Why Conservatives can't Whitewater Obama

If you think that Clinton was impeached over a bj, that might be your whole problem right there. Did he lose his law license over a bj too?

he lost his license because he lied about a bj. Impeachment was the gops first step to becoming irrelvant except in being able to derail legislation. Iraq, the recession, and the teaparty were mere steps along the batshit crazy line. Impeachment was great theatre when even Trent Lott said we're actuqally gonna have to vote on this. LOL

He lied under oath in order to affect the civil case against him. That's perjury and that's why he was impeached and lost his law license.

He was found not guilty of perjury. Get your facts right. Why do you want people to believe something you know to be lies. BTW, perjury requires more than just lying. The burden is lying over a material fact. What was material about lying over Lewinski in Paula Jones' suit?

The only thing that Clinton did was to fail to obey the judges order. For this, he ceded his law license, uncontested. He had no intention of ever moving back to Arkansas, so it was no skin off his ass. Also, his license wasn't lost, it was suspended. Since 2005, he can practice law anytime he wants.
If you think that Clinton was impeached over a bj, that might be your whole problem right there. Did he lose his law license over a bj too?

he lost his license because he lied about a bj. Impeachment was the gops first step to becoming irrelvant except in being able to derail legislation. Iraq, the recession, and the teaparty were mere steps along the batshit crazy line. Impeachment was great theatre when even Trent Lott said we're actuqally gonna have to vote on this. LOL

He lied under oath in order to affect the civil case against him. That's perjury and that's why he was impeached and lost his law license.

That doesn't matter. Democrats lying dont matter. Doesn't matter how many people suffer for their lies. As long as they dont have an R next to their name, they are good.
Oh, so the media folks forced Clinton to commit the perjury which led to his impeachment. And here all along I thought he was just lying to protect the little woman or something.

He lied for himself. That's all.
He was found not guilty of perjury. Get your facts right. Why do you want people to believe something you know to be lies. BTW, perjury requires more than just lying. The burden is lying over a material fact. What was material about lying over Lewinski in Paula Jones' suit?

The only thing that Clinton did was to fail to obey the judges order. For this, he ceded his law license, uncontested. He had no intention of ever moving back to Arkansas, so it was no skin off his ass. Also, his license wasn't lost, it was suspended. Since 2005, he can practice law anytime he wants.

That's because he was judged by his fellow politicians instead of a jury of his peers.

And lying is the key element to purjury. And Obstruction of justice is more than just lying. he was impeached for both.
Conservatives kind of shot their wad with Clinton

For some reason they think they can try the same tactics 20 years later and nobody will be the wiser
So far....Conservatives are right where I expect them to be

No introspection on how effective their tactics are.......Blame the Liberal Media

Lets see how the rest of our USMB conservatives respond

Sitting from your far left position on the political spectrum, you have no effective means as to gauge such tactics. The Media has been obsessed with Obama since 2008, you yourself cannot offer any introspection due to your support of the President. So far, this OP is nothing more than a political hit piece. The writer is a staunch Liberal, and so is the writer of the article he linked to.

If you would bother to read your own articles, Bill Scher is the executive editor of LiberalOasis.com. You need more material.
So far....Conservatives are right where I expect them to be

No introspection on how effective their tactics are.......Blame the Liberal Media

Lets see how the rest of our USMB conservatives respond

Sitting from your far left position on the political spectrum, you have no effective means as to gauge such tactics. The Media has been obsessed with Obama since 2008, you yourself cannot offer any introspection due to your support of the President. So far, this OP is nothing more than a political hit piece. The writer is a staunch Liberal, and so is the writer of the article he linked to.

If you would bother to read your own articles, Bill Scher is the executive editor of LiberalOasis.com. You need more material.

