or national treasury)

Of course that will mean no more government services either.

No more Department of Defense/Social Security Administration/Department of Health and Human Services/OSHA/FCC/Department of Education/Treasury/Veteran's Affairs/Justice/Post Office

and on and on.....

Then we can just go back to being tribal and living in grass and dirt huts like some third world country.

Wealth won't matter at that point anyway because there will be very little left to buy and at the end of the day well.....you just can't eat money!


Nice strawman. Completely brilliant teeth gnashing lacking any reality. Because up until the 1920s-30s, everyone was just a wandering uneducated nomad. Jeebus you people are fuckign stupid and short sighted. Go read history and come back witha real argument.

This stupidity is tiring.
Remove the govt. protections, end the federal reserve, end fractional lending, take government out of the economy/business altogether and put them back in the proper role of upholding the law/constitution.


No more government per se.

No more taxes (or national treasury)

Of course that will mean no more government services either.

No more Department of Defense/Social Security Administration/Department of Health and Human Services/OSHA/FCC/Department of Education/Treasury/Veteran's Affairs/Justice/Post Office

and on and on.....

Then we can just go back to being tribal and living in grass and dirt huts like some third world country.

Wealth won't matter at that point anyway because there will be very little left to buy and at the end of the day well.....you just can't eat money!



He was not talking about getting rid of all government... nor about taxation as a whole because taxation is actually covered in the constitution

But keep leaping like there is no tomorrow.. it just paints a clearer picture of exactly how much of a moonbat you are

Ah.....I see.

Just a SELECTIVE pruning of government?

Once you open the door to one unqualified and uninformed armchair economist tweaking the federal government where does it stop?:up_yours:
DISCLAIMER: I am not rich by any means, nor am I kissing up to them...

This fascinates me.

Why is the rw fighting so hard to take away their own children's futures? Why are fighting against jobs for themselves and other ordinary, working class Americans?

Yeah, I know, they hate the president because he's black but that's just not a good reason for the way so many have fallen for the lies from the rabid neocons. Surely, they KNOW that Ryan, Boehner, Norquist, Rove, Cheney and now, Romney, are lying to them. They DO know that.

They also know that blacks, browns, teachers, cops, firefighters, gays, women are NOT their enemies but the right says "hate them" so they hate them.

The rw is not unable to read and understand. Why don't they?

They KNOW fux, beck, lushbo are the opposite of news and information but they suck it up and believe it as though its all true.

Its not just that the rw sheeple believe that if they vote for the wealthy, they will themselves will get rich. Fact is, voting for the wealthy absolutely guarantees they will stay middle class.

I just wish their votes wouldn't take the rest of us down with them.
Remove the govt. protections, end the federal reserve, end fractional lending, take government out of the economy/business altogether and put them back in the proper role of upholding the law/constitution.


No more government per se.

No more taxes (or national treasury)

Of course that will mean no more government services either.

No more Department of Defense/Social Security Administration/Department of Health and Human Services/OSHA/FCC/Department of Education/Treasury/Veteran's Affairs/Justice/Post Office

and on and on.....

Then we can just go back to being tribal and living in grass and dirt huts like some third world country.

Wealth won't matter at that point anyway because there will be very little left to buy and at the end of the day well.....you just can't eat money!


Nice strawman. Completely brilliant teeth gnashing lacking any reality. Because up until the 1920s-30s, everyone was just a wandering uneducated nomad. Jeebus you people are fuckign stupid and short sighted. Go read history and come back witha real argument.

This stupidity is tiring.

So what are you trying to say here?

WTF do the 1920's-30's have to do with the realities of America in 2012????

No more government per se.

No more taxes (or national treasury)

Of course that will mean no more government services either.

No more Department of Defense/Social Security Administration/Department of Health and Human Services/OSHA/FCC/Department of Education/Treasury/Veteran's Affairs/Justice/Post Office

and on and on.....

Then we can just go back to being tribal and living in grass and dirt huts like some third world country.

Wealth won't matter at that point anyway because there will be very little left to buy and at the end of the day well.....you just can't eat money!



He was not talking about getting rid of all government... nor about taxation as a whole because taxation is actually covered in the constitution

But keep leaping like there is no tomorrow.. it just paints a clearer picture of exactly how much of a moonbat you are

Ah.....I see.

Just a SELECTIVE pruning of government?

Once you open the door to one unqualified and uninformed armchair economist tweaking the federal government where does it stop?:up_yours:

Our government has SPECIFIC powers granted to it thru the constitution by the states.. and if you can remember the 10th amendment, and and all powers not SPECIFICALLY granted to the federal government are reserved for the states and/or citizens respectively

Thank you for playing

Please see Don Pardo for some lovely parting gifts
It's called following the constitution, numb nuts.

OK, I've had my complete fill of stupid for the day. It's time for me to change the channel. it's painful that my countrymen are this fucking dumbed down, brainwashed and idiotic.

