Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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You have no RIGHT to prevent a parent from hurting his or her child?

Really? So if you heard your neighbor abusing his kid, you would just ignore it?

Never mind, I know the answer.

a fetus is not a child, sorry if you fail to accept that, and that is the basis of your argument

Why SHOULDN'T she fail to accept a medical and biological fallacy? What kind of dumbass WANTS to make arguments based on incorrect information?

Oh, I'm talking to one. Never mind.

It's not a medical decision. In fact, it carries medical risks with it, aside from the certainty of death for one person involved.

I never said I would physically stop women from getting abortions, whether legal or illegal. And murder is murder, whether legal or illegal. The murders of the Jews by the Nazis was perfectly legal. It's still murder. Likewise the murder of babies is murder whether it's legal or not.

There are lots of less-portentious medical decisions I don't get to make. I can't just la-di-da into a doctor's office and have him remove my appendix or my tonsils because "I feel like it". Those actually ARE parts of my body, and parts I can easily live without, but no one seems bothered by the fact that I'm not allowed to do whatever I wish with them.

I don't get to take any medication I please whenever I please. Hell, I can't even take some OTC medications however I want, like allergy meds, because I'm only allowed to buy one box at a time. No one's bothered by THAT, either.

The only time people get up in arms about "a woman's body, a woman's choice" is when they aren't actually talking about HER body at all, but someone else's. It's perfectly okay to restrict my access to elective surgeries to protect the doctor's medical license, or restrict my access to drugs on the off-chance that I'm planning to start a meth lab with them, but restrict killing other human beings? Outrageous! :cuckoo:

actually if you can find a doctor to remove that from you body, you have that choice. there are many elective procedures that some doctors will perform and others will not. and again, if you can find a doctor to prescribe you the requested medication its perfectly legal. just like a doctor does not have to elect to perform an abortion, but there are those that do.

your argument is based on the idea that you believe a fetus has legal rights. as far as the courts are concerned, they currently do no. thus you can argue until you are blue in the face, but it wont change the facts.

and you all like to throw the "pro abortion" word out there, where that is not the fact at all, we are simply pro choice, as in giving the woman the right to choose whether or not she can elect to have an abortion.
Or it's that they are human, but they aren't as important as other humans, and it's okay to kill them. Most people who are okay with killing infants are also ok with killing other *defectives* and burdens upon society as well.

At least THAT argument doesn't make a person sound like a gabbling, illogical moron. A coldblooded sociopath, maybe, but not a gabbling moron.
Or it's that they are human, but they aren't as important as other humans, and it's okay to kill them. Most people who are okay with killing infants are also ok with killing other *defectives* and burdens upon society as well.

At least THAT argument doesn't make a person sound like a gabbling, illogical moron. A coldblooded sociopath, maybe, but not a gabbling moron.

Well the other possibility, and probability, is that they realize they are, of course, human, that they do have life....but it doesn't matter, because it's okay to kill those that you deem worthless.
You have no RIGHT to prevent a parent from hurting his or her child?

Really? So if you heard your neighbor abusing his kid, you would just ignore it?

Never mind, I know the answer.

a fetus is not a child, sorry if you fail to accept that, and that is the basis of your argument

Why SHOULDN'T she fail to accept a medical and biological fallacy? What kind of dumbass WANTS to make arguments based on incorrect information?

Oh, I'm talking to one. Never mind.

where is your logic in this? you just said medical and biological science and a fallacy? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

what are you claiming next, theres no such thing as evolution, the earth is only 6000 years old and global warming is a myth?
It's not a medical decision. In fact, it carries medical risks with it, aside from the certainty of death for one person involved.

I never said I would physically stop women from getting abortions, whether legal or illegal. And murder is murder, whether legal or illegal. The murders of the Jews by the Nazis was perfectly legal. It's still murder. Likewise the murder of babies is murder whether it's legal or not.

There are lots of less-portentious medical decisions I don't get to make. I can't just la-di-da into a doctor's office and have him remove my appendix or my tonsils because "I feel like it". Those actually ARE parts of my body, and parts I can easily live without, but no one seems bothered by the fact that I'm not allowed to do whatever I wish with them.

I don't get to take any medication I please whenever I please. Hell, I can't even take some OTC medications however I want, like allergy meds, because I'm only allowed to buy one box at a time. No one's bothered by THAT, either.

