Why "conservatives" claim Blacks are racist and whites are subjugated by minorities

Hawaii’s part of Kenya, right?
To the Right Hawaii was NOT part of the USA when Obama lived there. Only yesterday, Herman Cain said on his radio show that Obama was NEVER in America until 1981, the year he entered Columbia University.

What a worthless lying POS Cain is!!! And STUPID too! Apparently the 2 years Obama spent at Occidental College in Los Angeles for his freshman and sophomore years before transferring to Columbia were not in America either!! :asshole:
They know their days in the majority are short lived

It was the pansy-left that authorized the building of the Enola Gay, the building the A-bomb and the dropping of that A-bomb on Japan.

Bullshit. The Democratic Party of the 40's was the antithesis of the gaggle of cowardly Marxist queers it is today.
It has already gone down in the history books as the Democratic party, and your opinion may not even have been noted.

Right. It has already gone down in the history books that the democratic party was the party of slavery, the Civil War, 360,000 Union deaths & one million wounded, the KKK, organized crime, Jim Crow, communism, homosexual degeneracy, and every other reprehensible institution gathered up in that history book you note.

Key word: WAS,fast forward to 2014
Conservatives frequently live in the Past. He can't.

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