Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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And do you believe in the abortion of babies that have medical issues, genetic abnormalities or limited capacity?
And do you believe in the abortion of babies that have medical issues, genetic abnormalities or limited capacity?

Whether or not it's needed is up to the mother and whether she feels she needs it done.

I still see you're stuck on the eugenics thing, I don't know how many times I can tell you it has nothing to do with it.

Should an abortion be done because of medical issues/genetic abnormalities/limited capacity? Of course not.

Since you've taken the position that you cherish life, you stick with that principle when it has to do with your position on wars, correct?
And of course we only have your word that it's unrelated to eugenics, since you won't answer the simple question..do you believe in aborting abnormal fetuses?
And of course we only have your word that it's unrelated to eugenics, since you won't answer the simple question..do you believe in aborting abnormal fetuses?

I am answering your question, they just aren't the answers you have programmed responses to.

AGAIN, no of course I don't think fetuses should be aborted because they're abnormal.

Ask a new question please, this is already getting old.
So why don't you think fetuses should be aborted if they're abnormal?

I thought that was one of the justifications for abortion. So people could get rid of abnormal babies. Isn't it? Do you think people shouldn't be able to get rid of abnormal babies?
If you don't think your abnormal babies should be aborted, but you're okay with OTHER people's babies being aborted, why is that? Do you think the babies of poor minority women are less valuable?
So why don't you think fetuses should be aborted if they're abnormal?

I thought that was one of the justifications for abortion. So people could get rid of abnormal babies. Isn't it? Do you think people shouldn't be able to get rid of abnormal babies?

No, and I've never heard anyone say that and yet again no I don't.

Who's the dishonest one? I remember hearing someone lie that being pro-choice equaled wanting eugenics put into play, who was that liar who said that?

And, yet yet again, no abortions shouldn't be performed based on income level.

Any other boogeyman stories you need me to squash?
why are you so worried about what another person does or doesnt do to their body? this is technically a medical decision, why do you feel that you should be able to have a say in what an individual does with their doctor?

if youre argument is simply because there is a "life" involved, its a bad argument, as your life is not affected and a fetus is dependent on its mother for life for up to 9 months. Again your defiinition of life is thin as well, seeing as how the youngest premature baby to ever survive was 22 weeks, and i believe (you can correct me if im wrong) abortion in most states is illegal after 20 weeks.

another question i ask, refers to what happens to that child if they are born and the parent does not want the child? the child goes into the system and becomes a ward of the state. now you may say that well there are many people who want to adopt children, to which i would say there are currently over 500,000 children waiting to be adopted in the US who sit in foster care, why arent people who want families adopting these children?

personally, i do not care if a women chooses to have an abortion, or chooses to have a child as this is none of my business and most notably does not affect my personal well being.

what gives you the right to tell anyone anywhere what to do?
I don't care what people do with their own bodies.

I am however, concerned about what they do to children. If you don't want to take care of your own baby, other people are going to intercede for it. That's the way this works. People who victimize vulnerable populations tend to come under unfavorable scrutiny.
I don't care what people do with their own bodies.

I am however, concerned about what they do to children. If you don't want to take care of your own baby, other people are going to intercede for it. That's the way this works. People who victimize vulnerable populations tend to come under unfavorable scrutiny.

this difference is that pro lifers and pro choicers have a differing opinion on when life begins whether it is at conception, or at birth and i do not think this will ever change.

in regards to what other people do to their children, i surely hope that you are involved in every child advocacy group available to you, volunteer your time at schools and churches and after school programs. so that you can be involved and make changes in the lives of all children. because it seems to me honestly that your child advocacy starts and stops with birth.

should you not be pushing for more parental responsibility? making sure the children are taught values and get a good education? are you adopting children? are you a foster parent? what exact impact are you having on the children of america?

@JBuekema - do you have any real opinions on the matter, or are you simply too ignorant to come up with anything beside insults? btw which any loon behind a computer can do, it wont get you anywhere in life and i suspect it hasnt yet.
And sorry, I don't take lib directives on how to spend my spare time, based upon my views of abortion.

I work in human services. I've worked with the most dangerous of children and adults in various scenarios. So you toddle along and tell someone else what to do with their life. I see it as the responsibility of every adult to protect all children. I don't believe in determining people shouldn't advocate for children if they don't work and volunteer in particular fields.
I think parental responsibility starts with not killing your children.

like i said your definition of children and the pro choicer definition of children is different and will never change.

i do enjoy how have ignored 90% of my argument, it seems to me like you have a very narrow focus of solely advocating for fetuses and not actual living breathing children.

a child is not a child until it can live and breathe on its own, not while it is still dependent on its mother for life.

im not telling you what to do with your life, im simply stating that you claim to be such an advocate for unborn children, why are you not an advocate for living children? i dont see you crusading for parental responsibility.....
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I don't care about your so-called argument. All I need to know is that you think it's okay to kill infants and support their butchery. I addressed what I felt like addressing. I'll ignore the rest like the garbage it is.
I don't care about your so-called argument. All I need to know is that you think it's okay to kill infants and support their butchery. I addressed what I felt like addressing. I'll ignore the rest like the garbage it is.

great to see you can actually have a real conversation and stand on your principles. :clap2:

at no point in time did i ever use the words "kill", "infants" or "butchery", nice if you to embellish and make things up to suit your side once again.

your argument is garbage, to use your own words as you simply ignore everything except what suits your side. :cuckoo:
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