The only time people get up in arms about "a woman's body, a woman's choice" is when they aren't actually talking about HER body at all, but someone else's. It's perfectly okay to restrict my access to elective surgeries to protect the doctor's medical license, or restrict my access to drugs on the off-chance that I'm planning to start a meth lab with them, but restrict killing other human beings? Outrageous! :cuckoo:

actually if you can find a doctor to remove that from you body, you have that choice. there are many elective procedures that some doctors will perform and others will not. and again, if you can find a doctor to prescribe you the requested medication its perfectly legal. just like a doctor does not have to elect to perform an abortion, but there are those that do.

your argument is based on the idea that you believe a fetus has legal rights. as far as the courts are concerned, they currently do no. thus you can argue until you are blue in the face, but it wont change the facts.

and you all like to throw the "pro abortion" word out there, where that is not the fact at all, we are simply pro choice, as in giving the woman the right to choose whether or not she can elect to have an abortion.

Are you pro choice about whether or not parents can elect to dunk their children in scalding water, too?
It's not a medical decision. In fact, it carries medical risks with it, aside from the certainty of death for one person involved.

I never said I would physically stop women from getting abortions, whether legal or illegal. And murder is murder, whether legal or illegal. The murders of the Jews by the Nazis was perfectly legal. It's still murder. Likewise the murder of babies is murder whether it's legal or not.

There are lots of less-portentious medical decisions I don't get to make. I can't just la-di-da into a doctor's office and have him remove my appendix or my tonsils because "I feel like it". Those actually ARE parts of my body, and parts I can easily live without, but no one seems bothered by the fact that I'm not allowed to do whatever I wish with them.

I don't get to take any medication I please whenever I please. Hell, I can't even take some OTC medications however I want, like allergy meds, because I'm only allowed to buy one box at a time. No one's bothered by THAT, either.

The only time people get up in arms about "a woman's body, a woman's choice" is when they aren't actually talking about HER body at all, but someone else's. It's perfectly okay to restrict my access to elective surgeries to protect the doctor's medical license, or restrict my access to drugs on the off-chance that I'm planning to start a meth lab with them, but restrict killing other human beings? Outrageous! :cuckoo:

actually if you can find a doctor to remove that from you body, you have that choice. there are many elective procedures that some doctors will perform and others will not. and again, if you can find a doctor to prescribe you the requested medication its perfectly legal. just like a doctor does not have to elect to perform an abortion, but there are those that do.

your argument is based on the idea that you believe a fetus has legal rights. as far as the courts are concerned, they currently do no. thus you can argue until you are blue in the face, but it wont change the facts.

and you all like to throw the "pro abortion" word out there, where that is not the fact at all, we are simply pro choice, as in giving the woman the right to choose whether or not she can elect to have an abortion.

Actually, it's NOT your choice, because you can't find a doctor who would do it. It's called "malpractice", dumbass. That's like saying, "If you can find flower fairies to come and spirit the fetus out of your wombin a puff of glitter, THAT'S not an abortion." Can we please stick to reality, insofar as you can identify reality?

And no, you silly twat, my argument is NOT based on a belief that a fetus has legal rights. I know perfectly well that he doesn't. THAT'S why I'm arguing. If he had legal rights, I wouldn't have to fight for them. :cuckoo:

Next time, try ASKING me what I think, rather than assuming you already know. I'm not sure you know what YOU think, so I'm damned sure you don't know about me.

You're damned right I call you "pro-abort". If you're looking for PC accomplices to help you guild that turd of an argument you're peddling, you have the wrong woman. The day you people ever actually OPPOSE abortion in any way, shape, or form, other than to say, "Of course I don't like abortion . . . I just don't want them prohibited!" you can talk about the appellation. Until then, you pissed the bed, so you can lie in it.
Or it's that they are human, but they aren't as important as other humans, and it's okay to kill them. Most people who are okay with killing infants are also ok with killing other *defectives* and burdens upon society as well.

At least THAT argument doesn't make a person sound like a gabbling, illogical moron. A coldblooded sociopath, maybe, but not a gabbling moron.

Well the other possibility, and probability, is that they realize they are, of course, human, that they do have life....but it doesn't matter, because it's okay to kill those that you deem worthless.

Exactly. But you don't expect them to ADMIT that, do you, to themselves or anyone else? If they did, then they'd have to accept the reality that they're not the nice people they want to believe they are; that they are, in fact, bad people.

