Why Conservative Is Simply Better....

For once the OP may have something. I didn't watch the video. I would wager of the 90+ responses to the OP, 1 in 9 probably didn't watch it. Then again, everytime that daft cVnt posts something, 90% don't bother to read the book-length post so this is no different. Also, the OP is 1 post, and there are likely 40 posts where she insults people who point out how full of shit she is so the ratio is more .5 in 5.

Anyway, but in a general sense of the definition of today's liberalism vs today's conservatism, she may have a point. If I had to choose to live by the extremes of each school of thought; let's say Newt Gingrich's conservatism vs. Nancy Pelosi's liberalism, it would be a close call. I'd ultimately probably choose Nancy's liberalism but it wouldn't be a 'gimme' question.

We really do not need laws limiting the size of our drinks, the type of saran wrap butchers can use to wrap a lamb shank, funding for the NEA when we are $17T in debt. Surely, I could go through the conservative sacred cows and find all sorts of idiotic things as well; my favorite is how they endorse Executive Orders by a governor but decry them from a President....a real mystery there ladies and gents.

I like the center-left culture we're living under currently much more than I would enjoy either of the extremes. And in some cases, I would have to admit extreme conservatism makes more sense than extreme liberalism. Those days are few and far betwen and are usually only brought on buy extra ordinary circumstances.
You're wasting my time trying to change the subject to Liberalism.

I'm not changing any subject, but merely mirroring your expressed opinion.

The Op has made the assertion that Conservatism is better for the individual and for society, the problem of course is that the Republican Party does not meet the standards of Conservatism.

Perhaps. But it is certain that the current Democratic Party does not meet the standards of classical liberalism.


I don't think the captains of the present democratic Party ever claimed to be the standard bearers of classic liberalism. That "liberal" moniker was hung around their necks by right wing talking heads. The Democratic Party is made up of both conservative AND liberal factions. One or the other surfaces depending on the issue at hand.

What nonsense.

If you ask nicely, I'm certain an adult will help you to obtain a library card.

A bit of study, and you won't embarrass yourself like this again.

The Stormfront library is not on my list of places to visit... BTW, does your library card have swastikas on it?

You d

When one as dumb as you are is skewered....as I have done by highlighting your ignorance, what is left for you but to scream 'you Nazi, you!!!!'

It is nothing less than proof of what I said.
Oh puhleese, you haven't highlighted anything but your own partisan bigotry and appeased the sheep who adore you. BTW, having a swastika on your library card could mean you are a buddhist monk... but I doubt it... you are too intolerant for that!
Conservatism can't be better because historically progress replaces it with something better.
Looks to me like conservatism is winning all over the globe.

The Soviet Union collapsed. China and India are moving away from centrally planned economies toward freer and freer market economies.

Those are huge victories for conservatism.

So when states rights in the US lost out to 'central planning' and slavery was abolished, that was a tragic defeat?

You are sick.

States rights are not lost. The 10th Amendment is not repealed.

Slavery was abolished and civil rights were enforced in spite of the Democrats, not because of them.

Without the Northern Democrats the Civil Rights bill would never have passed.

Democrats stood in the way of every civil rights bill, including every anti-lynching bill in the Senate.
Yes, those Conservative Democrats did try to block every civil right's initiative those Liberal Republicans tried to pass. How in the world did the Democrats become Liberal and the Republicans Conservative considering their respective histories? HUH?
So when states rights in the US lost out to 'central planning' and slavery was abolished, that was a tragic defeat?

You are sick.

States rights are not lost. The 10th Amendment is not repealed.

Slavery was abolished and civil rights were enforced in spite of the Democrats, not because of them.

Without the Northern Democrats the Civil Rights bill would never have passed.

Democrats stood in the way of every civil rights bill, including every anti-lynching bill in the Senate.
And TODAY, the political descendants of those Southern right wing conservatives stand in the way of every civil rights bill for gays as Republicans.

the racists yesterday and today are the democrats.....you can't change that with lies.

You can't make today's National Democrat apparatus into something it isn't with lies, especially not with Democrat Obama in the white house. Give it up... you look silly trying to make people believe something so obviously untrue!
Conservatism can't be better because historically progress replaces it with something better.
Looks to me like conservatism is winning all over the globe.

The Soviet Union collapsed. China and India are moving away from centrally planned economies toward freer and freer market economies.

Those are huge victories for conservatism.

So when states rights in the US lost out to 'central planning' and slavery was abolished, that was a tragic defeat?

You are sick.

States rights are not lost. The 10th Amendment is not repealed.

Slavery was abolished and civil rights were enforced in spite of the Democrats, not because of them.

Without the Northern Democrats the Civil Rights bill would never have passed.

Early Communist infiltration - those who brought the civil rights movement with them - into the Democratic party began in the Northern states.

Do study history, and check your sources.
Conservatism can't be better because historically progress replaces it with something better.
Looks to me like conservatism is winning all over the globe.

The Soviet Union collapsed. China and India are moving away from centrally planned economies toward freer and freer market economies.

Those are huge victories for conservatism.

