Why can't they just "Make Mexico Great For Once"???


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I'm seeing these left wing herds flying the Mexican flag at the Trump rally. It's almost all Mexican flags. Hardly any American ones. They don't like Trump's immigration policy obviously. And....they have signs saying "America Was Never Great" in a twist on Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again".

I gotta ask....why can't they just "Make Mexico Great"....for once??? Mexico existed before America. Mexico has no military enemy in this hemisphere. It has great natural resources. It has beautiful beaches for tourist draws. It has a tiny and EASILY defended Southern border (which...ironically....they enforce harshly). And an incredibly generous trade deal with the world's lone super power.

SO WHY THE FUCK DO THEY WANNA BE HERE??? What is wrong with their country or their people that they can't seem to MAKE MEXICO GREAT????
I'm seeing these left wing herds flying the Mexican flag at the Trump rally. It's almost all Mexican flags. Hardly any American ones. They don't like Trump's immigration policy obviously. And....they have signs saying "America Was Never Great" in a twist on Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again".

I gotta ask....why can't they just "Make Mexico Great"....for once??? Mexico existed before America. Mexico has no military enemy in this hemisphere. It has great natural resources. It has beautiful beaches for tourist draws. It has a tiny and EASILY defended Southern border (which...ironically....they enforce harshly). And an incredibly generous trade deal with the world's lone super power.

SO WHY THE FUCK DO THEY WANNA BE HERE??? What is wrong with their country or their people that they can't seem to MAKE MEXICO GREAT????

Mexico is pretty much run by two Drug Cartels, they employ very similar horror tactics to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, including the beheadings and dumping severed heads in the streets as a warning.
I'm seeing these left wing herds flying the Mexican flag at the Trump rally. It's almost all Mexican flags. Hardly any American ones. They don't like Trump's immigration policy obviously. And....they have signs saying "America Was Never Great" in a twist on Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again".

I gotta ask....why can't they just "Make Mexico Great"....for once??? Mexico existed before America. Mexico has no military enemy in this hemisphere. It has great natural resources. It has beautiful beaches for tourist draws. It has a tiny and EASILY defended Southern border (which...ironically....they enforce harshly). And an incredibly generous trade deal with the world's lone super power.

SO WHY THE FUCK DO THEY WANNA BE HERE??? What is wrong with their country or their people that they can't seem to MAKE MEXICO GREAT????

Mexico is pretty much run by two Drug Cartels, they employ very similar horror tactics to ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, including the beheadings and dumping severed heads in the streets as a warning.
Yup. It's a war that has killed hundreds of thousands. Fueled by a flood of U.S. guns and drug money.

But nvm our own backyard, we have a bunch of broke sand dwellers on the other side of the planet we need to obsess over.
I agree, Mexicans need to grow some balls and clean up their own country.
There needs to be a Mexican Spring !
4 dead in clashes between police, teachers in Mexico...

Clashes between police, teachers leave 4 dead in Mexico
Jun 19,`16) -- Violent clashes between police and unionized teachers who were blockading roads and burning vehicles in southern Mexico left at least four people dead on Sunday, according to union and state officials.
The teachers from the radical National Coordinator of Education Workers, or CNTE, are opposed to the mandatory testing of teachers as part of Mexico's education reform and are also protesting the arrest of union leaders on money laundering and other charges. Sunday's clashes in several municipalities in Oaxaca state involved federal and state police. Associated Press journalists saw riot police firing on protesters in Nochixtlan, where officials said the protests were strongest. Isabel Garcia, a member of the CNTE's political commission, said three people supporting the protests were killed. She provided no further details.

And a state official, who was not authorized to speak to the press and requested anonymity, said a state police officer was killed. Mexico's federal government released a statement Sunday evening that made no reference to the number of people killed, but said that 21 federal agents had been wounded, three of them by gunfire. It said the federal police that participated in the operation were not carrying guns. "The attacks with guns came from people outside the blockades who fired on the population and federal police," it said. Footage filmed by The AP shows at least one police officer firing a gun several times, though it was unclear if he was a federal or state agent.


Riot police are forced to fall back as they battle with protesting teachers who were blocking a federal highway in the state of Oaxaca, near the town of Nochixtlan, Mexico, Sunday, June 19, 2016. The teachers are protesting against plans to overhaul the country's education system which include federally mandated teacher evaluations.​

Clashes also lasted hours in the municipality of San Pablo Huitzo, north of the state capital. And clashes were continuing Sunday evening outside Oaxaca city itself, where protesters burned federal police installations. Over the past week, unionized teachers have blockaded streets, a shopping mall and even train tracks in the western state of Michoacan. They have also forced some bus lines to cancel trips to Oaxaca, which is a popular tourist destination, and blocked a highway on the isthmus of Tehuantepec. And in Oaxaca city, protesting teachers have set up an encampment in the city's main square.

Federal prosecutors accuse union leaders of setting up an illegal financial network to fund protests and line their own pockets. They allege the scheme operated in 2013-2015, when the union effectively controlled the payroll of Oaxaca's teachers. Following the arrest of some if its top leaders, the union called for a revolt against Mexico's government. Ten years ago, the teachers started a six-month takeover of Oaxaca that didn't end until police stormed the barricades.

