Why can't liberals find a way to create wealth without taking from successfull?

That has to be some of the most convoluted "logic" I've seen around here in some time...And that's saying something.


Convoluted? It seems pretty straightforward to me. Maybe you just don't like the message.
Or maybe I'm not such a simpleton to think that people smart enough to accumulate all that they have, are so stupid that they ruin the economy that made such accumulation possible, while broke dick self-professed geniuses on an interweb message board can see it all so clearly.

A big part of how I make my living is by turning high level concepts into machine language. I don't expect to have to break things down to that point when I'm talking to a human but you cons apparently lack the creativity or cognitive skills to do it yourselves. I've tried in the past (on a different forum) to take the baby steps and it still bounces off.

Just be sure to keep cheering for your Wall Street heroes.
Why can't Conservatives find a way to create wealth that doesn't involve killing off the Middle Class?

Why can't Conservatives find a way to create wealth that isn't concentrated in 1% of the population?

Why can't Conservatives take The Koch's Kocks out of their mouths?

Why can't Conservatives stop pretending that they care about poor people, even though their states are consistently the poorest?

Why can't Conservatives stop lying about Obama's economic record?

Why can't Conservatives stop harping about Obama's 8.2% unemployment rate when Reagan's was about 9.4% in 1982 and 83?

Why can't Conservatives give up the fight against Social Security that they've been waging for almost 80 years?

Why can't Conservatives make up their minds whether to demonize Europe or praise them?

Why can't Conservatives stop claiming that taxation and regulation stops growth when history has shown time and again that's wrong?

Why can't Conservatives stop protecting the "sanctity" of marriage while many of their own have had multiple hetero marriages?

1) That does not happen now... Businesses and business owners need the skillset of the middle class workers, and more middle class branch off into small business to provide things to the larger companies and those who have more monies to spend
2) Do you find ways to create wealth for others instead of yourself?? Do you earn for you or just to hand over to others first??
3) Idiot question... but then again, all of your questions, stances, and statements are idiotic
4) False premise... caring does not mean you aspire to support unequal treatment under law and it does not mean that you support forced charity
5) Obama's record needs no lies to talk about it negatively... it is a horrible economic record.. well, that is unless you cherry pick numbers, rely on bullshit unprovable criteria such as 'jobs saved', or continue to push blame on people from 3 1/2 years ago
6) Don't forget also that the labor force participation rate (which you tend to forget) stayed pretty stead under Reagan during those hard times... while it has declined under Obama... thus showing the jobs situation is worse than what would appear in this current administration.. contrary to what they want you to think
7) Because forced participation in a program that is continually raped for slush fund spending is not a good thing.... many would love to have the freedom to invest those same monies all on their own for their own retirement and easily outperform the ROI of SS
8) Unknown what you mean here.. demonizing more socialist style systems of government, governments that insist on taxing at rates well above 50% in total in redistribution schemes is indeed horse shit.. but it does not mean that the people of Europe are all bad..
9) Your premise is an outright lie... you nor ANYONE has ever shown that higher taxes causes growth... you continually confuse coincidence and causation
10) Going off on a tangent again to try and paint a picture that just is not inherently so...
11) You are a fucking idiot troll

Hope that clears things up for everyone

Look at all those Conservative talking points.

Otherwise known as you have nothing... because you started off with bullshit lies, false premises, and you got exposed.. again
Something I can never understand unless I go into my own theory, which I will not do in this thread at least.
Liberals seem to be OK with printing more money, continnuing with the debt, spending etc.
DISCLAIMER: I am not rich by any means, nor am I kissing up to them, I hate the likes of Romney no less then anyone else on this earth, so do not be judgemental.
Simple question really: what if there was a zapper which would zap liberals any time they tried to get their hands on rich/other people's money, and they would have no choice but to leave them rich alone. explain the scenario of what would happen to our nation? how could we go on? etc...

How come rw's can post something as untrue and downright nuts as this and never ever be concerned with FACTS?

Conservaderrps said it very well ... Can any rw answer his very valid questions and points? Nope.

