Why Can't The So-Called Pro-Life Crowd Be Honest?

Responding in a way you dont like is considered a meltdown? Gosh, the things I learn here.
You know the old saying...eyeball, plank, splinter.

No...the huge tantrums you throw when things don't go your way are considered meltdowns. You know...the ones you use to try and shut down discussions you don't like ( ie free speech..abortion etc). Those. I'm sure we will be seeing plenty more of them in the future from you too :eusa_liar::lol:

As the posters here seems to favor....link please of where I tried to shut down any discussion I dont like, or it didnt happen and youre a big fat liar, neener neener nanny booboo.

Sure....Sure. I can sure see why too. Whatever you say...wacko. :cuckoo::lol::lol:
Because if they were they would admit that they are in favor of government control over American citizens private decisions. THEY are the real enemies of liberty and freedom.

Because unless you are the woman, her doctor or her God you need to stay the fuck out of her business.

A woman does not have the right to murder a child, period. Also, what about the father of the baby? If my girlfriend or wife had an abortion with or without my knowing about it I would be very angry. A woman does not have sole right to murder that child, period.
Since when is taking the life of someone else a private decision?

I suppose we should decriminalize murder. After all, the government is punishing a person for their own private decision.

Of course, I don't expect you to actually recognize the inherent flaws of your argument. But perhaps someone who is reading will and will see how illogical your position is.
If you want to extend the meaning of murder to the abortion of a non-viable fetus, shouldn't we then refer to the purging of freezer space at a in vitro fertilization clinic as mass murder?

One silly rationalization deserves another.
Asshole, that non-viable fetus as you call it is actually a life.
You're absolutely correct: no one SHOULD pay any attention to you . . . unless they happen to be getting $200 an hour or more to listen to your endless kvetching.

Wanna count how many responses are in this thread from you vs mine?
What were you saying again about my endless kvetching? Hello?


Nah. Im no twit any more than you are. We just cant talk about certain subjects, you and I.
Have a friend on another board that I bonked heads with. Often. Took a few years for us to realize we had much in common, actually liked each other, but just could NOT discuss religion. She kept bonking me in the head with her bible and I kept smacking her in the face with my broom:lol:.
Im not saying I like ya, mind you. Or you me. Im just saying...I aint writing you off because this particular discussion is like oil and water. It wont mix.
Just sayin'. My opinion only.
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Most people in this country really don't give two shakes about it. Most would rather the issue went away in its entirety. They are sick of discussing it.

I'm sure it is no different in Europe or Australia. Everyone has an opinion on it, but most are not willing to fight over it.

I've never been to NZ or Australia but I've lived in Europe. They do not have the problems with extremists that we have here and it's pretty much a non issue during elections.

More abortions than births.

And they do have problems with extremists...just not anti-abortion extremists. Tho now that they've been taken over by Islam I imagine that will change.

Or maybe not. Islam has never concerned itself with women and children.

At least bone up on places before talking about them. At least that way you won't look more stupid as you usually do..
Because if they were they would admit that they are in favor of government control over American citizens private decisions. THEY are the real enemies of liberty and freedom.

Because unless you are the woman, her doctor or her God you need to stay the fuck out of her business.

A woman does not have the right to murder a child, period. Also, what about the father of the baby? If my girlfriend or wife had an abortion with or without my knowing about it I would be very angry. A woman does not have sole right to murder that child, period.

It's not murder you retard....
Democrat Ghouls have slaughtered 47 million unborn humans since 1972 now they want the working class to pay for it.

Democrats are scum

no republican has ever had an abortion, troll?

Well we certainly didn't vote them into legality.

Everyone will get them as long as they are legal and being pushed to the masses. Particularly the black masses, as they are the primary focal group and the people who get the most abortions.

Sort of makes you think. Why is it so important that black women abort?
Because if they were they would admit that they are in favor of government control over American citizens private decisions. THEY are the real enemies of liberty and freedom.

Because unless you are the woman, her doctor or her God you need to stay the fuck out of her business.

A woman does not have the right to murder a child, period. Also, what about the father of the baby? If my girlfriend or wife had an abortion with or without my knowing about it I would be very angry. A woman does not have sole right to murder that child, period.

It's not murder you retard....

Yeah, nazis killed people legally, too.

But when heads cleared and the mess was cleaned up, people realized, yeah, it is murder after all. Circumstances don't change the basic nature of it.
A woman does not have the right to murder a child, period. Also, what about the father of the baby? If my girlfriend or wife had an abortion with or without my knowing about it I would be very angry. A woman does not have sole right to murder that child, period.