News from The Associated Press
Put down your ignorant latino machismo and admit you're too big of a pussy to clean up your own country!!!!
Admit we're right and ask America to rid your country of drug lords and crooked politicians.
Mexicans don't want to make Mexico great. They want to make America Mexico.
I think asking Drug Cartels to make Mexico great for once is a great and serious proposal
I'm seeing these left wing herds flying the Mexican flag at the Trump rally. It's almost all Mexican flags. Hardly any American ones. They don't like Trump's immigration policy obviously. And....they have signs saying "America Was Never Great" in a twist on Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again".

I gotta ask....why can't they just "Make Mexico Great"....for once??? Mexico existed before America. Mexico has no military enemy in this hemisphere. It has great natural resources. It has beautiful beaches for tourist draws. It has a tiny and EASILY defended Southern border (which...ironically....they enforce harshly). And an incredibly generous trade deal with the world's lone super power.

SO WHY THE FUCK DO THEY WANNA BE HERE??? What is wrong with their country or their people that they can't seem to MAKE MEXICO GREAT????
Because the whole damn country is full of corruption and the Politicians are just as deceitful as the Drug Lords! Oh, yes, and the people are wimps!
Fingers pointin' both ways...

Officials, union trade blame for deadly Mexico clash
Jun 20,`16 -- Mexican authorities and protesters on Monday traded accusations of responsibility for weekend clashes that left eight people dead and more than 100 wounded in the restive southern state of Oaxaca.
Federal Police Chief Enrique Galindo, speaking on local Radio Formula, said few teachers were involved in the violence and attributed it to other, unspecified "radical groups." However, the radical teachers' union involved in the protests denied that and alleged that police infiltrators were to blame. The clashes are the latest flashpoint in an ongoing battle for control of public education in Oaxaca, where the union is resisting government attempts to implement national education reforms passed under President Enrique Pena Nieto.

Galindo said things initially went smoothly Sunday when officers moved to reopen the highway around 7 a.m. after it had been blocked by protesters. Traffic flow resumed for about two hours following dialogue between unarmed police and demonstrators from the National Coordinator of Education Workers, or CNTE. But later the crowd swelled to about 2,000 protesters, some of them armed with gasoline bombs and powerful fireworks, Galindo added. When police confirmed gunshots, he ordered armed police to move in. "It was a radical change of scene," Galindo said. "It was practically an ambush."


A girl embraces the coffin with the body of Yalid Jimenez, 29, who died yesterday during the clearing of the highway in Nochixtlan, Mexico, Monday, June 20, 2016. Violence erupted during the weekend in which six people died in confrontations between the police and striking teachers. The teachers are protesting against plans to overhaul the country's education system which include federally mandated teacher evaluations.​

Late Monday, Oaxaca state prosecutor Joaquin Carrillo said in a news conference that seven civilians died of bullet wounds, none of them teachers. One more person died of wounds he suffered while handling one of the powerful fireworks that protesters used against police. More than 100 people were wounded before police pulled back, Galindo said, adding that "staying in Nochixtlan would have brought more serious consequences." At the news conference, Galindo showed photos of a police helicopter that had been hit by bullets. He said three federal police officers were still being held - apparently by townspeople or protesters - in Nochixtlan.

The CNTE, in turn, said those killed were teachers and members of other social groups that support them, adding that 20 people were missing. The union denied the presence of "radical groups" and said police had infiltrated their movement. It demanded that Oaxaca Gov. Gabino Cue resign. "This movement is not going to stop," said union member Juan Garcia. Several thousand teachers and activists marched in Oaxaca city, chanting "Murderers!" Galindo said he did not know if police had fired any of the fatal gunshots. Video filmed by The Associated Press showed at least one officer firing a gun several times, though it was unclear if he was a federal or state agent.

Food airlifts to get around teacher's blockades...

Mexico teachers protest: Food airlifts to blockade-hit areas
Sat, 02 Jul 2016 - Mexico's air force flies grain into southern Oaxaca state to deal with dwindling food supplies there caused by roadblocks set up by protesting teachers.
Officials say 108 tons of corn will be delivered by the end of the weekend. Last month, eight people were killed in Oaxaca in clashes between the demonstrators and police. The protesters oppose reforms that allow the federal authorities to remove teachers who fail evaluation exams. Members of the CNTE union, which has a history of radical activism, have been blocking roads in Oaxaca and other states ever since the union leaders were arrested in early June.


Clashes between teachers and security forces in the town of Nochixtlan, Oaxaca, Mexico.​

The roadblocks have prevented food deliveries to some remote areas in the region, the government says. In a strongly worded message on Friday, Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio Chong said the unrest had hurt millions of people and "the blockades and damages to the citizenry must end". "The time is up," he said, warning that "the necessary decisions will soon be taken to allow transit on strategic roads".

The CNTE union opposes education reforms introduced by President Enrique Pena Nieto in 2013. The changes include new measures to assess teachers' performance.

