Why Cant the USA Balance its Budget?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
A great number of states, and a huge number of countries like Canada manage to balance their budgets.

Why cant the USA?

Is it because we have a moron for a President and too many ass kissers in charge of Congress?

Could it be that no one in elected office gives a shit about our country any more but only about how fast they can dish out the pork?

We are heading into a train wreck. The DC elites refuse to reform and will have to be thrown out by force, it looks like, or the debt will become unmanageable and the whole federal budget blows up, making the US dollar worthless.

Does no American care about our country any more?

Why do we let this destruction of our nation continue?

We are letting the government run bigger deficits than we have seen since the end of WW2, and people want to just pretend it's all business as usual?

Visual aids to the problem.



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Presidency and Congress is the period special elite families in the US can pillage the nation. Hasn't been about the people in my lifetime.
As the charts show, we have NEVER had a budget surplus since WW2.

WHY is that true?

We have been letting the thieves run the government so long that we think deficits are normal.

They are not, like any other debt that can destroy any budget, when we are talking about the destruction of the US budget, we are talking about destroying the US dollar and all our savings are in US dollars.

So if the purchasing power of the US dollar goes down 50% the purchasing power of our savings and salaries also goes down 50%. If the US dollar goes down 99.99999% or is just dropped as a currency, what then happens to our savings, our individual wealth?

People, wake the fuck up and see what is happening right under our damned noses.
Because we provide all of our allies with free military protection, of which we get nothing but grief from.
We pay the lion share of the United Nations costs, of which we get nothing but grief from.
We provide $billions to foreign dictators, kingdoms and despots to keep them in luxury, of which we get nothing but grief from.
We are the worlds bank account.
Because we provide all of our allies with free military protection, of which we get nothing but grief from.
We pay the lion share of the United Nations costs, of which we get nothing but grief from.
We provide $billions to foreign dictators, kingdoms and despots to keep them in luxury, of which we get nothing but grief from.
We are the worlds bank account.

While I agree with your sentiments, the foreign affairs budget is only 1% of the total and the military budget would contract some if we closed all of our over-seas bases, but not all that much.

Take a look at the charts I provided and see where most of the pork is hidden, and where it is going to grow exponentially as Baby Boomers age and retire.

I suspect the destruction of the US dollar is intended to escape the budget deficit math, but that is a very dangerous thing to do.
The Baby Boomer generation naively helped to set up the overshadowing power of the federal government all in the name of noble crusades, wars against this or that or everything.

Now they face the reward of their efforts, a government that appears to intend to defraud them of their wealth, their retirement, their freedom and their lives, parked in unwatched homes for the childless unwanted aged folks who bought all that bullshit.

Karma is a bitch.
As the charts show, we have NEVER had a budget surplus since WW2.

WHY is that true?

We have been letting the thieves run the government so long that we think deficits are normal.

They are not, like any other debt that can destroy any budget, when we are talking about the destruction of the US budget, we are talking about destroying the US dollar and all our savings are in US dollars.

So if the purchasing power of the US dollar goes down 50% the purchasing power of our savings and salaries also goes down 50%. If the US dollar goes down 99.99999% or is just dropped as a currency, what then happens to our savings, our individual wealth?

People, wake the fuck up and see what is happening right under our damned noses.

Jim, if YOU were one of our (Americas) ultra wealthy plutocrats, would you still see our government as a problem? Or would you be grateful to our government for overseeing the greatest increase in net wealth and income for the ultra wealthy since the late 1920ties?

All of our angst is not felt by our plutocrats. Why should they be worried? They have millions in gold, millions in US dollars, real estate all over the world. I mean, you gotta have a populist to effect change for the little guys. We don't have any populists.

We live in a plutocracy.
As the charts show, we have NEVER had a budget surplus since WW2.

WHY is that true?

We have been letting the thieves run the government so long that we think deficits are normal.

