Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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As I said it is a pragmatic problem. Millions of women get knocked up every year who don't want a baby - they don't want to go through with it. They don't want to give it up for adoption or whatever.

As stated you see it as murder, I don't. You are entitled to your opinion.

If you get knocked up, don't have an abortion...

You are using emotive words to describe a procedure that western countries have come to accept as a practical solution to an issue where there are no winners.

And you may not have mentioned religion, but please don't tell me that is not part of YOUR equation. I have been on this board long enough, and know you well enough, to know that comes into your thinking...

Yeah of course you don't see it as murder, because its been brainwashed into your head that its not murder..

Then you cite law....

Do you realize that if a man shoots a pregnant woman and kills her fetus he will be charged with 2 counts of homicide?? one for the fetus and one for the "human" as you would call them...

So not only is abortion murder its cruel and unusual punishment... Convicted criminals get better treatment than those poor innocent children being aborted do. They get stabbed in the head and criminals get put to sleep..

Save your emotive hyperbole for the picket line and your local aboriton clinic.

I would suggest a couple of things: 1) In the case you cite, if the woman wanted the baby, then of course that has to be taken into consideration when a charge is being laid.

Oh so the woman wanted the baby? so if she didn't it makes the baby less human????

You fucking retarded or just evil?
Yeah of course you don't see it as murder, because its been brainwashed into your head that its not murder..

Then you cite law....

Do you realize that if a man shoots a pregnant woman and kills her fetus he will be charged with 2 counts of homicide?? one for the fetus and one for the "human" as you would call them...

So not only is abortion murder its cruel and unusual punishment... Convicted criminals get better treatment than those poor innocent children being aborted do. They get stabbed in the head and criminals get put to sleep..

Save your emotive hyperbole for the picket line and your local aboriton clinic.

I would suggest a couple of things: 1) In the case you cite, if the woman wanted the baby, then of course that has to be taken into consideration when a charge is being laid.

Oh so the woman wanted the baby? so if she didn't it makes the baby less human????

You fucking retarded or just evil?

Well, now we are getting into points of law and definitions, which is a whole different territory. Also, if she was only 4 weeks pregnant and perp didn't know she was pregnant, good luck on getting a conviction for murder....
BTW grump, I'd knock your ___ if you ever had the audacity to assert that to me in real life...

You're basically saying the "woman" has the choice to define a human being then decide to terminate..???

Its people like you that fuck society up and destroy what little is good...

You're a fucking horrible confused person that needs to do some soul searchin'
BTW grump, I'd knock your ___ if you ever had the audacity to assert that to me in real life...

You're basically saying the "woman" has the choice to define a human being then decide to terminate..???

Its people like you that fuck society up and destroy what little is good...

You're a fucking horrible confused person that needs to do some soul searchin'

assert what?
Save your emotive hyperbole for the picket line and your local aboriton clinic.

I would suggest a couple of things: 1) In the case you cite, if the woman wanted the baby, then of course that has to be taken into consideration when a charge is being laid.

Oh so the woman wanted the baby? so if she didn't it makes the baby less human????

You fucking retarded or just evil?

Well, now we are getting into points of law and definitions, which is a whole different territory. Also, if she was only 4 weeks pregnant and perp didn't know she was pregnant, good luck on getting a conviction for murder....

Oh fuck off..

I know your murdering anti-human progressive perspective already.

Yeah, you believe a woman has the right to murder a fetus if she wants to... END OF STORY..

I have heard enough of your advocation of murdering children for one night.. I'm going outside for a smoke and when I get back if you havent said something remorseful about your position I'm going to ignore your ass.
BTW grump, I'd knock your ___ if you ever had the audacity to assert that to me in real life...

You're basically saying the "woman" has the choice to define a human being then decide to terminate..???

Its people like you that fuck society up and destroy what little is good...

You're a fucking horrible confused person that needs to do some soul searchin'

And you're more likely that not a sock puppet, but I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

Well, let's see. Do I interfere in other peoples' lives? No. Rape, steal, murder, burgle, assault, drive drunk? No, no, no, no, no and no. Pay my taxes? Yes. Verbally abuse people for no good reason while walking around in every day life? No. What exactly am I doing to fuck up society?

