Why Conservative Is Simply Better....

"Coulter goes on to show that LBJ continually rejected civil rights bills proposed by only Republicans and it was not until 1964, when Johnson finally signed the civil rights act with very little help from his fellow Democrats in Congress. Even after the passage of the civil rights act, Democrats continued to win elections in former segregationist states all the way through the election of George H.W. Bush despite the folklore of the GOP “southern strategy.”
PICKET: Coulter shreds 'southern strategy' myth as GOP successfully runs more blacks in conservative districts - Washington Times

There was no "Southern Strategy."

But....there are low information voters who believe it.....
Raise your paw.
"I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- LBJ

""Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ******." -- LBJ

Some fucking Civil Rights hero you got there

""I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- LBJ"


Sourced by a Pulitzer Prize winning author

"Turns out the source of that supposed saying by Lyndon B. Johnson "I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years" first originated in Ronald Kessler's 1996 book Inside the White House: The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World's Most Powerful Institution, sourced from a 1993 interview with former Air Force One steward Robert M. MacMillan.

An allegation made 20 years after LBJ's death.


"A source for information about LBJ who is not a partisan hack, dirty trickster and MLK-adultery publicist is Robert M. MacMillan, Air Force One steward during the Johnson administration. Macmillan reports that when LBJ was flying on Air Force One with two governors once, he boasted, “I’ll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years.”
PICKET: Coulter shreds 'southern strategy' myth as GOP successfully runs more blacks in conservative districts - Washington Times


You are a compendium of lies and misinformation.

Of course he said it.

1. Robert MacMillan, Air Force One steward remembers it this way: “I’ll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years.”
Kennith T. Walsh, “Air Force One: A History of the Presidents and Their Planes,” p. 81.

2. ".... Lyndon Baines Johnson, affectionately know by his Southern political buddies as just LBJ or just Lyndon. Unknown to the public, Southern politicians privately shared Lyndon's hatred of what he called in private, "*******". Lyndon hated "*******'! He called them "*******" in private. He cussed "*******" every day, my father said, and called them all kinds of vile names! He had his hands full with the Viet Nam war and hated being "bothered by those G--damned *******" my father said Lyndon said." EconomicPolicyJournal.com: What My Father Told Me About LBJ and "*******"

3. From Ronald Kessler, "Inside the Whitehouse," pp. 33-34:

During one trip, Johnson was discussing his proposed civil rights bill with two governors. Explaining why it was so important to him, he said it was simple: “I’ll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years.”

Please....stop lying and get an education.


Turns out the source of that supposed saying by Lyndon B. Johnson "I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years" first originated in Ronald Kessler's 1996 book Inside the White House: The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World's Most Powerful Institution, sourced from a 1993 interview with former Air Force One steward Robert M. MacMillan.


Did you want Kessler to exhume LBJ and ask him?

What a fucking tard!

You mean THE ONE STEWARD WHO SAID HE SAID IT, NOT the writer who just propagated the myth?

Time to make you eat more crow....

"[LBJ] called me 'boy,' '******,' or 'chief,' never by my name... Whenever I was late, no matter what the reason, Johnson called me 'a lazy good for nothing ******'...I was afraid of him because of the pain and humiliation he could inflict at a moment's notice."-- Robert Parker, LBJ's chauffeur, in his autobiography, "Capital Hill in Black and White".

ONE person said that was true, almost 2 decades AFTER LBJ died, lol

Keep muttering that...but you know it's true.....your vulgarity proves you know it.

"Coulter goes on to show that LBJ continually rejected civil rights bills proposed by only Republicans and it was not until 1964, when Johnson finally signed the civil rights act with very little help from his fellow Democrats in Congress. Even after the passage of the civil rights act, Democrats continued to win elections in former segregationist states all the way through the election of George H.W. Bush despite the folklore of the GOP “southern strategy.”
PICKET: Coulter shreds 'southern strategy' myth as GOP successfully runs more blacks in conservative districts - Washington Times

There was no "Southern Strategy."

But....there are low information voters who believe it.....
Raise your paw.

I guess Ronald Reagan's man in the White House is wrong then, because there it is in black and white. Deny it all you want, it won't go away.
"I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- LBJ

""Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ******." -- LBJ

Some fucking Civil Rights hero you got there

""I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- LBJ"


Sourced by a Pulitzer Prize winning author

"Turns out the source of that supposed saying by Lyndon B. Johnson "I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years" first originated in Ronald Kessler's 1996 book Inside the White House: The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World's Most Powerful Institution, sourced from a 1993 interview with former Air Force One steward Robert M. MacMillan.

An allegation made 20 years after LBJ's death.


"A source for information about LBJ who is not a partisan hack, dirty trickster and MLK-adultery publicist is Robert M. MacMillan, Air Force One steward during the Johnson administration. Macmillan reports that when LBJ was flying on Air Force One with two governors once, he boasted, “I’ll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years.”
PICKET: Coulter shreds 'southern strategy' myth as GOP successfully runs more blacks in conservative districts - Washington Times


You are a compendium of lies and misinformation.

Of course he said it.

1. Robert MacMillan, Air Force One steward remembers it this way: “I’ll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years.”
Kennith T. Walsh, “Air Force One: A History of the Presidents and Their Planes,” p. 81.

