Why cops become cynical

no cop hate on my part , I think that the police oughta do their jobs and then pick up their paychecks on payday . Police are good people for the most part , same as firemen , loggers and locomotive engineers , oh and Gandy dancers .
Have you heard of this USMB forum, officer?

Law and Justice System US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Just sayin'.

Oh.....so all your cop hate threads should go there too, right?

They are about actual news stories, guy.

A news story...about the law and justice system.

You just don't want pro-police threads on the 2nd most viewed forum, be honest.

The current mass cynicism amongst police IS an actual news story. This thread is about that. If you don't have the intellect to hang in a serious discussion on it, then please go find another story about 1 cop out of America's 1,000,000 who committed a crime, and then spin it to imply the other 999,999 are also guilty. You're quite good at that.
Have you heard of this USMB forum, officer?

Law and Justice System US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Just sayin'.

Oh.....so all your cop hate threads should go there too, right?

They are about actual news stories, guy.

A news story...about the law and justice system.

You just don't want pro-police threads on the 2nd most viewed forum, be honest.

The current mass cynicism amongst police IS an actual news story. This thread is about that.

So maybe The Fuzz need to quit feeding the cynicism, and clean house then, yes?

Oh, by the way: I thought this thread was about cops becoming the cynics — not the public becoming cynical about the Gang in Blue.

Sup widdat, officer? :badgrin:

bucs90 said:
If you don't have the intellect to hang in a serious discussion on it, then please go find another story about 1 cop out of America's 1,000,000 who committed a crime, and then spin it to imply the other 999,999 are also guilty. You're quite good at that.

Have you heard of this USMB forum, officer?

Law and Justice System US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Just sayin'.

Oh.....so all your cop hate threads should go there too, right?

They are about actual news stories, guy.

A news story...about the law and justice system.

You just don't want pro-police threads on the 2nd most viewed forum, be honest.

The current mass cynicism amongst police IS an actual news story. This thread is about that. If you don't have the intellect to hang in a serious discussion on it, then please go find another story about 1 cop out of America's 1,000,000 who committed a crime, and then spin it to imply the other 999,999 are also guilty. You're quite good at that.

Police officers are more likely than the population in general to be depressed, divorce, and commit suicide. They meet the public, even the 'nicest' members thereof, at the lowest points in their lives. And, most police officers in the US make less money than they should................considering the work they do.
no cop hate on my part , I think that the police oughta do their jobs and then pick up their paychecks on payday . Police are good people for the most part , same as firemen , loggers and locomotive engineers , oh and Gandy dancers .
...but none of those people can beat you, shoot you or arrest you if they are in a bad mood.
The only times I ever had problems with cops were when I was young and had an attitude.
yep , Rotagilla , my point is that police are not supposed to be any more Special than any other job .
yep , Rotagilla , my point is that police are not supposed to be any more Special than any other job .

I think a cop's job is maybe more special than any other job. You deal with average citizens at their worst usually, not to mention dealing with society's worst criminals. This has to make you cynical after a few years. Also you have the power of life or death and have to use it correctly at times when you maybe don't have too much time to decide and you're life is on the line too. The criminal doesn't have to give a warning before he shoots. I'm critical of cops sometimes but I don't understand this hatred of them. They're the only ones standing in the way of anarchy.
yep , Rotagilla , my point is that police are not supposed to be any more Special than any other job .

I think a cop's job is maybe more special than any other job. You deal with average citizens at their worst usually, not to mention dealing with society's worst criminals. This has to make you cynical after a few years. Also you have the power of life or death and have to use it correctly at times when you maybe don't have too much time to decide and you're life is on the line too. The criminal doesn't have to give a warning before he shoots. I'm critical of cops sometimes but I don't understand this hatred of them. They're the only ones standing in the way of anarchy.

They are hated because they harass innocent people
The cops are getting meaner and meaner.
Can we blame them?
Anyone can be "mean" it takes no brains..just arrogance, attitude and power/control issues.

Here;s a very wise quote.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity but if you want to test a mans character, give him power"
Abraham Lincoln
all Americans are EQUALS in my opinion Jason . Police are simply citizens paid to do a job that they fight to get and no policeman is drafted or forced to be a cop , fireman or other public servant. It is dangerous to elevate one citizen over another like is done in Europe and England .
all Americans are EQUALS in my opinion Jason . Police are simply citizens paid to do a job that they fight to get and no policeman is drafted or forced to be a cop , fireman or other public servant. It is dangerous to elevate one citizen over another like is done in Europe and England .

Police are not the equal of citizens. Not by a long shot. They have powers that we don't. They are agents of the state. The job that they're paid to do comes with some authority over the rest of us and so they are different than a fireman or public servant. There's nothing dangerous about police having these powers, these powers are necessary. Imagine a police officer having to get your consent to arrest you. It's laughable.

The problem is that police begin to shift their allegiances away from the citizenry and towards the state and fellow cops. Who are they there to protect? It's not fellow cops and it's not the State. If we can only address one problem, I believe that this core problem will fix many downstream problems.

Cops work with cops on the job. Then they often decompress together afterwards. Then they socialize on their off-time because it's easier for cops to understand each other than for civilians to do so. Big no no. This creates a very insular culture. These cops need to relate to citizens, not to other cops. The culture of policing really needs to drive that home and discourage friendships between cops, kind of like the non-fraternization rules in the military.
I could make a case that teachers graduate from the academy eager to educate and in five years they are worn down, angry, bitter,depressed, indifferent, cold, crude and in some cases highly defensive. Generalities only make you look stupid.

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