I guess it's better to just sound like an uneducated dimwit, as long as one is a NICE uneducated dimwit. :confused:
There are lots of less-portentious medical decisions I don't get to make. I can't just la-di-da into a doctor's office and have him remove my appendix or my tonsils because "I feel like it". Those actually ARE parts of my body, and parts I can easily live without, but no one seems bothered by the fact that I'm not allowed to do whatever I wish with them.

I don't get to take any medication I please whenever I please. Hell, I can't even take some OTC medications however I want, like allergy meds, because I'm only allowed to buy one box at a time. No one's bothered by THAT, either.

The only time people get up in arms about "a woman's body, a woman's choice" is when they aren't actually talking about HER body at all, but someone else's. It's perfectly okay to restrict my access to elective surgeries to protect the doctor's medical license, or restrict my access to drugs on the off-chance that I'm planning to start a meth lab with them, but restrict killing other human beings? Outrageous! :cuckoo:

actually if you can find a doctor to remove that from you body, you have that choice. there are many elective procedures that some doctors will perform and others will not. and again, if you can find a doctor to prescribe you the requested medication its perfectly legal. just like a doctor does not have to elect to perform an abortion, but there are those that do.

your argument is based on the idea that you believe a fetus has legal rights. as far as the courts are concerned, they currently do no. thus you can argue until you are blue in the face, but it wont change the facts.

and you all like to throw the "pro abortion" word out there, where that is not the fact at all, we are simply pro choice, as in giving the woman the right to choose whether or not she can elect to have an abortion.

Are you pro choice about whether or not parents can elect to dunk their children in scalding water, too?

can you look up the legal definition of when a child has rights under the constitution and restate your argument?
I already told you, I don't care what the law says about whether a baby can be killed or not.
a fetus is not a child, sorry if you fail to accept that, and that is the basis of your argument

Why SHOULDN'T she fail to accept a medical and biological fallacy? What kind of dumbass WANTS to make arguments based on incorrect information?

Oh, I'm talking to one. Never mind.

where is your logic in this? you just said medical and biological science and a fallacy? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

what are you claiming next, theres no such thing as evolution, the earth is only 6000 years old and global warming is a myth?

The word "science" appeared nowhere in my post. Are you sure you can read?

I said that what you're peddling is a medical and biological fallacy, and it is. The insistence that a fetus is not a living human being is a fallacy, right up there with spontaneous generation (that was also covered in those high school biology classes you skipped). Biology has long since answered the question of when a human being meets the scientific definition of life, and it is at conception. Period. End of discussion. No amount of talking, or wishing, or clapping your hands and believing in fairies is going to make it otherwise.

The fact that WE are talking about what is, and YOU are talking about what you think and believe, as though this were a debate about religious doctrine, demonstrates just how badly you have lost this argument. If you want to claim to be the logical, scientific one around here, you might try actually incorporating some actual science into your discussion. I'm just saying . . .
again, thank you for ignoring 90% of my argument again. but anyways....

since abortion is not "illegal" it is still not equal to say "murder", "kill", "butcher" or whatever other moniker you want to use.

and yes you can tell a woman she shouldnt have an abortion, but you dont have the legal standing to stop her, nor should you. you have no right to tell a woman how to make a medical decision. that is for her an her doctor, you just fail to see this.

What exactly do you thing an abortion does?

abortion: the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy.

pregnancy: 1. the state or condition of being pregnant; 2. the period from conception to childbirth

Abortion ends/terminates/destroys the individual human being that is growing inside of a woman's womb. No ifs ands or buts about it. Just because it's legal doesn't change this fact, Jack. Just because it's legal and therefore can't really be called 'murder' doesn't mean squat. Abortion ends a human life. If you're going to be pro-choice be honest enough to own what it is you believe in.

It's not a medical decision. In fact, it carries medical risks with it, aside from the certainty of death for one person involved.