Interesting.....so you believe the current Conservative tactics are working?
So far....Conservatives are right where I expect them to be

No introspection on how effective their tactics are.......Blame the Liberal Media

Lets see how the rest of our USMB conservatives respond

Sitting from your far left position on the political spectrum, you have no effective means as to gauge such tactics. The Media has been obsessed with Obama since 2008, you yourself cannot offer any introspection due to your support of the President. So far, this OP is nothing more than a political hit piece. The writer is a staunch Liberal, and so is the writer of the article he linked to.

If you would bother to read your own articles, Bill Scher is the executive editor of LiberalOasis.com. You need more material.

Interesting.....so you believe the current Conservative tactics are working?

Nobody's tactics are working. If you want my honest opinion.
So far....Conservatives are right where I expect them to be

No introspection on how effective their tactics are.......Blame the Liberal Media

Lets see how the rest of our USMB conservatives respond

Sitting from your far left position on the political spectrum, you have no effective means as to gauge such tactics. The Media has been obsessed with Obama since 2008, you yourself cannot offer any introspection due to your support of the President. So far, this OP is nothing more than a political hit piece. The writer is a staunch Liberal, and so is the writer of the article he linked to.

If you would bother to read your own articles, Bill Scher is the executive editor of LiberalOasis.com. You need more material.

Interesting.....so you believe the current Conservative tactics are working?

you and the week need a huge of cheese..
Investigations have been done UNDER EVERY President...the only difference today is the WHINING from sites like the week/ WEAK and Obama cult members like you..
So far....Conservatives are right where I expect them to be

No introspection on how effective their tactics are.......Blame the Liberal Media

Lets see how the rest of our USMB conservatives respond

Liberals learned to fight back? How about the fact that Conservatives have learned to use liberal tactics back at them. :cuckoo:
and who the hell comes up with these ignorant articles? they can't WHITEWATER Obama like Clinton..

we see it works for their sheep tough
When something does go wrong, Obama is quick to take care of business
Martha Johnson, resigned. Robert Peck, fired. David Chaney, resigned. Greg Stokes, indefinitely suspended without pay. Louis Caldera, resigned.

lol, this is what the week minded calls, taking care of business..
No need for him to call for investigations on the ABUSE OF THEIR POWER for the Irs..just sit back and watch someone resign for their part in this agency..

not a leader is what we expect from Obama..and it lives
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So far....Conservatives are right where I expect them to be

No introspection on how effective their tactics are.......Blame the Liberal Media

Lets see how the rest of our USMB conservatives respond

Well can you really blame the liberal media?

I mean who in the media is going to write disparaging stories about their brother, sister or husband or wife works directly for Obama?

That would be like betraying your own family right?
And for those that don't know the family ties between the media and the White House here's an FYI. And to add to this story, Jay Carney's wife is a biggie at ABC.

Think about the hell mom would raise if one brother reported negatively on another brother. :lol:

RICHARD GRENELL: I think the media's becoming the story, let's face it. CBS News President David Rhodes and ABC News President Ben Sherwood, both of them have siblings that not only work at the White House, that not only work for President Obama, but they work at the NSC on foreign policy issues directly related to Benghazi. Let's call a spade a spade.

Let's also show you why CNN did not go very far in covering these hearings because the CNN deputy bureau chief, Virginia Moseley, is married to Hillary Clinton’s deputy, Tom Nides. It is time for the media to start asking questions why are they not covering this. It's a family matter for some of them.

JON SCOTT, HOST: So they don't want to bring embarrassment upon folks who, who they're close to?

GRENELL: Who directly are related to this story. Absolutely. They're covering for them. There's no question about it.

For the record, Ben Sherwood's sister, Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall, is the Special Assistant to Barack Obama.

Virginia Moseley's husband, Tom Nides, is the Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources.

As for David Rhodes' brother Ben, he is Obama's Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategic Communication.