They are not, like any other debt that can destroy any budget, when we are talking about the destruction of the US budget, we are talking about destroying the US dollar and all our savings are in US dollars.

So if the purchasing power of the US dollar goes down 50% the purchasing power of our savings and salaries also goes down 50%. If the US dollar goes down 99.99999% or is just dropped as a currency, what then happens to our savings, our individual wealth?

People, wake the fuck up and see what is happening right under our damned noses.

Jim, if YOU were one of our (Americas) ultra wealthy plutocrats, would you still see our government as a problem? Or would you be grateful to our government for overseeing the greatest increase in net wealth and income for the ultra wealthy since the late 1920ties?

All of our angst is not felt by our plutocrats. Why should they be worried? They have millions in gold, millions in US dollars, real estate all over the world. I mean, you gotta have a populist to effect change for the little guys. We don't have any populists.

We live in a plutocracy.

And the Founding Fathers feared that, and which is why we have a democratic process whereby most of our most important officials are elected.

This is all on us for being complete fools and trusting the thieves that run our national parties..
This thread belongs in the conspiracy theory, for truly, it is too late for this generation to see the truth. At this late stage in the game, nothing can, or will be done. If you REALLY want to know what is happening, and how we got here, this is the most important article you will ever read. (Assuming you don't have one wallop of a case of cognitive dissonance.) It will explain precisely how we got to the present condition, what needs to be done to get out of it, and why it can't possibly be done.

Here's just the conclusion. It's a very long, thoroughly researched and shocking piece with statistics going back into the Google archives. (Some of which the establishment has tried to erase from collective memory apparently.)

Why deficits stopped mattering : Magic or Conspiracy ?


A common mistake in reaction to all the fraud going on is thinking that it is motivated by profits (ie: greed on Wall Street). This is equivalent of looking at how handsomely Madoff's auditors profited from the Ponzi scheme and concluding that the whole thing was motivated by their greed. Of course, this is wrong. The Ponzi scheme was motivated by Madoff's desperation to avoid going to jail for the rest of his life, and the auditors were simply being bribed. This is what is happening today.

While hundreds of people on Wall Street, in the media, and elsewhere are profiting for their roles in deceiving Americans and the world, this profiting should be regarded as "bribes" for participating in the government's own massive fraud. The underlying reason for everything is the government's desire to prevent inflation (which its deficits should be causing).

"Greedy bankers" aren't corrupting Washington. Washington is corrupting (bribing) "greedy bankers". This anonymous comment from the web sums up the situation nicely.

The system is corrupted and corrupting. It is not reasonable, let alone realistic, to expect saints or martyrs, so to speak, to materialize in sufficient numbers to turn the tide. The system itself is so degenerate, so perverted, top to bottom, that it will never reform itself willingly or voluntarily, especially if the money holds up tolerably well. There is far too much in the way of vested interests, both material and psychological, for the system to face the truth (assuming it even could) and act accordingly. Lies beget more lies, and fraud begets more fraud. The system, I'm afraid, has gone past the point of no return. It must keep the game going at all costs…


All ponzi schemes eventually collapse under their own weight once they reach maximum damage. For example, Madoff's fraud ended by itself when he finally ran out of money. Efforts to "stabilize the dollar" have reached this point.


This is critical to realize. The ESF's "dollar stabilization" is the same type of fraud as Madoff's ponzi scheme ("delay the day of reckoning"-type) and it will end the same way. There will be a day where the ESF finally "gives up". The markets will freeze (a big "bank holiday"), and, once people understand what is going on, the dollar will be worthless.

By the time a Ponzi scheme is "officially confirmed", it is too late to do anything about it.

