Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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It's not a medical decision. In fact, it carries medical risks with it, aside from the certainty of death for one person involved.

I never said I would physically stop women from getting abortions, whether legal or illegal. And murder is murder, whether legal or illegal. The murders of the Jews by the Nazis was perfectly legal. It's still murder. Likewise the murder of babies is murder whether it's legal or not.
Don't bother, AB. Sky smells like a sock

I have noticed that as soon as you slap down one talking-point parrot with this bullshit, outdated, debunked argument, another one mysteriously decides to join the debate and spout THE SAME DAMNED ARGUMENT, so you have to start all over again slapping it down. If I didn't know better, I'd think it was a deliberately coordinated rotation.
I don't care what people do with their own bodies.

I am however, concerned about what they do to children. If you don't want to take care of your own baby, other people are going to intercede for it. That's the way this works. People who victimize vulnerable populations tend to come under unfavorable scrutiny.

this difference is that pro lifers and pro choicers have a differing opinion on when life begins whether it is at conception, or at birth and i do not think this will ever change.

in regards to what other people do to their children, i surely hope that you are involved in every child advocacy group available to you, volunteer your time at schools and churches and after school programs. so that you can be involved and make changes in the lives of all children. because it seems to me honestly that your child advocacy starts and stops with birth.

should you not be pushing for more parental responsibility? making sure the children are taught values and get a good education? are you adopting children? are you a foster parent? what exact impact are you having on the children of america?

@JBuekema - do you have any real opinions on the matter, or are you simply too ignorant to come up with anything beside insults? btw which any loon behind a computer can do, it wont get you anywhere in life and i suspect it hasnt yet.

Whereas you can just shrug and say, "Not my problem. I TOLD them to kill the kid right away, so my job here is done."

I can't say for sure, but I really doubt Allie feels any more need for moral guidance on how to care about the lives of children from someone who's too pig-stupid to know the difference between an appendix and a fetus, and too amoral to care about learning.

If any of us need lessons on how to be unjustifiably supercilious and arrogant, though, we'll call you.
It's not a medical decision. In fact, it carries medical risks with it, aside from the certainty of death for one person involved.

I never said I would physically stop women from getting abortions, whether legal or illegal. And murder is murder, whether legal or illegal. The murders of the Jews by the Nazis was perfectly legal. It's still murder. Likewise the murder of babies is murder whether it's legal or not.

if its not a medical decision why does a doctor have to perform it? oh thats right, because its a medical decision, not something you can buy a kit for and do at home. and a fetus under current law is not a person and has no legal rights unlike the mother. just because you fail to accept this fact, does not make it untrue.

again, read the definition of murder..... your logic on this simple fact is lacking as usual.

whats your next argument going to be? birth control is murder too because it prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus? because by your argument that fertilized egg is technically a child.....:cuckoo:
I think parental responsibility starts with not killing your children.

like i said your definition of children and the pro choicer definition of children is different and will never change.

Not until you twits lose the dogma and learn some science, anyway.

i do enjoy how have ignored 90% of my argument, it seems to me like you have a very narrow focus of solely advocating for fetuses and not actual living breathing children.

In case you didn't notice, Mensa Boy, this is a thread about abortion. The only people who NEED to be all over the board on every other topic are the ones who can't make a valid, coherent argument on THAT topic.

Start a thread about family services, and I'm sure Allie will be there . . . provided you first detail to us YOUR great qualifications for preaching to others about what they "should" be doing.

a child is not a child until it can live and breathe on its own, not while it is still dependent on its mother for life.

And exactly what medical, biological, or even grammatical authority did you get THAT definition from? Or did you, like all your cohorts before you, just pull it out of your ass, because that's what you "feel" the word means? :eusa_eh:

im not telling you what to do with your life, im simply stating that you claim to be such an advocate for unborn children, why are you not an advocate for living children? i dont see you crusading for parental responsibility.....

You don't SEE her at all, dumbass. You have no idea who she is, or what she does with the vast majority of her time in which she isn't on this message board, so why don't you spare us the Miss Cleo act and stop trying to lecture other people on a morality you yourself abdicated the moment you came out as pro-abortion?
Whereas you can just shrug and say, "Not my problem. I TOLD them to kill the kid right away, so my job here is done."

i have no right to tell a parent how to raise their child, and neither do you. i also have no right to tell a woman what she can and cant do with her body, as that is her choice. that is the underlying argument here.

if you want to have the moral argument, that is a separate issue, as obviously your morals and my morals differ. thats not to say yours are better or worse than mine, they are just different.

the major difference between us is that i can take the anger and emotion out of my argument and stick to the legal facts, as you can not.
You don't even have an argument. Is telling me I should be involved in child advocacy an "argument"?

no i asked the question as to if you care as much about living children as unborn children and you simply failed to answer. if you care as much about living children, i asked if you were involved in child advocacy? do you volunteer at school, and after school programs. do you promote parental responsibility and have children removed from unfit parents.

it seems to me that all you do is campaign against abortion, but you dont follow that same passion when it comes to actually affecting the lives of children.

"I am however, concerned about what they do to children."

those are your exact words. if that is really your concern, what else are you doing to help the children beside campaigning against abortion?

Campaigning to save their lives isn't enough?

Beats campaigning to kill them, at least in my book, but then, I'm not an amoral hypocrite.
no i asked the question as to if you care as much about living children as unborn children and you simply failed to answer. if you care as much about living children, i asked if you were involved in child advocacy? do you volunteer at school, and after school programs. do you promote parental responsibility and have children removed from unfit parents.

it seems to me that all you do is campaign against abortion, but you dont follow that same passion when it comes to actually affecting the lives of children.

those are your exact words. if that is really your concern, what else are you doing to help the children beside campaigning against abortion?

