Why Can't The So-Called Pro-Life Crowd Be Honest?

I just love how leftists keep trying to impose their own personal criteria onto the definition of life. It's so refreshing to see how devoted they are to science . . . if you define "science" as "claiming my personal whims are universal facts".

So tell me, Gregor Mendel: does this mean tapeworms aren't living organisms, because they aren't "biologically self-sustaining" outside of another organism? Do you even KNOW the meaning of the phrase "biologically self-sustaining"?

JB's right: you fail biology forever.

LOL, look who it is. Miss. Sunny Disposition.

Since you felt the need to compare me to Hitler last time we spoke, for suggesting people should all receive healthcare, I don't think I need to bother trying to have any more conversations with you.

In other words, you concede the point and are now going to go pout and snivel in the corner because someone didn't pretend that you're an intelligent debater worthy of respect.

I accept your surrender. Crawl away.

I think he realises, and you need to accept, that at best, your arguments are vacuous and he's handed your big fat arse to you on a plate. Live with it....
Sorry to inform you, but people CANNOT make life and death decisions based on convenience in this society . . .

Yeah, because, you know, the three women who I know who've had an abortion did it out of 'convenience' and were realy happy about it.....:cuckoo:

The problem with most righties and neocon whackjobs on this subject is they take an extreme example and make it the norm. Head's up Sparkie, most abortions are done in the first trimester, and I'm pretty sure most of the women having them are not over the moon about the procedure....
Sorry to inform you, but people CANNOT make life and death decisions based on convenience in this society . . .

Yeah, because, you know, the three women who I know who've had an abortion did it out of 'convenience' and were realy happy about it.....:cuckoo:

The problem with most righties and neocon whackjobs on this subject is they take an extreme example and make it the norm. Head's up Sparkie, most abortions are done in the first trimester, and I'm pretty sure most of the women having them are not over the moon about the procedure....

Heads up Grumpy, but it is obvious that the left wing crazies take the 1% of abortions (an extreme example by and of itself) and attempt to make it the norm for all abortions. 93% of all abortions are, according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, undergone for the sake of convenience. That doesn't make it or the choice easy ones to make, but it does mean that the reasons for the vast majority of abortions are for the convenience of the mother.

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Sorry to inform you, but people CANNOT make life and death decisions based on convenience in this society . . .

Yeah, because, you know, the three women who I know who've had an abortion did it out of 'convenience' and were realy happy about it.....:cuckoo:

The problem with most righties and neocon whackjobs on this subject is they take an extreme example and make it the norm. Head's up Sparkie, most abortions are done in the first trimester, and I'm pretty sure most of the women having them are not over the moon about the procedure....

Actually, there's no evidence that "most" abortions are done in teh first trimester, since there are no accurate stats.

Nice try, but talk about vaccuous.
Sorry to inform you, but people CANNOT make life and death decisions based on convenience in this society . . .

Yeah, because, you know, the three women who I know who've had an abortion did it out of 'convenience' and were realy happy about it.....:cuckoo:

The problem with most righties and neocon whackjobs on this subject is they take an extreme example and make it the norm. Head's up Sparkie, most abortions are done in the first trimester, and I'm pretty sure most of the women having them are not over the moon about the procedure....

Heads up Grumpy, but it is obvious that the left wing crazies take the 1% of abortions (an extreme example by and of itself) and attempt to make it the norm for all abortions. 93% of all abortions are, according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, undergone for the sake of convenience. That doesn't make it or the choice easy ones to make, but it does mean that the reasons for the abortions are the convenience of the mother.


Beat me to it.
if a baby is unwanted the mother should be able to get an abortion - thats the ONLY argument i am making
Why not just throw it in a dumpster?

What's the difference?

I sure wish that Neo-Cons had just a tiny bit of the concern for children after they were born as they do fetuses. Just a little bit of redirected energy would make a HUGE difference in the lives of children, wouldn't it?

Do you have any idea how many times in this thread alone that particular logical fallacy has been thrown out there?
Sorry to inform you, but people CANNOT make life and death decisions based on convenience in this society . . .

Yeah, because, you know, the three women who I know who've had an abortion did it out of 'convenience' and were realy happy about it.....:cuckoo:

The problem with most righties and neocon whackjobs on this subject is they take an extreme example and make it the norm. Head's up Sparkie, most abortions are done in the first trimester, and I'm pretty sure most of the women having them are not over the moon about the procedure....

Actually, there's no evidence that "most" abortions are done in teh first trimester, since there are no accurate stats.