Why can't Conservatives find a way to create wealth that doesn't involve killing off the Middle Class?

Why can't Conservatives find a way to create wealth that isn't concentrated in 1% of the population?

Why can't Conservatives take The Koch's Kocks out of their mouths?

Why can't Conservatives stop pretending that they care about poor people, even though their states are consistently the poorest?

Why can't Conservatives stop lying about Obama's economic record?

Why can't Conservatives stop harping about Obama's 8.2% unemployment rate when Reagan's was about 9.4% in 1982 and 83?

Why can't Conservatives give up the fight against Social Security that they've been waging for almost 80 years?

Why can't Conservatives make up their minds whether to demonize Europe or praise them?

Why can't Conservatives stop claiming that taxation and regulation stops growth when history has shown time and again that's wrong?

Why can't Conservatives stop protecting the "sanctity" of marriage while many of their own have had multiple hetero marriages?
Oh, good lord.....the LOLberals are becoming less intellectually inclined by the minute here

You actually agree with that idiot??

The bar might as well disappear, the bottom has dropped out. Holy hell.
Jeebus, dude. The govt. is the one that stacked the deck for them favorably. Otherwise the GOVERNMENT woud not have bailed them out! And taxing them does not circulate money in the economy. Govt. just passes back to the mega corps through their corporatist bed sharing.

You gotta wake up, dude. You're cheering in favor fo the people that fucked us over; The government.

I am not cheering in favor of anything. I am well aware that the government is a corrupt, wholly owned subsidiary of the MIC and Wall Street but at the same time it is the only mechanism we have to get a handle on them. Do you have another way to force the big banks into being something other than a massive wealth drain on the world?

Remove the govt. protections, end the federal reserve, end fractional lending, take government out of the economy/business altogether and put them back in the proper role of upholding the law/constitution.
Do you really believe that letting them completely off the leash and destroying the national banking system is the road to anything other than ruination? What a crock of shit. If we dismantled the fed we would just have to build it back piecemeal in the midst of economic upheaval we can only imagine in our worst nightmares. People have shit-fits at the thought of a little regulation bringing the house of cards down and you suggest things like that? Your suggestion is what a county might do when they have been reduced to rubble, starvation and anarchy, you can only hope.
Are you saying that the 1% are a persecuted minority? ROFLMFAO (not really).
What I'm saying is that your naked bigotry and unvarnished hatred is laid bare for all to see, when the object of you irrational scorn is changed.

You really aren't that bright, either, are ya?

My scorn is quite rational as opposed to having none for the biggest players in our most recent ruinous crash, I blame the government only for not doing their job in letting things go so far that it may end up ruining the world.
No, it's quite irrational...As evidenced by your obsessive need to prop up straw men, upon which you continue to project that irrational hatred.

I suggest some professional help...Seriously.
I am not cheering in favor of anything. I am well aware that the government is a corrupt, wholly owned subsidiary of the MIC and Wall Street but at the same time it is the only mechanism we have to get a handle on them. Do you have another way to force the big banks into being something other than a massive wealth drain on the world?

Remove the govt. protections, end the federal reserve, end fractional lending, take government out of the economy/business altogether and put them back in the proper role of upholding the law/constitution.
Do you really believe that letting them completely off the leash and destroying the national banking system is the road to anything other than ruination? What a crock of shit. If we dismantled the fed we would just have to build it back piecemeal in the midst of economic upheaval we can only imagine in our worst nightmares. People have shit-fits at the thought of a little regulation bringing the house of cards down and you suggest things like that? Your suggestion is what a county might do when they have been reduced to rubble, starvation and anarchy, you can only hope.

Are you really this economically inept? If there is no fractional lending, no lender of last resort and a monetary policy anchored by something tangible, how can the banking industry "destroy the national banking system"?

You take away the printing press, the moral hazard of last resort lender and make banks be responsible for how they conduct business by installing the best regulation of all and you will see the oppisite of your knee jerk reaction.

What is the best regulation of all????