It's not murder you retard....

Yeah, nazis killed people legally, too.

But when heads cleared and the mess was cleaned up, people realized, yeah, it is murder after all. Circumstances don't change the basic nature of it.

Yeah, let's compare the deaths of Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals and Blacks to 6-8 week old foetus's.....that really helps your argument..:cuckoo:
Well since Sanger was tight with the Nazi party, and since she, like most of the rabid pro-abortionists, believed in forced sterilizations, involuntary abortions, and all the other tenets of eugenics, I think it does help my argument. I also think it's important to continue to point it out so people don't forget the sort of people they're pulling with.
The Catholic Church is a perfect example of how pro-lifers care for the baby and the mother after the birth. They counsel and protest to get girls to stop...then they give them support - housing, money, clothing, support...everything needed to support the decision.

And that's just one example. Again, I'm not pro-life for religious reasons, but you can't argue that pro-lifers dont support the baby after the birth. That's just not borne out by fact.

Now this I would like to find out more about. If this is indeed what the Catholic Church promotes, I can at least respect the consistency of that position. If there was some unified proposal along these lines that self-proclaimed pro lifers widely espoused, I could respect that.

I would definitely like to see how far this goes and how diverse this proposal is. Does it extend only to catholic females or does the church offer this for ALL females, with no discrimination?

Also, to anyone that keeps saying pro choice means people don't care what happens to babies period, think about something. We are ALL legally required to be pro choice since the law says a women has the right to have an abortion if she chooses. I don't personally know anyone who encourages women to get pregnant so they can have abortions or that likes abortions. The morale responsibility for us ALL is to offer as many alternatives to unwanted pregnancies as possible including prevention.

Like it or not a woman has been ABLE to choose what she wants to do with her body and ANY part of it, long before Roe v Wade made it legal. The law can't stop abortion no more than it can stop drug use, suicide or self mutilation. To ignore that FACT and continue to argue about criminalizing abortions instead of coming together for better alternatives to abortion, is very morale irresponsible.

The Catholic Church is the number one private provider of charitable services in any community you look at. The welfare system routinely refers its clients to the Catholic Church and its charities for services it cannot provide. It takes very little research to find this out.

It may take little research to find out that the catholic church is charitable but it would take considerable research to find how far their proposals for taking care of babies after birth, actually go.

If one is going to proclaim being pro life they should be prepared to present a working proposal for abortion alternatives. I repeat, "Like it or not a woman has been ABLE to choose what she wants to do with her body and ANY part of it, long before Roe v Wade made it legal. The law can't stop abortion no more than it can stop drug use, suicide or self mutilation. To ignore that FACT and continue to argue about criminalizing abortions instead of coming together for better alternatives to abortion, is very morale irresponsible."
They do, and I provided a whole shitload of links of organizations that help women dealing with an unexpected pregnancy, including medical care, adoption assistance, housing, you name it.

Before you traipse along proclaiming there are no alternatives to abortion, and particularly no alternatives that are funded by pro-lifers, you might want to research the topic a little.
Well since Sanger was tight with the Nazi party, and since she, like most of the rabid pro-abortionists, believed in forced sterilizations, involuntary abortions, and all the other tenets of eugenics, I think it does help my argument. I also think it's important to continue to point it out so people don't forget the sort of people they're pulling with.

Ok, you bring up Sanger and I'll bring up Scott Roeder (although you probably think he's a hero)............
Did he found the pro-life movement?

Nope, he didn't.

Besides which, completely pathetic. A single wacko working on his own. You don't see pro lifers holding him up as a figure to admire; you don't see us supporting his methodology.

I do see people supporting Sanger's creed of eugenics, though. In this thread.
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They do, and I provided a whole shitload of links of organizations that help women dealing with an unexpected pregnancy, including medical care, adoption assistance, housing, you name it.

Great, direct me to those links.

Before you traipse along proclaiming there are no alternatives to abortion, and particularly no alternatives that are funded by pro-lifers, you might want to research the topic a little.

LOL. Now here you go taking my post and twisted it to say something it doesn't. I repeat again "Like it or not a woman has been ABLE to choose what she wants to do with her body and ANY part of it, long before Roe v Wade made it legal. The law can't stop abortion no more than it can stop drug use, suicide or self mutilation. To ignore that FACT and continue to argue about criminalizing abortions instead of coming together for better alternatives to abortion, is very morale irresponsible."