2. ".... Lyndon Baines Johnson, affectionately know by his Southern political buddies as just LBJ or just Lyndon. Unknown to the public, Southern politicians privately shared Lyndon's hatred of what he called in private, "*******". Lyndon hated "*******'! He called them "*******" in private. He cussed "*******" every day, my father said, and called them all kinds of vile names! He had his hands full with the Viet Nam war and hated being "bothered by those G--damned *******" my father said Lyndon said." EconomicPolicyJournal.com: What My Father Told Me About LBJ and "*******"

3. From Ronald Kessler, "Inside the Whitehouse," pp. 33-34:

During one trip, Johnson was discussing his proposed civil rights bill with two governors. Explaining why it was so important to him, he said it was simple: “I’ll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years.”

Please....stop lying and get an education.


Turns out the source of that supposed saying by Lyndon B. Johnson "I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years" first originated in Ronald Kessler's 1996 book Inside the White House: The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World's Most Powerful Institution, sourced from a 1993 interview with former Air Force One steward Robert M. MacMillan.


Did you want Kessler to exhume LBJ and ask him?

What a fucking tard!

You mean THE ONE STEWARD WHO SAID HE SAID IT, NOT the writer who just propagated the myth?

Time to make you eat more crow....

"[LBJ] called me 'boy,' '******,' or 'chief,' never by my name... Whenever I was late, no matter what the reason, Johnson called me 'a lazy good for nothing ******'...I was afraid of him because of the pain and humiliation he could inflict at a moment's notice."-- Robert Parker, LBJ's chauffeur, in his autobiography, "Capital Hill in Black and White".

ONE person said that was true, almost 2 decades AFTER LBJ died, lol

From a review of Robert Parker's book "Capitol Hill in Black and White"..

"This book is an absolute MUST READ if you want to understand Lyndon Johnson. Black man Robert Parker was LBJ's factotum, chauffeur and later climbed to the maître d' of the prestigious Senate Dining Room.

This is one of the best books I have ever read about Lyndon Johnson as well as one of the best political books I have read. Robert Parker attached himself to the coattails of Lyndon Johnson and worked his way up to a patronage job as the maître de of the Senate Dining Room.

Parker was in place for the civil rights movement of the 1960's; he helped to facilitate meetings of civil rights leaders and due to his networking with senators and their families he became a power player in his own right.

The racism of Lyndon Johnson is on full display in this book as Robert Parker offers up several fascinating LBJ anecdotes that illustrate his boorish cruelty.- LBJ told Parker just shut up and pretend you are a piece of GD furniture."

Everything said in this thread about LBJ is absolutely true.
""I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- LBJ"


Sourced by a Pulitzer Prize winning author

"Turns out the source of that supposed saying by Lyndon B. Johnson "I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years" first originated in Ronald Kessler's 1996 book Inside the White House: The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World's Most Powerful Institution, sourced from a 1993 interview with former Air Force One steward Robert M. MacMillan.

An allegation made 20 years after LBJ's death.


"A source for information about LBJ who is not a partisan hack, dirty trickster and MLK-adultery publicist is Robert M. MacMillan, Air Force One steward during the Johnson administration. Macmillan reports that when LBJ was flying on Air Force One with two governors once, he boasted, “I’ll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years.”
PICKET: Coulter shreds 'southern strategy' myth as GOP successfully runs more blacks in conservative districts - Washington Times


Turns out the source of that supposed saying by Lyndon B. Johnson "I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years" first originated in Ronald Kessler's 1996 book Inside the White House: The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World's Most Powerful Institution, sourced from a 1993 interview with former Air Force One steward Robert M. MacMillan.


Did you want Kessler to exhume LBJ and ask him?

What a fucking tard!

You mean THE ONE STEWARD WHO SAID HE SAID IT, NOT the writer who just propagated the myth?

Time to make you eat more crow....

"[LBJ] called me 'boy,' '******,' or 'chief,' never by my name... Whenever I was late, no matter what the reason, Johnson called me 'a lazy good for nothing ******'...I was afraid of him because of the pain and humiliation he could inflict at a moment's notice."-- Robert Parker, LBJ's chauffeur, in his autobiography, "Capital Hill in Black and White".

ONE person said that was true, almost 2 decades AFTER LBJ died, lol

From a review of Robert Parker's book "Capitol Hill in Black and White"..

"This book is an absolute MUST READ if you want to understand Lyndon Johnson. Black man Robert Parker was LBJ's factotum, chauffeur and later climbed to the maître d' of the prestigious Senate Dining Room.

This is one of the best books I have ever read about Lyndon Johnson as well as one of the best political books I have read. Robert Parker attached himself to the coattails of Lyndon Johnson and worked his way up to a patronage job as the maître de of the Senate Dining Room.

Parker was in place for the civil rights movement of the 1960's; he helped to facilitate meetings of civil rights leaders and due to his networking with senators and their families he became a power player in his own right.

The racism of Lyndon Johnson is on full display in this book as Robert Parker offers up several fascinating LBJ anecdotes that illustrate his boorish cruelty.- LBJ told Parker just shut up and pretend you are a piece of GD furniture."

Everything said in this thread about LBJ is absolutely true.

OMG chauffers? what's next, the upstairs maid? How about an authoritative source for a change. What you are presenting as evidence looks like it was skimmed from a sewer.

"Coulter goes on to show that LBJ continually rejected civil rights bills proposed by only Republicans and it was not until 1964, when Johnson finally signed the civil rights act with very little help from his fellow Democrats in Congress. Even after the passage of the civil rights act, Democrats continued to win elections in former segregationist states all the way through the election of George H.W. Bush despite the folklore of the GOP “southern strategy.”
PICKET: Coulter shreds 'southern strategy' myth as GOP successfully runs more blacks in conservative districts - Washington Times

There was no "Southern Strategy."