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Something I can never understand unless I go into my own theory, which I will not do in this thread at least.
Liberals seem to be OK with printing more money, continnuing with the debt, spending etc.
DISCLAIMER: I am not rich by any means, nor am I kissing up to them, I hate the likes of Romney no less then anyone else on this earth, so do not be judgemental.
Simple question really: what if there was a zapper which would zap liberals any time they tried to get their hands on rich/other people's money, and they would have no choice but to leave them rich alone. explain the scenario of what would happen to our nation? how could we go on? etc...

How come rw's can post something as untrue and downright nuts as this and never ever be concerned with FACTS?

Conservaderrps said it very well ... Can any rw answer his very valid questions and points? Nope.

Why can't Conservatives find a way to create wealth that doesn't involve killing off the Middle Class?

Why can't Conservatives find a way to create wealth that isn't concentrated in 1% of the population?

Why can't Conservatives take The Koch's Kocks out of their mouths?

Why can't Conservatives stop pretending that they care about poor people, even though their states are consistently the poorest?

Why can't Conservatives stop lying about Obama's economic record?

Why can't Conservatives stop harping about Obama's 8.2% unemployment rate when Reagan's was about 9.4% in 1982 and 83?

Why can't Conservatives give up the fight against Social Security that they've been waging for almost 80 years?

Why can't Conservatives make up their minds whether to demonize Europe or praise them?

Why can't Conservatives stop claiming that taxation and regulation stops growth when history has shown time and again that's wrong?

Why can't Conservatives stop protecting the "sanctity" of marriage while many of their own have had multiple hetero marriages?

A question with a false or bullshit premise is not a valid question...
The federal reserve is the main culprit in destroying the banking industry, by destroying the dollar. It goes over the edge of just banking and into the mother load. The economy at large.
Remove the govt. protections, end the federal reserve, end fractional lending, take government out of the economy/business altogether and put them back in the proper role of upholding the law/constitution.
Do you really believe that letting them completely off the leash and destroying the national banking system is the road to anything other than ruination? What a crock of shit. If we dismantled the fed we would just have to build it back piecemeal in the midst of economic upheaval we can only imagine in our worst nightmares. People have shit-fits at the thought of a little regulation bringing the house of cards down and you suggest things like that? Your suggestion is what a county might do when they have been reduced to rubble, starvation and anarchy, you can only hope.

Are you really this economically inept? If there is no fractional lending, no lender of last resort and a monetary policy anchored by something tangible, how can the banking industry "destroy the national banking system"?

You take away the printing press, the moral hazard of last resort lender and make banks be responsible for how they conduct business by installing the best regulation of all and you will see the oppisite of your knee jerk reaction.

What is the best regulation of all????


Dude, they will see us all penniless and destitute before they lose a dime or give up an ounce of power. We have went too far down the road towards your faith based free market solutions already, no need to get all biblical on our banking system, is there any country that actually does what you would have us do? Do you have a contemporary real life, large scale example of the invisible hand actually working as advertised? I know you will probably blame the government for various things but seriously how could such a thing work when every country in the world has their own interdependent version of the Fed? It almost sounds like you want the government to default on its debts.
Really? Then how is it that 47 percent of Americans pay no federal income tax at all? How is it that many poor get back tax credits exceeding what they put in?
the federal budget INCLUDES Social security spending and medicare spending....

you need to include what that 47% pays in social security taxes and medicare taxes to know how the quin-tiles come out with their taxes....

just including income tax while not including what is paid in other federal taxes to pay for the budget is truly a misrepresentation imho. Let alone what what these people also pay in State taxes.

Others pay the SS, medicare, etc taxes as well.. it is not like those are 'poor only' or 47%er only taxes

There should be no dollar earned by any citizen at any level that is not taxed equally in income tax

Not all others.

Some have learned to shelter their money in offshore accounts.
The federal reserve is the main culprit in destroying the banking industry, by destroying the dollar. It goes over the edge of just banking and into the mother load. The economy at large.

