Why can't public assistence decrease?

Why can't our government take the few simple steps that would get citizens off of welfare and food stamps and back into the work force as productive members of society?

1 incentivize small business start ups with tax breaks
2 make job training and public service a prerequisite for receiving any form of govt assistance (able bodied only)
3 allow corporations to bring foreign profits back into the USA tax free if they reinvest them here
4 give tax credits for each new person hired - after 6 months of employment
5 reduce that corporate tax rate. Now the highest in the world

Do those 5 things and the number of people on public assistance would decrease significantly.
Here's an idea with a better chance of working. Simply end welfare, and if a unmarried woman gets pregnant and doesn't have the financial wherewithal to pay for the baby, then it should be taken away from her and put for adoption. Better for the baby, better for the mother, and better for society.

...so now you want to to take poor people's babies by force...I'd think even Nazi's would look down on you as amoral.
We can't have a society where we take from the rich and give to the poor if there is an infinite number of poor. The poor have to be limited in numbers somehow. They need to be sterilized.
Who expects to support a family on minimum wage?

Random talking point dispensing jukebox strikes again. :eusa_naughty:

Discussion has nothing to do with someone's expectations, it has to do with income qualifying for SNAP program.
We can't have a society where we take from the rich and give to the poor if there is an infinite number of poor. The poor have to be limited in numbers somehow. They need to be sterilized.

Maybe you need to be sterilized...you like that idea?

Seems there is a streak of cruel and quite unusual thinking among our conservative friends...some even admit to assholism.
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Why can't our government take the few simple steps that would get citizens off of welfare and food stamps and back into the work force as productive members of society?

1 incentivize small business start ups with tax breaks
2 make job training and public service a prerequisite for receiving any form of govt assistance (able bodied only)
3 allow corporations to bring foreign profits back into the USA tax free if they reinvest them here
4 give tax credits for each new person hired - after 6 months of employment
5 reduce that corporate tax rate. Now the highest in the world

Do those 5 things and the number of people on public assistance would decrease significantly.
Here's an idea with a better chance of working. Simply end welfare, and if a unmarried woman gets pregnant and doesn't have the financial wherewithal to pay for the baby, then it should be taken away from her and put for adoption. Better for the baby, better for the mother, and better for society.

I have no issue with that, but it would never happen. We need to come up with solutions that can actually be implemented.
They have no welfare system

Really? Japan. No welfare? And you've been there eh?

Welfare in Japan
Page issues
Social welfare, assistance for the ill or otherwise disabled and for the old, has long been provided in Japan by both the government and private companies. Beginning in the 1920s, the government enacted a series of welfare programs, based mainly on European models, to provide medical care and financial support. During the postwar period, a comprehensive system of social security was gradually established.[1][2] Government expenditures for all forms of social welfare increased from 6% of the national income in the early 1970s, to 18% in 1989. The mixture of public and private funding have created complex pension and insurance systems. But a much older tradition calls for support within the family and the local community.

You have Google? Learn to use it. Makes you look less stupid.

you didn't even read your cite. "assistance for the ill or otherwise disabled and for the old". Which is exactly what I said. If you are able bodied you are expected to work for your govt dole.

learn to read what you find on google, then you might not look like such an idiot.
We can't have a society where we take from the rich and give to the poor if there is an infinite number of poor. The poor have to be limited in numbers somehow. They need to be sterilized.

Maybe you need to be sterilized...you like that idea?

Seems there is a streak of cruel and quite unusual thinking among our conservative friends...some even admit to assholism.

Our system should not incentivize producing kids that you cannot support. That's the point, fool.
you didn't even read your cite. "assistance for the ill or otherwise disabled and for the old". Which is exactly what I said. If you are able bodied you are expected to work for your govt dole.

learn to read what you find on google, then you might not look like such an idiot.

Fish when you deny the obvious you look like an idiot.

You said that there is no welfare in Japan and that needy must work.

You were wrong. There is welfare and there is no general requirement to work to receive it, unless you are specifically able to and do not have dependents...like it is in most of United States.

You may have misspoke and that's fine, but flat denial that what you said was factually incorrect is silly.
you didn't even read your cite. "assistance for the ill or otherwise disabled and for the old". Which is exactly what I said

Fuck you liar. You said there was no welfare system in Japan.

Did you write the verbiage below or not?

I spent a lot of time in Japan while working. They have no welfare system.

here is what I said

They have no welfare system. The needy show up for work at 6AM and spend the day cleaning the streets, collecting trash, cleaning and painting public buildings etc and then get paid at the end of the day. If they don't show up they don't get paid.

Those who are physically or mentally unable to work are taken care of in public facilities."

When I used the word "welfare" I was referring to the kind of welfare we have in the US where able bodied people are paid simply for being here. My last sentence covers the help given to the old, sick, and handicapped.

I could have said it more clearly for morons like you.
Our system should not incentivize producing kids that you cannot support. That's the point, fool.

And it doesn't, all without baby confiscations some loons propose.

Bullshit on both comments. An unwed woman gets more money if she has 4 kids than if she has 3, so she in financially incentivized to produce more kids.

If there were negative consequences of having more kids, you would see the unwed birth rate go down drastically. Even ghetto hos know how to put on a condom.
Bullshit on both comments. An unwed woman gets more money if she has 4 kids than if she has 3, so she in financially incentivized to produce more kids.

Oh for fucks sake do you have any fucking clue what it takes to raise a child???
I could have said it more clearly for morons like you.

His interpretation of what you said was reasonable, you are being ridiculous.

No, his "interpretation" was typical liberal bullshit. He and you believe that the government should be your caretaker and manager from birth to death. You want to give up your freedom in exchange for free cheese from dear leader.

you are mindless sheep.
Bullshit on both comments. An unwed woman gets more money if she has 4 kids than if she has 3, so she in financially incentivized to produce more kids.

Oh for fucks sake do you have any fucking clue what it takes to raise a child???

Yes, raised several. Do you have any idea how easy it is to put on a condom?

Its not the taxpayer's responsibility to take care of your irresponsibility.
No, his "interpretation" was typical liberal bullshit. He and you believe that the government should be your caretaker and manager from birth to death. You want to give up your freedom in exchange for free cheese from dear leader.

you are mindless sheep.

You are a pathetic person unable to tame your ego for just a second to accept that what you posted was factually false.

Yes, there really is Welfare in Japan and no, there is no general requirement for work to receive it. You were wrong and everyone knows it. You can be an asshole and keep denying it while calling people names or you can take the high road, accept it and move on with some dignity.
No, his "interpretation" was typical liberal bullshit. He and you believe that the government should be your caretaker and manager from birth to death. You want to give up your freedom in exchange for free cheese from dear leader.

you are mindless sheep.

You are a pathetic person unable to tame your ego for just a second to accept that what you posted was factually false.

Yes, there really is Welfare in Japan and no, there is no general requirement for work to receive it. You were wrong and everyone knows it. You can be an asshole and keep denying or you can take the high road, accept it and move on with some dignity.

When I said that there is no welfare, that was incorrect. There is welfare, its provided free if you are old, sick, or disabled. If you are able bodied you have to work for your welfare.

My wording in the original was imprecise, and misinterpreted by a few raving liberals like you.

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