But....there are low information voters who believe it.....
Raise your paw.

I guess Ronald Reagan's man in the White House is wrong then, because there it is in black and white. Deny it all you want, it won't go away.

OK.....time to explode another of your most firmly held beliefs:

My public service: the southern strategy myth:

1. The myth:…segregationist voters who blamed civil rights on the Democrats, switched loyalties to new Republicans who now embraced their views. Republicans ran against busing, against affirmative action, against equal rights legislation…The south has been Republican ever since]

  1. According to this liberal myth, Goldwater and the Republicans were racists and used racism to appeal to racist southerners to change the electoral map. To believe the tale, one must be either a reliable Democrat voter, and/or be ignorant of the history of the time.
  2. Goldwater was one of only six Republican senators to vote against the 1964 act. He did so on libertarian grounds, opposed to the act’s restrictions on private property which he believed beyond the Congress’s powers under the commerce clause. Five others supported the party’s presidential nominee.
    1. Goldwater went on to win five southern states in 1964: Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina. But he lost eight.
    2. Democrats build the ‘southern strategy’ tale on the fact that the same states voted for ‘Dixiecrat’ Strom Thurmond in 1948 (less Georgia).
    3. Except that Nixon and Reagan lost, or almost lost the same states in ’68 and ’80…
    4. And Jimmy Carter and Clinton did pretty well in those states in ’76 and ’92.
    5. And the Goldwater states went right back to voting Democrat for decades…
  3. So…if Republicans were racists and got racist southerners to vote for them, how to explain this: Republicans always did best in the southern states that Goldwater lost, which happened to be the same ones Republicans had been winning with some regularity since 1928.
    1. In ’28, ’52, ’56, and ’60, Republicans generally won Virginia, Florida, Texas, Kentucky and sometimes North Carolina or Louisiana. Did you notice that those years were before 1964?
    2. Four years after Goldwater, the segregationist vote went right back to Democrats: Humphrey got half of Wallace’s supporters on election day. Nixon got none of ‘em. “When the '68 campaign began, Nixon was at 42 percent, Humphrey at 29 percent, Wallace at 22 percent. When it ended, Nixon and Humphrey were tied at 43 percent, with Wallace at 13 percent. The 9 percent of the national vote that had been peeled off from Wallace had gone to Humphrey.” Pat Buchanan - The neocons & Nixon's southern strategy
    3. In ’76, Carter swept the South. Was Carter appealing to bigots….or is that only the case when Republicans win the South?
  4. Reagan lost or barely won the Goldwater states…but Reagan won among young southern voters- but lost among seniors, those who has voted in ’48 and ’64. That meant that the segregationists never abandoned the Democrats: eventually they died or were outvoted by younger voters. Nope…after Thurmond’s run, the Dixiecrats went right back to voting for Democrats for another half century.
  5. In writing about McGovern and Wallace, liberal luminary, Arthur Schlesinger, actually referred to Wallace voters as responding to their candidate’s “integrity”! “The primaries themselves, especially the success of McGovern and Wallace, provide the best evidence for the proposition that voters in 1972 care less about a candidate's stand on particular issues than they do about the candidate's integrity,…” How McGovern Will Win
    1. McGovern gave a tip-of-the-hat to the segregationist Wallace in his acceptance speech at the Democrat Convention. That was the exact midpoint between Goldwater and Reagan. So…what of the imaginary “southern strategy” where the Republicans were supposed to have a plan to appeal to racists?
    2. Democrat McGovern: “And I was as moved as well by the appearance in the Convention Hall of the Governor of Alabama, George Wallace. … Governor, we pray for your full recovery so you can stand up and speak out for all of those who see you as their champion.” ACCEPTANCE SPEECH OF SENATOR GEORGE MCGOVERN

So did I just prove that you are a dunce, or what.
Sourced by a Pulitzer Prize winning author

"Turns out the source of that supposed saying by Lyndon B. Johnson "I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years" first originated in Ronald Kessler's 1996 book Inside the White House: The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World's Most Powerful Institution, sourced from a 1993 interview with former Air Force One steward Robert M. MacMillan.

An allegation made 20 years after LBJ's death.


"A source for information about LBJ who is not a partisan hack, dirty trickster and MLK-adultery publicist is Robert M. MacMillan, Air Force One steward during the Johnson administration. Macmillan reports that when LBJ was flying on Air Force One with two governors once, he boasted, “I’ll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years.”
PICKET: Coulter shreds 'southern strategy' myth as GOP successfully runs more blacks in conservative districts - Washington Times

Did you want Kessler to exhume LBJ and ask him?

What a fucking tard!

You mean THE ONE STEWARD WHO SAID HE SAID IT, NOT the writer who just propagated the myth?

Time to make you eat more crow....

"[LBJ] called me 'boy,' '******,' or 'chief,' never by my name... Whenever I was late, no matter what the reason, Johnson called me 'a lazy good for nothing ******'...I was afraid of him because of the pain and humiliation he could inflict at a moment's notice."-- Robert Parker, LBJ's chauffeur, in his autobiography, "Capital Hill in Black and White".

ONE person said that was true, almost 2 decades AFTER LBJ died, lol

From a review of Robert Parker's book "Capitol Hill in Black and White"..

"This book is an absolute MUST READ if you want to understand Lyndon Johnson. Black man Robert Parker was LBJ's factotum, chauffeur and later climbed to the maître d' of the prestigious Senate Dining Room.

This is one of the best books I have ever read about Lyndon Johnson as well as one of the best political books I have read. Robert Parker attached himself to the coattails of Lyndon Johnson and worked his way up to a patronage job as the maître de of the Senate Dining Room.