And how do you think the Federal Reserve is responsible for destroying the dollar?
Something I can never understand unless I go into my own theory, which I will not do in this thread at least.
Liberals seem to be OK with printing more money, continnuing with the debt, spending etc.
DISCLAIMER: I am not rich by any means, nor am I kissing up to them, I hate the likes of Romney no less then anyone else on this earth, so do not be judgemental.
Simple question really: what if there was a zapper which would zap liberals any time they tried to get their hands on rich/other people's money, and they would have no choice but to leave them rich alone. explain the scenario of what would happen to our nation? how could we go on? etc...

Because that would mean telling able-bodied people on the doles that they have to start working.

It would mean people not dropping out of school, not doing drugs or getting into trouble with the law so they could focus their time on getting an education and then taking intiative to start businesses or find good jobs.

Some liberals seem to believe that people are financially secure because someone gave them money.

Most could at least pull themselves up to middle class if they'd make better decisions as teens and young adults. Instead, they know they need not take responsibility and that the government will pick up the slack. The incentive for building their own lives isn't there. If government really wanted to help people, they'd give the able ones a nudge in the right direction instead of telling them to sit tight and that they'll take more from the wealthy to give to them. Some seem to think that the only way to improve their lives is to get a bigger check from government.

I doubt many even understand that government doesn't have a dime to it's name until the Robin Hoods reach into peoples' pockets and take it.
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Do you really believe that letting them completely off the leash and destroying the national banking system is the road to anything other than ruination? What a crock of shit. If we dismantled the fed we would just have to build it back piecemeal in the midst of economic upheaval we can only imagine in our worst nightmares. People have shit-fits at the thought of a little regulation bringing the house of cards down and you suggest things like that? Your suggestion is what a county might do when they have been reduced to rubble, starvation and anarchy, you can only hope.

Are you really this economically inept? If there is no fractional lending, no lender of last resort and a monetary policy anchored by something tangible, how can the banking industry "destroy the national banking system"?

You take away the printing press, the moral hazard of last resort lender and make banks be responsible for how they conduct business by installing the best regulation of all and you will see the oppisite of your knee jerk reaction.

What is the best regulation of all????


Dude, they will see us all penniless and destitute before they lose a dime or give up an ounce of power. We have went too far down the road towards your faith based free market solutions already, no need to get all biblical on our banking system, is there any country that actually does what you would have us do? Do you have a contemporary real life, large scale example of the invisible hand actually working as advertised? I know you will probably blame the government for various things but seriously how could such a thing work when every country in the world has their own interdependent version of the Fed? It almost sounds like you want the government to default on its debts.

We have absolutely nothing, nadda, nathan in the way of a free market.

Let me give you a hint about a free market. Free market = free people. Markets are made of people expending energy to brings goods and services to others through voluntary exchange. What we have is corporatism and it is the exact opposite of a free market.

A real world example? The classical gold era. yes, countries the world over traded in their anchor for the confidence in US govt./economy by making the reserve the dollar. And the whole shit house is burning down too if you havent noticed.

The govt. is going to default whether I want it or not. it isn't a speculation on my part. It is a mathematical inevitability.
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The federal reserve is the main culprit in destroying the banking industry, by destroying the dollar. It goes over the edge of just banking and into the mother load. The economy at large.

And how do you think the Federal Reserve is responsible for destroying the dollar?

Through monetary inflation.

Do I alwasy need to play econ 101 teacher on this board. Oddball, will these folks ever catch on? Are we fighting a losing battle here??

Good grief....
Are you really this economically inept? If there is no fractional lending, no lender of last resort and a monetary policy anchored by something tangible, how can the banking industry "destroy the national banking system"?

You take away the printing press, the moral hazard of last resort lender and make banks be responsible for how they conduct business by installing the best regulation of all and you will see the oppisite of your knee jerk reaction.

What is the best regulation of all????


Dude, they will see us all penniless and destitute before they lose a dime or give up an ounce of power. We have went too far down the road towards your faith based free market solutions already, no need to get all biblical on our banking system, is there any country that actually does what you would have us do? Do you have a contemporary real life, large scale example of the invisible hand actually working as advertised? I know you will probably blame the government for various things but seriously how could such a thing work when every country in the world has their own interdependent version of the Fed? It almost sounds like you want the government to default on its debts.

