Why capitalism is inherently flawed


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
To be clear, capitalism, historically, has made the US a powerhouse. It, when managed correctly, is the greatest economic system there is. There’s no denying it doesn’t work.

However, that doesn’t mean it is isn’t inherently flawed and is no longer sustainable in the 21st century without it being reformed. The type of economy we have now is progressively making the bottom 80% of worker’s lives more miserable. This is because corporations - who operate out of self-interest entirely - have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. This includes reducing the cost on labor. The result has been a growing income disparity that keeps most people’s wages behind on the cost of inflation. Why republicans oppose raising the minimum wage is truly bizarre considering a fixed wage doesn’t somehow become more valuable with time by keeping up with the cost of living. It only devalues.
To be clear, capitalism, historically, has made the US a powerhouse. It, when managed correctly, is the greatest economic system there is. There’s no denying it doesn’t work.

However, that doesn’t mean it is isn’t inherently flawed and is no longer sustainable in the 21st century without it being reformed. The type of economy we have now is progressively making the bottom 80% of worker’s lives more miserable. This is because corporations - who operate out of self-interest entirely - have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. This includes reducing the cost on labor. The result has been a growing income disparity that keeps most people’s wages behind on the cost of inflation. Why republicans oppose raising the minimum wage is truly bizarre considering a fixed wage doesn’t somehow become more valuable with time by keeping up with the cost of living. It only devalues.

We have "crony capitalism" which is the money interests that own USA.INC that decide the winners and losers. They are using little pawns like yourself that believe in a central banking system that extends credit from nothing that used programs like Quantitative Easing to dump easy "money" that only the rich got the benefit of during Barrypuppet's admin while debasing the money and lessening it's purchasing power.........I heard nary a discouraging word from the likes of your ilk.

Now, under Trump? The Fed is raising rates on "money" they create from a few keystrokes because Trump isn't a deep state lackey. You really are an idiot.....and you seem to take pride in exposing what an idiot you really are.
To be clear, capitalism, historically, has made the US a powerhouse. It, when managed correctly, is the greatest economic system there is. There’s no denying it doesn’t work.

However, that doesn’t mean it is isn’t inherently flawed and is no longer sustainable in the 21st century without it being reformed. The type of economy we have now is progressively making the bottom 80% of worker’s lives more miserable. This is because corporations - who operate out of self-interest entirely - have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. This includes reducing the cost on labor. The result has been a growing income disparity that keeps most people’s wages behind on the cost of inflation. Why republicans oppose raising the minimum wage is truly bizarre considering a fixed wage doesn’t somehow become more valuable with time by keeping up with the cost of living. It only devalues.
You have no clue what you're talking about.
To be clear, capitalism, historically, has made the US a powerhouse. It, when managed correctly, is the greatest economic system there is. There’s no denying it doesn’t work.

However, that doesn’t mean it is isn’t inherently flawed and is no longer sustainable in the 21st century without it being reformed. The type of economy we have now is progressively making the bottom 80% of worker’s lives more miserable. This is because corporations - who operate out of self-interest entirely - have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. This includes reducing the cost on labor. The result has been a growing income disparity that keeps most people’s wages behind on the cost of inflation. Why republicans oppose raising the minimum wage is truly bizarre considering a fixed wage doesn’t somehow become more valuable with time by keeping up with the cost of living. It only devalues.

Raising minimum wage just means more job losses and more hiring of illegals. You lefties claim you want to raise wages for the middle class, yet you are for importing third world trash which drives wages down.

You can’t have it both ways.
Regulation is a critical part of capitalism, not some evil add-on.

The issue is in finding a proper equilibrium between protecting the populace, maintaining a proper safety net to insure ourselves against electoral revolution, and not creating too much of a drag on the more dynamic aspects of capitalism.

But it appears that the second part is just too complicated for many. They'd rather just bang on stuff with a stick and shout platitudes. It's that shallow, short-term thinking that has allowed our system to become so imbalanced.

Capitalism is the best prosperity-creating system man has yet produced. But with capitalism must come intelligent and efficient controls. Without those controls, imbalances will increase, the weaknesses of capitalism are easily attacked, it becomes an easy target, and it can be lost.

Those who advocate for socialism are having a field day right now, as so many proponents of capitalism are demonstrating such an unwillingness (or, quite possibly, inability) to see this.

Balance. Thought. Reason. It takes a little effort. Platitudes aren't enough.
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To be clear, capitalism, historically, has made the US a powerhouse. It, when managed correctly, is the greatest economic system there is. There’s no denying it doesn’t work.

However, that doesn’t mean it is isn’t inherently flawed and is no longer sustainable in the 21st century without it being reformed. The type of economy we have now is progressively making the bottom 80% of worker’s lives more miserable. This is because corporations - who operate out of self-interest entirely - have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. This includes reducing the cost on labor. The result has been a growing income disparity that keeps most people’s wages behind on the cost of inflation. Why republicans oppose raising the minimum wage is truly bizarre considering a fixed wage doesn’t somehow become more valuable with time by keeping up with the cost of living. It only devalues.
Yes, totally flawed.

Being able to obtain any exotic food I wish to eat, buy any gizmo I want on the internet and have it delivered to my door in hours, travel coast to coast whenever I want in a matter of hours, post whatever I want on a stupid message board, have a phone in my pocket that I can instantly access any information I choose, etc etc etc.....

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