Parker was in place for the civil rights movement of the 1960's; he helped to facilitate meetings of civil rights leaders and due to his networking with senators and their families he became a power player in his own right.

The racism of Lyndon Johnson is on full display in this book as Robert Parker offers up several fascinating LBJ anecdotes that illustrate his boorish cruelty.- LBJ told Parker just shut up and pretend you are a piece of GD furniture."

Everything said in this thread about LBJ is absolutely true.

OMG chauffers? what's next, the upstairs maid? How about an authoritative source for a change. What you are presenting as evidence looks like it was skimmed from a sewer.

You know it's true, and everyone else knows you are a lying dolt.

"Coulter goes on to show that LBJ continually rejected civil rights bills proposed by only Republicans and it was not until 1964, when Johnson finally signed the civil rights act with very little help from his fellow Democrats in Congress. Even after the passage of the civil rights act, Democrats continued to win elections in former segregationist states all the way through the election of George H.W. Bush despite the folklore of the GOP “southern strategy.”
PICKET: Coulter shreds 'southern strategy' myth as GOP successfully runs more blacks in conservative districts - Washington Times

There was no "Southern Strategy."

But....there are low information voters who believe it.....
Raise your paw.

I guess Ronald Reagan's man in the White House is wrong then, because there it is in black and white. Deny it all you want, it won't go away.

OK.....time to explode another of your most firmly held beliefs:

My public service: the southern strategy myth:

1. The myth:…segregationist voters who blamed civil rights on the Democrats, switched loyalties to new Republicans who now embraced their views. Republicans ran against busing, against affirmative action, against equal rights legislation…The south has been Republican ever since]

  1. According to this liberal myth, Goldwater and the Republicans were racists and used racism to appeal to racist southerners to change the electoral map. To believe the tale, one must be either a reliable Democrat voter, and/or be ignorant of the history of the time.
  2. Goldwater was one of only six Republican senators to vote against the 1964 act. He did so on libertarian grounds, opposed to the act’s restrictions on private property which he believed beyond the Congress’s powers under the commerce clause. Five others supported the party’s presidential nominee.
    1. Goldwater went on to win five southern states in 1964: Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina. But he lost eight.
    2. Democrats build the ‘southern strategy’ tale on the fact that the same states voted for ‘Dixiecrat’ Strom Thurmond in 1948 (less Georgia).
    3. Except that Nixon and Reagan lost, or almost lost the same states in ’68 and ’80…
    4. And Jimmy Carter and Clinton did pretty well in those states in ’76 and ’92.
    5. And the Goldwater states went right back to voting Democrat for decades…
  3. So…if Republicans were racists and got racist southerners to vote for them, how to explain this: Republicans always did best in the southern states that Goldwater lost, which happened to be the same ones Republicans had been winning with some regularity since 1928.
    1. In ’28, ’52, ’56, and ’60, Republicans generally won Virginia, Florida, Texas, Kentucky and sometimes North Carolina or Louisiana. Did you notice that those years were before 1964?
    2. Four years after Goldwater, the segregationist vote went right back to Democrats: Humphrey got half of Wallace’s supporters on election day. Nixon got none of ‘em. “When the '68 campaign began, Nixon was at 42 percent, Humphrey at 29 percent, Wallace at 22 percent. When it ended, Nixon and Humphrey were tied at 43 percent, with Wallace at 13 percent. The 9 percent of the national vote that had been peeled off from Wallace had gone to Humphrey.” Pat Buchanan - The neocons & Nixon's southern strategy
    3. In ’76, Carter swept the South. Was Carter appealing to bigots….or is that only the case when Republicans win the South?
  4. Reagan lost or barely won the Goldwater states…but Reagan won among young southern voters- but lost among seniors, those who has voted in ’48 and ’64. That meant that the segregationists never abandoned the Democrats: eventually they died or were outvoted by younger voters. Nope…after Thurmond’s run, the Dixiecrats went right back to voting for Democrats for another half century.
  5. In writing about McGovern and Wallace, liberal luminary, Arthur Schlesinger, actually referred to Wallace voters as responding to their candidate’s “integrity”! “The primaries themselves, especially the success of McGovern and Wallace, provide the best evidence for the proposition that voters in 1972 care less about a candidate's stand on particular issues than they do about the candidate's integrity,…” How McGovern Will Win
    1. McGovern gave a tip-of-the-hat to the segregationist Wallace in his acceptance speech at the Democrat Convention. That was the exact midpoint between Goldwater and Reagan. So…what of the imaginary “southern strategy” where the Republicans were supposed to have a plan to appeal to racists?
    2. Democrat McGovern: “And I was as moved as well by the appearance in the Convention Hall of the Governor of Alabama, George Wallace. … Governor, we pray for your full recovery so you can stand up and speak out for all of those who see you as their champion.” ACCEPTANCE SPEECH OF SENATOR GEORGE MCGOVERN

So did I just prove that you are a dunce, or what.

No, anyone who would source Pat Buchanan as a an authority about race relations has already lost the argument. Next time don't pick bigots to prove to us what you are.

"Coulter goes on to show that LBJ continually rejected civil rights bills proposed by only Republicans and it was not until 1964, when Johnson finally signed the civil rights act with very little help from his fellow Democrats in Congress. Even after the passage of the civil rights act, Democrats continued to win elections in former segregationist states all the way through the election of George H.W. Bush despite the folklore of the GOP “southern strategy.”
PICKET: Coulter shreds 'southern strategy' myth as GOP successfully runs more blacks in conservative districts - Washington Times

There was no "Southern Strategy."