I never said I would physically stop women from getting abortions, whether legal or illegal. And murder is murder, whether legal or illegal. The murders of the Jews by the Nazis was perfectly legal. It's still murder. Likewise the murder of babies is murder whether it's legal or not.

if its not a medical decision why does a doctor have to perform it? oh thats right, because its a medical decision, not something you can buy a kit for and do at home. and a fetus under current law is not a person and has no legal rights unlike the mother. just because you fail to accept this fact, does not make it untrue.

again, read the definition of murder..... your logic on this simple fact is lacking as usual.

whats your next argument going to be? birth control is murder too because it prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus? because by your argument that fertilized egg is technically a child.....:cuckoo:

Which is exactly why there is a pro-life movement.
actually if you can find a doctor to remove that from you body, you have that choice. there are many elective procedures that some doctors will perform and others will not. and again, if you can find a doctor to prescribe you the requested medication its perfectly legal. just like a doctor does not have to elect to perform an abortion, but there are those that do.

your argument is based on the idea that you believe a fetus has legal rights. as far as the courts are concerned, they currently do no. thus you can argue until you are blue in the face, but it wont change the facts.

and you all like to throw the "pro abortion" word out there, where that is not the fact at all, we are simply pro choice, as in giving the woman the right to choose whether or not she can elect to have an abortion.

Are you pro choice about whether or not parents can elect to dunk their children in scalding water, too?

can you look up the legal definition of when a child has rights under the constitution and restate your argument?

And there's the ever-popular "abortion should be legal because it's legal" circle-jerk argument. I should just write up a list of pro-abort mindless talking points, so that I can check them off as the parrot du jour spouts them. When I hit the bottom of the list, I know it's time for him to mysteriously disappear, and be replaced by another parrot who'll start back at the top of the list. We could get this down to a really efficient debating machine here.
Actually, it's NOT your choice, because you can't find a doctor who would do it. It's called "malpractice", dumbass. That's like saying, "If you can find flower fairies to come and spirit the fetus out of your wombin a puff of glitter, THAT'S not an abortion." Can we please stick to reality, insofar as you can identify reality?

And no, you silly twat, my argument is NOT based on a belief that a fetus has legal rights. I know perfectly well that he doesn't. THAT'S why I'm arguing. If he had legal rights, I wouldn't have to fight for them. :cuckoo:

Next time, try ASKING me what I think, rather than assuming you already know. I'm not sure you know what YOU think, so I'm damned sure you don't know about me.

You're damned right I call you "pro-abort". If you're looking for PC accomplices to help you guild that turd of an argument you're peddling, you have the wrong woman. The day you people ever actually OPPOSE abortion in any way, shape, or form, other than to say, "Of course I don't like abortion . . . I just don't want them prohibited!" you can talk about the appellation. Until then, you pissed the bed, so you can lie in it.

im pretty sure you can find a doctor to take out your appendix or tonsils if you actually tried.

if a fetus doesnt have legal rights then how can it be murder? (answer that one genuis) because you cant kill something that is legally not a person....... or can you.......

i already know what you think, you can believe all you want, but the legal precedent is on my side and has been since '73.

youre extremely uneducated on the english language if your think pro-choice = pro-abortion. so if im anti-marriage should i campaign to outlaw marriage? if im pro-earth, should i campaign to eliminate everything that pollutes? youre really dense arent you?

that right get angry, call me names, are you red in the face yet? is your blood pressure up? glad to see you wasted all this energy getting angry when the law is on my side. :lol::lol::lol:
Actually, it's NOT your choice, because you can't find a doctor who would do it. It's called "malpractice", dumbass. That's like saying, "If you can find flower fairies to come and spirit the fetus out of your wombin a puff of glitter, THAT'S not an abortion." Can we please stick to reality, insofar as you can identify reality?

And no, you silly twat, my argument is NOT based on a belief that a fetus has legal rights. I know perfectly well that he doesn't. THAT'S why I'm arguing. If he had legal rights, I wouldn't have to fight for them. :cuckoo:

Next time, try ASKING me what I think, rather than assuming you already know. I'm not sure you know what YOU think, so I'm damned sure you don't know about me.

You're damned right I call you "pro-abort". If you're looking for PC accomplices to help you guild that turd of an argument you're peddling, you have the wrong woman. The day you people ever actually OPPOSE abortion in any way, shape, or form, other than to say, "Of course I don't like abortion . . . I just don't want them prohibited!" you can talk about the appellation. Until then, you pissed the bed, so you can lie in it.

im pretty sure you can find a doctor to take out your appendix or tonsils if you actually tried.

if a fetus doesnt have legal rights then how can it be murder? (answer that one genuis) because you cant kill something that is legally not a person....... or can you.......

i already know what you think, you can believe all you want, but the legal precedent is on my side and has been since '73.

youre extremely uneducated on the english language if your think pro-choice = pro-abortion. so if im anti-marriage should i campaign to outlaw marriage? if im pro-earth, should i campaign to eliminate everything that pollutes? youre really dense arent you?

that right get angry, call me names, are you red in the face yet? is your blood pressure up? glad to see you wasted all this energy getting angry when the law is on my side. :lol::lol::lol:

OMG you're a complete idiot.

kill: to deprive of life in any manner; cause the death of; slay. 2. to destroy; do away with; extinguish.