As ABCNews.com reported Friday, Rhodes was a key player in revising the White House's Benghazi talking points last September:

Presidents of ABC and CBS News Have Siblings Working at White House With Ties to Benghazi | NewsBusters
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Sitting from your far left position on the political spectrum, you have no effective means as to gauge such tactics. The Media has been obsessed with Obama since 2008, you yourself cannot offer any introspection due to your support of the President. So far, this OP is nothing more than a political hit piece. The writer is a staunch Liberal, and so is the writer of the article he linked to.

If you would bother to read your own articles, Bill Scher is the executive editor of LiberalOasis.com. You need more material.

Interesting.....so you believe the current Conservative tactics are working?

you and the week need a huge of cheese..
Investigations have been done UNDER EVERY President...the only difference today is the WHINING from sites like the week/ WEAK and Obama cult members like you..

Very true.....and that is where Republicans are overplaying their hand

They are WAY to anxious to try to pin everything on Obama. You have to let investigations play out. The purpose of the investigation is "what happened and why" then what can we do to prevent this from happening in the future. If your investigation leads to some criminal activity......then you pursue it
Republicans are too obvious in......."How can we pin this on Obama?"
Why conservatives can't whitewater Obama - The Week

Twenty years ago, conservative media mavens seemed able to turn any minor flap into scandal gold, be it a decade-old land deal that lost money or a mundane replacement of White House travel office staff. They even pressured Bill Clinton, early in his first term, to accept an investigation led by an independent special prosecutor, which years later led to his own impeachment. Liberals, in disturbed awe of the Right's ability to control the media narrative, dubbed the conservative media the "Republican Noise Machine."

Yet today, no matter how loud conservatives scream "Benghazi," "Solyndra," "Fast and Furious" and even "Intim-O-Gate" (Glenn Beck's failed attempt to brand the IRS and leak investigation controversies), President Obama glides past. His poll numbers remain relatively stable.

1. Liberals finally learned how to fight back
When the 1988 George H. W. Bush presidential campaign derided Gov. Michael Dukakis with smear after smear, the Democrat fatally believed he could simply ignore it because "nobody's going to believe it." In the 1990s, Bill Clinton naively believed naming a special prosecutor would put to rest any doubts about his real estate dealings. In 2004, Sen. John Kerry thought he could wait a few weeks before responding to the "Swift Boat" attacks on his war record and avoid inadvertently spreading false smears.

But in 2008, the Obama campaign aggressively fought off smears

Like Bill Clinton saying Obama was using the race card?

2. Conservatives have cried wolf too many times
Conservative firebrand Michelle Malkin futilely tried to tag Obama as fostering a "culture of corruption" in a book published merely six months into his presidency. Breathless charges of cronyism in the Solyndra matter proved to be baseless. You will not be surprised to learn that "Fast and Furious" was not a deliberate plot by Obama to ship guns to Mexican drug cartels, maximize cross-border gun violence, and con the public into accepting draconian gun control. These are a mere few examples of smears gone bust in the Obama era.

No they have been right, the IRS scandal shows this

3. When something does go wrong, Obama is quick to take care of business
Martha Johnson, resigned. Robert Peck, fired. David Chaney, resigned. Greg Stokes, indefinitely suspended without pay. Louis Caldera, resigned.

Don't know who those people are? That's because President Obama got rid of them fast enough to prevent their minor scandals from being exploited by Republicans and becoming extended media soap operas.

you mean like claim executive privledge?

Look just because you're a liberal, leftwing robot, that thinks democrats give a shit about you and you think somehow they will make the world fair, doesnt mean you can just go spreading bullshit.
Interesting.....so you believe the current Conservative tactics are working?

you and the week need a huge of cheese..
Investigations have been done UNDER EVERY President...the only difference today is the WHINING from sites like the week/ WEAK and Obama cult members like you..