So when states rights in the US lost out to 'central planning' and slavery was abolished, that was a tragic defeat?

You are sick.

States rights are not lost. The 10th Amendment is not repealed.

Slavery was abolished and civil rights were enforced in spite of the Democrats, not because of them.

Without the Northern Democrats the Civil Rights bill would never have passed.

Early Communist infiltration - those who brought the civil rights movement with them - into the Democratic party began in the Northern states.

Do study history, and check your sources.

You are really serious, aren't you? You are not joking... BLAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Conservatism can't be better because historically progress replaces it with something better.
Looks to me like conservatism is winning all over the globe.

The Soviet Union collapsed. China and India are moving away from centrally planned economies toward freer and freer market economies.

Those are huge victories for conservatism.

So when states rights in the US lost out to 'central planning' and slavery was abolished, that was a tragic defeat?

You are sick.

States rights are not lost. The 10th Amendment is not repealed.

Slavery was abolished and civil rights were enforced in spite of the Democrats, not because of them.

Without the Northern Democrats the Civil Rights bill would never have passed.

Early Communist infiltration - those who brought the civil rights movement with them - into the Democratic party began in the Northern states.

Do study history, and check your sources.

Commies? lol

Fucking stupid AND crazy right wingers who are NEVER on the correct side of history!
Yet there isn't a single Republican Civil Rights Leader beloved by Blacks. Odd isn't it?

Not at all. Free money buys a lotta votes.

Ignorance buys even more, look at the red staters voting against their own best interests so the "job creators" NEVER, EVER are asked for a penny more in revenues!

Looks to me like conservatism is winning all over the globe.

The Soviet Union collapsed. China and India are moving away from centrally planned economies toward freer and freer market economies.

Those are huge victories for conservatism.

So when states rights in the US lost out to 'central planning' and slavery was abolished, that was a tragic defeat?

You are sick.

States rights are not lost. The 10th Amendment is not repealed.

Slavery was abolished and civil rights were enforced in spite of the Democrats, not because of them.

Without the Northern Democrats the Civil Rights bill would never have passed.

Early Communist infiltration - those who brought the civil rights movement with them - into the Democratic party began in the Northern states.

Do study history, and check your sources.

You are really serious, aren't you? You are not joking... BLAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

The Communist Party and the Civil Rights Movement - Hankering for History

The Communist Party USA and African Americans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And just for fun -

The Democrat Party VS the Republican Party: Who is the True Champion of the Ending Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Community
So when states rights in the US lost out to 'central planning' and slavery was abolished, that was a tragic defeat?

You are sick.

States rights are not lost. The 10th Amendment is not repealed.

Slavery was abolished and civil rights were enforced in spite of the Democrats, not because of them.

Without the Northern Democrats the Civil Rights bill would never have passed.

Early Communist infiltration - those who brought the civil rights movement with them - into the Democratic party began in the Northern states.

Do study history, and check your sources.

You are really serious, aren't you? You are not joking... BLAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

The Communist Party and the Civil Rights Movement - Hankering for History

The Communist Party USA and African Americans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And just for fun -

The Democrat Party VS the Republican Party: Who is the True Champion of the Ending Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Community

Obscure sources, blogs and a lot of unfounded assertions.
In less than five minutes, Greg Gutfeld explains why Conservative is simply better for the individual, and for society, than Liberal

And, by investing the five minutes in this vid...you get course credit in Prager University.....

Why the Right is Right - Prager University
Wow finally a post by PC that isn't incoherent copy and paste word salad. Still missing an original thought however...
States rights are not lost. The 10th Amendment is not repealed.

Slavery was abolished and civil rights were enforced in spite of the Democrats, not because of them.

Without the Northern Democrats the Civil Rights bill would never have passed.

Early Communist infiltration - those who brought the civil rights movement with them - into the Democratic party began in the Northern states.

Do study history, and check your sources.

You are really serious, aren't you? You are not joking... BLAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

The Communist Party and the Civil Rights Movement - Hankering for History

The Communist Party USA and African Americans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And just for fun -

The Democrat Party VS the Republican Party: Who is the True Champion of the Ending Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Community

Obscure sources, blogs and a lot of unfounded assertions.

That, by my count, you are not refuting.
So when states rights in the US lost out to 'central planning' and slavery was abolished, that was a tragic defeat?

You are sick.

States rights are not lost. The 10th Amendment is not repealed.

Slavery was abolished and civil rights were enforced in spite of the Democrats, not because of them.

Without the Northern Democrats the Civil Rights bill would never have passed.

Early Communist infiltration - those who brought the civil rights movement with them - into the Democratic party began in the Northern states.

Do study history, and check your sources.

You are really serious, aren't you? You are not joking... BLAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

The Communist Party and the Civil Rights Movement - Hankering for History

The Communist Party USA and African Americans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And just for fun -

The Democrat Party VS the Republican Party: Who is the True Champion of the Ending Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Community

Good job Bubba, conflating party for ideology

The reality is that the three (3) largest minority groups in America demonstrated, in November, 2012, how they felt about the two major parties in this country:

Over 90% of African-American voters chose the Democratic Party presidential candidate, NOT the Republican Party presidential candidate.

