Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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So your support of abortion really has nothing to do with what's best for the mother and existing childre...it's part and parcel of your desire to reduce the population on this earth.

And of course you recognize that one of the most effective ways to do that is to maintain legalized infanticide.....

Imagine that.
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At the end of the day, you see these foetus's as human being, while others don't

Sorry, Earth is not flat. There is no room for opinion, only for facts.

You don't get to have a flat earth, creationism in science class, or non-human babies begotten by humans whose DNA mutates at birth, causing them to become human

Why can't you people ever be honest?

What part is dishonest. I am not for abortions, an in my lifetime, when asked for an opinion by a pregnant woman if they should have one, I've said give it up for adoption.

I have a very pragmatic opinion on those that do abort in the sense of what it actually entails and who/what is involved.

IMO there are already too many humans on this earth. The place is struggling to breath at the best of times - visit any major city in Asia if you don't believe me, or even some places in Europe and even your country.

As far as I can see the foetus has never been a living, breathing entity, however, once it gets past a certain stage - six months say - the decision should have already been made.

At the end of the day, where the anti-abortionist lose their argument (IMO), si that they make the main plank of their argument about late term abortions, when in fact, they are a miniscule amount of the overall abortion rate, and an even smaller amount of that miniscule amount are done for 'convenience'....

At the end of the day, the likes of yourselves and the dominantrix and the Baba use emotive issues, and you somehow think your argument makes you more human/humane than those that don't

oh fuck off...

I love the libfuck backtrack.

I suppose ignorance is bliss and getting asshatted is embarrassing?
Yes, it's extremely emotive to use the pro-abortion stats against them.

Emotive for the yahoos who can't reconcile their ridiculous dreamworld justifications with the reality of the data collected by their own gurus.
So your support of abortion really has nothing to do with what's best for the mother and existing childre...it's part and parcel of your desire to reduce the population on this earth.

And of course you recognize that one of the most effective ways to do that is to maintain legalized infanticide.....

Imagine that.

As I said it is a pragmatic problem. Millions of women get knocked up every year who don't want a baby - they don't want to go through with it. They don't want to give it up for adoption or whatever.

As stated you see it as murder, I don't. You are entitled to your opinion.

If you get knocked up, don't have an abortion...

You are using emotive words to describe a procedure that western countries have come to accept as a practical solution to an issue where there are no winners.

And you may not have mentioned religion, but please don't tell me that is not part of YOUR equation. I have been on this board long enough, and know you well enough, to know that comes into your thinking...
Sorry, Earth is not flat. There is no room for opinion, only for facts.

You don't get to have a flat earth, creationism in science class, or non-human babies begotten by humans whose DNA mutates at birth, causing them to become human

Why can't you people ever be honest?

What part is dishonest. I am not for abortions, an in my lifetime, when asked for an opinion by a pregnant woman if they should have one, I've said give it up for adoption.

I have a very pragmatic opinion on those that do abort in the sense of what it actually entails and who/what is involved.

IMO there are already too many humans on this earth. The place is struggling to breath at the best of times - visit any major city in Asia if you don't believe me, or even some places in Europe and even your country.

As far as I can see the foetus has never been a living, breathing entity, however, once it gets past a certain stage - six months say - the decision should have already been made.

At the end of the day, where the anti-abortionist lose their argument (IMO), si that they make the main plank of their argument about late term abortions, when in fact, they are a miniscule amount of the overall abortion rate, and an even smaller amount of that miniscule amount are done for 'convenience'....

At the end of the day, the likes of yourselves and the dominantrix and the Baba use emotive issues, and you somehow think your argument makes you more human/humane than those that don't

oh fuck off...

I love the libfuck backtrack.

I suppose ignorance is bliss and getting asshatted is embarrassing?

Great argument. I can see why Roe vs Wade never passed muster. Oh, that's right it did - must have had such elequent and well-thought out arguments that you expouse on the side of the anti-abortionists as to why you didn't 'win'...

The only embarrassment is you, to your side of the argument..hardly surprsiing...
So your support of abortion really has nothing to do with what's best for the mother and existing childre...it's part and parcel of your desire to reduce the population on this earth.

And of course you recognize that one of the most effective ways to do that is to maintain legalized infanticide.....

Imagine that.

As I said it is a pragmatic problem. Millions of women get knocked up every year who don't want a baby - they don't want to go through with it. They don't want to give it up for adoption or whatever.

As stated you see it as murder, I don't. You are entitled to your opinion.

If you get knocked up, don't have an abortion...

You are using emotive words to describe a procedure that western countries have come to accept as a practical solution to an issue where there are no winners.

And you may not have mentioned religion, but please don't tell me that is not part of YOUR equation. I have been on this board long enough, and know you well enough, to know that comes into your thinking...