But....there are low information voters who believe it.....
Raise your paw.

I guess Ronald Reagan's man in the White House is wrong then, because there it is in black and white. Deny it all you want, it won't go away.

OK.....time to explode another of your most firmly held beliefs:

My public service: the southern strategy myth:

1. The myth:…segregationist voters who blamed civil rights on the Democrats, switched loyalties to new Republicans who now embraced their views. Republicans ran against busing, against affirmative action, against equal rights legislation…The south has been Republican ever since]

  1. According to this liberal myth, Goldwater and the Republicans were racists and used racism to appeal to racist southerners to change the electoral map. To believe the tale, one must be either a reliable Democrat voter, and/or be ignorant of the history of the time.
  2. Goldwater was one of only six Republican senators to vote against the 1964 act. He did so on libertarian grounds, opposed to the act’s restrictions on private property which he believed beyond the Congress’s powers under the commerce clause. Five others supported the party’s presidential nominee.
    1. Goldwater went on to win five southern states in 1964: Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina. But he lost eight.
    2. Democrats build the ‘southern strategy’ tale on the fact that the same states voted for ‘Dixiecrat’ Strom Thurmond in 1948 (less Georgia).
    3. Except that Nixon and Reagan lost, or almost lost the same states in ’68 and ’80…
    4. And Jimmy Carter and Clinton did pretty well in those states in ’76 and ’92.
    5. And the Goldwater states went right back to voting Democrat for decades…
  3. So…if Republicans were racists and got racist southerners to vote for them, how to explain this: Republicans always did best in the southern states that Goldwater lost, which happened to be the same ones Republicans had been winning with some regularity since 1928.
    1. In ’28, ’52, ’56, and ’60, Republicans generally won Virginia, Florida, Texas, Kentucky and sometimes North Carolina or Louisiana. Did you notice that those years were before 1964?
    2. Four years after Goldwater, the segregationist vote went right back to Democrats: Humphrey got half of Wallace’s supporters on election day. Nixon got none of ‘em. “When the '68 campaign began, Nixon was at 42 percent, Humphrey at 29 percent, Wallace at 22 percent. When it ended, Nixon and Humphrey were tied at 43 percent, with Wallace at 13 percent. The 9 percent of the national vote that had been peeled off from Wallace had gone to Humphrey.” Pat Buchanan - The neocons & Nixon's southern strategy
    3. In ’76, Carter swept the South. Was Carter appealing to bigots….or is that only the case when Republicans win the South?
  4. Reagan lost or barely won the Goldwater states…but Reagan won among young southern voters- but lost among seniors, those who has voted in ’48 and ’64. That meant that the segregationists never abandoned the Democrats: eventually they died or were outvoted by younger voters. Nope…after Thurmond’s run, the Dixiecrats went right back to voting for Democrats for another half century.
  5. In writing about McGovern and Wallace, liberal luminary, Arthur Schlesinger, actually referred to Wallace voters as responding to their candidate’s “integrity”! “The primaries themselves, especially the success of McGovern and Wallace, provide the best evidence for the proposition that voters in 1972 care less about a candidate's stand on particular issues than they do about the candidate's integrity,…” How McGovern Will Win
    1. McGovern gave a tip-of-the-hat to the segregationist Wallace in his acceptance speech at the Democrat Convention. That was the exact midpoint between Goldwater and Reagan. So…what of the imaginary “southern strategy” where the Republicans were supposed to have a plan to appeal to racists?
    2. Democrat McGovern: “And I was as moved as well by the appearance in the Convention Hall of the Governor of Alabama, George Wallace. … Governor, we pray for your full recovery so you can stand up and speak out for all of those who see you as their champion.” ACCEPTANCE SPEECH OF SENATOR GEORGE MCGOVERN

So did I just prove that you are a dunce, or what.

No, anyone who would source Pat Buchanan as a an authority about race relations has already lost the argument. Next time don't pick bigots to prove to us what you are.

I just proved, with facts about the result of elections, both that there was no Southern Strategy, and that you are a fool.

Unless you'd like to deny the truth of my post....
Covered fully in chapter 12 of Coulter's "Mugged"

"Coulter goes on to show that LBJ continually rejected civil rights bills proposed by only Republicans and it was not until 1964, when Johnson finally signed the civil rights act with very little help from his fellow Democrats in Congress. Even after the passage of the civil rights act, Democrats continued to win elections in former segregationist states all the way through the election of George H.W. Bush despite the folklore of the GOP “southern strategy.”
PICKET: Coulter shreds 'southern strategy' myth as GOP successfully runs more blacks in conservative districts - Washington Times

There was no "Southern Strategy."

But....there are low information voters who believe it.....
Raise your paw.

"LBJ continually rejected civil rights bills proposed by only Republicans and it was not until 1964, when Johnson finally signed the civil rights act "

Johnson’s later roles spearheading civil-rights measures into law including acts approved in 1957, 1960 and 1964

Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker

"...with very little help from his fellow Democrats in Congress."

EXCEPT MORE DEMS THAN GOPers voted for it, though the SOUTHERN CONfederate States of AmeriKKKa from BOTH parties, opposed it!
Last edited:
PC Make time to answer this one because I am going to lean on you for an answer.