We have absolutely nothing, nadda, nathan in the way of a free market.

Let me give you a hint about a free market. Free market = free people. Markets are made of people expending energy to brings goods and services to others through voluntary exchange. What we have is corporatism and it is the exact opposite of a free market.

A real world example? The classical gold era. yes, countries the world over traded in their anchor for the confidence in US govt./economy by making the reserve the dollar. And the whole shit house is burning down too if you havent noticed.

The govt. is gong to default whether I want it or not. it isn't a specualtion on my part. It is a mathematical inevitability.

Ah yes, the gold standard, what would that do to country with a trade deficit like ours?
So you agree we are completely and utterly fucked. We agree on that at least.

it isnt our trade deficit I would be worried about. You seen the debt clock recently?
Jeebus, dude. The govt. is the one that stacked the deck for them favorably. Otherwise the GOVERNMENT woud not have bailed them out! And taxing them does not circulate money in the economy. Govt. just passes back to the mega corps through their corporatist bed sharing.

You gotta wake up, dude. You're cheering in favor fo the people that fucked us over; The government.

I am not cheering in favor of anything. I am well aware that the government is a corrupt, wholly owned subsidiary of the MIC and Wall Street but at the same time it is the only mechanism we have to get a handle on them. Do you have another way to force the big banks into being something other than a massive wealth drain on the world?

Remove the govt. protections, end the federal reserve, end fractional lending, take government out of the economy/business altogether and put them back in the proper role of upholding the law/constitution.


No more government per se.

No more taxes (or national treasury)

Of course that will mean no more government services either.

No more Department of Defense/Social Security Administration/Department of Health and Human Services/OSHA/FCC/Department of Education/Treasury/Veteran's Affairs/Justice/Post Office

and on and on.....

Then we can just go back to being tribal and living in grass and dirt huts like some third world country.

Wealth won't matter at that point anyway because there will be very little left to buy and at the end of the day well.....you just can't eat money!

the federal budget INCLUDES Social security spending and medicare spending....

you need to include what that 47% pays in social security taxes and medicare taxes to know how the quin-tiles come out with their taxes....

just including income tax while not including what is paid in other federal taxes to pay for the budget is truly a misrepresentation imho. Let alone what what these people also pay in State taxes.

Others pay the SS, medicare, etc taxes as well.. it is not like those are 'poor only' or 47%er only taxes

There should be no dollar earned by any citizen at any level that is not taxed equally in income tax

Not all others.

Some have learned to shelter their money in offshore accounts.

You are talking wealth.. not earnings...

I can set up a bank account in Switzerland or the Caymans as well... but the earnings I have from my employment here don't just magically disappear... that income is taxed... just as everyone else in the 53% is.. and LEGALLY, offshore banking does not prevent taxation on things such as interest because under penalty of law, you have to declare offshore accounts to the IRS/government... and if they don't it is a violation of law punishable in many ways...

but nice try
I am not cheering in favor of anything. I am well aware that the government is a corrupt, wholly owned subsidiary of the MIC and Wall Street but at the same time it is the only mechanism we have to get a handle on them. Do you have another way to force the big banks into being something other than a massive wealth drain on the world?

Remove the govt. protections, end the federal reserve, end fractional lending, take government out of the economy/business altogether and put them back in the proper role of upholding the law/constitution.


No more government per se.

No more taxes (or national treasury)

Of course that will mean no more government services either.

No more Department of Defense/Social Security Administration/Department of Health and Human Services/OSHA/FCC/Department of Education/Treasury/Veteran's Affairs/Justice/Post Office

and on and on.....

Then we can just go back to being tribal and living in grass and dirt huts like some third world country.

Wealth won't matter at that point anyway because there will be very little left to buy and at the end of the day well.....you just can't eat money!



He was not talking about getting rid of all government... nor about taxation as a whole because taxation is actually covered in the constitution

But keep leaping like there is no tomorrow.. it just paints a clearer picture of exactly how much of a moonbat you are

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