Very true.....and that is where Republicans are overplaying their hand

They are WAY to anxious to try to pin everything on Obama. You have to let investigations play out. The purpose of the investigation is "what happened and why" then what can we do to prevent this from happening in the future. If your investigation leads to some criminal activity......then you pursue it
Republicans are too obvious in......."How can we pin this on Obama?"

oh well how dare they try and pin something on your dear Leader...as the article stated, he is given credit because people resign (that took some leading) but he not RESPONSIBLE for anything ELSE that happens under his rule...we got it..
Why conservatives can't whitewater Obama - The Week

Twenty years ago, conservative media mavens seemed able to turn any minor flap into scandal gold, be it a decade-old land deal that lost money or a mundane replacement of White House travel office staff. They even pressured Bill Clinton, early in his first term, to accept an investigation led by an independent special prosecutor, which years later led to his own impeachment. Liberals, in disturbed awe of the Right's ability to control the media narrative, dubbed the conservative media the "Republican Noise Machine."

Yet today, no matter how loud conservatives scream "Benghazi," "Solyndra," "Fast and Furious" and even "Intim-O-Gate" (Glenn Beck's failed attempt to brand the IRS and leak investigation controversies), President Obama glides past. His poll numbers remain relatively stable.

1. Liberals finally learned how to fight back
When the 1988 George H. W. Bush presidential campaign derided Gov. Michael Dukakis with smear after smear, the Democrat fatally believed he could simply ignore it because "nobody's going to believe it." In the 1990s, Bill Clinton naively believed naming a special prosecutor would put to rest any doubts about his real estate dealings. In 2004, Sen. John Kerry thought he could wait a few weeks before responding to the "Swift Boat" attacks on his war record and avoid inadvertently spreading false smears.

But in 2008, the Obama campaign aggressively fought off smears

2. Conservatives have cried wolf too many times
Conservative firebrand Michelle Malkin futilely tried to tag Obama as fostering a "culture of corruption" in a book published merely six months into his presidency. Breathless charges of cronyism in the Solyndra matter proved to be baseless. You will not be surprised to learn that "Fast and Furious" was not a deliberate plot by Obama to ship guns to Mexican drug cartels, maximize cross-border gun violence, and con the public into accepting draconian gun control. These are a mere few examples of smears gone bust in the Obama era.

3. When something does go wrong, Obama is quick to take care of business
Martha Johnson, resigned. Robert Peck, fired. David Chaney, resigned. Greg Stokes, indefinitely suspended without pay. Louis Caldera, resigned.

Don't know who those people are? That's because President Obama got rid of them fast enough to prevent their minor scandals from being exploited by Republicans and becoming extended media soap operas.

Part and parcel with that is:

-Conservatives complete refusal to cooperate with Obama on anything, including the fight against terrorism.
-Conservatives hyperbolic and often racist criticisms of Obama.
-Conservatives leveling charges against the administration then looking for evidence to back it up. (Sound familiar? Can you say "WMDs"?)
-Conservative Politicians parroting crazy made up stories (200 Million a day in India, Arms shipments through Turkey, ACORN prostitution scandal) without any vetting whatsoever.
-Conservatives stated goal of making Obama a one term President.

A definite pattern of that one right there.
you and the week need a huge of cheese..
Investigations have been done UNDER EVERY President...the only difference today is the WHINING from sites like the week/ WEAK and Obama cult members like you..

Very true.....and that is where Republicans are overplaying their hand

They are WAY to anxious to try to pin everything on Obama. You have to let investigations play out. The purpose of the investigation is "what happened and why" then what can we do to prevent this from happening in the future. If your investigation leads to some criminal activity......then you pursue it
Republicans are too obvious in......."How can we pin this on Obama?"

oh well how dare they try and pin something on your dear Leader...as the article stated, he is given credit because people resign (that took some leading) but he not RESPONSIBLE for anything ELSE that happens under his rule...we got it..

When the RW crazies throw around words like "your Messiah" and "your dear Leader"....it just makes us laugh at their craziness more. Who can take comments like that and the people who make them seriously? :lol:

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