I don't believe in souls, but my conscience is pretty clear...

Well, no, your USSC has decided when a woman can terminate...
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Oh so the woman wanted the baby? so if she didn't it makes the baby less human????

You fucking retarded or just evil?

Well, now we are getting into points of law and definitions, which is a whole different territory. Also, if she was only 4 weeks pregnant and perp didn't know she was pregnant, good luck on getting a conviction for murder....

Oh fuck off..

I know your murdering anti-human progressive perspective already.

Yeah, you believe a woman has the right to murder a fetus if she wants to... END OF STORY..

I have heard enough of your advocation of murdering children for one night.. I'm going outside for a smoke and when I get back if you havent said something remorseful about your position I'm going to ignore your ass.

Finish your beer at the same time ya mook...

...and please, feel free to ignore me. I get a tad annoyed at having to educate ignoramous's arses all the time...
Well who knows if you murder people, given your flexible definition of person and murder.
not all libertarians are in favor of abortion.

It's a rhetorical question. I have read enough of Nick's responses to know where he stands on the issue....

Sure you know. Cuz you're so smart and intuitive and stuff.

Well, I am, but in this case it is kinda self evident. He has on several occassions - on this page alone - equated abortion to murder. So my logical conclusion is that he is anti-abortion.

You have a different take? Pray tell....
Well, now we are getting into points of law and definitions, which is a whole different territory. Also, if she was only 4 weeks pregnant and perp didn't know she was pregnant, good luck on getting a conviction for murder....

Oh fuck off..

I know your murdering anti-human progressive perspective already.

Yeah, you believe a woman has the right to murder a fetus if she wants to... END OF STORY..

I have heard enough of your advocation of murdering children for one night.. I'm going outside for a smoke and when I get back if you havent said something remorseful about your position I'm going to ignore your ass.

Finish your beer at the same time ya mook...

...and please, feel free to ignore me. I get a tad annoyed at having to educate ignoramous's arses all the time...

Oh thats a joke..

Well, now we are getting into points of law and definitions, which is a whole different territory. Also, if she was only 4 weeks pregnant and perp didn't know she was pregnant, good luck on getting a conviction for murder....

Oh fuck off..

I know your murdering anti-human progressive perspective already.

Yeah, you believe a woman has the right to murder a fetus if she wants to... END OF STORY..

I have heard enough of your advocation of murdering children for one night.. I'm going outside for a smoke and when I get back if you havent said something remorseful about your position I'm going to ignore your ass.

Finish your beer at the same time ya mook...

...and please, feel free to ignore me. I get a tad annoyed at having to educate ignoramous's arses all the time...

And when that actually happens, I'm sure somebody will let you know.
Oh fuck off..

I know your murdering anti-human progressive perspective already.

Yeah, you believe a woman has the right to murder a fetus if she wants to... END OF STORY..

I have heard enough of your advocation of murdering children for one night.. I'm going outside for a smoke and when I get back if you havent said something remorseful about your position I'm going to ignore your ass.

Finish your beer at the same time ya mook...

...and please, feel free to ignore me. I get a tad annoyed at having to educate ignoramous's arses all the time...

Oh thats a joke..


Oh fuck off..

I know your murdering anti-human progressive perspective already.

Yeah, you believe a woman has the right to murder a fetus if she wants to... END OF STORY..

I have heard enough of your advocation of murdering children for one night.. I'm going outside for a smoke and when I get back if you havent said something remorseful about your position I'm going to ignore your ass.

Finish your beer at the same time ya mook...

...and please, feel free to ignore me. I get a tad annoyed at having to educate ignoramous's arses all the time...

And when that actually happens, I'm sure somebody will let you know.

Happens all the time...gets tedious, but that's life I guess....
I've been on here long enough and I know you well enough to know..

that's just not true. I've never seen you educate anyone.
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