About The Fallout

James B. Thomson offers a good explanation about System Stability which gives an idea of what must happen when deficits start mattering again…

… the absence of small earthquakes along a fault line … allows stress to build up and thereby increases the probability that a major quake eventually will occur. Small quakes, like self-correcting market forces, relieve the pressures that accumulate over time. Suppression of these forces through regulatory interference allows the pressure to rise and increases THE MAGNITUDE AND VIOLENCE OF THE RESULTING ADJUSTMENT. …

The US has been suppressed "self-correcting market forces" for decades, with the hidden damage of each federal deficits slowly accumulating. The magnitude and violence of the adjustment back to reality will be a thing of legend…

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As the charts show, we have NEVER had a budget surplus since WW2.

WHY is that true?

We have been letting the thieves run the government so long that we think deficits are normal.

They are not, like any other debt that can destroy any budget, when we are talking about the destruction of the US budget, we are talking about destroying the US dollar and all our savings are in US dollars.

So if the purchasing power of the US dollar goes down 50% the purchasing power of our savings and salaries also goes down 50%. If the US dollar goes down 99.99999% or is just dropped as a currency, what then happens to our savings, our individual wealth?

People, wake the fuck up and see what is happening right under our damned noses.

Jim, if YOU were one of our (Americas) ultra wealthy plutocrats, would you still see our government as a problem? Or would you be grateful to our government for overseeing the greatest increase in net wealth and income for the ultra wealthy since the late 1920ties?

All of our angst is not felt by our plutocrats. Why should they be worried? They have millions in gold, millions in US dollars, real estate all over the world. I mean, you gotta have a populist to effect change for the little guys. We don't have any populists.

We live in a plutocracy.

And the Founding Fathers feared that, and which is why we have a democratic process whereby most of our most important officials are elected.

This is all on us for being complete fools and trusting the thieves that run our national parties..

Can't disagree there. It is "on" us. However, we have been purposefully mislead by people who are extremely motivated and well paid to sell us the divisions that cause us to be blind to what is actually happening.

It's like when my Congressman went to Washington. He came from Dayton, Ohio and was not a particularly well to do man before he went to Washington. Former Mayor.

Now he runs in a gerrymandered district that is sure to keep voting him in till he decides to retire and he is a multi millionaire.

He works for the plutocrats and sells his district a line of bullshit about how he is TRYING to help us citizens here in Dayton. It's just that he just can't DO anything about anything. You know those mean ole Demorats.

Except make money for himself. He seems to be doing that just fine.

When we went from a manufacturing nation whose wealth was built on building things, a populist had a chance. We needed labor and labor was powerful. Now that we are a nation who builds wealth on money and the markets, a populist doesn't have a chance. How many people you need to push a button and execute a computer trade? Not many.

Nah we are and have been screwed by those we elected and those they work for.
Because we provide all of our allies with free military protection, of which we get nothing but grief from.
We pay the lion share of the United Nations costs, of which we get nothing but grief from.
We provide $billions to foreign dictators, kingdoms and despots to keep them in luxury, of which we get nothing but grief from.
We are the worlds bank account.

While I agree with your sentiments, the foreign affairs budget is only 1% of the total and the military budget would contract some if we closed all of our over-seas bases, but not all that much.

Take a look at the charts I provided and see where most of the pork is hidden, and where it is going to grow exponentially as Baby Boomers age and retire.

I suspect the destruction of the US dollar is intended to escape the budget deficit math, but that is a very dangerous thing to do.

Military is 20% of the budget, of that, at least half is the resources it takes to operate such a huge-modern force to protect our allies. Add the 1%, and you have maybe 11% of the budget is to protect our allies and gifts for despots.
Add another few $trillion to bankroll the markets...and there you go.
My step-father was a rough man. Grew up during the depression and his dad had abandoned his family, leaving my step-dad to care and provide for his crippled mother at the young age of 14 years old.

He walked from ranch to ranch doing odd jobs to get them some cash and grew a pretty large vegetable garden mostly of black eyed peas and okra.

He volunteered to serve in the army when WW2 started and earned medals for valor. He remained in Germany for a couple of years and when he came back to the states they came in through Washington DC. He stopped at this Congressman's office and he got to meet the congressman without an appointment. He later went to both of his senators offices and they saw him personally as well.