Abortion ends/destroys/terminates/kills a human life. And it's legal. That right there is some fucked up shit.
Actually, it's NOT your choice, because you can't find a doctor who would do it. It's called "malpractice", dumbass. That's like saying, "If you can find flower fairies to come and spirit the fetus out of your wombin a puff of glitter, THAT'S not an abortion." Can we please stick to reality, insofar as you can identify reality?

And no, you silly twat, my argument is NOT based on a belief that a fetus has legal rights. I know perfectly well that he doesn't. THAT'S why I'm arguing. If he had legal rights, I wouldn't have to fight for them. :cuckoo:

Next time, try ASKING me what I think, rather than assuming you already know. I'm not sure you know what YOU think, so I'm damned sure you don't know about me.

You're damned right I call you "pro-abort". If you're looking for PC accomplices to help you guild that turd of an argument you're peddling, you have the wrong woman. The day you people ever actually OPPOSE abortion in any way, shape, or form, other than to say, "Of course I don't like abortion . . . I just don't want them prohibited!" you can talk about the appellation. Until then, you pissed the bed, so you can lie in it.

im pretty sure you can find a doctor to take out your appendix or tonsils if you actually tried.

Unless it is medically indicated, it is malpractice, ie. it's illegal. Can you find a doctor to break the law? Possibly, but not one you'd want operating on you. And it doesn't change the fact that that choice over my body IS legally prohibited. I doubt very much that you wish to argue that it shouldn't be.

if a fetus doesnt have legal rights then how can it be murder? (answer that one genuis) because you cant kill something that is legally not a person....... or can you.......

I realize that this endless - and pointless - semantic hairsplitting is making you feel very clever, but you might want to save it for someone who has actually USED the word "murder". Truly clever people can differentiate between arguments and the people using them. See if you can produce an argument that has some relation to something I'VE actually said.

i already know what you think, you can believe all you want, but the legal precedent is on my side and has been since '73.

Clearly, you DON'T know what I think, since you just proudly argued against the use of a word I'VE never applied to abortion. Dumbass.

Furthermore, the argument is not and never has been whether abortion IS legal, but kudos for your stunning ability to convincingly argue in favor of facts not in dispute. The argument is whether it SHOULD BE legal, and "it's legal" is only an argument in THAT debate to dumbfucks and people who don't have a REAL argument. Which are you?

youre extremely uneducated on the english language if your think pro-choice = pro-abortion. so if im anti-marriage should i campaign to outlaw marriage? if im pro-earth, should i campaign to eliminate everything that pollutes? youre really dense arent you?

First of all, being called "uneducated on the english [sic] language" by the likes of you is hilarious. You can't even figure out capitaliization OR apostrophes OR the rudiments of proper sentence construction, and you want to lecture me on word choices?! :eusa_hand:

Second of all, yes, if you're anti-marriage, that means you oppose it. If you're pro-marriage, that means you promote it. If you don't do either, you're indifferent. People who like to bill themselves "pro-earth" certainly DO campaign to bust humans back to the pre-Industrial Age. How dense are YOU, that you don't know any of this?

I know that pro-choice equals pro-abortion by the simple fact that everyone who tries to hide behind the title "pro-choice" in practice does everything they possibly can to promote abortion. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

that right get angry, call me names, are you red in the face yet? is your blood pressure up? glad to see you wasted all this energy getting angry when the law is on my side. :lol::lol::lol:

Oh, newbie, you really DO flatter yourself. I'm not calling you names because I'm mad at you, you imbecile. I'm calling you names because I find you beneath contempt. Do you really think answering your inane, boilerplate posts costs me EFFORT? That I even have to think very hard about it? I hate to break it to you, but during this conversation that you erroneously think is so important and upsetting to me, I've changed and fed the baby, done two loads of laundry, and started dinner. You're a finger exercise to me.
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