70% of Hispanic-American voters chose the Democratic Party presidential candidate, NOT the Republican Party presidential candidate.

73% of Asian-American voters chose the Democratic Party presidential candidate, NOT the Republican Party presidential candidate.



'Though the "Solid South" had been a longtime Democratic Party stronghold due to the Democratic Party's defense of slavery prior to the American Civil War and segregation for a century thereafter, many white Southern Democrats stopped supporting the party following the civil rights plank of the Democratic campaign in 1948 (triggering the Dixiecrats), the African-American Civil Rights Movement, the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, and desegregation.'

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By comparison, take the 1960 and 1964 elections, for example. In 1960 between JFK and Nixon? Nixon's the bigot with 'The Southern Strategy' playing to the Jim Crow of States Rights, and he was VP since 1952.

1964, Goldwater (the furthest right the GOP had known to date) vs the guy that drove the Civil Rights Act?? The night it passed, LBJ, 'in a mood described by White House aide Bill Moyers as melancholy, Johnson predicted that we just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come."'

Reagan continued Nixon's Southern Strategy. His '1980 endorsement of "states' rights" at the Neshoba County Fair in Mississippi, close to the site of the ruthless 1964 murder of three civil rights workers,' reinforcing his support of John C Calhoun's 1828 States Rights - as the fed govt progresses socially, "we'll maintain our slavery and segregation as we see fit here locally, within our state boundaries. Back off."

The migration of racists predominantly going from Dem to GOP started in 1948 and completed in 1965.

What Reagan meant by "states' rights."
And TODAY, the political descendants of those Southern right wing conservatives stand in the way of every civil rights bill for gays as Republicans.

When without an argument, blame southerners. How predictable.

The Conservative Fantasy History of Civil Rights

The civil rights movement, once a controversial left-wing fringe, has grown deeply embedded into the fabric of our national story. This is a salutary development, but a problematic one for conservatives, who are the direct political descendants of (and, in the case of some of the older members of the movement, the exact same people as) the strident opponents of the civil rights movement. It has thus become necessary for conservatives to craft an alternative story, one that absolves their own ideology of any guilt. The right has dutifully set itself to its task, circulating its convoluted version of history, honing it to the point where it can be repeated by any defensive College Republican in his dorm room. Kevin Williamson’s cover story in National Review is the latest version of what is rapidly congealing into conservatism’s revisionist dogma.

The mainstream, and correct, history of the politics of civil rights is as follows. Southern white supremacy operated out of the Democratic Party beginning in the nineteenth century, but the party began attracting northern liberals, including African-Americans, into an ideologically cumbersome coalition. Over time the liberals prevailed, forcing the Democratic Party to support civil rights, and driving conservative (and especially southern) whites out, where they realigned with the Republican Party.

The Conservative Fantasy History of Civil Rights
Without the Northern Democrats the Civil Rights bill would never have passed.

Early Communist infiltration - those who brought the civil rights movement with them - into the Democratic party began in the Northern states.

Do study history, and check your sources.

You are really serious, aren't you? You are not joking... BLAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

The Communist Party and the Civil Rights Movement - Hankering for History

The Communist Party USA and African Americans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And just for fun -

The Democrat Party VS the Republican Party: Who is the True Champion of the Ending Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Community

Obscure sources, blogs and a lot of unfounded assertions.

That, by my count, you are not refuting.

Refute? You post some links to a blogs and a wiki-pedia article that looks suspiciously like the narrative from the blog and you want me to refute it? The same guy who wrote the blog likely wrote the Wiki article. The you top it off with a well worn syllogism that indicates all democrats are anti civil rights= liberals are democrats= liberals are racists

and conversely, republicans are angels who instigated the civil rights movement =conservatives are republicans= conservatives are not racists.

But NOW I am really perplexed. You throw the communists into the mix and seem to be putting them on the same team as the republicans in supporting civil rights for Blacks. So , let me see if I have this right.... the conservative republicans and communists worked together to end Jim Crow while the "liberals" like George Wallace and Lester Maddox were trying to keep Blacks down. I'll pause to allow you to comment.... I just want to be sure I understand what you are trying to put forth here.

Dayum, that is DEEP!
When there is no way around the truth blame the messenger.

Show me what the truth is then.

If you're a Republican, you're probably not a racist, but if you're a racist, you're probably a Republican.

People can rewrite/spin history in any direction they want, but the Republicans are going to have an image problem as long as their constituency remains like it is. It's hard to argue against the personal experience that:

White racists=mostly republicans, Evangelicals=mostly republicans, Bigots=mostly republicans, Racial Minorities=mostly democrat, Gays=mostly democrat

Obviously, some of each group is contained within the different parties, but percentage/most peoples' personal experience wise this is hard to argue against.

The Republicans can say all they want that they support rights for all and are an open and tolerant group. Unfortunately for them, unless your dumb, deaf, and blind people who actually are open and tolerant are going to have a hard time stomaching a vote for a party whose most visible members are vaguely racist, bigoted, and uber-religious.

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