It doesn't matter if it's practical or not. Forcible sterilization was practical. Slavery was practical. Child marriage is practical. So what? Killing children, no matter what their age, is wrong. Murder is murder, regardless of whether it's practical.
And no, you haven't been on this board long enough nor do you know me well enough to understand my thinking. Spare me your self-aggrandizing silliness.
So your support of abortion really has nothing to do with what's best for the mother and existing childre...it's part and parcel of your desire to reduce the population on this earth.

And of course you recognize that one of the most effective ways to do that is to maintain legalized infanticide.....

Imagine that.

As I said it is a pragmatic problem. Millions of women get knocked up every year who don't want a baby - they don't want to go through with it. They don't want to give it up for adoption or whatever.

As stated you see it as murder, I don't. You are entitled to your opinion.

If you get knocked up, don't have an abortion...

You are using emotive words to describe a procedure that western countries have come to accept as a practical solution to an issue where there are no winners.

And you may not have mentioned religion, but please don't tell me that is not part of YOUR equation. I have been on this board long enough, and know you well enough, to know that comes into your thinking...

Yeah of course you don't see it as murder, because its been brainwashed into your head that its not murder..

Then you cite law....

Do you realize that if a man shoots a pregnant woman and kills her fetus he will be charged with 2 counts of homicide?? one for the fetus and one for the "human" as you would call them...

So not only is abortion murder its cruel and unusual punishment... Convicted criminals get better treatment than those poor innocent children being aborted do. They get stabbed in the head and criminals get put to sleep..
So your support of abortion really has nothing to do with what's best for the mother and existing childre...it's part and parcel of your desire to reduce the population on this earth.

And of course you recognize that one of the most effective ways to do that is to maintain legalized infanticide.....

Imagine that.

As I said it is a pragmatic problem. Millions of women get knocked up every year who don't want a baby - they don't want to go through with it. They don't want to give it up for adoption or whatever.

As stated you see it as murder, I don't. You are entitled to your opinion.

If you get knocked up, don't have an abortion...

You are using emotive words to describe a procedure that western countries have come to accept as a practical solution to an issue where there are no winners.

And you may not have mentioned religion, but please don't tell me that is not part of YOUR equation. I have been on this board long enough, and know you well enough, to know that comes into your thinking...

It doesn't matter if it's practical or not. Forcible sterilization was practical. Slavery was practical. Child marriage is practical. So what? Killing children, no matter what their age, is wrong. Murder is murder, regardless of whether it's practical.

As I stated, you see them as 'children' as is your right. But they are not...and least in the first 6-12 weeks when the vast majority of abortions occur.

If you want to talk about forced sterilisation or slavery in regards to abortion, then you would have to talk about abortion in the same manner - ie people being forced to have an abortion. I disagree with that too. Abortion should be the choice of the person having the procedure.

Civilised countries do not believe in children being married. We have an age limit for a reason. Your argument in that regard is superfluous and flawed.
So your support of abortion really has nothing to do with what's best for the mother and existing childre...it's part and parcel of your desire to reduce the population on this earth.

And of course you recognize that one of the most effective ways to do that is to maintain legalized infanticide.....

Imagine that.

As I said it is a pragmatic problem. Millions of women get knocked up every year who don't want a baby - they don't want to go through with it. They don't want to give it up for adoption or whatever.

As stated you see it as murder, I don't. You are entitled to your opinion.

If you get knocked up, don't have an abortion...

You are using emotive words to describe a procedure that western countries have come to accept as a practical solution to an issue where there are no winners.

And you may not have mentioned religion, but please don't tell me that is not part of YOUR equation. I have been on this board long enough, and know you well enough, to know that comes into your thinking...

Yeah of course you don't see it as murder, because its been brainwashed into your head that its not murder..

Then you cite law....

Do you realize that if a man shoots a pregnant woman and kills her fetus he will be charged with 2 counts of homicide?? one for the fetus and one for the "human" as you would call them...

So not only is abortion murder its cruel and unusual punishment... Convicted criminals get better treatment than those poor innocent children being aborted do. They get stabbed in the head and criminals get put to sleep..

Save your emotive hyperbole for the picket line and your local aboriton clinic.

I would suggest a couple of things: 1) In the case you cite, if the woman wanted the baby, then of course that has to be taken into consideration when a charge is being laid.
As I said it is a pragmatic problem. Millions of women get knocked up every year who don't want a baby - they don't want to go through with it. They don't want to give it up for adoption or whatever.

As stated you see it as murder, I don't. You are entitled to your opinion.

If you get knocked up, don't have an abortion...

You are using emotive words to describe a procedure that western countries have come to accept as a practical solution to an issue where there are no winners.

And you may not have mentioned religion, but please don't tell me that is not part of YOUR equation. I have been on this board long enough, and know you well enough, to know that comes into your thinking...

It doesn't matter if it's practical or not. Forcible sterilization was practical. Slavery was practical. Child marriage is practical. So what? Killing children, no matter what their age, is wrong. Murder is murder, regardless of whether it's practical.

As I stated, you see them as 'children' as is your right. But they are not...and least in the first 6-12 weeks when the vast majority of abortions occur.