2005: Southern Strategy was wrong; move to Hispanic Strategy
In 2005, Republican Party chairman Ken Mehlman went to the NAACP national convention, to apologize for a Southern Strategy that had given the GOP five victories in six presidential contests and brought the party to national power: "I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong.""We have now moved from the Southern strategy we pursued for the last 3 decades, since Richard Nixon, to a Hispanic strategy for the next three decades,"
Source: State of Emergency, by Pat Buchanan, p. 54 , Oct 2, 2007
""I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" -- LBJ"


Sourced by a Pulitzer Prize winning author

"Turns out the source of that supposed saying by Lyndon B. Johnson "I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years" first originated in Ronald Kessler's 1996 book Inside the White House: The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World's Most Powerful Institution, sourced from a 1993 interview with former Air Force One steward Robert M. MacMillan.

An allegation made 20 years after LBJ's death.


"A source for information about LBJ who is not a partisan hack, dirty trickster and MLK-adultery publicist is Robert M. MacMillan, Air Force One steward during the Johnson administration. Macmillan reports that when LBJ was flying on Air Force One with two governors once, he boasted, “I’ll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years.”
PICKET: Coulter shreds 'southern strategy' myth as GOP successfully runs more blacks in conservative districts - Washington Times


Turns out the source of that supposed saying by Lyndon B. Johnson "I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years" first originated in Ronald Kessler's 1996 book Inside the White House: The Hidden Lives of the Modern Presidents and the Secrets of the World's Most Powerful Institution, sourced from a 1993 interview with former Air Force One steward Robert M. MacMillan.


Did you want Kessler to exhume LBJ and ask him?

What a fucking tard!

You mean THE ONE STEWARD WHO SAID HE SAID IT, NOT the writer who just propagated the myth?

Time to make you eat more crow....

"[LBJ] called me 'boy,' '******,' or 'chief,' never by my name... Whenever I was late, no matter what the reason, Johnson called me 'a lazy good for nothing ******'...I was afraid of him because of the pain and humiliation he could inflict at a moment's notice."-- Robert Parker, LBJ's chauffeur, in his autobiography, "Capital Hill in Black and White".

ONE person said that was true, almost 2 decades AFTER LBJ died, lol

From a review of Robert Parker's book "Capitol Hill in Black and White"..

"This book is an absolute MUST READ if you want to understand Lyndon Johnson. Black man Robert Parker was LBJ's factotum, chauffeur and later climbed to the maître d' of the prestigious Senate Dining Room.

This is one of the best books I have ever read about Lyndon Johnson as well as one of the best political books I have read. Robert Parker attached himself to the coattails of Lyndon Johnson and worked his way up to a patronage job as the maître de of the Senate Dining Room.

Parker was in place for the civil rights movement of the 1960's; he helped to facilitate meetings of civil rights leaders and due to his networking with senators and their families he became a power player in his own right.

The racism of Lyndon Johnson is on full display in this book as Robert Parker offers up several fascinating LBJ anecdotes that illustrate his boorish cruelty.- LBJ told Parker just shut up and pretend you are a piece of GD furniture."

Everything said in this thread about LBJ is absolutely true.

Oh I agree, LJB WAS a racist prick from the SOUTHERN CONservative CONfederate States of AmeriKKKa but grew a brain and started acting on his compassion versus CONservative upbringing/culture!

Nothing about that however supports the 200 year quote 2 decades after LBJ died. Weird right?

"Coulter goes on to show that LBJ continually rejected civil rights bills proposed by only Republicans and it was not until 1964, when Johnson finally signed the civil rights act with very little help from his fellow Democrats in Congress. Even after the passage of the civil rights act, Democrats continued to win elections in former segregationist states all the way through the election of George H.W. Bush despite the folklore of the GOP “southern strategy.”
PICKET: Coulter shreds 'southern strategy' myth as GOP successfully runs more blacks in conservative districts - Washington Times

There was no "Southern Strategy."

But....there are low information voters who believe it.....
Raise your paw.

I guess Ronald Reagan's man in the White House is wrong then, because there it is in black and white. Deny it all you want, it won't go away.

OK.....time to explode another of your most firmly held beliefs:

My public service: the southern strategy myth:

1. The myth:…segregationist voters who blamed civil rights on the Democrats, switched loyalties to new Republicans who now embraced their views. Republicans ran against busing, against affirmative action, against equal rights legislation…The south has been Republican ever since]