He often told me that story as it was the proudest day of his life.

Back then Congressmen were more accessible and people felt more like they were their friends, serving them in DC, for the folks back home.

That was 60 years ago and the contrast with today makes me feel nauseous.

How did we let Congress be taken over by such lying thieves and scum?

It is a long story, but WE LET IT HAPPEN.

DC represents corporations now, not the people.

In the days of kings, their rule was justified by the theory of Divine Right of Kings, that they were personally appointed by God to rule. We rebelled from such a notion and said that the consent of the people is the only legitimate source for selecting our leaders, not rulers.

The US government is no longer representing the People of the US, and has therefore lost its moral legitimacy.

But this corporate oligarchy has no concern with theories, as the majority of us don't really care that much. Just give us more sports and entertainment and things are just fine...for now, while things are good.

But that wind is shifting, coming from a colder region that suggests hard times are coming and few see the government in DC with the same optimism and personal connection that my step-father did.

Now some libtard will chime in saying that my post is just nuts. Every dictatorship needs its capos to stuff more into the ovens for that extra slice of potato.
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[snide reply - NOT a personal attack]

Why can't - cannot some people properly use contractions? :eek:

In an age of "Y u b h8n?", 'cant' vrs 'can't' is rather trivial on message boards, methinks.

Were I publishing an article you wouldn't see that, though that crap gets into formally published articles all the time.
My step-father was a rough man. Grew up during the depression and his dad had abandoned his family, leaving my step-dad to care and provide for his crippled mother at the young age of 14 years old.

He walked from ranch to ranch doing odd jobs to get them some cash and grew a pretty large vegetable garden mostly of black eyed peas and okra.

He volunteered to serve in the army when WW2 started and earned medals for valor. He remained in Germany for a couple of years and when he came back to the states they came in through Washington DC. He stopped at this Congressman's office and he got to meet the congressman without an appointment. He later went to both of his senators offices and they saw him personally as well.

He often told me that story as it was the proudest day of his life.

Back then Congressmen were more accessible and people felt more like they were their friends, serving them in DC, for the folks back home.

That was 60 years ago and the contrast with today makes me feel nauseous.

How did we let Congress be taken over by such lying thieves and scum?

It is a long story, but WE LET IT HAPPEN.

DC represents corporations now, not the people.

In the days of kings, their rule was justified by the theory of Divine Right of Kings, that they were personally appointed by God to rule. We rebelled from such a notion and said that the consent of the people is the only legitimate source for selecting our leaders, not rulers.

The US government is no longer representing the People of the US, and has therefore lost its moral legitimacy.

But this corporate oligarchy has no concern with theories, as the majority of us don't really care that much. Just give us more sports and entertainment and things are just fine...for now, while things are good.

But that wind is shifting, coming from a colder region that suggests hard times are coming and few see the government in DC with the same optimism and personal connection that my step-father did.

Now some libtard will chime in saying that my post is just nuts. Every dictatorship needs its capos to stuff more into the ovens for that extra slice of potato.
There you go again, trashing liberals on a liberal issue. Protesting the corporate oligarchy is a liberal thing. The OWS movement was not a bunch of conservatives, although there were definitely some in the crowd. The "bagger nation", on the other hand, were corporate shills doing the bidding for the major oligarchs and they were conservative.

Now if we can knock off this "us and them" BS and talk about this issue we are both on the same side on, then a solution can be possible. The reality is, "Us and Them" was just a song on a Pink Floyd album, but on this subject, there is no "them", it's just "us".

My solution is to vote out all incumbent's until we get the government we want. It doesn't matter which side of the aisle they're on, if their voting record shows their loyalty to the super PAC's, they gotta go!