If you want to talk about forced sterilisation or slavery in regards to abortion, then you would have to talk about abortion in the same manner - ie people being forced to have an abortion. I disagree with that too. Abortion should be the choice of the person having the procedure.

Civilised countries do not believe in children being married. We have an age limit for a reason. Your argument in that regard is superfluous and flawed.

Based on your say so? Lol..what evidence have you provided?


My theory, flawed as it may be, still blows your own (do you even have one? Other than it's okay to kill children?) out of the water.
It doesn't matter if it's practical or not. Forcible sterilization was practical. Slavery was practical. Child marriage is practical. So what? Killing children, no matter what their age, is wrong. Murder is murder, regardless of whether it's practical.

As I stated, you see them as 'children' as is your right. But they are not...and least in the first 6-12 weeks when the vast majority of abortions occur.

If you want to talk about forced sterilisation or slavery in regards to abortion, then you would have to talk about abortion in the same manner - ie people being forced to have an abortion. I disagree with that too. Abortion should be the choice of the person having the procedure.

Civilised countries do not believe in children being married. We have an age limit for a reason. Your argument in that regard is superfluous and flawed.

Based on your say so? Lol..what evidence have you provided?


My theory, flawed as it may be, still blows your own (do you even have one? Other than it's okay to kill children?) out of the water.

You don't even have a theory. You have an opinion, which everyone is entitled to.

It is not ok to kill children, and when a feotus becomes one, then your argument kicks in. Until then, your opinion is hot air - and your USSC agrees with me. Go figure....
What part is dishonest. I am not for abortions, an in my lifetime, when asked for an opinion by a pregnant woman if they should have one, I've said give it up for adoption.

I have a very pragmatic opinion on those that do abort in the sense of what it actually entails and who/what is involved.

IMO there are already too many humans on this earth. The place is struggling to breath at the best of times - visit any major city in Asia if you don't believe me, or even some places in Europe and even your country.

As far as I can see the foetus has never been a living, breathing entity, however, once it gets past a certain stage - six months say - the decision should have already been made.

At the end of the day, where the anti-abortionist lose their argument (IMO), si that they make the main plank of their argument about late term abortions, when in fact, they are a miniscule amount of the overall abortion rate, and an even smaller amount of that miniscule amount are done for 'convenience'....

At the end of the day, the likes of yourselves and the dominantrix and the Baba use emotive issues, and you somehow think your argument makes you more human/humane than those that don't

oh fuck off...

I love the libfuck backtrack.

I suppose ignorance is bliss and getting asshatted is embarrassing?

Great argument. I can see why Roe vs Wade never passed muster. Oh, that's right it did - must have had such elequent and well-thought out arguments that you expouse on the side of the anti-abortionists as to why you didn't 'win'...

The only embarrassment is you, to your side of the argument..hardly surprsiing...

Yeah kinda like prop 8.

The supreme court has been a joke since day one - as a libertarian I find the whole thing a farce and guilty of massive tyranny.
Don't forget the 3 SCOTUS clowns voted to ban the Second Amendment as well..

Thats what you call a progressive society tho -one that forgets their roots..
oh fuck off...

I love the libfuck backtrack.

I suppose ignorance is bliss and getting asshatted is embarrassing?

Great argument. I can see why Roe vs Wade never passed muster. Oh, that's right it did - must have had such elequent and well-thought out arguments that you expouse on the side of the anti-abortionists as to why you didn't 'win'...

The only embarrassment is you, to your side of the argument..hardly surprsiing...

Yeah kinda like prop 8.

The supreme court has been a joke since day one - as a libertarian I find the whole thing a farce and guilty of massive tyranny.

As a libertarian you'd be happy for people to make up their own minds about abortion, wouldn't you?
Great argument. I can see why Roe vs Wade never passed muster. Oh, that's right it did - must have had such elequent and well-thought out arguments that you expouse on the side of the anti-abortionists as to why you didn't 'win'...

The only embarrassment is you, to your side of the argument..hardly surprsiing...

Yeah kinda like prop 8.

The supreme court has been a joke since day one - as a libertarian I find the whole thing a farce and guilty of massive tyranny.

As a libertarian you'd be happy for people to make up their own minds about abortion, wouldn't you?

not all libertarians are in favor of abortion.
Don't forget the 3 SCOTUS clowns voted to ban the Second Amendment as well..

Thats what you call a progressive society tho -one that forgets their roots..

Nothing wrong with a progressive society. Without progression you get stagnation. You want stagnation, go live in one of the ME arab countries. You'll find a lack of progression in spades...
Yeah kinda like prop 8.

The supreme court has been a joke since day one - as a libertarian I find the whole thing a farce and guilty of massive tyranny.

As a libertarian you'd be happy for people to make up their own minds about abortion, wouldn't you?

not all libertarians are in favor of abortion.

It's a rhetorical question. I have read enough of Nick's responses to know where he stands on the issue....
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