Campaigning to save their lives isn't enough?

what if their quality of life is in the gutter? are you gonna take care of that child when a parent cant? what if they are neglected or abused? what if they die from poverty? what are you doing about that?

Aaaand here comes the "merciful death" argument. God, you could set your watch by these people and their canned talking points.

JB, I have the answer to your OP question. The pro-abortion crowd can't be honest because they don't have an entire, functioning brain among all of them.
Whereas you can just shrug and say, "Not my problem. I TOLD them to kill the kid right away, so my job here is done."

i have no right to tell a parent how to raise their child, and neither do you. i also have no right to tell a woman what she can and cant do with her body, as that is her choice. that is the underlying argument here.

if you want to have the moral argument, that is a separate issue, as obviously your morals and my morals differ. thats not to say yours are better or worse than mine, they are just different.

the major difference between us is that i can take the anger and emotion out of my argument and stick to the legal facts, as you can not.

You have no RIGHT to prevent a parent from hurting his or her child?

Really? So if you heard your neighbor abusing his kid, you would just ignore it?

Never mind, I know the answer.
It's not a medical decision. In fact, it carries medical risks with it, aside from the certainty of death for one person involved.

I never said I would physically stop women from getting abortions, whether legal or illegal. And murder is murder, whether legal or illegal. The murders of the Jews by the Nazis was perfectly legal. It's still murder. Likewise the murder of babies is murder whether it's legal or not.

There are lots of less-portentious medical decisions I don't get to make. I can't just la-di-da into a doctor's office and have him remove my appendix or my tonsils because "I feel like it". Those actually ARE parts of my body, and parts I can easily live without, but no one seems bothered by the fact that I'm not allowed to do whatever I wish with them.

I don't get to take any medication I please whenever I please. Hell, I can't even take some OTC medications however I want, like allergy meds, because I'm only allowed to buy one box at a time. No one's bothered by THAT, either.

The only time people get up in arms about "a woman's body, a woman's choice" is when they aren't actually talking about HER body at all, but someone else's. It's perfectly okay to restrict my access to elective surgeries to protect the doctor's medical license, or restrict my access to drugs on the off-chance that I'm planning to start a meth lab with them, but restrict killing other human beings? Outrageous! :cuckoo:
Whereas you can just shrug and say, "Not my problem. I TOLD them to kill the kid right away, so my job here is done."

i have no right to tell a parent how to raise their child, and neither do you. i also have no right to tell a woman what she can and cant do with her body, as that is her choice. that is the underlying argument here.

if you want to have the moral argument, that is a separate issue, as obviously your morals and my morals differ. thats not to say yours are better or worse than mine, they are just different.

the major difference between us is that i can take the anger and emotion out of my argument and stick to the legal facts, as you can not.

You have no RIGHT to prevent a parent from hurting his or her child?

Really? So if you heard your neighbor abusing his kid, you would just ignore it?

Never mind, I know the answer.

a fetus is not a child, sorry if you fail to accept that, and that is the basis of your argument
I do fail to accept it. Of course it is a child, and abortion is murder.

It doesn't matter that the law was illegally changed to make infanticide legal. It's still murder, and I continue to object.

I would have objected to the killing of Indians, Jews and slaves as well...regardless of the law.
Whereas you can just shrug and say, "Not my problem. I TOLD them to kill the kid right away, so my job here is done."

i have no right to tell a parent how to raise their child, and neither do you. i also have no right to tell a woman what she can and cant do with her body, as that is her choice. that is the underlying argument here.

if you want to have the moral argument, that is a separate issue, as obviously your morals and my morals differ. thats not to say yours are better or worse than mine, they are just different.

the major difference between us is that i can take the anger and emotion out of my argument and stick to the legal facts, as you can not.

What fucking rock do you live under, anyway? The state has ALL KINDS of power to tell parents how to raise their children! They do it all the time! Whatever state your rock happens to be in, I guarantee you have Social Services, Child Protective Services, some damned type of Services with an ungodly amount of power to barge into a person's home and start issuing directives about how they live their lives, lest their children be taken away. Wake up and smell the fucking coffee, dingbat.

And no one's talking about the woman's body here, Gregor Mendel. Just how many biology classes did you play hookey from in high school, anyway?

If you don't want to have a morality argument, I suggest you lose that "on my high horse, lecturing the peons" tone of voice. It's only going to get you laughed at and ignored as a hypocrite. You're advocating abortion. You have no claim to ANY moral high ground, so don't kid yourself that you do or ever will.
i have no right to tell a parent how to raise their child, and neither do you. i also have no right to tell a woman what she can and cant do with her body, as that is her choice. that is the underlying argument here.

if you want to have the moral argument, that is a separate issue, as obviously your morals and my morals differ. thats not to say yours are better or worse than mine, they are just different.

the major difference between us is that i can take the anger and emotion out of my argument and stick to the legal facts, as you can not.

You have no RIGHT to prevent a parent from hurting his or her child?

Really? So if you heard your neighbor abusing his kid, you would just ignore it?

Never mind, I know the answer.

a fetus is not a child, sorry if you fail to accept that, and that is the basis of your argument

Why SHOULDN'T she fail to accept a medical and biological fallacy? What kind of dumbass WANTS to make arguments based on incorrect information?

Oh, I'm talking to one. Never mind.
Or it's that they are human, but they aren't as important as other humans, and it's okay to kill them. Most people who are okay with killing infants are also ok with killing other *defectives* and burdens upon society as well.
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