  1. According to this liberal myth, Goldwater and the Republicans were racists and used racism to appeal to racist southerners to change the electoral map. To believe the tale, one must be either a reliable Democrat voter, and/or be ignorant of the history of the time.
  2. Goldwater was one of only six Republican senators to vote against the 1964 act. He did so on libertarian grounds, opposed to the act’s restrictions on private property which he believed beyond the Congress’s powers under the commerce clause. Five others supported the party’s presidential nominee.
    1. Goldwater went on to win five southern states in 1964: Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina. But he lost eight.
    2. Democrats build the ‘southern strategy’ tale on the fact that the same states voted for ‘Dixiecrat’ Strom Thurmond in 1948 (less Georgia).
    3. Except that Nixon and Reagan lost, or almost lost the same states in ’68 and ’80…
    4. And Jimmy Carter and Clinton did pretty well in those states in ’76 and ’92.
    5. And the Goldwater states went right back to voting Democrat for decades…
  3. So…if Republicans were racists and got racist southerners to vote for them, how to explain this: Republicans always did best in the southern states that Goldwater lost, which happened to be the same ones Republicans had been winning with some regularity since 1928.
    1. In ’28, ’52, ’56, and ’60, Republicans generally won Virginia, Florida, Texas, Kentucky and sometimes North Carolina or Louisiana. Did you notice that those years were before 1964?
    2. Four years after Goldwater, the segregationist vote went right back to Democrats: Humphrey got half of Wallace’s supporters on election day. Nixon got none of ‘em. “When the '68 campaign began, Nixon was at 42 percent, Humphrey at 29 percent, Wallace at 22 percent. When it ended, Nixon and Humphrey were tied at 43 percent, with Wallace at 13 percent. The 9 percent of the national vote that had been peeled off from Wallace had gone to Humphrey.” Pat Buchanan - The neocons & Nixon's southern strategy
    3. In ’76, Carter swept the South. Was Carter appealing to bigots….or is that only the case when Republicans win the South?
  4. Reagan lost or barely won the Goldwater states…but Reagan won among young southern voters- but lost among seniors, those who has voted in ’48 and ’64. That meant that the segregationists never abandoned the Democrats: eventually they died or were outvoted by younger voters. Nope…after Thurmond’s run, the Dixiecrats went right back to voting for Democrats for another half century.
  5. In writing about McGovern and Wallace, liberal luminary, Arthur Schlesinger, actually referred to Wallace voters as responding to their candidate’s “integrity”! “The primaries themselves, especially the success of McGovern and Wallace, provide the best evidence for the proposition that voters in 1972 care less about a candidate's stand on particular issues than they do about the candidate's integrity,…” How McGovern Will Win
    1. McGovern gave a tip-of-the-hat to the segregationist Wallace in his acceptance speech at the Democrat Convention. That was the exact midpoint between Goldwater and Reagan. So…what of the imaginary “southern strategy” where the Republicans were supposed to have a plan to appeal to racists?
    2. Democrat McGovern: “And I was as moved as well by the appearance in the Convention Hall of the Governor of Alabama, George Wallace. … Governor, we pray for your full recovery so you can stand up and speak out for all of those who see you as their champion.” ACCEPTANCE SPEECH OF SENATOR GEORGE MCGOVERN

So did I just prove that you are a dunce, or what.

No, anyone who would source Pat Buchanan as a an authority about race relations has already lost the argument. Next time don't pick bigots to prove to us what you are.

I just proved, with facts about the result of elections, both that there was no Southern Strategy, and that you are a fool.

Unless you'd like to deny the truth of my post....
Covered fully in chapter 12 of Coulter's "Mugged"

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy

Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman
apologized to one of the nation's largest black civil rights groups Thursday, saying Republicans had not done enough to court blacks in the past and had exploited racial strife to court white voters, particularly in the South.

"It's not healthy for the country for our political parties to be so racially polarized," said Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman.

"Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization," Mehlman said at the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. "I am here today as the Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong."

USATODAY.com - GOP: 'We were wrong' to play racial politics
Political Chic, please take the time to rationalize and explain the Republican Party platform:

  • Constitutionally define marriage as one man & one woman. (Aug 2012)
  • 2006: Federalize gay marriage via Constitutional Amendment. (Apr 2008)
  • 2005: Southern Strategy was wrong; move to Hispanic Strategy. (Oct 2007)
  • Marriage is legal union of one man and one woman. (Sep 2006)
  • The Patriot Act is used to track terrorist activity. (Sep 2004)
  • Homosexuality is incompatible with military service. (Sep 2004)
  • Support the advancement of women in the military. (Sep 2004)
  • States should not recognize gay marriage from other states. (Sep 2004)
  • Affirmative Access, without preferences or set-asides. (Sep 2004)
  • Constitutional Amendment banning same-sex marriage. (Sep 2004)
  • Strong support for traditional definition of marriage. (Aug 2000)
  • Let Boy Scouts exercise free speech (ok to ban gays). (Aug 2000)
  • Women exempt from combat; “candid analysis” of military gays. (Aug 2000)
Jeb Bush on Civil Rights

  • OpEd: "One Florida" scrapped affirmative action. (Apr 2015)
  • Let businesses express religious freedom against gays. (Mar 2015)
  • Respect civil unions & same-sex lifetime commitments. (Jan 2015)
  • 1994: LGBT protections are tantamount to elevating sodomy. (Jan 2015)
  • Don't-ask-don't-tell ok if it doesn't affect policy. (Dec 2014)
  • Traditional marriage best; but recognize gay couples. (Mar 2013)
  • Replaced affirmative action with "One Florida" initiative. (Jun 2012)
  • Insisted on more racial and gender diversity in trial judges. (Mar 2008)
  • Dismantled Florida's affirmative action program. (Feb 2007)
  • One Florida: equal minority contracts and admissions. (Feb 2007)
  • Don't create gays as another category of victims. (Feb 2007)
  • Removed Confederate battle flag from Florida Capitol. (Feb 2007)
  • 1981: Left Houston based on prejudice against Mexican wife. (Sep 2004)
  • Provide licensure exams in Spanish, for free. (Jun 2000)
  • Supports Affirmative Action; against quotas. (Jul 1998)
  • No hate-crimes status for gays; no gay marriage. (Jul 1998)
  • Gay rights & feminism are "modern victim movements". (Nov 1995)
  • Support principles embodied in the Equal Rights Amendment. (Feb 2001)
Ben Carson on Civil Rights