Nice try, but talk about vaccuous.

I know this is a bit dated but since it's FOX you might be more apt to believe it.

FOXNews.com - Fast Facts: U.S. Abortion Statistics - U.S. & World

Thanks, I get my numbers and disclaimers from the CDC, Planned Parenthood and the Guttmacher Institute. They all admit they don't know what the numbers are.
if a baby is unwanted the mother should be able to get an abortion - thats the ONLY argument i am making
Why not just throw it in a dumpster?

What's the difference?

I sure wish that Neo-Cons had just a tiny bit of the concern for children after they were born as they do fetuses. Just a little bit of redirected energy would make a HUGE difference in the lives of children, wouldn't it?


Hi, you have received -255 reputation points from AllieBaba.
Reputation was given for this post.

False premise, ad hominem, red herring.


Well, it's easy to see who proves my point and who has no regard for children.

Why don't you care about children after they are born, AllieBaba?

WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks, I get my numbers and disclaimers from the CDC, Planned Parenthood and the Guttmacher Institute. They all admit they don't know what the numbers are.

Oh....so FOX news just simply "made it up".

Admit it...I handed your ass to you with your LIE that there are no statistics.

Sorry to inform you, but people CANNOT make life and death decisions based on convenience in this society . . .

Yeah, because, you know, the three women who I know who've had an abortion did it out of 'convenience' and were realy happy about it.....:cuckoo:

The problem with most righties and neocon whackjobs on this subject is they take an extreme example and make it the norm. Head's up Sparkie, most abortions are done in the first trimester, and I'm pretty sure most of the women having them are not over the moon about the procedure....

Heads up Grumpy, but it is obvious that the left wing crazies take the 1% of abortions (an extreme example by and of itself) and attempt to make it the norm for all abortions. 93% of all abortions are, according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, undergone for the sake of convenience. That doesn't make it or the choice easy ones to make, but it does mean that the reasons for the vast majority of abortions are for the convenience of the mother.


What you call convenience, and what actually IS convenience are two different things. I have seen the whackjobs (not that you are one Immie) on here talk about lots of women 'they know' fucking like troopers and getting abortions every other month because they can't be bothered with contraception. Yeah, because you know, that is the norm, right? Although it is convenient.

Your 'idea' of convenience and no doubt covered in '93 percent' analogy includes those women who have got knocked up when they are not prepared for, or do not want, or have the means, to have a child. It might fit your little scenario of what morality is, but I would hardly call it convenient.

People like to have sex for fun when they reach puberty. Deal with it. Now if only we could convince the right-wing whackjobs, and their peanut gallery religious retards that this is the case. How about we deal with the reality of the situation vis-a-vis sex education instead of this unattainable Utopia where Mary and Bob meet at 21, court for a couple of years, get married at 24, THEN have sex. Once we get rid of that fairytale, maybe we'll see a drop in the abortion rate...
Sorry to inform you, but people CANNOT make life and death decisions based on convenience in this society . . .

Yeah, because, you know, the three women who I know who've had an abortion did it out of 'convenience' and were realy happy about it.....:cuckoo:

The problem with most righties and neocon whackjobs on this subject is they take an extreme example and make it the norm. Head's up Sparkie, most abortions are done in the first trimester, and I'm pretty sure most of the women having them are not over the moon about the procedure....

Actually, there's no evidence that "most" abortions are done in teh first trimester, since there are no accurate stats.

Nice try, but talk about vaccuous.

Well, I can speak for Australia. I'm very confident it's the same in the US

Abortion | Better Health Channel
Yeah, because, you know, the three women who I know who've had an abortion did it out of 'convenience' and were realy happy about it.....:cuckoo:

The problem with most righties and neocon whackjobs on this subject is they take an extreme example and make it the norm. Head's up Sparkie, most abortions are done in the first trimester, and I'm pretty sure most of the women having them are not over the moon about the procedure....

Heads up Grumpy, but it is obvious that the left wing crazies take the 1% of abortions (an extreme example by and of itself) and attempt to make it the norm for all abortions. 93% of all abortions are, according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, undergone for the sake of convenience. That doesn't make it or the choice easy ones to make, but it does mean that the reasons for the vast majority of abortions are for the convenience of the mother.


What you call convenience, and what actually IS convenience are two different things. I have seen the whackjobs (not that you are one Immie) on here talk about lots of women 'they know' fucking like troopers and getting abortions every other month because they can't be bothered with contraception. Yeah, because you know, that is the norm, right? Although it is convenient.