Spending time discussing the morale superiority of being pro life or pro choice does nothing to help prevent abortion and trying to criminalize abortion does little. People have been doing what they want to do with and/to their bodies and any part of it, FOREVER. So ALL the focus should be on abortion alternatives to find a way to hopefully eliminate the perceived and/or actual need for a woman to have an abortion.
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They do, and I provided a whole shitload of links of organizations that help women dealing with an unexpected pregnancy, including medical care, adoption assistance, housing, you name it.

Great, direct me to those links.

Before you traipse along proclaiming there are no alternatives to abortion, and particularly no alternatives that are funded by pro-lifers, you might want to research the topic a little.

LOL. Now here you go taking my post and twisted it to say something it doesn't. I repeat again "Like it or not a woman has been ABLE to choose what she wants to do with her body and ANY part of it, long before Roe v Wade made it legal. The law can't stop abortion no more than it can stop drug use, suicide or self mutilation. To ignore that FACT and continue to argue about criminalizing abortions instead of coming together for better alternatives to abortion, is very morale irresponsible."

Spending time discussing the morale superiority of being pro life or pro choice does nothing to help prevent abortion and trying to criminalize abortion does little. People have been doing what they want to do with and/to their bodies and any part of it, FOREVER. So ALL the focus should be on abortion alternatives to find a way to hopefully eliminate the perceived and/or actual need for a woman to have an abortion.

If they've been doing what they want, they don't need a law making it legal.

I already posted the links. Read the thread.

BTW, the pro-abortion movement continues to try to pass bills that will keep complete knowledge from being provided to women who are seeking abortions. They don't want women to know that there are options, and fight desperately to keep information about those options out of family planning clinics. They also want health centers, privately funded by pro-life advocates, to be shut down so that option is gone.

Additionally, they fight to keep information away from women seeking abortions. They don't want those women to know that women who have abortions are at a higher (much higher) risk for suicide; they don't want those women to know what the fetus looks like; they don't want those women to be educated about the nervous system of the unborn.

Knowledge isn't power to these people. Ignorance is power, and power is money. Huge amounts of money made off the corpses of babies and the men they protect when they refuse to act as mandatory reporters.

As I said, read the thread. Or research it on your own.
Now this I would like to find out more about. If this is indeed what the Catholic Church promotes, I can at least respect the consistency of that position. If there was some unified proposal along these lines that self-proclaimed pro lifers widely espoused, I could respect that.

I would definitely like to see how far this goes and how diverse this proposal is. Does it extend only to catholic females or does the church offer this for ALL females, with no discrimination?

Also, to anyone that keeps saying pro choice means people don't care what happens to babies period, think about something. We are ALL legally required to be pro choice since the law says a women has the right to have an abortion if she chooses. I don't personally know anyone who encourages women to get pregnant so they can have abortions or that likes abortions. The morale responsibility for us ALL is to offer as many alternatives to unwanted pregnancies as possible including prevention.

Like it or not a woman has been ABLE to choose what she wants to do with her body and ANY part of it, long before Roe v Wade made it legal. The law can't stop abortion no more than it can stop drug use, suicide or self mutilation. To ignore that FACT and continue to argue about criminalizing abortions instead of coming together for better alternatives to abortion, is very morale irresponsible.

The Catholic Church is the number one private provider of charitable services in any community you look at. The welfare system routinely refers its clients to the Catholic Church and its charities for services it cannot provide. It takes very little research to find this out.

It may take little research to find out that the catholic church is charitable but it would take considerable research to find how far their proposals for taking care of babies after birth, actually go.

Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities CYO
Catholic Charities Calls for Increased Support of Mothers in Need

That took me five minutes even with my husband carrying on a conversation with me. This is just the first page. The Internet is NOT just for porn . . . or shooting your mouth off in total ignorance.

If one is going to proclaim being pro life they should be prepared to present a working proposal for abortion alternatives. I repeat, "Like it or not a woman has been ABLE to choose what she wants to do with her body and ANY part of it, long before Roe v Wade made it legal. The law can't stop abortion no more than it can stop drug use, suicide or self mutilation. To ignore that FACT and continue to argue about criminalizing abortions instead of coming together for better alternatives to abortion, is very morale irresponsible."

If one is going to accuse pro-lifers of not providing abortion alternatives and assistance, they should be able to back their words up with information. I repeat, "No one is talking about the WOMAN'S body. The fact that some people will continue to do bad things despite the law does NOT argue in favor of having no laws."

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