  • Homosexuality is a choice, but same-sex marriage is the law. (May 2015)
  • Give gays rights, but not marriage, because it's a choice. (Mar 2015)
  • Don't let the PC police label conservatives as extremists. (Feb 2015)
  • Underdog status is not determined any longer by race. (Feb 2014)
  • Underdog status is no longer determined by race. (Feb 2014)
  • Apologized for likening homosexuality to pedophilia. (Mar 2013)
  • Marriage should not be extended to same-sex couples. (Mar 2013)
  • 1960s: experienced racism in inner-city Boston and Detroit. (Jan 2012)
  • Reparations for WWII Japanese ok, but not for slavery. (Jan 2012)
  • Not all black candidates share Obama's left-wing politics. (Jan 2012)
  • Redefining marriage is slippery slope with disastrous ending. (Jan 2012)
  • Legal binding relationship for gays to enjoy property rights. (Jan 2012)
  • Free speech is wonderful, but hate speech causes actual harm. (Jan 2012)
Ted Cruz on Civil Rights

  • Pray against a court decision legalizing same-sex marriage. (Apr 2015)
  • Liberals obsessed with mandatory gay marriage in 50 states. (Apr 2015)
  • Zealotry on same-sex marriage leaves out religious liberty. (Apr 2015)
  • Most states can ignore Supreme Court legalizing gay marriage. (Mar 2015)
  • Overturn Supreme Court with anti-gay marriage Amendment. (Oct 2014)
  • Opposes gay pride parades and opposes gay marriage. (Feb 2012)
  • One-man-one-woman marriage is building block of society. (Jul 2011)
  • Disallow Ku Klux Klan from participating in Adopt-A-Highway. (Jul 2011)
  • Voted NO on reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act. (Feb 2013)
  • Supports defining traditional marriage. (Oct 2012)
  • Sponsored state definition of marriage supersedes federal gay marriage. (Feb 2014)
Carly Fiorina on Civil Rights

  • Supreme Court overstepped by legalizing same-sex marriage. (May 2015)
  • I don't just Tweet about equal pay; I lead on pay standards. (Feb 2015)
  • Women professionals are not treated the same as men. (May 2014)
  • Marriage is between a man and a woman; but civil unions ok. (Sep 2010)
  • No same-sex marriage; yes civil unions; repeal DADT. (Sep 2010)
  • Proud conservative vote for Proposition 8. (Nov 2009)
  • 1976: Worked with monogamous gay couples in college. (Sep 2007)
  • Hired by AT&T after court ordered them to promote more women. (Sep 2007)
  • Supports Amendment to prevent same sex marriage. (Aug 2010)
  • Opposes Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). (Sep 2010)
Mike Huckabee on Civil Rights

  • Don't force children to accept transgender choice by others. (Jun 2015)
  • Amendment to overturn Supreme Court decision on gay marriage. (May 2015)
  • Same-sex marriage leads to criminalization of Christianity. (Apr 2015)
  • Courts cannot unilaterally allow same-sex marriage. (Apr 2015)
  • Free speech should include Christian worldview. (Jan 2015)
  • If GOP abdicates on gay marriage, they lose guys like me. (Oct 2014)
  • Supreme Court can't allow gay marriage all by itself. (Oct 2014)
  • Women should control libido rather than rely on Uncle Sugar. (Jan 2014)
  • Homosexuality is a sin the same as heterosexual lust. (Dec 2013)
  • Pays attention to black vote; got 48% as governor. (Nov 2008)
  • I witnessed firsthand the shameful evil of racism. (Sep 2008)
  • It’s arrogant for GOP to ignore Hispanics or any group. (Dec 2007)
  • Racial profiling based on speaking with accent is unAmerican. (Dec 2007)
  • Got 48% of black vote in AR; embarrassed at national GOP. (Sep 2007)
  • Address gay behavior if problematic, not gay attitudes. (Jun 2007)
  • Gay tolerance reflects lack of fixed societal standards. (Jun 2007)
  • Respect gay couples but no gay adoptions. (Jan 2007)
  • USA has gone from Barney Fife to Barney Frank. (Jan 2007)
  • Signed legislation outlawing same-sex marriage in Arkansas. (Dec 2006)
  • No civil unions; only one-man-one-woman marriage. (Nov 2002)
  • No affirmative action for state contracts nor colleges. (Nov 2002)
  • If Titanic sank now, feminism would cost more women's lives. (Jun 1998)
  • Women's liberation resulted in women's impoverishment. (Jun 1998)
  • No-fault divorce increases feminization of poverty. (Jun 1998)
  • Until recently, no one suggested homosexuality was equal. (Sep 1997)
  • Treat AIDS as plague to be isolated, not civil rights issue. (Nov 1992)
  • More federal funding of IDEA for disabled education. (Mar 2000)
  • Support principles embodied in the Equal Rights Amendment. (Feb 2001)
Bobby Jindal on Civil Rights

  • Protect first amendment rights for Christian business owners. (Aug 2015)
  • Institution of marriage existed long before our laws existed. (Apr 2015)
  • I pledge support for a religious freedom law. (Apr 2015)
  • Ok to deny services to gays based on religious beliefs. (Apr 2015)
  • Let's have religious liberty without anti-gay discrimination. (Apr 2015)
  • Find common ground on gay marriage even when we disagree. (May 2014)
  • Strong views opposing same-sex marriage. (Nov 2010)
  • Supports constitutional amendment to define marriage. (Jun 2008)
  • Voted YES on Constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman. (Jul 2006)
  • Voted YES on making the PATRIOT Act permanent. (Dec 2005)
  • Rated 0% by the HRC, indicating an anti-gay-rights stance. (Dec 2006)
  • Rated 33% by the NAACP, indicating an anti-affirmative-action stance. (Dec 2006)
Of course there are many more, but I hope you finally get the fact that your party is not a shining beacon on a hill nor a thousand points of light. You people need some serious work.
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