Your 'idea' of convenience and no doubt covered in '93 percent' analogy includes those women who have got knocked up when they are not prepared for, or do not want, or have the means, to have a child. It might fit your little scenario of what morality is, but I would hardly call it convenient.

People like to have sex for fun when they reach puberty. Deal with it. Now if only we could convince the right-wing whackjobs, and their peanut gallery religious retards that this is the case. How about we deal with the reality of the situation vis-a-vis sex education instead of this unattainable Utopia where Mary and Bob meet at 21, court for a couple of years, get married at 24, THEN have sex. Once we get rid of that fairytale, maybe we'll see a drop in the abortion rate...

Convenience is convenience. Remember it takes two to Tango.

That doesn't mean the decision is an easy one to make.

You can find the link to the AGI report if you search my posts and keyword "Alan"

As for Sex Ed... well for you to try to hit me with that, you obviously did not read the beginning posts in this thread or the one that took the reverse angle. I'm not opposed to sex ed.

Yeah, because, you know, the three women who I know who've had an abortion did it out of 'convenience' and were realy happy about it.....:cuckoo:

The problem with most righties and neocon whackjobs on this subject is they take an extreme example and make it the norm. Head's up Sparkie, most abortions are done in the first trimester, and I'm pretty sure most of the women having them are not over the moon about the procedure....

Actually, there's no evidence that "most" abortions are done in teh first trimester, since there are no accurate stats.

Nice try, but talk about vaccuous.

Well, I can speak for Australia. I'm very confident it's the same in the US

Abortion | Better Health Channel

I think AllieBaba tucked tail and ran after we exposed her LIE that no statistics are available.

Convenience is convenience. Remember it takes two to Tango.

That doesn't mean the decision is an easy one to make.

You can find the link to the AGI report if you search my posts and keyword "Alan"

As for Sex Ed... well for you to try to hit me with that, you obviously did not read the beginning posts in this thread or the one that took the reverse angle. I'm not opposed to sex ed.


I think using the word convenience by the anti-abortion crowd is done so to elicit an emotional response. The word gives off the impression of ‘ease’ and ‘comfort’ – neither of which is the case for those having the procedure.

The sex ed wasn't aimed at you per se, just a generic observation...
My take on this is I can respect most any POV as long as it is consistent. However, when looking at the pro-life position I just don't see that consistency.

If someone is against abortion because they consider it murder and they believe they have a morale responsibility to protect life, than that should continue on after the birth. I haven't noticed the unified proposals from pro-lifers demonstrating the morale responsibility for that life after it has been "saved".

I don't know the abortion statistics but I doubt the majority of abortions are a result of women just not wanting to endure child birth. More than likely, abortions are largely attributed to some form of apprehension about what to do after the birth. So for someone to label themselves pro-life and have little to no concept for how to continue the moral responsibility of this life after birth, seems very inconsistent.
Actually, there's no evidence that "most" abortions are done in teh first trimester, since there are no accurate stats.

Nice try, but talk about vaccuous.

Well, I can speak for Australia. I'm very confident it's the same in the US

Abortion | Better Health Channel

I think AllieBaba tucked tail and ran after we exposed her LIE that no statistics are available.


I am unsure as to how much dealings you have had with Allie, but I'll give you a head's up. Allie has a certain set of principles in which she refuses to entertainment any opposing view, or that that opposing view has any credibility. She is the proverbial ostrich with its head stuck in the sand. If you could prove to her - unequivically - that the sky is blue, if she doesn't believe it, she doesnt' believe it. Nothing you can do about it.....
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Convenience is convenience. Remember it takes two to Tango.

That doesn't mean the decision is an easy one to make.

You can find the link to the AGI report if you search my posts and keyword "Alan"

As for Sex Ed... well for you to try to hit me with that, you obviously did not read the beginning posts in this thread or the one that took the reverse angle. I'm not opposed to sex ed.


I think using the word convenience by the anti-abortion crowd is done so to elicit an emotional response. The word gives off the impression of ‘ease’ and ‘comfort’ – neither of which is the case for those having the procedure.

The sex ed wasn't aimed at you per se, just a generic observation...

And your point is? Don't you think the pro-choice crowd use emotional pleas as well? "It is a woman's right..." That is an emotional plea. Claiming that a human offspring is not human is an emotional plea as well.

Abortion is an emotional issue. Both sides use emotion to win points and takes points away from the other. As long as we continue to fight over this issue, there will be emotion involved in our arguments. There is no way around that from either side.


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