Mexico teachers protest: Food airlifts to blockade-hit areas - BBC News

See also:

Mexico teachers union threatens 'greater intensity' in protests over education reforms
June 30, 2016 - The Mexican government will not hold talks with the union until blockades end.
Mexico's National Coordinator of Education Workers, or CNTE, teachers union has threatened actions of "greater intensity" as it remains deadlocked with the government over constitutional education reforms. The union has held protests over constitutional reforms passed by Mexico's Ministry of Education in 2013 that would force teachers to take examinations to be approved for employment, with further tests to maintain jobs. The intensity of the demonstrations -- which have been ongoing since 2013 -- have escalated to the teachers union setting up blockades that have created shortages of fuel.

Jose Luis Escobar, a CNTE spokesman, on Wednesday said President Enrique Peña Nieto's government must revoke or revise the law, but Peña Nieto's administration has insisted the law is non-negotiable. "They hold the only solution," Escobar said, adding that though shortages have been created that Mexicans "have understood that this form of struggle is necessary in the face of the stubbornness and myopia of the government."


Escobar added that the CNTE will continue to block roads, also warning of "actions of greater intensity." The CNTE has most of its support in the Mexican states of Chiapas and Oaxaca, where the blockades and shortages are most intense. At least 100 gas stations in Chiapas are out of fuel.

In Oaxaca, at least 10 people died when riot police attempted to disperse blockading protesters. In Mexico City, tens of thousands of people protested in Sunday over the recent violent clashes between police and a teachers union. Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, Mexico's secretary of interior, on Wednesday said the government will not hold talks with the CNTE until the union stops the blockades.

Mexico teachers union threatens 'greater intensity' in protests over education reforms
Yup. It's a war that has killed hundreds of thousands. Fueled by a flood of U.S. guns and drug money.

It's fueled by a bunch of nasty ass Mexicans and their rotten 'culture'. Nobody is forcing them to do anything, they like what they're doing. The bong hitters and assorted 'enlightened sophisticates' who think drugs are wonderful are happy to keep the cartels in business as well, being the same sort of mindlessly self-indulgent sociopaths that love them some Hillary and Obama.

Yeah yeah yeah we know: legalize it all, and just hold school classes for 4th graders teaching them the proper way to shoot up heroin and stuff and make them responsible junkies.
I'm seeing these left wing herds flying the Mexican flag at the Trump rally. It's almost all Mexican flags. Hardly any American ones. They don't like Trump's immigration policy obviously. And....they have signs saying "America Was Never Great" in a twist on Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again".

I gotta ask....why can't they just "Make Mexico Great"....for once??? Mexico existed before America. Mexico has no military enemy in this hemisphere. It has great natural resources. It has beautiful beaches for tourist draws. It has a tiny and EASILY defended Southern border (which...ironically....they enforce harshly). And an incredibly generous trade deal with the world's lone super power.

SO WHY THE FUCK DO THEY WANNA BE HERE??? What is wrong with their country or their people that they can't seem to MAKE MEXICO GREAT????
Because the whole damn country is full of corruption and the Politicians are just as deceitful as the Drug Lords! Oh, yes, and the people are wimps!

Well, Mexican 'culture' is so wonderful they actually consider the psycho serial murderer 'Drug Lords' to be heroes. they bring the same warped mindset here. No wonder the New Democrats want them on their side and want more of them; they have a lot in common.
This has been my argument all along.

I'm amazed at how proud Mexican government leaders are to help people escape their country.

I wonder what can be done to make it less of a shit hole, such as some kind of intervention by us.

It would be in our own best interests.
This has been my argument all along.

I'm amazed at how proud Mexican government leaders are to help people escape their country.

I wonder what can be done to make it less of a shit hole, such as some kind of intervention by us.

It would be in our own best interests.

It won't go anywhere; the Mexican government is very much representative of its people and culture already; we saw the failure of George W.'s naive belief that Iraq could be made into a modern democracy. they chose to shit on the opportunity, and Mexico has been shitting on that since 1821. they love it the way it is.
This has been my argument all along.

I'm amazed at how proud Mexican government leaders are to help people escape their country.

I wonder what can be done to make it less of a shit hole, such as some kind of intervention by us.

It would be in our own best interests.

It won't go anywhere; the Mexican government is very much representative of its people and culture already; we saw the failure of George W.'s naive belief that Iraq could be made into a modern democracy. they chose to shit on the opportunity, and Mexico has been shitting on that since 1821. they love it the way it is.
Can't argue. And I can't believe that this conversation has not been held at higher levels.
This has been my argument all along.

I'm amazed at how proud Mexican government leaders are to help people escape their country.

I wonder what can be done to make it less of a shit hole, such as some kind of intervention by us.

It would be in our own best interests.

It won't go anywhere; the Mexican government is very much representative of its people and culture already; we saw the failure of George W.'s naive belief that Iraq could be made into a modern democracy. they chose to shit on the opportunity, and Mexico has been shitting on that since 1821. they love it the way it is.
Can't argue. And I can't believe that this conversation has not been held at higher levels..

That conversation has probably been held since 1821; they went through 36 governments from then to the 1850's, half of them built around Santa Ana, who would then have a tantrum and quit within months. Hasn't changed much since then.

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