All i can do is hope you guys are just playing internet fuck around and not serious. Though i highly doubt it.....
Something I can never understand unless I go into my own theory, which I will not do in this thread at least.
Liberals seem to be OK with printing more money, continnuing with the debt, spending etc.
DISCLAIMER: I am not rich by any means, nor am I kissing up to them, I hate the likes of Romney no less then anyone else on this earth, so do not be judgemental.
Simple question really: what if there was a zapper which would zap liberals any time they tried to get their hands on rich/other people's money, and they would have no choice but to leave them rich alone. explain the scenario of what would happen to our nation? how could we go on? etc...

Gee, let's ask Bill Gates.

or Buffett, Soros, Bloomburg ...
It's called following the constitution, numb nuts.

OK, I've had my complete fill of stupid for the day. It's time for me to change the channel. it's painful that my countrymen are this fucking dumbed down, brainwashed and idiotic.

All i can do is hope you guys are just playing internet fuck around and not serious. Though i highly doubt it.....

You better run before someone asks you to quote that part of the Constitution!

So you agree we are completely and utterly fucked. We agree on that at least.

it isnt our trade deficit I would be worried about. You seen the debt clock recently?

I do not agree, I have no such defeatist and cowardly attitude as yet.

So what is the solution, then?

I gave you a REAL solution. You just want to ride out the mathematical inevitability and then say "well, at least I wasn't a coward in the face of retardation."

Even heroes no when it's time ot slip out the backdoor. Nothing cowardly or defeatist about being realistic. It's called logic and reason.
DISCLAIMER: I am not rich by any means, nor am I kissing up to them...

This fascinates me.

Why is the rw fighting so hard to take away their own children's futures? Why are fighting against jobs for themselves and other ordinary, working class Americans?

Yeah, I know, they hate the president because he's black but that's just not a good reason for the way so many have fallen for the lies from the rabid neocons. Surely, they KNOW that Ryan, Boehner, Norquist, Rove, Cheney and now, Romney, are lying to them. They DO know that.

They also know that blacks, browns, teachers, cops, firefighters, gays, women are NOT their enemies but the right says "hate them" so they hate them.

The rw is not unable to read and understand. Why don't they?

They KNOW fux, beck, lushbo are the opposite of news and information but they suck it up and believe it as though its all true.

Its not just that the rw sheeple believe that if they vote for the wealthy, they will themselves will get rich. Fact is, voting for the wealthy absolutely guarantees they will stay middle class.

I just wish their votes wouldn't take the rest of us down with them.

CONservatives are stupid because back when Bush was prez there was a concerted effort by the RW media to convince them that all the truly educated people in America who were publicly protesting Dubya's failed, illegal policies were just mouthpieces for George Soros and the left.

Sudenly schools and institutions of higher learning became "bastions of liberal indoctrination" to them.

The message stuck.


It's called following the constitution, numb nuts.

OK, I've had my complete fill of stupid for the day. It's time for me to change the channel. it's painful that my countrymen are this fucking dumbed down, brainwashed and idiotic.

All i can do is hope you guys are just playing internet fuck around and not serious. Though i highly doubt it.....


Good riddance TROLL!:flameth:
And the 3 trolls, in succession, realize they have nothing when the specifics of the constitution are put in front of them...
It's called following the constitution, numb nuts.

OK, I've had my complete fill of stupid for the day. It's time for me to change the channel. it's painful that my countrymen are this fucking dumbed down, brainwashed and idiotic.

All i can do is hope you guys are just playing internet fuck around and not serious. Though i highly doubt it.....

You better run before someone asks you to quote that part of the Constitution!

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
So you agree we are completely and utterly fucked. We agree on that at least.

it isnt our trade deficit I would be worried about. You seen the debt clock recently?

I do not agree, I have no such defeatist and cowardly attitude as yet.

So what is the solution, then?

I gave you a REAL solution. You just want to ride out the mathematical inevitability and then say "well, at least I wasn't a coward in the face of retardation."

Even heroes no when it's time ot slip out the backdoor. Nothing cowardly or defeatist about being realistic. It's called logic and reason.

Spoken like a true collaborator, you would accept no solution that includes any billionaire becoming a dollar poorer or a poor person receiving a thing they have not earned in your opinion. Your real solution is nothing more than an oft repeated pile of dogma shit. We have no economic problem that less personal greed and more maintenance on our neglected economy would not eventually repair. The world is quite capable of sustaining the human race except for the fact that artificial shortage is an awesome way to get rich.
It's called following the constitution, numb nuts.

OK, I've had my complete fill of stupid for the day. It's time for me to change the channel. it's painful that my countrymen are this fucking dumbed down, brainwashed and idiotic.

All i can do is hope you guys are just playing internet fuck around and not serious. Though i highly doubt it.....

You better run before someone asks you to quote that part of the Constitution!

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

So if the PEOPLE or the States allow the fed to assume control over something not specifically entrusted to it by the Constitution then all's cool and buttwipes like you shouldn't whine about it right?

BTW....thought you said you were leaving didn't you?
You better run before someone asks you to quote that part of the Constitution!

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

So if the PEOPLE or the States allow the fed to assume control over something not specifically entrusted to it by the Constitution then all's cool and buttwipes like you shouldn't whine about it right?

BTW....thought you said you were leaving didn't you?

1) Try and get your posters straight, idiot
2) There is a specific amendment process

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