Why can't public assistence decrease?

Child Services does it all the time, moron. If they can make a determination that a woman is not a fit mother, then they can make a determination that she can't afford to raise a child. Most teenage girls cannot afford to raise a child.

Anyone who has ever tried to adopt knows there is an extreme shortage of children available for adoption. That's why people often go overseas, even big stars like Angelina Jolie and Madonna. Besides, after the initial wave of adoptions, the number of illegitimate births will go way down. People adjust their behavior depending on the consequences - fact that liberal policy is based on denying.

....Belive me, you are in no position to question anyone's intellect.

There are roughly around 15,000,000 kids living in a household near or bellow poverty level.

Your brilliant plan is to do what? Take these kids, by force , from their parents, based on nothing but income (which will probably quickly ruled unconstitutional) and give them to strangers...strangers that don't actually exist since demand for adoption, even on the rosy side tops out probably around 200,000 a year.

And then you call someone else a moron? Time to check that mirror.
Sterilization will fix that.

Contraceptives in the water supply.
I said. "Who expects to support a family on minimum wage?"

And I said you are just mindlessly dispensing your pre-programmed talking point which has nothing to do with what is being discussed.

And then you totally failed to understand what is being said to you and reposted same silly sht over again..like the good political automation you are.
The discussion is " Why can't public assistance decrease."

Pre- programmed talking points? A failed observation.

Political automaton? And which party do you surmise this observation originated?
Why can't our government take the few simple steps that would get citizens off of welfare and food stamps and back into the work force as productive members of society?

1 incentivize small business start ups with tax breaks
2 make job training and public service a prerequisite for receiving any form of govt assistance (able bodied only)
3 allow corporations to bring foreign profits back into the USA tax free if they reinvest them here
4 give tax credits for each new person hired - after 6 months of employment
5 reduce that corporate tax rate. Now the highest in the world

Do those 5 things and the number of people on public assistance would decrease significantly.

The better idea is to stop all welfare.

It is wrong to use the force of government to take money away from the people that earned and give it away to people that didn't earn it.
Well, the first of those is already a standard plank of at least one major party.
Sterilization will fix that.

Too bad sterilization doesn't fix your kind of stupid.

Have you given some thought how such "small government program" can possibly work?
Yeah ask for a handout, get an operation before they hand the handout to you.

So if I need food stamps for a year, according to you the condition is to have an operation...which would right about double or triple the cost to tax-payers to provide said food stamps. And after that year...should there be a reversal operation?

Does that sound functional to you?
No reversal operation until you can afford to pay for it.

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