Republicans and democrats are just flip sides of the same coin and they both answer to the same class of people and that ain't us.
My step-father was a rough man. Grew up during the depression and his dad had abandoned his family, leaving my step-dad to care and provide for his crippled mother at the young age of 14 years old.

He walked from ranch to ranch doing odd jobs to get them some cash and grew a pretty large vegetable garden mostly of black eyed peas and okra.

He volunteered to serve in the army when WW2 started and earned medals for valor. He remained in Germany for a couple of years and when he came back to the states they came in through Washington DC. He stopped at this Congressman's office and he got to meet the congressman without an appointment. He later went to both of his senators offices and they saw him personally as well.

He often told me that story as it was the proudest day of his life.

Back then Congressmen were more accessible and people felt more like they were their friends, serving them in DC, for the folks back home.

That was 60 years ago and the contrast with today makes me feel nauseous.

How did we let Congress be taken over by such lying thieves and scum?

It is a long story, but WE LET IT HAPPEN.

DC represents corporations now, not the people.

In the days of kings, their rule was justified by the theory of Divine Right of Kings, that they were personally appointed by God to rule. We rebelled from such a notion and said that the consent of the people is the only legitimate source for selecting our leaders, not rulers.

The US government is no longer representing the People of the US, and has therefore lost its moral legitimacy.

But this corporate oligarchy has no concern with theories, as the majority of us don't really care that much. Just give us more sports and entertainment and things are just fine...for now, while things are good.

But that wind is shifting, coming from a colder region that suggests hard times are coming and few see the government in DC with the same optimism and personal connection that my step-father did.

Now some libtard will chime in saying that my post is just nuts. Every dictatorship needs its capos to stuff more into the ovens for that extra slice of potato.
There you go again, trashing liberals on a liberal issue.

What the hell makes the destruction of our Republic a liberal issue? Did you guys buy the copyright on it or something? lol

Protesting the corporate oligarchy is a liberal thing.

It has been but that is going to change. The super rich and their international corporations are destroying our Republic and the nation. That is also a conservative 'thing'.

The OWS movement was not a bunch of conservatives, although there were definitely some in the crowd.

OWS was an interesting movement until the idiots, criminals and Jacobins turned into a circus act.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMSGvySV16o]Occupy Wall Street, We're All Idiots - @OpieRadio - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ciO741aOoc]Female Hippie Joins Occupy Wall Street Movement To Protest Against Cops Ignoring Her - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSu1MVmKalM]Occupy Wall Street Idiots - YouTube[/ame]

The "bagger nation", on the other hand, were corporate shills doing the bidding for the major oligarchs and they were conservative.

Not true by a long shot. The GOP corporate elites are trying to purge the Tea Party from the GOP.

Now if we can knock off this "us and them" BS and talk about this issue we are both on the same side on, then a solution can be possible. The reality is, "Us and Them" was just a song on a Pink Floyd album, but on this subject, there is no "them", it's just "us".


My solution is to vote out all incumbent's until we get the government we want. It doesn't matter which side of the aisle they're on, if their voting record shows their loyalty to the super PAC's, they gotta go!

Agreed, but a bit simplistic. We need to support pro-middle class officials much like the NRA supports any official that supports gun rights, no matter what party they are in.

Republicans and democrats are just flip sides of the same coin and they both answer to the same class of people and that ain't us.

Yes, agreed. The two party system is a sham. They have locked third parties out of the Presidential debates and they are so in agreement on the critically important issues like the federal debt, bad public education and so forth that there is not a dimes worth of difference between them.

This duopoly that controls our political system works for the rich and the international corporations. They bought Obama the Presidency in 2008 so he could clear the way for the massive $85 billion a month QE give-aways to the wall Street banks, and they bought Romney the 2012 GOP nominations so he could be the sure loser to keep Obama in office.

The 2015 through 2016 period is going to be very revealing. I think the oligarchs plan to consolidate their hold through the Obama regime and play Putin type musical chairs to continue the rule that began under W Bush.

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