Why Can't Trans People Just Use The Bathrooms They Were Using A Few Years Ago?

You want to let dangerous male perverts go into restrooms and locker rooms with young girls.

You have no credibility in criticizing any sane person.
Well this guy was born a female. So you want to send him to the girls roo,m. Explain that ?
Well this guy was born a female. So you want to send him to the girls roo,m. Explain that ?

If “he” was born female, then “he” still is female. That she's mutilated herself as she has is her own problem, and there is no justification for imposing any burden on any sane person to pander to her.
Just urinate and defecate in the homeless restrooms. Problem solved.
Otherwise, the real fuckin' pervs are the ones checking out other people in the can.
Why are grown men that dress and act like women so desperate to use a women's bathroom? especially in schools. Laws should impose mandatory castration.

Pedophiles like democrats and trans dems commit their sex crimes against kids in their minds, not their pants. Castration would do nothing to stop pedo dems from doing what pedo dems do.
Transgenders put society in a bind. Female to male types can't stand up to piss and it makes a sloppy men's room. On the other hand both women and men are naturally afraid of some hairy freakazoid man in a dress next to them in the bathroom.
Just because you REFUSE to see G-d doesn't mean He doesn't exist.
In fact, King David has the perfect descriptor for people like you:
Psalm 14:1 "The FOOL in his heart says; 'there is no G-d'".
Can you prove the existence of any god.

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